The Mortal Immortal

Chapter 611 The truth behind the Nine Saints’ ascension

Seeing that Shu Han didn't believe it, Gong Xiangming waved his hand, and the tragic situation of Xuanming City that day immediately appeared in front of Shu Han's eyes.

Shu Han saw the coalition forces fall one by one, Tang Yichen and others sacrificed their lives one after another, and finally Feng Zelu was besieged and died by six purple-haired strange ghosts.

He couldn't help but murmur to himself: "They are all dead? They are dead. Why did I come to the Abyss of Lost Joy? Why is this happening? Aren't you both the Holy Lord of Tianshu and the commander of the Renaissance Army? They are all yours. My subordinates! Why did you let the White Walkers massacre them?"

Gong Xiangming patted Shu Han's shoulder comfortingly and persuaded: "Child, look at it, this is part of reincarnation and it is bound to happen. From the moment you left the coalition forces and headed towards the Abyss of Lost Joy, Feng Zelu and the others Mission accomplished, their death is inevitable."

"Why are you doing this...what are you planning?"

Gong Xiangming said: "It's a bit complicated to explain. You little bastard, come here and I'll explain it to you slowly. After hearing all this, you won't have any doubts. Come, follow me to the yard."

Shu Han followed Gong Xiangming to the courtyard with full of doubts.

This courtyard is very similar to the residences in the upper city of Nirvana. They are all inconspicuous rockeries and flowing water, but they look very abrupt in the ruins of Paradise.

Walking through the rockery, Shu Han saw stone walls standing in an open space. There were clear and bright murals on the stone walls, but Shu Han could tell that these murals were very old.

Gong Xiangming took Shu Han to the first mural.

The murals are vividly painted with one-eyes from another world. The one-eyes stand in the magnificent mountains and rivers in the rays of the sun. They look like the Tianshu Mountains and Rivers, and they should be the wonders of the sky in ancient times.

In front of Du Du's eyes, an illusory figure appeared in the mural. He was a member of the Yingtian tribe in ancient times.

However, the ancient Yingtian people and the one-eyed alien world don't seem to be as tense as imagined on the murals.

Gong Xiangming stroked the mural and sighed: "This is the beginning of everything. The disaster in Yingtian Realm happened at the moment when our ancient Yingtian Clan contacted the other world."

"The Yingtian Clan was born in response to fate. It has been strong since ancient times, but even the most powerful race has its limits. In order to break the shackles of the Yingtian Clan, the great masters in ancient times wanted to exchange their racial talents with other heaven-defying races. Try again. , Gu Yingtian Realm accidentally broke the barrier with other worlds, allowing other worlds to come to our Yingtian Realm. "

"In the beginning, the ancient Yingtian clan communicated harmoniously with other worlds, learning each other's strengths in dealing with each other. Under the cross-race exchanges, strong men from both sides emerged in large numbers, and each entered a prosperous golden age. I entrust you with "Yingtian" "The Art of Transforming Immortals" is a product of that time."

Shu Han was shocked. It was indeed Caitou who snatched the "Ying Tian Transformation Technique" from Gong Xiangming in the Great Nirvana Pavilion. But now think about it, how can I steal something from Gong Xiangming with Caitou's ability?

In this way, "Ying Tian Transformation into Immortal Technique" was indeed given to him by Gong Xiangming.

"It's just that the aliens are ambitious after all. Under their hypocritical faces, they hide the fangs of invasion. On the surface, they cooperate with us sincerely, but secretly they have been analyzing the weaknesses of our Yingtian clan. In the end, they could not restrain their ambitions and began to pass through World Passage, massively invade our Yingtian Realm.”

At this time, Gong Xiangming brought Shu Han to the second mural.

Contrary to the bright and bright tone just now, this mural is full of dark colors.

One after another, the alien one-eyes emitted a terrifying light. The mountains and rivers of Yingtian Realm collapsed in the light, and countless Yingtian clan members decomposed in the light. A mural seemed to place Shu Han in the terrible Yingtian Holy War that year.

Gong Xiangming sighed: "I won't go into details about the process. In short, we lost, and we lost miserably. This part of the story is consistent with the story of the Renaissance Army. The alien world successfully conquered the ancient Yingtian world and annihilated all the Yingtian clan. Strong. However, the reason why the foreign world invades the Yingtian Realm is not simply to destroy the Yingtian Clan, but because they take a fancy to the Yingtian Clan and want to use the Yingtian Clan to support them. "

The third mural.

There are countless children of the Yingtian tribe who are waiting for food under the one-eyed alien world, as well as the loyal slaves of the Yingtian tribe who are loyal to the one-eyed alien world.

"At that time, except for the uninformed babies of the Yingtian clan and the loyal lackeys of the outside world in the Yingtian clan, all the people of the Yingtian clan were devoured by them. So, in order to allow the Yingtian clan to multiply again, the other world let their lackeys Acting as managers to raise the surviving babies, and in order to extract the vitality of all the Yingtian people and try to control all the Yingtian people to prevent the Yingtian people from rebelling, they gathered all the Yingtian people to live together and concentrate them. manage."

In the fourth mural, Shu Han saw that a dark world barrier was being built on the Yingtian Realm where the mountains and rivers were broken, and there were many huge spiritual liquid transformation towers under the world barrier.

The Nine Holy Lands rose up from the world barrier, forming a huge formation with the original alien passage under the barrier.

"This is……"

Gong Xiangming explained: "This is where the other world enslaves our Yingtian clan! You can see that the nine holy lands are connected to the other world passages, forming a formation that controls the entire Yingtian world. You cannot use the ancient transfer talisman to leave Yingtianjie is caused by this formation."

"This huge formation has blocked the time and space of the Yingtian Realm, and all things in the Yingtian Realm cannot leave across the boundary. Like me, I am already in the late stage of becoming a god, so it stands to reason that I have already been able to break through the barrier and ascend to the spirit world. However, Facing the formation blockade of the Nine Holy Lands, I can't do anything."

"Of course, blocking time and space is just a side function of this formation."

Gong Xiangming said to Shu Han: "You bastard, you once said that your world is very different from our Yingtian Realm. The biggest difference is the life span of the cultivators in this world, right? You can also feel that your life span is rapidly passing when you come to our Yingtian Realm!"

Shu Han nodded.

"That's because of this formation that is spread throughout the entire Yingtian Realm. This formation can extract the life span of the cultivators in the formation at all times, turning it into pure vitality to continuously supply the other world. This vitality transformed from life span is extremely precious. The reason why I can reach the God Transformation Stage in Yingtian Realm is also because of this vitality."

Extracting the life span of a world's creatures? ! !

Shu Han was horrified. What a terrifying method this must be!

"Not only the vital energy transformed by life span, they also pursue more refined vital energy."

Shu Han answered subconsciously: "Nine Saints Ascend!"

"Yes, it is the Nine Saints Ascend. The so-called Nine Saints Ascend does not lead to the legendary spiritual world, but the interlayer between the alien world and Yingtian world. In essence, it still belongs to Yingtian world, but it is not within the influence of the formation. Wanyan Liang and others will escape because of your accidental misfortune."

"The alien world deceived batches of Jindan Yuanying cultivators through the lie of the Nine Saints Ascend, and induced those Yingtian people to come to the slaughterhouse of the alien world, stripped their precious Jindan and Yuanying, and refined them into the most refined vital energy. This is the truth of the Nine Saints Ascend."

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