The Mortal Immortal

Chapter 257 Humanoid Weak Water

In the weak water jade sunflower garden, there were tombs one after another. Shu Han looked around and saw that there were more than two hundred of them.

These tombs are simple in shape and consistent in style. They are all simple earth mounds with a stone tablet standing in front of the earth mound.

Shu Han was surprised. He didn't expect there to be such a group of tombs under the Tianluo Abyss. Could it be that there are still some people living under the abyss?

He landed in front of the group of tombs and looked at the first tomb.

This tomb looks very old, at least hundreds of years old.

There were layers of dust on the tombstone. In the dust, Shu Han saw the small words engraved on the tombstone. He leaned over and brushed away the dust on the tombstone.

The tombstone was engraved with lines of beautiful small characters, which seemed to have been written by a girl.

"The tomb of Xu Hua, Mr. Xu of Yongyuan. Mr. Xu was one hundred and thirty-two years old. He was in the middle stage of foundation building. He was young and handsome, gentle and affectionate. He was good at playing the piano and painting, and was a disciple of the Changle School..."

Shu Han glanced at it briefly and found that the tombstone recorded the trivial details of this person's life. He then looked down and saw a passage that made him frown.

"Mr. Xu came here in March of the year 202 of the Abyss, and stayed with the sisters for more than three months. Later, he died because he was not yet proficient in the exercises and his Yang Yuan was exhausted. Mr. Xu was the first male cultivator served by our sisters. He had a gentle personality and used his warmth to melt away the fears of his sisters. However, he died because of his sisters. He cherished them, sighed at them, and always missed Mr. Xu."

sisters? Not yet proficient in the exercises? Yang Yuan exhausted?

Shu Han saw the last line of signature, it turned out to be Gu Panchun!

For a moment, Shu Han was confused. He hurriedly looked at the next tombstone and found that it was the biography of another male cultivator.

It records a man named Zhang Chen, who came in July of the year 202 of the Abyss Calendar, exactly one month after the death of Xu Hua just now.

Zhang Chen's end was not much better. He only lasted four months and died of exhaustion of Yang Yuan.

He continued to look back and found that these male cultivators came at a very tight time. Almost as soon as the first one died, the next one fell into the abyss.

Moreover, the cause of their death was due to exhaustion of Yang Yuan, but the longer they went on, the longer they survived.

Shu Han frowned. He remembered that Wei Haolong once said that Sister Gu Panchun's charming body seemed to be acquired.

According to the records on these tombstones, it seems that these male cultivators all died because the skills practiced by Sister Gu Panchun sucked up the Yang Yuan.

He often heard monks pick yin and replenish yang, but now he knew that there was actually a method of picking yang and replenishing yin!

Collect yang and replenish yin, strengthen yin element. The Yin Yuan is extremely strong, forming a beautiful body by itself!

It turns out that this is how the beautiful bodies of the Gu Panchun sisters came about.

Looking around, the male cultivators buried in these tombs are all the spent cauldrons they used to practice their charming bodies.

Such behavior is really harmful to nature.

However, Shu Han could tell from the lines of the epitaph that Sister Gu Panchun felt deep regret and guilt for the deaths of these male cultivators, and she also took the trouble to write detailed biographies of each of them. It seemed like I had in-depth exchanges with these male practitioners.

The act of mutilating male cultivators does not look like she did it voluntarily, but like someone forced them to adopt male cultivators to cultivate a charming body.

Shu Han then looked at the tombstones in the back.

It had been more than three hundred years since these people came to Tianluo Abyss, and Shu Han discovered that the survival time of these male cultivators had gradually been extended significantly. The cause of death of the last few male cultivators was no longer the exhaustion of Yang Yuan, which shows that The Gu Panchun sisters have mastered their yang-picking and yin-replenishing techniques and will no longer drain their yang energy.

However, the cause of their death was changed to weak water poisonous hair, and none of them survived for a whole year under the Skyfall Abyss.

Shu Han's head was buzzing. Could it be that weak water is poisonous?

The words "Weak water, poisonous hair" on the tombstone were like a thorn in Shu Han's heart, and he couldn't let go of it for a long time.

He looked carefully at the last tombstone.

The time recorded on the tombstone is the 312th year of the Abyss Calendar, and there were no new tombs after that.

Shu Han calculated based on the dust accumulated on the tombstones and found that the last tombstone was at least nearly a hundred years ago. The last tombstone was erected more than a hundred years after the first tombstone. Although Shu Han didn't know what the abyss calendar was, he could deduce that Sister Gu Panchun at least cultivated male cultivators and cultivated charm in this abyss. Body for more than a hundred years.

Afterwards, they should have left the Tianluo Abyss through some method, came to the cultivation world to find male cultivators, and continued to cultivate their charming bodies. However, I learned from Xiao Zi'an that Sister Gu Panchun has not harmed other male cultivators since then, and her skills have been fully developed, so there will no longer be cases of death due to excessive supplementation.

Thinking of this, Shu Han couldn't help but pity the four Gu Panchun sisters.

They are obviously a group of kind and lovely girls. When they were young, they were not able to enjoy the prosperity of the world, but they were forced to practice beauty in this way at the bottom of the dark Tianluo Abyss.

No wonder sisters Gu Panchun secretly revealed their ambition to die in their laughter. Such a life is indeed not worth cherishing.

But who forced them to practice Charming Body?

Song Jinglun's Earth Dragon Fire Devouring Plan requires Mei Ti as a cauldron, and someone in Tianluo Abyss happens to be cultivating Mei Ti.

It seems that this person's actions against Song Jinglun began two hundred years ago.

Shu Han thought about it and felt that the chess game was getting more and more complicated.

He shook his head. The top priority was not to think about this, but to find the way Gu Panchun left the Tianluo Abyss as soon as possible!

However, when Shu Han stood up from the tombstone, he suddenly noticed that the weak water jade sunflowers around him were moving.

He hurriedly held his breath and concentrated his efforts to maintain the spirit-invisibility-transformation technique.

Gradually, in the green light emitted by the Weak Water Jade Sunflower, streams of weak water began to flow at the bottom of each Weak Water Jade Sunflower. These weak waters seemed to have life, and each had its own route, passing through the criss-crossing jade sunflowers, like neatly drawn chessboard lines.

Shu Han slowly floated in the air, not daring to make any noise, and the weak water gradually crisscrossed the cemetery. At this time, these weak waters quickly gathered in one place, and thousands of weak waters gradually condensed into a human figure. The human-shaped weak water stood on the opposite side of Shu Han, squatting down and seemed to be looking at the tombstone that Shu Han had wiped off the dust.

There was only three feet away from this human-shaped weak water, and Shu Han didn't dare to breathe. The spirit hidden into the void technique and the change of heaven and earth technique were fully activated.

Although he didn't know who this was, he could feel the creepy and dangerous breath from this human-shaped weak water.

The human-shaped weak water stood up and looked around, and seemed to find nothing unusual. Gradually, this human-shaped weak water slowly changed and turned into a woman in a black silk dress.

The woman had a graceful figure and a pretty face, but her pretty face was covered with a frightening frost.

She smiled evilly and said lightly: "You are good at hiding! An interesting person has come, show yourself to me!"

Suddenly, countless weak waters burst out from her body, like a heavy rain.

Shu Han got very close and was immediately drenched by the weak water. His magic power quickly melted away. He no longer had enough magic power to activate the Spiritual Hidden Void Technique, and he appeared and fell from mid-air.

The woman said in astonishment: "Spiritual Hidden Void Technique!"

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