101 Set up killer organizations, hack video conferencing


“You, Black Dragon, you…”

In a suburb, Ding Yi stabbed a dagger into the stomach of a thin young killer at this time.

The other party looked at Ding Yi in disbelief, and then showed a fierce look, wanting to kill Ding Yi.

But alas, he simply did not have the strength to do it.

“Why? You are not a black dragon, who the hell are you? ”

Next to them, three more people all fell, their bodies were weak, and the female killer shouted desperately.

Unfortunately, Ding Yi’s eyes were cold, and he had no intention of pitying Xiang Xiyu at all, his eyes swept over the four people, and he said ruthlessly: “I’m sorry, your value has run out, it’s time to send you on your way.” ”

Poof! Poof!

A moment later, Ding Yi turned and left.

As for the 300 million bounty, all of them had been directly transferred by Ding Yi to Li Rui’s exclusive account at this time.

“Ding Yi, you did a good job this time.

You find a way to continue lurking on the side of the killer organization, waiting for orders. ”

Soon, Li Rui’s side received a report from Ding Yi.

Li Rui was also very happy after knowing that Ding Yi’s plan was successful and successfully defrauded the 300 million bounty.

“Boss, have we had any tasks lately?”

Ding Yi couldn’t help but ask.

“In this way, Ding Yi, you go and join Ding Er and them.

Join forces to create a killer organization.

At that time, I will give you a list, and you will hunt one by one according to the targets on the list.

It is best to successfully hunt a large number of targets in a short period of time.

At that time, the reputation of the killer organization you established will be publicized. ”

A moment later, Li Rui thought for a moment and said to Ding Yi.

At this time, Li Rui also suddenly came up with the idea of forming a killer organization by himself.

Anyway, when Ding Yi and Ding II were made by the system, Li Rui gave them one of the abilities of choosing a super killer.

This made Li Rui’s subordinates now have such ready-made killers.

Moreover, with Ding Yi and Ding 2, their level is definitely the level of ace killers in the world at this time.

In this case, now Li Rui let Ding Yi and them be idle, so let’s just set up a killer organization to play.

Because Li Rui feels that having such a killer organization of his own is more reliable than hiring those killers, saving money, and even making money.

In fact, the main reason is that at this time, Li Rui wants to use these killers to do things.

Li Rui sent Ding Yi the list of hunting targets in the past.

In fact, it was the list of the top levels of the sixty-six arms companies that launched an attack on Li Rui’s ghost arms company this time.

Since these people can do the first year of junior high school, reward those killers to assassinate themselves.

Then Li Rui can’t do fifteen, let Ding Yi set up a killer organization by himself to hunt down the high-level of these sixty-six arms companies.

Li Rui just wants to kill them until they are afraid, kill them until they are afraid, and let Ding Yi kill until they admit defeat.

In this way, they can let Ding Yi and them follow the trend of Li Rui’s Ghost nuclear submarine and compete with those fleets at sea.

“Understood, boss, I’ll go and join Ding Er and them.

Then set out to form our own killer organization.

As for the targets on these lists, I promise to kill a few in the next two days and make a name for our killer organization. ”

Ding Yi’s side, after hearing Li Rui’s order, was also very happy, it was really in line with his heart, and he quickly answered.

“Also, the owner.

Please give our killer organization a name. ”

“Well, it’s called [Rose].”

Li Rui named it, the reason, there is no reason, casually.

“Yes, boss.”

Ding Yi replied.

“Heida, can you hack into the video conference of those sixty-six arms companies?

You’ve been tinkering for days, haven’t you succeeded? ”

After Li Rui and Ding Yi finished contact, they immediately looked at the other side, Hei Da, who was still tinkering with the computer.

Above Li Rui’s Ghost nuclear submarine, there is a cabin with a special computer.

Here, Li Rui used this computer, even if the Ghost nuclear submarine dived into the deep sea.

Li Rui can still use this computer to connect to the Internet, connect with the outside world, and obtain information.

Previously, Li Rui and the presidents of the eight arms companies, as well as the leaders of the arms dealers, used this computer to connect by video.

Li Rui attributed this computer to one of the many black technologies on his Phantom nuclear submarine.

But I have to say that this black technology Li Rui really likes it too much, making it too convenient for him.

At this time, Li Rui asked Hei Da to find a way to invade the sixty-six arms companies when they were videoconferencing, and he wanted to surprise these people.

Heida itself also has super hacking capabilities.

Because, Hei Da is an all-round biochemical person.

It’s just that Hei Da has been tinkering with the computer for several days, and he has not succeeded.

Li Rui will come over and ask.

“Boss, I’m about to get it done, it’s not so easy to hack into their video conference.”

Hei Da explained to Li Rui.

“Nonsense, I’ll let you do it if it’s easy.

How is it now? ”

“Boss, I’m ready, the next time these arms company people have a meeting, we can invade.”

In the past two days, their meetings have been very frequent.

If my expectations are correct, their next meeting will be tomorrow at noon. ”

“Very good, then we will go to meet these international arms dealers at noon tomorrow and tell them that Lao Tzu is going to war with them!”

Do you really think that they are terrible, and they bully us casually?

Lao Tzu has long expected that there will be such a battle, so our preparation is no worse than theirs.

Now, it’s time to fight bayonets.

Don’t look, these arms companies in front destroyed all traces of our arms companies on the shore.

But as long as they do not destroy for a day, Lao Tzu’s Ghost nuclear submarine, Lao Tzu will not die for a day.

Lao Tzu is not dead, and rebuilding our ghost arms company is not an easy thing. ”

Li Rui said with disdain.

“Boss, according to the information I gathered from the Internet, as well as some intelligence officers on our shore.

It has been confirmed that this time, the alliance of 66 arms companies has mobilized at least more than 10 countries, dozens of warships and submarines, to participate in the search for our submarines.

Those arms companies even gave their operation this time a code name ‘Extinguishing Spirit’. ”

At this time, Hei Da said faintly.

“Huh, Spirit Destroyer?

Who destroys who is not certain. ”

“The energy of these arms companies is indeed huge, and these military connections behind them are too complicated.”

They really let them mobilize so many warships to deal with us, which is almost able to form a multinational joint fleet.

They really look at us.

Good, that’s fun.

So we’ll turn them over again and see what else they have to say. ”

Li Rui smiled wickedly.

That is, when Li Rui and Hei Da were talking, these warships and submarines that these arms companies applied for support this time had all set off.

And the time soon came, about ten days at noon the next day.

Hei Da hurriedly ran over and looked for Li Rui: “Boss, they have a video conference again.” ”

After hearing this, Li Rui stood up directly from the bed in the cabin room that belonged to him, and followed Hei Da to the computer cabin.

“Hei Da, help me connect in.”

Li Rui put on his ghost mask and said to Hei Da with a smile.

“Guys, now the warship we are applying for…”


At this time, the sixty-six arms dealers of the ‘Spirit Extermination’ Alliance were holding a new memory at this time.

The president of ‘Tailei Zi’ Group, led by him, just began to make a concluding speech.

As a result, they each heard a noise coming from their headphones.

“Hello everyone, everyone!”

Then, an unfamiliar voice appeared, and a new video window appeared on the video of the representatives of their sixty-six arms companies.

It was Li Rui.

At this time, some presidents of these arms companies were still confused.

How come their video conferencing was hacked?

The company on their side also has strong technicians.

As a result, their video conference was hacked on the spot, which is simply ridiculous.

“You… You…… Not dead! ”

As a result, the first to react were the new presidents of the eight alliance arms companies who had previously passed a video with Li Rui.

At this time, the new president of the ‘Emerget’ arms company, seeing Li Rui with a ghost mask who appeared in the video, listened to Li Rui’s familiar and indifferent voice, widened his eyes, and shouted in disbelief.

“Yes, it turns out to be the new president of the Emerald Arms Company.

I remember the last time we met, your company seems to have compensated me for more than 200 million ugly yuan.

I really didn’t expect ah, you eight families are involved again this time!

Do you like each other’s Laozi so much? It seems that Lao Tzu was too kind to you last time! ”

At this time, Li Rui’s eyes directly swept through the sixty-six videos on the scene, and really let him find the new presidents of the eight alliance arms companies.

This also surprised Li Rui, and then shook his head and said.

In fact, before this, Li Rui already knew that these eight alliance arms companies were also involved in this plan against him.

In Li Rui’s opinion, it doesn’t matter, people must want to take revenge, Li Rui can guess the other party’s thoughts.

At this time, Li Rui saw the presidents of other arms companies and looked at his eyes, which was better.

Some are scrutiny, some are vigilant, some are curious.

However, the presidents of the eight alliance arms companies showed a series of complicated emotions such as surprise, jealousy, worry, and hatred.

“You’re the president of that ghost arms company?”

At this time, the president of the ‘Taili Zi’ Group looked at Li Rui and said in a deep voice.

At this time, the presidents of these other arms companies had never seen Li Rui.

But after hearing what Li Rui said to the presidents of these eight alliance arms companies at this time.

They can also guess that Li Rui is the president of the Ghost Arms Company.

“That’s right, my surname is Li, and I know you, the president of the ‘Tai Lei Zi’ Group.

This time, the leader of your alliance dedicated to dealing with me.

I’m not wrong! ”

Li Rui looked at the president of the ‘Tailei Zi’ Group and said.

Li Rui had done his homework before hacking into their video conference.

“Why aren’t you dead?”

“Well, I’m not dead, you’re surprised!”

Li Rui looked at the presidents of these arms companies and said with a smile.

At this time, the presidents of these ‘Spirit Extinguishing’ Alliance Arms Companies did not speak, and their faces were ugly.

Now as long as they are not stupid, they also know that they should have been deceived before.

Those killers did not kill Li Rui at all, it is estimated that they deliberately created a false assassination scene, and then swindled 300 million ugly yuan from them.

These damn killers, sooner or later they will find you to settle the score.

Someone shouted in his heart at this time.

“I know, you guys are at the world’s top killer organizations, give me a reward for assassination.

Directly offer a reward of 300 million ugly yuan, you are really willing to give it.

So, I have a surprise for you.

I have to thank you, if it weren’t for your high bounty, this money would not have reached my hands!

I haven’t thanked you yet. ”

Li Rui continued to say with a smile, but his words revealed a lot of information.

At this time, many people glared at him, revealing anger.

Because, many people present have already understood.

The 300 million reward they offered to assassinate Li Rui in the assassin organization now fell into Li Rui’s hands.

Obviously, the previous killers who killed and received rewards were all carefully arranged by Li Rui’s side.

These groups of people have all been played by Li Rui, which has simply become a joke, so how can these elites accept it.

“The surname Li, you are less screaming, this time you and your broken submarine are dead.

Your ghost arms company never wants to rebuild again. ”

At this time, the presidents of other arms companies shouted to Li Rui with a bad face.

“Oh? Huh? Do you really think so?

That’s what the eight allied arms companies told me when they first dealt with me.

But as a result, in the end, they voluntarily surrendered to me, and after paying compensation, I let them go.

The new presidents of the eight coalition arms companies, do you say? ”

At this time, Li Rui looked at the new president of the eight alliance arms companies and said with a smile.

However, the new presidents of the eight alliance arms companies were simply blown up when they heard Li Rui say this.

This is stepping on them and strengthening Li Rui’s reputation!

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