The Mortal Immortal

Chapter 247: Beware of the dangers of killing rats

Shu Han carried Meng Shuran on his back and stood on the edge of the cliff of the sky-falling abyss.

At this time, Meng Shuran was awakened by the power of the wine. When she woke up, she found herself tied up behind Shu Han. Her delicate body was tightly attached to Shu Han's majestic body, and the Yang Lei Jin Suo made her feel so painful that she couldn't help but let out a low groan of pain in Shu Han's ear.

Hearing this delicate groan of pain, Shu Han shuddered all over, and the fighting spirit that had gathered around him loosened. He couldn't help but cursed: "What are you doing! You just got rid of the killing intent that I just gathered! How embarrassed you made me!"

"Killing intent?"

Meng Shuran leaned on Shu Han's shoulder and saw Shi Hongzhen floating in the air. She couldn't help but said in horror: "You want to kill him? He is in the Jindan stage!"

"What's wrong with the Jindan stage? I came here to kill the Jindan stage!"

Shu Han gathered his killing intent again, staring at Shi Hongzhen in the sky, and found that he was also staring at him vigilantly, not rushing to kill him, as if he was observing and thinking.

"Hmph, you are quite cautious!"

Shu Han whispered to Meng Shuran: "Hold me tight, the battle will be difficult later, I am afraid you will be thrown away."

Meng Shuran said: "I will only hinder you now, put me down, it will be more conducive for you to let go."


Shu Han refused decisively, he said: "If I let you go, this person will attack you when he is defeated, what should I do if I am afraid of the consequences? The head of the sect has given a death order, asking me to bring you back intact! I dare not disobey!"

Meng Shuran smiled weakly: "You are so arrogant before we even fight."

After that, she tightened her arms and legs around Shu Han again, saying: "Since you have such ambitions, I will see how you can kill the Jindan cultivator."

Shu Han smiled, looked at Shi Hongzhen and said with a sneer: "What's wrong? Jindan cultivator, didn't you threaten to capture me alive? I won't run away, why don't you do it? Are you afraid?"

Shu Han's words did not stir up a ripple in Shi Hongzhen's heart, he was thinking carefully.

This kid suddenly stopped to wait for me, and threatened to kill me. This is unusual, there must be a trick! Don't act rashly, otherwise it's easy to fall into this kid's trap.

But how is this kid going to kill me?

Although my cultivation has decreased and I no longer have the power of the golden elixir, it is far beyond the general late stage of foundation building, and his cultivation is not even at the ordinary early stage. There is still an insurmountable gap between him and me. How dare this kid make such a crazy statement?

Does he have a backup plan?

Shi Hongzhen was entangled and hesitant in his heart, and he couldn't make up his mind. Shu Han's attitude of taking him made him palpitate.

He knew that this kid was not an ordinary person.

Gradually, Shi Hongzhen felt a sense of retreat in his heart.

But he looked at the Qianjiao Baimei body behind Shu Han again, and remembered the advice of Elder Lei Fa, saying that he couldn't retreat no matter what!

He thought to himself that this kid must be weird, so he should kill the Qianjiao Baimei body first, and as for this kid, let's talk about it later.

Having made up his mind, Shi Hongzhen immediately sacrificed his own life-defining thunder bead, which rained down dense and tangled thunder.

Seeing this, Shu Han immediately activated the black lines, released the heavenly fire to penetrate his body, and punched and kicked, creating a space in the thunder.

However, suddenly, he felt a chill on his back, and with his clear eyes, he found that Shi Hongzhen had disappeared under the cover of thunder.

He shouted in his heart that it was not good, and immediately turned around and blocked his arms in front of him.


The thunder bead turned into a stream of light, sneaked through the thunder-filled environment, and went straight to the back of Meng Shuran's head. Fortunately, Shu Han reacted quickly and turned around immediately to block the fatal blow for Meng Shuran.

The thunder bead hit Shu Han's arms covered with black lines, but it did not penetrate.


Fighting against magic weapons with the flesh!

Shi Hongzhen was stunned. He looked at Shu Han's arms covered with black lines. He pinched the seal and an amazing thunder force suddenly burst out from the thunder bead.

It spread directly along Shu Han's arms to his whole body, but his target was Meng Shuran behind Shu Han.

Shu Han frowned, and the sky fire burst out from his arms, knocking the fatal thunder bead away.

He felt bad now, because Shi Hongzhen's methods were sinister, and every move was directed at Meng Shuran, and he didn't intend to confront him head-on.

He couldn't help cursing in his heart, damn, a Jindan stage is so cowardly, trying to use shady tricks everywhere!

However, Shi Hongzhen saw that Shu Han was afraid of the consequences, and he was even more happy to bypass Shu Han and attack Meng Shuran. He thought to himself that as long as he killed this woman, his main task would be completed.

At that time, even if you have any backup, I will retreat immediately when I see that the situation is not good. And judging from your reaction, it seems that Huoyun Sha has given you a death order to protect this charming body!

But how come this kid is still so strong in combat? Hasn't his cultivation been lowered by the weak water aura?

Shi Hongzhen slapped his storage bag, and a long sword surrounded by thunder dragons flew out of it. This flying sword was pulled by the thunder he shot out, and together with the thunder beads, it attacked Shu Han from front and back.

Shu Han held the Eight-Directions Breaking Evil Sword. Now he no longer had enough mana to activate this magic sword. The weak water aura around him reduced his mana to the ordinary initial stage of foundation building.

He had no choice but to use this magic sword with the strength of his body, and played the Chaotian Sword Technique, fighting with Shi Hongzhen's two magic weapons.

However, the more Shu Han fought, the more aggrieved he felt. Under Shi Hongzhen's sinister tactics, he had no place to use his strength. Whenever he was about to rush to Shi Hongzhen with the Wandering Cloud Step, Shi Hongzhen would retreat in a hurry, and then sneak attack Meng Shuran from behind with the thunder beads and thunder sword, forcing Shu Han to withdraw his moves to defend.

Meng Shuran also saw the current predicament, knowing that she was dragging Shu Han down, biting her red lips, not knowing what to do.

Shi Hongzhen retreated back and forth on the edge of the cliff, and seeing Shu Han rushing to kill him, he couldn't help but feel proud.

Boy, even if you are extremely powerful, you are still old and savvy, I will slowly kill you!

Suddenly, he condensed his magic power, his palm turned into thunder, and four consecutive palm thunders hit Shu Han head-on. Under his control, the free thunder beads and thunder swords continued to sneak attack Meng Shuran on both sides of the back.

This time Shu Han was in a dilemma and couldn't take care of both sides. Unless he took the lead in eating Shi Hongzhen's palm thunder, and then immediately turned around to block the attacks of the two magic weapons for Meng Shuran.

Shi Hongzhen looked at Shu Han with interest, thinking, quickly block all attacks for Qianjiao Baimei Body! When you are seriously injured by me, I can not only wipe out Qianjiao Baimei Body, but also capture you alive, killing two birds with one stone!

As expected, Shu Han took the lead and stepped forward, taking the lead to meet Shi Hongzhen's four palm thunders.

The Eight-Direction Breaking Evil Sword danced back and forth, and the palm thunder exploded on the sword. Shu Han felt a sweetness in his throat, and his body was injured by the four palm thunders.

Shi Hongzhen was overjoyed when he saw this. He actually wanted to save time and face it head-on. He was indeed a brainless reckless man. You know, as long as you lose, the people behind you will die anyway!

Quick! My magic weapon is about to attack, let me see how you can block it for her!

However, the next moment, Shi Hongzhen was shocked, and saw Shu Han suddenly burst out at a very high speed and rushed over faster than him, ignoring the two magic weapons that attacked Meng Shuran from behind.


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