The Mortal Immortal

Chapter 726 True Spirit Monster

Shu Han looked at his Chaos Magnetic Immortal Sword with great satisfaction. He never expected that this sword could actually trigger his huge magnetic immortal light and naturally create a small magnetic aurora five elements reversal formation!

In this magnetic field, Shu Han's ability was greatly improved, while the cultivation of others would be suppressed to varying degrees.

Shu Han waved the Chaos Magnetic Immortal Sword casually: "The quality of this immortal sword has been improved a lot. It is worthy of being the Tianque Magnetic Crystal Mother Ore. Its power is estimated to be comparable to the Chi Ming Ancient Sword without the blessing of Wangcai. If the five elements of divine materials can be used to forge five immortal swords to form the final Zhuxian Sword Formation, except for the two spiritual treasures, the human world may never find a rival that can match it!"

"However, the five elements of divine materials are really difficult to obtain. I don't know how many years it will take to gather them. At present, the Houtu Immortal Soil on my body can still make an immortal sword, but the Chaos Immortal Stone as the core is still lacking. In recent years, the black pot has been busy copying other materials and spiritual stones, and has never had time to copy the Chaos Immortal Stone. It seems that I have to spare a few years to make the Chaos Immortal Sword of Houtu Immortal Sword!"

After retracting the magnetic immortal light, Shu Han let out a long breath and prepared to set off for Changyuan Sect after a few days of recuperation.

When he had time, Shu Han took out the Tianhuang Map and the Monster Atlas to look at.

First, the Tianhuang Map.

I can't help but say that the bearded man is still capable. The map he gave Shu Han was extremely detailed, with the sphere of influence and topography clearly visible at a glance, and the entire Tianhuang land was vividly displayed on paper.

To the west of Tianhuang is a huge sea area called the Silent Sea, and Shu Han came to Tianhuang through the Silent Sea. The Silent Sea is famous for its depleted spiritual energy and no wind or waves. The cultivators who mistakenly enter the Silent Sea must leave when their mana is exhausted, otherwise they will be completely lost in the Silent Sea. However, the sea area near the coast still has spiritual energy spreading from the continent, otherwise there would be no city like Linhai City that lives on hunting sea monsters.

Due to the lack of spiritual energy in the Silent Sea, the sea monsters here are generally not highly cultivated, so the human cultivators are still active.

As for the Sea of ​​​​Turbulence to the east of Tianhuo, it is basically a restricted area for human cultivators.

The geological activity of the Sea of ​​​​Turbulence is intense, and the submarine volcanoes often erupt, and the spiritual energy also riots with the chaotic natural environment. The spiritual energy in that sea area is extremely abundant, but ordinary cultivators dare not inhale it, because the spiritual energy there is very manic, which will damage the cultivator's meridians and affect the stability of the soul.

The cultivators cannot inhale it, but the monsters, relying on their natural wildness and strong bodies, are like fish in water.

Therefore, the Sea of ​​​​Rage can be regarded as a paradise for monsters. High-level monsters emerge in an endless stream, and there are often beast tides. Due to the huge disparity in strength, human cultivators cannot take root here at all.

As for the Tianhuang Continent, the distribution of strength is intricate.

The sphere of influence of monsters and the sphere of human beings bite each other, showing a state of large mixed and small gatherings.

But in general, human cultivators are mostly active in the continental area near the Silent Sea, while monsters are mostly in the area near the Exposed Sea. However, Shu Han saw a very conspicuous area on the map, which was the Changyuan Sect where he was on this trip!

It is said that the Changyuan Sect is the first sect in Tianhuang, and other sects cannot be compared with the Changyuan Sect.

Not only that, Shu Han saw on the map that Changyuan Sect had a very large sphere of influence, covering one-tenth of Tianhuang. Not only that, Shu Han also saw that Changyuan Sect was closer to the Sea of ​​Riots than other human sects, and that the area under Changyuan Sect's jurisdiction was surrounded by monsters, eyeing it covetously.

"It is worthy of being the largest sect in Tianhuang. It is so deep in the heart of monsters, and it can be safe all year round. I heard from Gu Yue Xihua that Changyuan Sect is the only human sect that monsters dare not offend at will. It is the prosperous place of Tianhuang's human race, and the strength of Changyuan Sect can be seen."

"On this trip to Changyuan Sect, I still have to be careful. I can't reveal my intentions, but I have to find clues about the other falling sun. However, if the other falling sun is really in Tianhuang, I am afraid that Changyuan Sect has already targeted it, and the information that can be obtained is probably not particularly useful. If I really can't ask anything openly, I have to sneak into Changyuan Sect and investigate secretly."

Shu Han calculated in his heart, and it seemed that he had formulated a general strategy.

In addition to Changyuan Sect, there is another mark on the map that is worth noting.

"Wan Yao Valley..."

"I heard that Wan Yao Valley is the first force in Tianhuang Continent. Wan Yao Valley basically controls most of the Tianhuang demon race, but the demon race is complex and the degree of spiritual intelligence is different. It is not as easy to gather as the human race. Even though Wan Yao Valley has the greatest power, it is difficult to completely crush the human race. However, the five demon kings in Wan Yao Valley still need to be paid attention to."

Shu Han learned about the five demon kings from Gu Yuexihua.

When Gu Yuexihua mentioned the five demon kings, he was unconsciously trembling.

Shu Han opened the demon beast illustration and quickly searched for a while. Sure enough, he found the specific information of the five demon kings.

It turned out that among the many demon beast races in Tianhuang, there are five races that stand above all other races, and they are the descendants of the five true spirit bloodlines.

True dragon!

Sky Phoenix!



Golden Crow!

These five tribes are descendants of five kinds of true spirits. The true spirits and true blood are passed down from generation to generation. Each generation has tribesmen with strong blood and extremely powerful strength, who are called demon kings.

Each tribe’s descendants of the true spirit blood control a part of the demon beasts in Tianhuang. The Ten Thousand Demon Valley is the result of the union of the five tribes. The union of the five tribes is to unite all the demon beasts of all races in Tianhuang.

These five demon kings are all descendants of the purest true spirit bloodline, and their cultivation has reached the pinnacle. They are all tenth-level demon beasts! The tenth-level true spirit bloodline transformed demon beasts are far more powerful than the late Yuanying cultivators of the human race, and they can be said to have no rivals in Tianhuang.

The best among the five demon kings is the master of Wan Yao Valley, respected as the Demon King.

However, since the establishment of Wan Yao Valley, the five demon kings have often been on par with each other because of their bloodline talents. It is rare for each demon king to be able to suppress all the heroes and ascend the throne as the emperor. Therefore, Wan Yao Valley seems to be in charge of all the demons, but in fact it has been in a state of no leader and internal consumption for many years, otherwise the living environment of the Tianhuang human race would be greatly deteriorated.

"True spirit bloodline! Tenth-level demon beast!"

Shu Han was itching to see it.

The true blood of ordinary demon beasts is basically useless to his self-transformed Yuanying body, but if he can get the true spirit and true blood, then his self-transformed Yuanying body will have a qualitative leap!

However, Shu Han just thought about this idea casually.

The tenth-order true spirit demon kings are so terrifying that even the peak of the late Nascent Soul stage of the human race can hardly defeat them, let alone hunt down the demon kings and extract their true blood.

"I'm afraid that only the two great spiritual treasures in the human world can easily kill these demon kings! But if I get another Falling Sun, it won't be difficult to get the true blood of these demon kings."

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