The Mortal Immortal

Chapter 1177: Trapping and killing plan

Using a whole village as bait to attract the devil?

Shu Han's interest aroused Du Hongbo's idea as soon as he proposed it.

Shu Han took a deep look at the mysterious cave. He knew that if he wanted to leave Maha Island, he would probably have to force his way into the cave as Du Hongbo said.

But if the demon doesn't die, this cave will be extremely dangerous and you must not break into it without permission!

If he could really attract the demon and annihilate it, that would be Shu Han's only way to escape Maha Island!

"This is not a suitable place for discussion. Let's go back to the village first."

Shu Han couldn't help but lift up the skinny Du Hongbo, and with the power of his feet, Du Hongbo flew into the air, crossed the mountains, and came directly to the village. For an elderly monk like Du Hongbo, of course he could tell at a glance that Shu Han was not using magic, but pure physical strength!

He exclaimed: "I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Yu to be an amazing physical practitioner. With such a level, even if Fellow Daoist only uses physical skills, I may not be your opponent!" Shu Han said calmly: "Fellow Daoist Du is a compliment. We Let’s quickly discuss the strategy to trap the devil!”

Du Hongbo extended his hand to invite Shu Han to enter his temple, and the two sat cross-legged opposite each other in this simple temple. Du Hongbo sighed: "There are really talented people from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years! Fellow Daoist Yu is so young and has such strength. He must be a talent that can rival the young talents of the five major sects in the human race!" Facing Du After Hong Bo's greetings, Shu Han cupped his hands and said, "Fellow Daoist Du is so complimentary. Let's talk more about that demon!"

Du Hongbo nodded.

Shu Han asked: "Is Fellow Daoist Du sure that the Holy Sacrifice Rune has a fatal attraction to that demon?"


Shu Han asked: "Why? What is the difference between a corpse engraved with holy runes and an ordinary corpse? Why does the monster need to devour the person who is engraved with holy runes?"

Du Hongbo stroked his beard and said: "What's the difference? I can't tell you. Just carving runes on the corpse without using mana to refine it, how much difference can there be? It's just that the devil likes it!"

Shu Han recalled the corpses hanging upside down in the cave. Looking back now, he found that the properties of those corpses had changed, and the corpses seemed to be full of strange power. He knew that after the demon got the corpse, he didn't eat it, but hung it upside down in the cave of the reverse world like a piece of art.

It was obvious that the corpse where the demon collected the holy runes was not for enjoyment as Du Hongbo thought.

Those corpses are more like helping the devil draw some power, and the runes on the corpses are the medium!

It's like seeds, constantly absorbing nutrients from the earth, and finally supplying them to the devil through its winding tentacles!

Du Hongbo looked at Shu Han deep in thought and couldn't help but said: "Actually, Taoist friends don't need to worry about the holy sacrificial runes. We only know that these runes can attract demons. It's enough. I assured Taoist friends that the whole village will carve the holy sacrificial runes together. It can definitely attract demons to hunt! But the premise is that you have to stay away from the village, otherwise the demon may not dare to take the risk to hunt no matter how hungry it is."

Shu Han nodded, thinking this was no problem. With his current strength, he can quickly reach the village from any corner of Maha Island.

"But this is still not enough!"

Shu Han reminded: "As soon as I arrive at the village, I'm afraid the demon will flee immediately. The speed of the demon cannot be underestimated. If it escapes at all costs, I am not completely sure that it will be left behind."

"So, before fellow Taoist appears, our village must be responsible for helping fellow daoist weaken a round of demons in advance, so that it can be injured and fight against fellow daoist!"

Shu Han heard this and narrowed his eyes: "What are you going to do?"

"I have repeatedly mentioned to fellow Taoists that when a demon is hunting, it is when it is most vulnerable. When the passage between the reverse world and the real world is opened in the victim's body, attacking the victim is equivalent to attacking the devil! Fellow Taoists, there is no need to doubt this method. It’s feasible, I used this move to hurt a demon before.”

"When the whole village is engraved with holy sacrificial runes, and the demon possesses anyone, I will take action decisively, trying to severely injure the demon. At that time, the demon will choose to attack me directly. However, my cultivation in the later stage of refining the void is not I have been practicing in vain. When this demon devours me, I can also lock the demon in my body with my willpower, but I can only hold on for a moment!"

"At that time, please also ask fellow Taoist Shu Han to take action and attack me directly. Don't hold back. This old bone of mine is stronger than you think. Just leave me a breath. If you are entangled with me, that's it. When the devil is most vulnerable, this is the only way to inflict heavy damage on that devil!"

Shu Han couldn't help but sigh at Du Hongbo's ruthlessness.

It can be seen that Du Hongbo already hates the devil deeply.

"But if the demon attacks other villagers, Fellow Daoist Du will probably kill the possessed villagers with one strike. Is this really appropriate?"

Hearing Shu Han say such words, Du Hongbo couldn't help but laugh.

"I didn't expect that my Taoist friend would worry about the safety of these villagers just after he came to Maha Island. This really makes me ashamed! Although these children in the village have some cultivation, their cultivation in Tianyuan is no different from ordinary people. We, Practitioners, who doesn’t regard mortal life as nothing?”

Du Hongbo sighed: "But mortals also have vibrant lives! I didn't understand this back then, but watching these children grow up bit by bit under my protection, even if I didn't want to, I would unconsciously take care of the lives of these children." Du Hongbo's tone became sharp: "But there is a saying among mortals that you can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child. How can you put that demon to death without any sacrifice? But don't worry, fellow Taoist, I won't force the villagers to participate in this action. I will inform them of the specific situation in advance and let them choose by themselves. Those who don't want to participate can leave the village to seek refuge, and I will never make it difficult for them."

"Okay! Let's act according to Fellow Taoist Du's plan."

Du Hongbo showed an excited look and stood up, He bowed deeply to Shu Han: "The safety of the whole village depends on you!" Shu Han helped Du Hongbo up and said: "You're welcome. Killing the demon is also my own wish. I don't want to be like you and exhaust my life on Maha Island."


Du Hongbo couldn't help laughing, and then he added: "The plan is made, but now is not a good time to implement it. We have to wait patiently for a while to let the demon's hunger brew, so that the plan can go smoothly."

Shu Han nodded and said: "That's good. I still need some time to recuperate before I can recover to my best condition. Let Du Daoyou decide the day of the battle."

Du Hongbo pondered for a moment.

"How long does it take you to recover?"

"No less than 30 days."

"Then it will be set on the 40th day! Let's meet this demon!"

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