The Mortal Immortal

Chapter 1448 Cooperation

After Mu Wenxuan went to see the chief of Wentian City, Shu Han saw that the Purple Forest Imperial Army was busy again.

Previously, the Purple Forest Imperial Army followed Mu Wenxuan's orders and were busy taking a large number of people from Yuelan House into prison and seizing the assets of Yuelan House. Now, the Purple Forest Imperial Army is busy unsealing Yuelan Tower and releasing the monks who were captured and brought to justice.

Seeing a large number of monks flying out of Ziyu Mansion, Shu Han couldn't help but sigh: "Sure enough, Mu Wenxuan's passionate blood can't compete with Xun Liang's hands and eyes. As soon as Mu Wenxuan sealed Yuelan Tower, Xun Liang Contact us immediately to release him. He is worthy of being the senior disciple of Taoist Changyuan."

Soon, Mu Wenxuan came to Shu Han like a defeated rooster. He was furious and helpless now, with complex emotions intertwined on his face.

"Has the commander been reprimanded by the commander-in-chief?"

Mu Wenxuan nodded: "The commander-in-chief scolded me, and directly ordered the Purple Forest Imperial Army to release them over my shoulder. I am now explicitly prohibited from participating in the pursuit of Yuelan Tower. If I disobey, I will no longer have to wear this armor." ." Then he looked up to the sky and laughed: "It's really sad. I didn't expect that the top management of Wentiandu would become the protective umbrella of Yuelan Tower."

Shu Han smiled and comforted: "Commander, you don't have to be so upset. Yuelan Tower only sells some hallucinogenic drinks. To the top management of Wentiandu, this is not important at all. On the contrary, it can bring in generous spiritual stone income. Why not do it?"

Mu Wenxuan sighed: "If that's all, then I don't have to go to war so much. After all, there are too many things that confuse the monks, and I can't control them. But I feel different about the neon wine. I don't know if the Taiyun Sect has sensed it. , since Yuelanlou started selling neon wine, the number of sleepwalkers in Wentiandu began to increase. "

"Moreover, the neon wine in Yuelan Tower is not expensive, and ordinary monks can afford it. If they only want to earn spiritual stones, the price of the wine can be raised again and again. I feel that Yuelan Tower sells neon wine in a big way. There must be other conspiracies behind it.”

Shu Han couldn't help but nod in praise of Mu Wenxuan's thinking.

"Then why didn't the commander inform the superiors of this conjecture?"

"I mentioned it a long time ago, but they were all dismissed as false. They thought I was deliberately targeting Yuelan Tower."

"I know that the commander-in-chief did not deliberately target Yuelan Tower. What the commander-in-chief said is indeed true."

Hearing Shu Han's affirmation, Mu Wenxuan frowned and asked, "What did you find?"

Shu Han explained: "When I see the wine, I can roughly guess some clues. The drunk wine is like a seed, a seed that can make monks sleepwalk at any time. These seeds are lurking in their bodies, As long as they are stimulated by the corresponding spell, the monks who drink the wine will sleepwalk collectively. "

"Collective sleepwalking!"

Mu Wenxuan's eyes widened: "What a terrifying amount that must be!"

His eyes wandered: "Sleepwalkers lose their rationality, attack randomly, and even self-destruct their bodies. It is acceptable to see one or two by chance, but once such a large number of monks sleepwalk collectively, the damage caused to Wentian City will be immeasurable. No. ..." Mu Wenxuan gasped and said, "I must report this matter to the higher-ups and ask them to seal off Yuelan Tower again and arrest everyone who drinks neon wine!"


Shu Han quickly grabbed Mu Wenxuan.

"Commander, you have never convinced the upper echelons of Wentian City, and now you are using such absurd-sounding words to demand that Yuelan Tower be sealed off. Commander, do you think you can succeed?"

Mu Wenxuan looked at Shu Han: "That's you! I have people from the Taiyun Sect to prove it for me. It's worth a try!"

"forget it!"

Hearing that Mu Wenxuan wanted to use himself as evidence, Shu Han quickly made up a reason to fool him: "I have reported this matter to the Taiyun Holy Altar a long time ago, and even our Taiyun Sect is unwilling to pay attention to my remarks. Why would Tiandu pay attention to a nobody like me?"

"Then what should we do? Is it possible to just sit back and ignore it?"

Shu Han thought in his mind: If he brought this matter out now, it would not necessarily hinder Xun Liang's plan. Instead, it would alarm the snake and attract Xun Liang's attention. And even if it hinders Xunliang's plan, Xunliang will definitely think of another one when he sees that this move fails. At that time, I don’t know what methods he is using secretly, so he will be even more passive.

Shu Han said: "Now I can only sit back and watch, waiting for the development. However, I have a plan, which can be remedied, but it requires the secret cooperation of the Purple Forest Imperial Army under my command."

Mu Wenxuan frowned slightly: "Cooperate secretly?"

Shu Han walked out of the study, stroking the pouring rain with his hands, and murmured.

"We need a rain, a rain that can wake people up from their dreams."

It was also the first time for Tian Jinmi to visit the Taiyun Altar in Tiandu.

The grand Taiyun Holy Altar is full of huge chanting venues. Circles of chanting venues surround the entire Taiyun Holy Altar, in which countless people sit cross-legged and chant. The majestic chanting sounds resound through the sky, and listening carefully has a miraculous effect of purifying the soul.

Tian Jinmi was very satisfied with this scene. The solemnity of the Taiyun Altar was in sharp contrast to the lustful Wentian. Tian Jinmi flew all the way to the central altar, and the golden light from the chanting was like a sunset avenue, spreading at Tian Jinmi's feet.

But as he flew towards the central altar, Tian Jinmi felt that he was getting more and more trance-like, and a feeling of guilt and uneasiness filled his heart. She frowned slightly, trying to stabilize her Taishangdao heart, but suddenly, the golden light spreading from the Taiyun Altar gradually turned red and purple, and the majestic chanting sound lingering in her ears became smaller and smaller.


In a trance, the magnificent and vast Taiyun Holy Altar disappeared, and Tian Jinmi suddenly found herself flying over a neon-lit night city. This colorful city was empty and silent, and the silence made people feel creepy.

"This is..."

Tian Jinmi was stunned and stared at the city below her feet.

"What Shu Han said is true... another Wentian City..."

Tian Jinmi was lost in thought for a moment, and suddenly the chanting sound rang in her ears again, and the Wentian City under her feet was like a mirror flower and water moon, and was dispersed by the booming golden light. The Taiyun Holy Altar appeared in front of her again.


Tian Jinmi frowned.

"Why do I suddenly have an illusion of another Wentian City?"

Tian Jinmi looked at the central altar not far away, and a palpitation became stronger and stronger. Tian Jinmi had never been to the Taiyun Holy Altar in Wentian City, but she keenly realized that the Taiyun Holy Altar seemed to be as simple as Shu Han said. In the center of the altar, the golden light that shot up into the sky seemed to hide a secret that could not be told.

Just as Tian Jinmi was staring at the central altar in a trance, a golden illusion slowly rose from the central altar, and the aura of Mahayana swept over.

"Miss Jinmi, what is the purpose of visiting my Taiyun Altar?"

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