The Mortal Immortal

Chapter 604: The whole army was annihilated

After Shu Han took Wu Shu and Liu Yifei into the black fog, Shu Han immediately put away all his magic power and spiritual consciousness fluctuations, and only used the power of the other world to fly at high altitudes.

"In the black mist, you two must not use any magic power or spiritual consciousness. You are only allowed to use the power of other worlds. Do you understand?"

Wu Shu and Liu Yifei nodded immediately.

"Also, I don't need you on the way. I can take you to escape. From now on, you must absorb the black mist wholeheartedly. The power of the other world in this black mist is extremely rich. Take the time to improve the ability of your holy seal."

Wu Shu asked in confusion: "Your Excellency does not need us to take you to escape, so what is the point of us escorting you?"

"Hey! Aren't you happy with my brother taking you flying? Brother, just leave him to feed the White Walkers."

Shu Han said in a deep voice: "Since you asked, let me make it clear to you. Even if I don't use my magic power, I am several times stronger than you. I don't need your escort at all. The main reason why I bring you along is because of two reasons. Only the White Walkers can sense the Holy Seal. If we are locked by them, you need to separate from me and use your Yingtian Holy Seal to help me lead them away so that I can reach the Abyss of Lost Joy smoothly."

Wu Shu did not hesitate when he heard this and said: "In order to help you reach the Abyss of Lost Happiness smoothly, it doesn't matter if this subordinate's life is lost!"

Liu Yifei's face was earthy. Shu Han patted his shoulder and asked with a smile: "Yifei, what about you?"


Liu Yifei reacted and immediately said: "Brother means whatever he says! Aren't they just the purple-haired White Walkers? Come at me, Liu Yifei! As long as eldest brother reaches the Abyss of Loss of Joy smoothly, I, Liu Yifei, can risk anything!"

Shu Han laughed loudly: "You are all good people. Of course, what I just said is the worst case scenario. The best situation is that the purple-haired White Walkers cannot find us and we reach the Abyss of Lost Joy together! So, Yi Fei, you You have to work harder!”


Liu Yifei was confused: "What force should I use?"

Shu Han did not answer Liu Yifei, but opened his otherworldly one-eye. Under the otherworldly one-eye, the thick black mist seemed to become as clear as spring water.

Shu Han looked down, and the scattered White Walker army was lazily moving forward. Shu Han flew above them. Since the three of them were covered in alien skin and did not reveal any vitality, the alien ghosts did not feel it at all.

"It seems that Senior Feng's battle was successful. A large number of White Walkers were really attracted to the direction of Xuanming City, resulting in extremely few White Walkers on my route."

"But, this is too small. Isn't it too fast? Senior Feng led the coalition to arrive at Xuanming City one day before me, and gathered a large number of White Walkers in one day? This is too fast."

Shu Han didn't think much about it after that. For him, the fewer White Walkers along the way, the better. Now, he had no time to care about why the White Walkers were disappearing so quickly.

The majestic black mist continuously provided Shu Han with strong alien power. He kept the Tianshu Holy Seal operating at full strength throughout the process, and the four jets behind him continued to glow with purple light.

Because of the black mist, Shu Han was like a fish swimming in water, flying with all his strength without feeling any fatigue.

Wu Shu and Liu Yifei also followed his instructions, constantly absorbing the black mist and strengthening their otherworldly powers.

Things went so smoothly from the beginning, which gave Shu Han an unreal feeling.

Shu Han estimated that with his current escape speed, it would only take him a month to reach the Abyss of Lost Joy.

"I hope Senior Feng will have the same success! Success will help me attract the main force of the alien army, allowing me to have a smooth journey!"

Xuanming City.

Feng Zelu was so jealous that he fought against six purple-haired strange ghosts alone. The Xuan Guang Jade was used to the extreme by him. The four spiritual beasts were broken again and again, and were summoned by Feng Zelu's great magic power. In the end, Xuan Guang Jade The Ruyi aura no longer flickers, and the four summoned spirit beasts are now transparent and look like they will break at the touch of a touch.

Feng Zelu's hand holding the Xuanguang Jade Ruyi also began to tremble uncontrollably. His face was full of exhaustion, and there was no trace of blood on his face. The Nascent Soul above his head was also dim, as if all the Nascent Soul had been exhausted. Power.

The magic weapon he held in his other hand, the Thousand Miles Whisk, had only its broken whisk handle, and all the whisk threads had turned into white snow, slowly falling down.

Feng Zelu threw away the broken whisk handle and took out the last bottle of spiritual liquid from the storage ring. He opened the spiritual liquid tiredly. As a result, his hands could not stop shaking because of the serious injury, and all the spiritual liquid flowed out of him. The corners of his mouth flowed.

"No! No!"

At this moment, Feng Zelu no longer had the image of an all-powerful leader. He was helplessly wiping the flowing spiritual fluid, like a drowning man grasping at the last straw.

The insignificant amount of spiritual liquid was poured into his mouth, and Feng Zelu's breathing calmed down.

At this time, the surroundings that had been filled with shouts of death, screams, and explosions fell completely silent. The silence was like death, attacking Feng Zelu from all directions.

Feng Zelu now only heard heavy breathing and violent heartbeat. He slowly raised his head and saw that the six purple-haired White Walkers that had originally besieged him had quietly gathered around him. Without making a sound, the six The one-eyed alien stared at him.

Feng Zelu looked outside again and saw other purple-haired white ghosts gathering over, forming a circle on the outside, surrounding Feng Zelu tightly. Suddenly, Feng Zelu's dull eyes revealed a look of shock.

He saw five White Walkers outside, each carrying a person.

Fang Yuan

Zhang Xuan

Tang Yichen

Wang Liangkun

Gou Jianyuan

None of them had any wounds on their bodies, but their faces were as pale as corpses. There was no doubt that they were all dead. Infinite grief was like a knife, breaking through Feng Zelu's chest.

Feng Zelu looked down and saw the aliens quietly piling up the bodies of the coalition forces into a hill. The hill was half hidden in the ghost fog, and faces full of fear looked up to the sky, as if they were all looking at Feng Zelu.

Feng Zelu suddenly covered his chest. At this time, the alien power spreading in his body was rapidly eroding his body, and he had no mana to resist. The alien power in his ears was getting louder and louder, like the sound of his death bell.

At this time, the purple-haired aliens on the periphery condensed the same seal at the same time. In an instant, the ground under the hill of corpses began to shake, and the ghost fog began to form a vortex. Then the hill was swallowed by the vortex, and 15,000 corpses disappeared.

The five purple-haired aliens let go at the same time, and the five Yuanying stage corpses also fell into the vortex.

Feng Zelu was conscious and muttered frantically.

"Why...why is this happening..."

"Commander-in-chief, this is different from what we agreed. You said we would win in the end, why is this happening? Answer me!"

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