The Mortal Immortal

Chapter 809 Testing of the Sky Eye Divine Stone

Shu Han huddled weakly and helplessly in the corner of the bathtub. The small bathtub accommodated more than a dozen female cultivators bathing together. Shu Han never thought that one day he would be forced to take a bath in a female bath.

If this spreads out, his reputation will be ruined for the rest of his life! If the news reaches Shangguan Ruolin's ears, the consequences will be even more terrible. She will have to eat herself!

But Shu Han knew that among this group of female nuns, he would definitely not be able to avoid the medicinal bath for a long time. What was supposed to come would still come. Therefore, Shu Han had no choice but to curse Master Long Xuan in his heart and blame him for coming up with a bad idea.

Seeing Shu Han shrinking and hiding aside, Ai Congyun moved over carelessly, put his arm around Shu Han's shoulders and said with a smile: "Sister Shuran, why are you so reserved? We are all sisters, why are you shy?" At this time, she lowered her head. He glanced at his own breasts, then glanced at Shu Han's breasts, and said with a sly smile: "Do you feel that your breasts are too small and you feel inferior? Sister knows a folk remedy. I will make a medicinal diet for you some other day. I guarantee it will work!" "

Shu Han:......

After some teasing and joking, Ai Congyun rested her wet head on Shu Han's shoulder. She took Shu Han's hand and said intimately: "Sister Shuran, you and I also took a bath together and slept together. Sisters. Although you usually don’t like to talk, I feel that I really get along with you. We must live a good life and have you here, which is really reassuring. "

"No one can stay with you forever."

After hearing Ai Congyun's heartfelt words, Shu Han poured a basin of cold water on her at an inappropriate time.

"Whether we are mortals or us monks, the only one we can always rely on is ourselves."

Listening to Shu Han's plain words, Ai Congyun was silent for a moment, then smiled sweetly, kissed Shu Han's cheek, and said, "Sister likes your cold-blooded principles. Sister Shuran, sometimes I really feel like you are living in my heart. A hundred-year-old little old man.”

Shu Han:......

In the steamy bathtub, many female cultivators began to hum in a low voice. Ai Congyun turned around and said, "Sister Shuran, can you sing? Can you sing a song for your sister?" When Shu Han heard this, he immediately Shaking his head, he thought to himself, I can scare you to death on the spot if I open my mouth. Seeing Shu Han's reluctance, Ai Congyun leaned on Shu Han's shoulder and sang to himself.

Her voice was extremely ethereal and clear, like the surface of a lake with no ripples, or like spotless floating clouds. Her singing voice was thorough and beautiful, echoing throughout the entire bathtub along with the drifting water vapor. Ai Congyun's singing was extremely contagious, containing her longing for her hometown, and also aroused the other girls' longing for their hometown. The female nuns in the bathhouse stopped playing and all sobbed softly.

In this way, the days passed slowly in Ai Congyun's singing.

Day and night changed, spring passed and autumn came, and the female cultivators spent year after year in intense and boring cultivation. The threat of death always lingers behind all the female cultivators, just like the approaching winter, urging the girls to practice hard. Ai Congyun's optimistic and cheerful personality is like a rare spring breeze in this winter, carefully maintaining With that precious warmth.

In a flash, five years have passed.

Wang Xiaoxiao grew up from an ignorant little girl to a graceful young girl.

Shu Hanming's cultivation level has also reached the twelfth level of Qi Refining, and he will soon have the opportunity to enter the Changyuan Dao Pagoda to build the foundation.

Within five years, the Changyuan Sect was calm and everything was in order. If it weren't for Master Long Xuan regularly finding ways to deliver information to Shu Han, Shu Han would have thought that the Changyuan Sect was really so peaceful. Every six months, Shu Han gets news about Master Long Xuan through various strange channels. This news is almost all about his progress in destroying the formation.

Master Long Xuan's progress was also very smooth. In four years, he secretly and quietly manipulated all sixty-eight formations. As soon as Shu Han enters the Changyuan Taoist Tower and the Demon King leads his army to approach, he will detonate sixty-eight formations together to give Shu Han a signal.

The days passed peacefully and the mission went smoothly.

Shu Han ate the cakes made by Ai Congyun, looked up at the eternal golden pillar in the distance, and thought, the decisive battle was almost here. But obviously everything went smoothly according to plan, but Shu Han always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He couldn't analyze what went wrong, but Shu Han always felt that everything went too smoothly, and there were no twists and turns along the way. Tranquility can numb people's hearts, but Shu Han has experienced too many twists and turns along the way, so it was so smooth that it made him feel uneasy.

Shu Han thought to himself: "Maybe it's not the time for trouble yet. What kind of trouble can it cause if you hang out with a group of female cultivators in Huangchen Palace? Entering the Changyuan Taoist Tower is the most important task. I don't know if Long Has Master Xuan made any arrangements?"

Among this group of female cultivators, Shu Han, Ai Congyun, Wang Xiaoxiao and two other female cultivators reached the twelfth level of Qi Refining at the same time. Soon the upper echelons of the Changyuan Sect came to summon them to the Changyuan Taoist Pagoda Building. Key's orders.

Three days after the order was handed down, Shu Han and the others were taken out of the Huangchen Palace by a Danjie disciple, who took them to the central Changyuan Taoist Pagoda area. Before passing through the Flying Light Fairy Screen, Shu Han and his party were taken to a pavilion in front of the Flowing Light Flying Fairy Screen.

This pavilion is already filled with female cultivators who came from other Huangchen Halls, more than 200 people. They will be mixed with Shu Han and his group, and go to Changyuan to build the foundation of Taoist Tower together. After establishing the foundation, they will become new companions and be sent to a higher-level Xuanxing Palace to practice life.

Before passing through the Flowing Light and Flying Fairy Curtain and entering the Changyuan Dao Pagoda area, these female cultivators must pass the test of two Heavenly Eye Divine Stones. Shu Han heard from Master Long Xuan that these two Heavenly Eye Divine Stones can see through the disguise of the Nascent Soul Stage. Master Long Xuan still has doubts about whether Shu Han's Heaven-changing Technique can pass. However, he advised Shu Han to rest assured that he had means to ensure that Shu Han could pass the Heavenly Eye Divine Stones safely.

Shu Han knew that Master Long Xuan had an insider in the Changyuan Sect, who was secretly cultivated by his master An Zhenggeng in the past. He had been lurking in the Changyuan Sect, waiting for Master Long Xuan to return. However, Shu Han did not know who this person was. He asked Master Long Xuan to death, but he was determined not to tell him, so Shu Han had to give up.

The female cultivators lined up to pass the Heavenly Eye Divine Stones one by one. The man guarding the Heavenly Eye Divine Stones was a man in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Shu Han did not know whether Master Long Xuan's insider was him. He was thinking in his heart that if Master Long Xuan was unreliable and he was detected by the Heavenly Eye Divine Stones, with this person's strength, he would definitely not be able to stay.

Finally, it was Shu Han's turn to pass the Heaven Eye Divine Stone.

The jade wall of the Heaven Eye Divine Stone was inlaid with gems of different colors. When Shu Han walked to the center of the pair of Heaven Eye Divine Stones, hundreds of gems immediately opened like eyes, emitting rays of light. The light was like a person's scrutinizing eyes, scanning Shu Han over and over again. Shu Han hurriedly strengthened his Heaven and Earth Change Technique, fearing that the Heaven Eye Divine Stone would see through him.

"Go! Next one!"

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