The Mortal Immortal

Chapter 39: Incarnation

Regarding the strange phenomenon in Chen Yuehua's storage bag, Shu Han did not dare to take it lightly.

To cut off the grass, you need to get rid of the roots. This was the first lesson he learned when he entered the world of immortality.

Master Long Xuan had been in control of Long Xuan Sect for more than 20 years and his final defeat was the result of him not killing himself in the forbidden area that day.

Easily erasing the marks on the storage bag, Shu Han began to count Chen Yuehua's collection.

Different from Qiu Changchun and Qiao Xiangrong's storage bags, Chen Yuehua's storage is extremely rich, including eight hundred light spirit stones, as well as various rare medicinal materials, among which the blood sea cucumber that Shu Han wants to make Seven Poison Water is among them!

When he saw these rich collections, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. How many lives could these three brothers and sisters have killed by getting these.

However, Shu Han felt that the relationship between the three brothers and sisters was quite sincere.

At least Chen Yuehua immediately wanted to hand over himself so that the other two could leave safely.

Maybe the story Chen Yuehua told is true.

But none of that matters.

During the more than a year since he went to Dayun, Shu Han visited the scenery along the way and heard many stories.

He also thought about good and evil, right and wrong.

Later I realized that there is no absolute measure of good and evil in the world.

If you look at one thing from different standpoints, you will get different results.

For example, if a hungry wolf eats a sheep, for the sheep, the wolf is an absolute evil, but for the wolf, eating the sheep is natural.

Good and evil are all false, only interests and positions are the truth.

Today he and Chen Yuehua are on opposite sides. Even if she makes a big deal out of it, it has nothing to do with Shu Han.

Just because their positions are different.

Recalling the dispute just now, Shu Han still felt that he was still naive.

Because seeing the brother-sister relationship between Chen Yuehua and others, he felt compassion.

The story I just made up is not so much for Chen Yuehua as it is for myself, to warn myself not to listen to other people's one-sided words!

If judged entirely by reason, Shu Han would not be able to tell them a lot of nonsense and directly kill them!

"We can't do this again in the future!"

After being alert, Shu Han continued to rummage through the storage bag, and Shu Han found a page of gold foil among a pile of miscellaneous items.

The texture of this gold foil is very strange. It seems soft, but it is indestructible. The thin piece was like a tough piece of steel. Shu Han felt strange, so he gathered the magic power in his hand.

But the moment the gold foil sensed the magic power, it attracted Shu Han's magic power.

As the mana poured in, small characters began to appear on the gold foil.

"It turns out to be a list of cultivation methods and potions for clearing one's eyesight!"

Shu Han couldn't help laughing. It turned out that Chen Yuehua was lying to himself when he said there was no written record.

The gold foil looked like a page from a book. It was so valuable that she couldn't be willing to destroy it!

He looked at the reverse side of the golden page, which recorded a different spell.

The art of incarnation outside the body!

After Shu Han read this external incarnation technique, his brows were filled with surprise and worry.

He finally understood why this storage bag still retained the mark after Chen Yuehua's death. It was because Chen Yuehua was not dead at all!

If you learn the art of external incarnation, you can transform into another incarnation.

This is different from a clone, it is a real second body.

When the main body is healthy, the external incarnation is dormant and does not affect the main body.

But once the main body is damaged or dies, the consciousness of the main body can be immediately transferred to the incarnation outside the body.

Of course, you can also use an external avatar to act outside, while the main body hides in a safe place.

This is equivalent to an extra life!

But when Shu Han read about the requirements for refining the external incarnation, he couldn't help but frown.

The cultivation level of the external incarnation is based on the cultivation level when refining the original body, and will not increase after refining.

Moreover, the external incarnation of a certain level of cultivation requires the corpse of a monk of a higher level to be the mother body.

For example, if Shu Han now wants to refine an external incarnation of the Qi Refining Stage, he must use the corpse of a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage as the basis.

This condition is really difficult.

Shu Han had killed foundation-building monks before, but he also deeply understood the terror of foundation-building monks.

If you want to get the body of a complete foundation-building monk, it will be difficult to reach the sky!

He muttered: "I don't know how Chen Yuehua refined his external incarnation..."


The sun was setting in the west, and at this time Kang, Guangwen and Li Gua came out of the Qingshi gathering.

Shu Han has been waiting here for a long time.

Kang Guangwen clasped his fists and said: "Brother Shu Han has kept you waiting for a long time. Now this storage bag is not easy to sell. It has taken so long to sell out. Brother Shu Han, can you exchange it for the treasure you like at the party?"

"I don't have many spiritual stones in my hand. This gathering is just to open my eyes. I don't have any spiritual stones to buy any treasures."

Xie Ming said: "This is the case when we first enter the world of immortality. After Shu Han and I go to the mine, we will be rewarded with ten spiritual stones from the White Feather Sect."

Shu Han followed the two of them and asked, "Actually, I'm a little confused. The Baiyu Sect hires casual cultivators to go into the mines. Aren't they afraid that the casual cultivators will enrich themselves after digging for spiritual stones?" Kang Guangwen laughed loudly: "A big sect dares to hire casual cultivators to mine." Xiu, of course there is a solution. For so many years, almost no one has been able to take away the spiritual stones from the spiritual mine."

"Oh, how do they do it? They don't check the storage bags, do they?"

Kang Guangwen explained: "How can a monk's storage bag be inspected by others at will? If so, it would be difficult for them to recruit casual cultivators to go to the mine. In fact, it is like this. Before going to the mine, we all have to go through a spirit-recording array. This array The Dharma Conference will record the spiritual power information of the storage bag on you. After you leave the mine and hand over the spiritual stones, you will be tested again. If the two matches are consistent, you will be able to pass. Otherwise, you will need to thoroughly check the whole body and storage bag. Verify whether the spirit stone was stolen."

Shu Han asked again: "What if I don't bring out the spirit stones and just practice with the mined spirit stones in the mine?"

Kang Guangwen smiled and said: "This spiritual array will also record the spiritual energy of the monk. If the spiritual energy after entering the mine is too different from before, it will be considered as stealing spiritual stones for cultivation. However, few people do this. After all, spiritual stones are mainly for supplementation. Magic power is far less effective than elixirs in accelerating cultivation. Moreover, life in the mines is difficult and dangerous, and few people are willing to stay for a long time."

"So that's it, the arrangements are indeed well made."

Shu Han thought about it and asked: "Two brothers, Shu Han has a question. Is it too generous to be rewarded with ten spiritual stones once you go to the mine? The spiritual power contained in ten spiritual stones, It’s worth my three years of hard training.”

Kang Guangwen and Shu Han looked at each other.

"Brother Shu Han is indeed very clever. Although going to the mine may not see the light of day for several months, which is very difficult, but these are not worth mentioning in front of ten spiritual stones. The fundamental reason is that there is a certain danger in going to the mine. , a group of Qi Refining monks die in the mines every year.”

Shu Han's eyelids twitched as he finally got to the point of the conversation.

"One is that the branch veins under the mine are complex. If you are not careful, the mine vein may collapse, and you will either be directly crushed to death or trapped alive. This is the biggest danger faced by the mine."

"The second is more mysterious, because the underground spiritual veins have accumulated huge spiritual energy for a long time. When there is too much spiritual energy, all kinds of strange things will happen. Although this kind of thing is rare, once it happens, there is no way to survive during the Qi refining period. Lao Xie and I I have been working in the mine for more than ten years, and I have encountered several collapses, but I have never encountered any supernatural incidents.”

A dangerous situation, a situation of death.

Sure enough, ten spirit stones are not so easy to earn.

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