16 Emerald Arms Company

“What kind of people, people who dare to kill us?”

On the side of the Emerald Arms Company, a special meeting was held at the top to discuss the matter.

“According to Andre and Ron, the message sent back earlier.

There seems to be a competitor over there, and a layman yellow.

There, relying on low-priced weapons, we snatched away quite a few of our customers.

Therefore, Andre and Ron were ready to attack them and found a local pirate leader.

However, the attack behind seemed to have failed.

Andre and Ron were captured and eventually killed. ”

An executive of Emerald Arms said to their president.

“Are you sure it’s a layman? Not our other arms companies, or our coalition people? ”

The president of the Emerald Arms Company asked.

If it is other arms companies, or people in their alliances, they should be cautious in their handling.

Because, in that case, the strength of the other party should not be lost to them, it is not appropriate to use force directly, it is best to communicate and negotiate first.

But if you are a layman, you don’t need it, just do it!

“President, sure.

The arms companies that traded with that group of rude pirates over there were just a few of us.

I’ve asked a few other people, and they’ve got basically the same information as ours. ”

The executive replied.

“Hmph, a layman, still a yellow race, also dares to snatch food from our bowl and kill our people.

This simply does not take our company into account.

If we don’t solve each other this time, won’t we be laughed at by other peers.

In the future, we will become a laughing stock.

Send Horn to solve this yellow man who does not know whether he is dead or alive. ”

In the end, the president of the Emerald Arms Company gave such an order.

In the past, they have encountered such situations, and the practice is like this.

If you encounter a layman to grab business, then use thunder means to directly kill, deter the world, and make others dare not interfere in this line of work.

“Okay, I’ll take Horn and get them ready.”

Li Rui’s side, at this time, did not know at all, he was also on the must-kill list of the Emerald Arms Company.

Of course, even if Li Rui knew, he wouldn’t care.

Anyway, after Li Rui went through this battle, he was on Somali’s side, which was famous.

Those pirate gangs, no one dared to fight Li Rui’s idea of this camp anymore.

General Sark’s power, in this area, is already very strong.

As a result, yesterday’s battle directly crippled all the 2,000 soldiers of General Sark.

This frightened the other pirates around.

Before, there were actually other pirates, greedy for Li Rui’s weapons, and thought of leading people to rob them.

But after this time, they didn’t dare to think like that anymore.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Rui sent out a batch of those biochemical people under his command again and continued to sell weapons at low prices.

At the same time, the biochemical people on the Saudi side also sent news to Li Rui.

They bought over there, tens of tons of scrap steel.

After receiving the news, Li Rui immediately took the Ghost with Heida and went to the side of the Sand Country to receive this batch of scrap steel.

After Li Rui arrived in Saudi Arabia, he found his biochemical subordinates and led him to an open-air garbage truck, where dozens of tons of scrap steel were located.

“System, recycle!”

After Li Rui arrived, he directly let the system recover these dozens of tons of scrap steel at night.

Then, in Li Rui’s system, the metal material became seventeen tons of steel.

No way, at this time, the recycling function of the system is still rudimentary, with a 30% recycling rate.

Dozens of tons of steel, after recycling, these are left.

However, more than a dozen tons of steel are enough for Li Rui at this time.

Anyway, at this time, the weapons made by Li Rui are still relatively rudimentary.

This steel, guns, helicopters, etc., is enough.

As for building tank battleships or something, it is definitely not enough, but Li Rui can’t build it for the time being.

Later, when Li Rui can build it, he should have made more money and could buy more scrap steel.

After Li Rui recovered the scrap steel, he did not take the Ghost and returned to the Somali side, but stayed on the Saudi side.

In Li Rui’s view, buying arms for pirates over there is just a small trouble after all.

Now, relying on the low price, Li Rui has already competed for the pirate customers over there.

It was enough for Li Rui to leave a group of biochemical people and that camp as a sales point there.

In the future, Li Rui also sent a batch of weapons there every once in a while.

If Li Rui wants to expand his arms trade, he still has to face more markets.

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