The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 83: Raiders retreat to Xiahou???)

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Not long after the war started, the focus of the battle between Xu and Yan fell on Rencheng County, which made the Jinbei battlefield without the participation of Yanzhou soldiers. Because of the secret of the army, the Yellow Turbans in Jibei had little defense. , Therefore, after entering Jibei quietly from Mount Tai, Le's offensive battle went smoothly, and it can really be described as a thunderbolt. He first pretended to attack Lu County, the county seat of Jibei, and forced the Yellow Turbans scattered in the countryside to the south of Lu County to return to help.

The capture of Feicheng area is the first step to use troops to help the North.

Feicheng is located in the hinterland of Jibei, and by occupying this place, the northern counties of Lu and Eping can be isolated and separated from the Yellow Turbans in the southern Sheqiu, Gang, and Cheng counties. Jibei has only five counties under its jurisdiction. Lu, Eping, Sheqiu, Gang Yucheng, Feicheng area is in the middle, occupying this area, Xun army will be able to grasp the initiative of the battlefield from now on.

In the next step, we can respond according to the movements of the Yellow Turbans.

There are three responses.

The first is: the Yellow Turbans in the three southern counties may echo the Yellow Turbans in the two northern counties and attack Feicheng together, then Le Jin’s response is to hold the fortress in Feicheng, and then Xun Cheng will cooperate and dispatch the minor troops. Soldiers, pretending to be the main force, attacked Snake Hill and other counties.

Under this circumstance, the Yellow Turbans from the three southern counties who went to aid the north would have to give up their plan to besiege Feicheng with the northern Yellow Turbans in order to avoid the loss of the three counties, and could only transfer to the south. At the same time as the Yellow Turbans in the north, and with Xun Cheng, "Zhengqi complements each other", divide the troops to chase after each other, and attack from both sides, so as to find opportunities to annihilate the Yellow Turbans in the three southern counties in pursuit and field battles.

After destroying or defeating the Yellow Turbans in the south, take advantage of the prestige of victory and continue to attack the north.

The second is: the Yellow Turbans from the south or the north, only one of them came to attack Feicheng, and the other did not move. In this case, it would still be the same as the first response, Le Jin would stand firm, Xun Cheng feigned the attack, and then the two sides attacked and won the victory. , and then attack another part of the Yellow Turbans.

The third is: the Yellow Turbans in the south and north did not move, they just defended themselves and did not dare to fight. If this happened, Le Jin's response would be simple, that is to choose a city and attack it. If the Yellow Turbans from other cities are tempted to come to help, they will fight to help them. The response to this situation is simple, but it is the most troublesome and the most cost-effective.

However, based on the expectations of Xun Zhen and others, the probability of the first and second situations should be the largest, and the probability of the third situation should be the smallest, because anyone who knows a little about the military will not sit back and watch the enemy. The army inserted into his own confidant but ignored it.

Taishi Ci was a new recruit to Xun Zhen, and he was sent by Xun Zhen to the rear of Langya. Compared to Pan Zhang, He Yi and other officers and captains, and even compared to Su Ze, Su Zheng, Feng Gong and other officers, his military exploits were nothing. After a short transition, Xun Zhen named him Wu Meng at once. The commander-in-chief actually stood shoulder to shoulder with Pan Zhang and He Yi. To be honest, the two of them did not dare to slander Xun Zhen, but they were quite disdainful of Taishi Ci.

For this reason, since the Le marched into the army, although Taishi Ci was equal to Pan Zhang and He Yi, and had the same rank and salary as Pan Zhang and He Yi, Pan and He were not very respectful to him.

He Yi was better. He was a general of the Yellow Turbans, and he had "stains" on his background, but he didn't go too far. Pan Zhang was a very luxurious, noble and self-respecting person. He was poor when he was young and never read No matter what book, the nature is still rough, and the contempt for Taishi Ci is often revealed without concealment.

Taishi Ci was able to endure, and never had any conflicts with Pan Zhang and He Yi, but this did not mean that he was weak in character. It can be seen from the fact that he dared to "destroy the state seal" in his early twenties. Shixiong, he really took a deep breath in his heart.

Therefore, since he entered Jibei County, every time he fought against the Yellow Turbans, he asked to strike first. Not only did he strike first, but no matter how many enemies he fought, he didn't ask Le Jin for a single soldier. No matter how many enemies there are, just rely on these three hundred soldiers, and most importantly, relying on his own cavalry and archery, he wins every battle, takes the lead every time, shoots with a bow from a distance, and grabs a halberd when he is near, gallops wherever his horses go. The army was invincible, the flag was defeated, and it was invincible. It was like a fierce tiger. After only two battles with the Yellow Turbans in Jibei, they captured more than ten yellow turbans and warriors. He ran away under the banner of his name, not daring to fight at all.

Le Jin wrote in the military newspaper: The Ziyi flag arrived, the yellow turban was changed, and the spectators on the walls of the schools in the camp were moved, and the champion was credited.

What Le Jin did not write was that Pan Zhang and He Yi would never underestimate Taishi Ci anymore, not only that, but in private, they admired Xun Zhen's knowledge of people.

Xun Zhenba's ministry has always been based only on military merit. The officers under his account, all those who lacked military merit, except for the benefit of Anzhen Taishan, Wang Rong was appointed as the captain of the cavalry, and Gongsun Du was appointed as the captain of Muyi. For example, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin, etc., including the children of Xun and Xixiang’s old home, the highest ones are only Sima and fake captains. At most, they have only reached Qianshi. Only Taishi Ci has the fastest promotion. Taishi Ci proved that Xun Zhen had not misunderstood him with his military exploits, and proved that he was worthy of this commander-in-chief.

After reading Le Jin's military newspaper, Xun Zhen was pleased with the rapid and smooth progress of Le Jin, and was also pleased with Taishi Ci's performance.

After reading the military newspaper, Xun Zhen opened Cao Cao's letter, glanced at it, and smiled, Gu said to Xun You, Xi Zhicai, Zhang Zhao and others present, "Meng De blamed me with righteousness, saying that I have no royal family in sight. If you don't care about your life, you're about to denounce me as a thief....Look at me."

The attendant took over Cao Cao's letter and sent it to Xun You and others to read.

After everyone read it, Xun Zhen asked thoughtfully, "I can't ignore Meng De's book. How do you think I should reply?"

Xi Zhicai chuckled lightly and said, "Cao Dongjun's arraignment can be described in four words."

"Oh? Which four characters?"

"Strong words make sense."

"how do I say this?"

"Although Xu and Yan are divided into prefectures, they are both from the Han family. The people of Xu and Yan are all from the Han family. The yellow turban is a thief of the state. Cao Dongjun sent troops to it at his request, but Cao Dongjun sent troops to attack my Liu and Chen troops instead of thanking me. What is the reason?

The so-called "request of Rencheng Prime Minister", Liu Bei and Chen Bao attacked Zheng Sui and Lu Qian. Although Lu Qian escaped, they captured Zheng Sui. It couldn't be easier to concoct an official document "Ren Chengcheng requests Xuzhou to send troops to help and defend the Yellow Turban". Xun Zhen has always attached great importance to the word "righteousness", and of course she will not let herself fall into the hands of others.

Xun You, Zhang Zhao and the others all laughed when they heard Xi Zhicai's words.

To say that strong words betray the truth, Xi Zhicai's words are the strong words.

Xun Zhen was good at it and adopted Xi Zhicai's statement in response, and asked Chen Yi to write it and return to Yanzhou.

Replying to Cao Cao's letter was just a trivial matter, and after finishing it, Xun Zhen said: "This letter was sent along with the Dao Jun Bao, saying that Meng De distributed Li Gan to help Shanyang, and sent his troops out of Dingtao to Kang's father. Going in the direction, it seems that he is going to the front line to command the attack on Rencheng County. The plan of sending Yide to feign attack on Shanyang is considered a small half. Regarding Mengde’s move, what do you think?”

Xi Zhicai said: "Although the feint of attacking Shanyang has not been completed, the results of dividing cadres Li and restraining the soldiers of Shanyang County are not bad. In Zhong's opinion, this move by Cao Dong County is not in Rencheng County, but in Rencheng County. In Dongping Country."

Xun Zhen said "Oh" and asked, "What do you mean by this?" Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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