The Mortal Immortal

Chapter 651: Blue Thunder Desperate Situation

Under the moonlit sky, the clank of the piano sounded like thousands of troops galloping, exuding a sense of contentment.

Boom boom boom!

Wherever the sound of the piano struck, the earth cracked, mountains collapsed, and Master Qing Lei scurried away with his head in his arms.

This was the most humiliating day in Master Qinglei's memory after he broke through the Nascent Soul.

In the past, when Master Qing Lei fought against the Master of the Demonic Sound Sect, it was the other party who fled, but now the situation has completely reversed, and it has become Master Qing Lei fleeing everywhere. In the past, Master Qinglei relied on the thunder-type skills to restrain the demonic skills of the master of the Demonic Sound Sect. Although he repeatedly won, he was still unable to do anything to the opponent. But now, he feels the suppression of the realm and can no longer escape easily.

"You wait for the magic sound! I will deal with you one day!"

Master Qing Lei suddenly turned around, and Nascent Soul jumped out. The Nascent Soul held the Heavenly Crystal Thunder Stone Token and shined brightly. An extremely thick Transformation Infant Tribulation Thunder struck straight at the Master of the Demonic Sound Sect, instantly killing him. The entire night was rendered into brilliant blue.

The master of the Demonic Sound Sect's fingers, as slender as a woman's, moved quickly on the guzheng. The curling Demonic Sound was wrapped in endless ghost energy, and nine ghost heads as big as mountains rippled out.

The song of Nine Sons falling into the devil!

The Huayingdu Tribulation Thunder penetrated the huge ghost heads one after another, but it weakened layer by layer until five ghost heads were broken and then disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining four ghost heads let out terrifying cries, exploded instantly, and turned into endless black rain. Wherever the black rain passed, deep pits filled with ghostly energy exploded.

Master Qing Lei was submerged in the black rain and had fought with the Master of the Demonic Sound Sect for many years. As soon as the Master of the Demonic Sound Sect raised his hand, he knew what the move was and he used his thunder clothes long ago. Black rain fell on Lei Yi, splashing with layers of thunder, and Master Qing Lei ran towards the abyss of the sky in embarrassment.


Seeing Master Qing Lei in such a miserable state, the Master of the Demonic Sound Sect became very angry and quickly played the guzheng with both hands, producing a constant stream of deadly, life-threatening magical sounds. As they passed by, the creatures in the magic sound exploded and turned into pure ghost energy.

The Demonic Sound of Soul Crossing!

Heart-shaped carpal curve!

A life-threatening song of joy!

The leader of the Demonic Sound Sect unleashed his secret skills wantonly, and Master Qinglei was running away while struggling to deal with it.

Lei Lei struck out, but fortunately he had no intention of resisting and was well aware of the moves of the Master of the Demonic Sound Sect, so he did not suffer any serious injuries and kept running away at an astonishing speed.

The Master of the Demonic Sound Sect saw that Master Qinglei was coping with ease and said with a snort: "You are indeed my old enemy, and you actually relied on your deep understanding of my magic to defy it. If this continues, it is really possible for you to escape all the way back to Qinglei. Zong. It seems that I have to entertain you with the magic taught by the Supreme Being."

The twelve ghosts following the Master of the Demonic Sound Sect heard this and immediately stepped aside consciously.

The Master of the Demonic Sound Sect put away his natal magic weapon, and faced Master Qing Lei from a distance with his long and slender hands, the terrifying power of the Nascent Soul quickly gathering in his hands.

In an instant, Master Qing Lei, who was escaping, felt that something was wrong. He looked back and saw the master of the Demonic Sound Sect extending a claw towards him strangely.

"What kind of spell is this?"

Master Qing Lei felt a sense of crisis, secretly accumulating the power of the Nascent Soul, and prepared to respond accordingly.

The master of the Demonic Sound Sect looked solemn, and uttered an obscure spell in his mouth.

In an instant, a dark mark appeared on his palm.


As the master of the Demonic Sound Sect shouted loudly, the mark suddenly came out, and in an instant, an extremely vast area was printed in the area where Master Qinglei was.

I saw that in that area, countless ghosts and evil spirits seemed to crawl out of hell. With Master Qinglei as the center, the area with a radius of twenty miles became a hell of evil spirits.

Master Qing Lei was horrified. He had never seen such a move before.


The Master of the Demonic Sound Sect closed his claws, and in an instant, the evil spirits in the evil hell were closing in on Master Qing Lei with an unavoidable speed. Master Qing Lei felt a chill run down his spine, and he immediately squeezed the Heavenly Thunder Crystal Jade Tablet to release his most powerful Heavenly Nirvana Thunder Flash!

Thunder flashes burst out from the palm of Master Qing Lei's hand, and the approaching evil spirits were immediately illuminated by the thunder flashes. However, the endless evil spirits quickly overwhelmed Lei Shan, and one after another bared their teeth and claws and rushed towards Master Qing Lei. In an instant, Master Qing Lei was overwhelmed by the evil ghosts.

The evil ghost laid the groundwork layer by layer, and actually formed a huge meat ball in the air. The meat ball kept squirming, seeming to consume Master Qing Lei inside.


The master of the Demonic Sound Sect looked up to the sky and laughed.

"The Blood Demon Flesh Seal taught by the Supreme Lord is really powerful. With one move, the arrogant Qing Lei in the past was completely silent. Haha, the Supreme Lord promised that when I take the entire Great Cloud North into my pocket, I will give him the gift. More supreme demonic energy and ancient magic will be just around the corner, even in the later stages of Nascent Soul!"

Wearing armor from another world, Shu Han looked at the battle situation below from a high altitude and murmured: "This spell is a bit interesting. Compared with the Yuanying stage of Yingtian Realm, the Dayun Yuanying stage is much stronger, especially the various powerful ones. Spells. However, no one in Dayun Nascent Soul stage can get the treatment of a psychic remnant treasure."

Shu Han stood at high altitude and watched Qing Lei trapped, but still had no intention of taking action, because he could see clearly that Master Qing Lei would not be trapped like this.

Sure enough, the Master of the Demonic Sound Sect suddenly heard a faint thunder. The thunder gradually became louder. Suddenly, a blue light spot lit up in the blood demon body below. In an instant, there was a muffled thunder, and an ultimate thunder. Shen tore a hole in the demon fetus, and Master Qing Lei emerged from the demon fetus in a state of embarrassment.

The Master of the Demonic Sound Sect's pupils shrank suddenly.

"The lightning of annihilation of the heavens! You actually gathered the lightning that spread in all directions and broke my demon fetus! Qing Lei, you really have a good way!"

Even though Master Qing Lei escaped, he was still seriously injured. Without saying a word, he spurted out his blood and fled to the Skyfall Abyss desperately.

The leader of the Demon Sound Sect was furious: "Want to run!"

He hurriedly used his ultimate escape speed to catch up.

The two of them chased each other and finally approached the Skyfall Abyss.

Since returning to the Qing Lei Sect must pass through the Skyfall Abyss, the Demon Sound Sect leader did not suspect anything. Master Qing Lei saw the Skyfall Abyss not far away, like a drowning person seeing a life-saving straw, and flew towards the abyss all at once.

"Feng Daoyou! It's time!"

Master Qing Lei shouted at the top of his voice.

When the leader of the Demon Sound Sect heard this shout, he was immediately frightened and panicked.


I was wondering when Qing Lei was so kind to care about the lives of his disciples!

Do you want to join forces with other Yuanying Stages to kill me! ?

The leader of the Demon Sound Sect and the twelve ghost generals immediately became alert, ready to flee immediately if anything went wrong.

But after Master Qing Lei's shouts were lost in the Skyfall Abyss, there was no response, and the Skyfall Abyss remained so quiet.

Now, Master Qing Lei panicked.

"Fellow Daoist Feng, you can't joke at this time! Come out quickly!"

"Be a man of integrity! You can't go back on your word like this!"

However, there was still no response from the Skyfall Abyss.

Master Qing Lei was sweating profusely, and he cursed sadly: "Damn you, why did I believe your lies!"

Then he turned his head and saw that Demon Sound had stared at him coldly, and the Blood Demon Flesh Embryo Seal was ready.

Master Qing Lei: !!!

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