The Mortal Immortal

Chapter 744: Restrictions of Changle Wuyin Palace

Changle Infinite Palace!

Shu Han silently recited this name in his heart. This name represents the greatest opportunity in the world. The subsequent golden pages that Shu Han seeks are probably also in this mysterious palace.

If you want to eradicate the Changyuan Sect and master the Changyuan Taoist Pagoda, you must first inherit the Taoist tradition left by Changyuan Taoist in the Changle Infinite Palace. Otherwise, with the strength of the Changyuan Sect, even if you invite the Taishang Universal Divine Bell, there will be nothing you can do.

Listening to what Zhou Tianlong said, Changle Wuyuan Palace has been divided by three parties, namely Changyuan Sect, Ten Thousand Demons Valley and Rogue Cultivator Alliance. If he wanted to enter the Changle Infinite Palace and obtain the orthodoxy, he would never be able to do it by himself. In the end, he would have to rely on a force.

The Changyuan Sect is absolutely desperate now. It has enmity with Xuanwu and Golden Crow. The Valley of Ten Thousand Demons is also a dead end. Right now, the only alliance left is this loose cultivator alliance.

Shu Han made some calculations in his mind, and after weighing the pros and cons, he already had the idea of ​​joining the Rogue Cultivator Alliance and using its power to spy on Changle Wuyuan Palace.

But he still had to be careful, after all, he knew nothing about the Rogue Cultivator Alliance.

"If it involves Changle Wuyuan Palace, we can still talk about it. Let's talk about Changle Wuyuan Palace first. If there is a need for me to join the Rogue Cultivator Alliance, I will consider it. But if you tell me any lies, I But you are very vindictive. Regardless of your mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivation level, if you are really concerned about me, huh..."

Hearing this, Zhou Tianlong couldn't help but feel a chill running down his spine.

"Fellow Taoist is capable of defeating the King of Worship who holds the Star Disk. If you want to take my life, it will be easy. I sincerely invite you to join me, and I will never say anything false!"

Shu Han said: "Then please tell me about Changle Infinite Palace."

Zhou Tianlong then said: "Speaking of Changle Wuyuan Palace, it was left by Taoist Chang Yuan and carried his lifelong Taoist tradition. Why does Taoist Chang Yuan need a human? It is said that he is a powerful immortal who descended from the spirit world! One hand Who in the world wouldn’t want to receive the legacy of Changyuan Taoism from this great man who can wipe out the world?”

Shu Han then asked: "The Changle Infinite Palace was opened once in nineteen hundred years, and it lasted for two hundred thousand years. It was opened several times. Wasn't it hollowed out by you? In two hundred thousand years, no one has inherited the Taoist lineage of Changyuan Taoist?" "

"The Changle Infinite Palace has indeed been opened many times in history. Most of the treasures in the palace have been taken away, but no one has obtained the precious orthodoxy of the Changle Infinite Palace. Now everyone who is staring at the Changle Infinite Palace is thinking about it. Taoist Taoist Changyuan's Taoist tradition is more precious than any treasure. It is said that once you obtain Taoist Taoism, you can obtain Taoist Changyuan's heaven-defying skills and directly recall the pagoda's full power for protection! , that is the ultimate treasure!"

Shu Han snorted: "According to what you say, then the Changyuan Sect has already obtained the most precious treasure in the Changyuan Taoism! The Changyuan Taoist Tower is in their hands!"

However, Zhou Tianlong shook his head.

"The Changyuan Sect is a group of evil thieves, and they are worthy of using the Changyuan Taoist Tower! The Changyuan Taoist Tower was only sealed by them with evil magic, allowing them to exert part of their power. This is known to everyone. Well, they can never be called the true descendants of Taoist Changyuan. As long as they leave the territory of Changyuan Sect, we don’t need to be afraid of them. "

Shu Han nodded secretly in his heart. Zhou Tianlong did not deceive him this week. The Changyuan Dao Pagoda Artifact Spirit was indeed sealed by the Changyuan Sect with silver wedges. It seemed powerless to rescue him.

It's just that this silver-cunei seal formation pattern is far more advanced and complex than what he has encountered before. With his current strength, there is no way to liberate Changyuan Tao Pagoda.

"So someone who has inherited all the Taoist traditions of Changyuan Taoist can make Changyuan Taoist Tower out of the control of Changyuan Taoist?"

Zhou Tianlong said: "It's possible. After all, the Changyuan Sect is not a spiritual inheritance sect. It is surprising to be able to seal the Changyuan Taoist Tower without an owner. If it can still resist the call of the true successor of the Changyuan Taoist , why don’t they just urge Changyuan to ask the Taoist Tower?”

Shu Han was satisfied with Zhou Tianlong's explanation and asked, "Tell me more about the Changle Infinite Palace and why you, the casual cultivators, gathered together for the Changle Infinite Palace."

Zhou Tianlong waved his hand, and a beautiful phantom of the palace appeared in front of Shu Han.

"If you want to enter the Changle Infinite Palace and obtain the Taoist lineage of Changyuan Taoism, there are three major obstacles!"

"Fellow Taoist, please see, the first obstacle is the space crack storm outside the Changle Infinite Palace."

As soon as Zhou Tianlong snapped his fingers, circles of dense space cracks appeared outside the Changle Infinite Palace. The space crack was extremely long and thin, revealing endless nothingness, which was daunting.

"Everything is attached to the stable space, and we Yuanying stage monks are no exception. But space cracks are where gaps occur in space. If someone is scratched by a space crack, it is equivalent to that person suddenly being separated. The two spaces are naturally cut. This kind of cutting is essentially different from the cutting caused by magic weapons such as flying swords. It is a true separation, so it cannot be defended, because any defensive magic weapon is also attached to the space. Being cut by space cracks is acceptable to us and other Nascent Soul cultivators. However, we are unable to withstand this spatial crack storm. Hundreds of space cracks are cut chaotically in an instant, and we and other Nascent Soul cultivators have to die in an instant. "

Because of his relationship with the little fat man, Shu Han is still familiar with the spatial structure, so he naturally knows how powerful the cracks in this space are.

"And this space crack cannot be avoided in advance. Rather than saying that the space crack is moving, it is better to say that it is really jumping irregularly. Therefore, the space crack storm outside Changle Wuyin Palace is simply insurmountable. Fortunately, every 1,900 years, the space crack storm will be greatly reduced. Although there are still space cracks wandering, as long as the luck is not too bad, it is not fatal."

So that's it!

Changle Wuyin Palace is opened once every 1,900 years because of this space crack storm.

Zhou Tianlong continued: "After passing the space crack storm, you will come to the second obstacle of Changle Wuyin Palace, which is a layer of forbidden light curtain."

Forbidden light curtain? !

Shu Han remembered that Bai Junlin also mentioned the forbidden light curtain to him, but Bai Junlin did not mention the space crack storm at all, and his sinister intentions were obvious!

"How can we deal with this restricted light curtain?"

Zhou Tianlong said: "The way to deal with it is not to go through it."


Zhou Tianlong hurriedly added: "This layer is a restricted light curtain for cultivation. It is impossible to cross it if you are above the Jindan stage. Once you cross it, no matter how high or low your cultivation is, you will be strangled by the restriction! Even if you use a spiritual treasure like the Star Sky Plate to protect yourself, it won't work. So our Nascent Soul cultivators will not really enter the Changle Wuyin Palace."

Hearing this, Shu Han's heart suddenly darkened.

There are still cultivation restrictions?

What can I do? !

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