The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 75: Cao Chunshao is extravagant

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Cao Chun's determination may indeed make Cao Cao worry-free, but when facing the enemy, determination alone is not enough. In order to make Cao Chun and Liu Ruo "worry-free", Cao Cao issued two additional military orders.

The first one was to order Xiahou Dun, telling him that apart from entering Kangfu quickly and attacking Rencheng, he should not send a battalion of troops and horses, and hurry to the east bank of Sishui to seize several important ferry crossings near Gaoping and Hulu.

Hulu County is located in the south of Gaoping County, bordering Gaoping, and also belongs to Shanyang County. Like Gaoping, it also stands out on the east bank of Sishui. At the same time, there is a river in the south of its city, called Nanshui, which means that , The county is surrounded by water on both sides and is also a strategic location.

The next time, Cao Cao passed on Yuan Yi, the prefect of Shanyang, and asked him to mobilize the soldiers of the prefecture immediately to advance into the two counties of Gaoping and Hulu, so as to strengthen the defense capabilities of these two counties.

Liu Ruo and Cao Chun followed Cao Cao's army, and their troops and horses were all in Dingtao. Compared with the distance between Hexiang County and Rencheng County, Dingtao was a little farther from Rencheng County and Gaoping County. Therefore, Cao Cao gave Xiahou Dun and Yuan Yi two orders, the purpose of which was to prevent Liu and Cao from reaching Gaoping, but Xun Chang and Sun Kang from Hexiang had already rushed to Rencheng.

Cao Cao said to Liu Ruo and Cao Chun: "Boshun, Zihe, you have Yuan to send troops to guard the ferry first, which is enough to ensure that the two of them cross eastward safely. After reaching Gaoping County, both Gaoping and Hulu have Shanyang County. With the reinforcements of the soldiers, the city is safe, and the two of you can stop Xu Yuan with all your strength!"

Xiahou Dun's other troops, Yuan Yi's Shanyang County soldiers, Liu Ruo and Cao Chun's elites, three troops, each with their own tasks, although they are on the same battlefield and face the same enemy, their focus is different. Different from each other, Xiahou Dun's other troops were mainly responsible for defending the ferry and cooperating with Liu Ruo and Cao Chun, while Yuan Yi's Shanyang Army was mainly responsible for the defense of Gaoping and Hulu counties, and before Liu Ruo and Cao Chun arrived, So that Xun Chang and other troops could not cross the Sishui West and enter Rencheng County, the elites of Liu Ruo and Cao Chun were responsible for the main responsibility, that is, the responsibility of helping.

With the coordinated operations of Xiahou Dun's other troops and the soldiers of Shanyang County, Liu Ruo gained a little more confidence and felt a little more relaxed, and replied: "Ming Ming, please pass on Zhe Chong, and tell him to just attack Rencheng County with confidence! If the city and county do not go down for one day, Xu Yuan will not be able to cross Si westward for one day.”

Xiahou Dun is now the "Xing Zhe Chong Colonel", because of this, Liu Ruo called him "Zhe Chong".

There is also a "Zhechong Colonel" under Xun Zhen's account, that is, a civil servant. Unlike Xiahou Dun, the leader of the civil servant no longer has the word "行" in front of him. In other words, this is his. The school captain has passed the probationary period, not a temporary one, but a real school captain. The salary is paid in full according to the amount of 2,000 stones, and the status is also high. In the Han family system, generals are not always placed. Only when there is a major war, will they be temporarily appointed to lead the entire army. After the war is over, the seal of the general will be received. Most of the time, the captain is already a senior in the empire. In the military, in previous years, where would the same captaincy number appear, and there would actually be two or even more people holding the position at the same time? From this, it can also be seen to what extent the current "Wang Gang's depression" has reached.

Liu Ruo's military achievements are not as good as Xiahou Dun, but with his family reputation, he has been listed as "Xing Jianwei" by Cao Cao, and he is called "Xingjian Wu Xiaowei".

Although Cao Chun was young, he was Cao Cao's younger brother at first, and he was valued by Cao Cao. He also served in the imperial court and served as Huangmen's servant. The Huangmen's servant was not high in rank, only six hundred stone, but he was the emperor's valet. Often from the left and right, to control the inside and outside, similar to the secretarial nature of later generations, sincerity is an important position, Zhong Yao now holds this position in the court, and is a former Han famous Confucian who has compiled books such as "Warring States Policy" and "Shan Hai Jing". Liu Xiang, after his son Liu Xin was honored by the court as Huangmen Shilang, once warned Liu Xin, telling him that Huangmen Shilang was "an important place", with a low rank and a high position. Cao Chun has this qualification, it can be said that " "Young and distinguished" is by no means an ordinary person to compare with, because under Cao Cao's account, he is now a senior officer of more than two thousand stone, but he did not serve as a school captain, but was designated by Cao Cao as a cavalry captain.

Since modern times, the color of the military rank of cavalry captain has gradually faded, and it is often awarded to the sons and daughters of nobles. It stands to reason that his cavalry captain and the school captain are of the same rank, which is higher than the "Xing school captain". This time to intercept Xuzhou reinforcements, he should have been the main general and Liu Ruo as the deputy general, but in order to borrow Liu Ruo Because of his family name, Cao Cao made him his assistant.

Cao Chun and Liu Ruo bid farewell to Cao Cao and led their troops out of the camp, galloping day and night, rushing to Gaoping.

After leaving Dingtao and heading eastward, he traveled for more than a hundred li. When he arrived at Changyi, the county seat of Shanyang, he stopped his march on the lower part of Qu. Between Gaoping and Hulu, there is a tributary of Sishui, which runs westward to Dongjun, where it merges with Pushui. This water is also known as Jishui, with Dingtao on its north bank and Changyi on its south bank.

Cao Chun and Liu Ruo left their troops on the north bank, and brought a few from the south to cross the water, and entered the city of Changyi to visit Yuan Yi.

Yuan Yi had already received Cao Cao's letter, and he said to Cao Chun: "Yesterday, I dispatched the troops to Gaoping and Hulu. Xiahou Colonel's other troops have also arrived on the east bank of Sishui and held the ferry. A military report came, saying that Xun Chang and Sun Kangba were camping westward, claiming to have hundreds of thousands of troops, and the scouts observed their troops, or they numbered three or four thousand, and they have now entered the border of Lu."

Cao Chun and Liu Ruo looked at each other.

Cao Chun asked, "Is there any movement in Xiapi?"

"No relevant military report has been served yet."

"Is there any change in Taishan and Dongping?"

"There is no military newspaper. UU reading"

It seems that the intelligence work in Shanyang County is not very good, so Cao Chun stopped asking questions, declined Yuan Yi's stay, and left the city with Liu Ruo. Back in the army, the two discussed. Cao Chun said: "Since Xun Chang and Sun Kang have led their troops to Lu, they are less than a hundred li away from the city and county. I would like to raise the elite cavalry to go first, and you will lead the infantry to follow. How about it?"

Liu Ruo didn't understand what he meant and asked, "Why did the commander want to divide his troops? But he was worried that Zhe Chong and Yuan Taishou's troops would not be able to defend against Xun and Sun?"

Cao Chun shook his head and said, "I have two cities to rely on, and Sishui for danger. No matter how strong Xun's troops are, it will be difficult to break Si easily. Open and Sun Kang defeat."

"Why did the commander split up with me?"

"Xuzhou is pulling Mount Tai, and the morale is high. However, the old governor of our state, Liu Gong, did not break the yellow turban. Instead, he stabbed him to death. At the same time, Rencheng County was attacked by Liu Bei and Chen Bao, and the whole city was attacked. But it is very unstable. Only by winning a battle can the fighting spirit of the soldiers be boosted. The reason why I want to split up with you is to take advantage of the opportunity of Xun Chang and Sun Kangfang to enter the territory of Shandong, and give them a head-on attack!” Please browse and read for mobile users. , a better reading experience.

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