The Mortal Immortal

Chapter 4 Identifying Spiritual Roots

Longxuanmen is located in Yandang Mountain.

Yandang Mountain is a famous mountain in the north of Yan. Every year on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, at sunset, you can see purple air coming from the east on the top of the mountain, which is a sign of good fortune!

Legend has it that when Master Xuan traveled here, he saw this mountain and said that he had a connection with it, so he opened a sect and established Longxuanmen.

At this time, in front of the stone steps at the foot of the mountain, two disciples were about to change their posts, and saw three children stumbling in the distance.

The three children supported each other, all of them were pale and thin, and their faces were covered with dust. Before they reached the stone steps at the bottom of the mountain, two of them fainted first, leaving only the child with a larger head in the middle to drag them on.

"Erdan! Goudan! Hold on, we're almost there! We're really almost there this time!"

However, Shu Han himself was exhausted and almost fainted.

After leaving the bamboo forest, the three children fell into confusion.

Goudan cried and clamored to go back, and Erdan also wanted to go home, but waited for Shu Han to make a decision.

After a bloody fight, Zhang Xianchang died, so Shu Han wanted to go home.

However, he knew that they were far away from Canglang Mountain, and it was impossible for the three of them to go back. After much persuasion, he dragged Goudan, asked for directions everywhere, and walked towards Longxuanmen step by step.

The baby had limited strength, and they walked and stopped for two days, which took them five days and five nights.

The three of them almost relied on a little bit of charity on the roadside, and they walked all the way without enough food.

Many times, Erdan and Goudan fainted from hunger on the road, and Shu Han found some bark and leaves to feed them.

Seeing this, the two disciples who were watching the mountain ran over and asked, "Who are you and why are you here?"

Shu Han took a deep breath and said weakly, "Master... We are from Shu Village in Canglang Mountain... We are here to worship Longxuan Sect..."

"Shu Village in Canglang Mountain?"

The two disciples looked at each other, "Isn't that Senior Brother Zhang responsible? Where is Senior Brother Zhang?"

Shu Han's eyes were filled with sadness, "Master Zhang was ambushed by a group of bandits and died in the bamboo forest."


One of them shook his head, "What nonsense you are talking about! How could Senior Brother Zhang, who was in the sixth level of Qi training, die at the hands of a group of mountain bandits!" Shu Han's mind raced, and he tried to describe the scene of that day to them, which slowly dispelled their doubts.

"This is terrible! We must report to the elders immediately!"

"Li Heng, take these three kids to Qi Ling Pavilion and hand them over to the third elder. I will go to the back mountain to report to the first elder immediately! These gangs really don't want to live anymore. How dare they mess with our Long Xuan Sect!"

Soon, the one called Li Heng came over and carried the fainted Er Dan and Gou Wa in one hand. The other disciple took the lead in going up the mountain, taking dozens of steps at a time, like a swift flying close to the ground, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Shu Han cheered up and followed Li Heng up the stone steps.

Seeing him panting, Li Heng smiled and said, "Kid, do you want me to carry you?"

Shu Han gritted his teeth and said, "No, I have enough strength and can walk by myself."

"Not bad, you can walk here with these two kids from the bamboo forest. You are still very young and it is remarkable. Kid, what's your name?"

"Shu Han!"

Li Heng squatted down and pointed to a loft in the distance and said to Shu Han, "Little Shu Han, do you see it? That's the Qi Ling Pavilion of Long Xuan Sect! If you want to walk by yourself, I won't wait for you. Go to Qi Ling Pavilion and report. The third elder will identify your spiritual roots."

"Thank you, Immortal!"

"Haha, don't call me Immortal in the future, just call me Brother Li Heng!"

After that, Li Heng's feet were like the wind, carrying Goudan and Erdan, as fast as lightning, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Shu Han couldn't help but envy him, but the death of Immortal Zhang still lingered in his mind, reminding him all the time that immortals are not completely free and easy.

The sun sets.

Shu Han finally arrived in front of the Qi Ling Pavilion after rolling and crawling.

At this moment, Goudan and Erdan, two kids, were sitting in front of the Qi Ling Pavilion. They washed away their fatigue and were full of energy. When they saw Shu Han finally coming over, the two kids immediately came to meet him, supporting Shu Han, whose legs were weak, on the left and right.

Although Goudan was hostile to Shu Han, it was just a harmless jealousy of Shu Han, who was so prestigious among the kids in the village.

During this journey, Shu Han's encouragement and care for the two of them also made him see clearly where he was different from Shu Han.

Erdan excitedly said to Shu Han: "Big Head Brother, guess what my spiritual roots are! I have two spiritual roots of earth and wood! The third elder said that I am a rare genius in Longxuanmen!"

Goudan also said: "I am a little worse than Erdan, I have three spiritual roots of water, wood and fire! The third elder said that my qualifications are not bad!"

Shu Han smiled weakly at them, happy for his fellow villagers, but also worried about his own talent.

He knew very well how many Fufang grasses he had used to awaken his spiritual roots. At this moment, he kept praying in his heart, hoping that his talent would not be too bad.

In the Qiling Pavilion, the third elder, whose white beard was longer than his hair, sat cross-legged on a futon.

Shu Han's first impression was that he was very old.

He had never seen such an old man. The people of Shuzhuang ate grains all year round, facing the loess and back to the sky every day. Most of them died of illness in their fifties. The village chief grandfather lived the longest, but he was only fifty-nine this year.

And the old man in front of him, Shu Han felt that he was over a hundred years old.

The third elder slowly opened his eyes and said in amazement: "There are many children sent from Shuzhuang this year, and their talents are higher than each other. It's a pity that nephew Zhang died at a young age, otherwise he would have made a great contribution. Come, child, stretch out your hand, I will show you the spiritual root."

Shu Han's little hand was grabbed by the third elder, and the hand that looked like a dry branch had irresistible strength.

The third elder stroked his beard and closed his eyes in deep thought.

"There is a fire spirit root..."

"Water Spirit Root..."

"There are also earth spiritual roots... three spiritual roots, it's not bad."

"Huh? The wood spirit root is here too! It's an ordinary four spirit root."

The third elder suddenly opened his eyes, stared at Shu Han in surprise, and said strangely: "There are actually golden spiritual roots! Five spiritual roots! What the hell, five spiritual roots can be awakened? This is the first time I have seen this in my life. ”

Shu Han asked weakly: "Elder, my talent..."

"Your talent is also top-notch, but it's just below the top level. I've been practicing Taoism for 150 years and I've never seen anyone worse than you. It's a miracle that you can awaken, little baby."

Shu Han's eyes dimmed: "Elder, can I become an immortal?"

"It is possible to cultivate, but even if you work hard all your life, it will be difficult to break through to the third level of Qi refining. That's all, I have received two good dolls, and I can't expect to get another one. Baby, you can stay in Longxuanmen as a handyman. How much luck you have is up to you.”

Then the third elder waved Li Heng over and said, "You will bring these two dolls to Tianyun Pavilion tomorrow and serve them under the great elder, so that he can teach them well. As for this doll, send it to the second elder to have a look. Is there any work I can do for him?”

"Disciple accepts the order!"

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