The Monk

Volume One Chapter 913 The First Monk

Chapter 913 The First Monk

There were sixty-five bandits, plus five seriously injured ones lying on the ground, a total of seventy people. So seventy Yuanying were arranged to prepare for the possession of bodies. Those who did not know the spell of possession were learning it in time. A quarter of an hour later, the possession began. Seventy bandits quickly lost their lives and turned into other people's bodies. There was no need to describe the pain. In short, the bandits on this high mountain were eliminated.

Seventy Yuanying were reborn, including sorcerers and magic cultivators. Many of them were the former subordinates of the Ghost Emperor, a group of high-level ghost disciples and top-level ghost disciples. After this group of guys took over the body, the first thing they did was to sign a contract with Zhang Pa.

Zhang Pa called the first person over and threw out two bottles of pills, one bottle of marrow pill and one bottle of spiritual pill, and asked him to share them with everyone.

The remaining Yuanyings were red-eyed, including former enemies Cai Xiaoxiao, He Wang and Wu Yi. Who wants to die when they can live? A Yuanying bravely flew over to give Zhang Pa some advice. There wouldn't be only one group of bandits in such a big mountain. Let's go find them. If there are any, we can enforce justice on behalf of the heaven and we can also be reborn.

Zhang Pa smiled and said, "Do you remember to enforce justice on behalf of the heaven now?" He put away a bunch of Yuanying and waited for the guys who had taken over bodies to stabilize their bodies.

This was a group of masters. With the help of Zhang Pa's elixir, they all stood up in half an hour and thanked Zhang Pa. The first person returned two bottles of elixir. Zhang Pa said, "You keep them." He then spoke to the guys who had taken over bodies, "I have a Bai Zhan, 222 people, all of whom call me Master. In fact, I haven't taught them anything. Each of them is like you, taking over bodies and being reborn. What about you? Do you want to join Bai Zhan? Or do you want to form another team?"

No one wanted to join another unfamiliar group of people. Someone said, "Aren't there some Yuanying? We will form a group of our own, called Sha Zhan." Some people also said Yin Zhan, Xue Zhan, in short, some bad names.

Zhang Pa said: "It's not that troublesome. You are called the fourth team. There are three teams ahead, Black Fight, White Fight, and Power Fight. You all call me Master. Just know me. Now follow me to do things." He led the fourth team into the mountains and said as he walked: "You are dressed too poorly, just like gangsters. Go to the city and buy some clothes to wear. I will give you magic tools after you return to the mountain." He led seventy people to the mountain stronghold quickly. There were a dozen bandits guarding the gate. When they saw them, they thought they were bandits returning to the mountain because their appearance had not changed, so they hurriedly opened the door to welcome them. Zhang Pa and others entered the mountain stronghold, and their spiritual consciousness swept them. They thought: Fortunately, there are not many people. Apart from cattle and horses, there are a total of twenty-three women, five babies, more than twenty disabled bandits, and more than twenty healthy bandits. Zhang Pa was unwilling to do these trivial things, so he ordered: "Collect the property and take them out of the mountain." He called the healthy bandits to his front and whispered: "Who has killed anyone?" Seven people raised their hands, and Zhang Pa said: "You stay, and others go out."

These people didn't understand what was going on, but seeing the three leaders standing behind Zhang Pa honestly and behaving respectfully, they didn't dare to resist. After these people went out, Zhang Pa released the seven Yuanying, and the possession began.

The seven of them took over the body, and someone taught them the spell of possession and provided elixirs.

When everything was done, the three leaders went to talk to the people in the mountain village, and they meant that they would not be bandits anymore, divide the silver and go home, and do whatever they wanted.

The people in the mountain village were confused and suspected that the three leaders were sick, but under the pressure of a group of bandits, no one dared to have other opinions. So two hours later, the mountain village was cleared and everyone left the mountain.

The mountain road was difficult to walk. Although the bandits became powerful after taking over the bodies, they had no time to practice. They only practiced Qi cultivation. It took some time to take care of a group of disabled women and children. They walked until dark before they could get out of the mountain and reach the foot of the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, there were more than a dozen carriages waiting. On the carriages were the poor women and their limited belongings.

The seven guards saw a large group of people appearing, and saw three bandit leaders with strange looks. They thought they were out for revenge. When they were about to fight, someone saw Zhang Pa and shouted, "Benefactor." He wanted to shout Benefactor to run away, but seeing the attitude of the bandits towards Zhang Pa, it didn't seem like there was anything wrong, so he hesitated and didn't speak.

Zhang Pa said, "They have turned over a new leaf. If I were to ask you, you should also do the same and find a place to live."

The guards had seen Zhang Pa's ability and believed what he said, but they were unwilling to live with the bandits. One guard hesitated and said, "Live with them?"

Zhang Pa looked back and looked at the sky, and said, "Let's sleep in the wild tonight and travel tomorrow. We'll talk later if we have anything to say." He had all kinds of things in his storage bag. While no one was paying attention, he took out some tents and some food, and asked the fourth team to help build them so that everyone could rest.

At this time, a guard came to Zhang Pa and said tactfully that they didn't want to live with the bandits. Zhang Pa said, "I will take all the men away, except for more than 20 disabled people, and 23 women and five children. They will go with you. Is that okay?"

The guards agreed.

The next day, Zhang Pa first called over a dozen healthy bandits who had never killed anyone and who were guarding the stronghold. After a good beating, he gave them some silver and drove them away, warning them not to do bad things.

The remaining things were to make the poor women good, properly arrange their lives, and take care of the women and children who came from the village. A prostitute came to Zhang Pa and said that the contract of selling her body was in the hands of the madam. As long as she had this contract, as long as she was in the Great Yan State, the madam could take them back at any time. She had to go far away and hide her identity in a distant border town.

Youdao saves people to the end, but Zhang Wen has to act as a temporary nanny to find a suitable place for a group of poor people.

This kind of thing is just a little troublesome, not tiring. He has recruited a bunch of new subordinates, and some of them are rushing to do the work. It took a month to finally get the matter completely done. When settling everyone, I made it clear that those who were willing to live alone would be given twenty catties of silver and ten catties of gold and sent to the city to help buy a house; those who were willing to live together would find a livable place, the money would be divided equally, and help The clothes are arranged properly.

This month, more than seventy people in the fourth team have built foundations just by practicing in their free time. They are all energetic and ambitious. Zhang Wen looked at them and said in his heart: After spending a month to save people, it can be considered a gain.

These people wanted to take them back to Tianlei Mountain, so they released the flying gun, and let more than seventy people squeeze into a flying gun, and then flew eastward.

Passing by the capital of the Yan Kingdom on the way back, Zhang Ping suddenly discovered that there were many cultivators on a high mountain ten miles north of the capital. Most of them were Qi refining cultivators. They were led by some foundation-building cultivators on the mountainside. Know what to do.

Zhang was afraid to be curious, what was this for? He slowed down his flight speed and used his spiritual sense to investigate carefully. During this investigation, he found Sheng Lin and a foundation-building monk from the He family. Each of them was standing quietly in a square halfway up the mountain with a dozen or so Qi-refining disciples. .

Zhang Ai jumped down from the flying boat and said, "I'm going to take a look. If you are willing, just wait for me here. If not, go to Tianlei Mountain first."

Could this sentence be any more irresponsible? The seventy-seven people who became his new disciples just sat and said nothing, had no elixirs, and no magic weapons. They could only fall down like stones when they left Feiya.

Zhang Ping didn't care about that and just went to watch the fun.

In order to avoid attracting attention, he started climbing from the foot of the mountain. After reaching the mountainside, he hid in the crowd and peeked ahead.

Normally he shouldn't be curious, he should fly all the way back to Tianlei Mountain at this time, but for some reason today, he suddenly wanted to come down and join in the fun.

At the end of the square halfway up the mountain is a cave. At the entrance of the cave is a Taoist yin-yang fish on the ground. An old futon is spread on the yin-yang fish. There are two black iron doors closed at the entrance of the cave. Many Qi refining disciples lined up to kowtow to the iron gate on the futon, and kowtowed three times respectfully.

Before everyone kowtows, they should be calm and mindful, and regard kowtowing as the most pious thing in the world. But after everyone kowtowed, they all left with disappointment. Zhang Ping watched for a while, but no one left happily. He thought very strangely, what kind of etiquette is this?

At this time, it was the turn of the disciples of the He family and the Sheng family to kowtow. Sheng Lin gave instructions to the disciples for a while, and then watched nervously as a group of children went to kowtow. It's a pity that every one of the dozen or so young men left with hope and returned disappointed.

Zhang Ai squeezed over and asked Sheng Lin, "What are you doing?" Sheng Lin saw that it was Zhang Ai, so he greeted him before speaking: "This is the residence of the first monk in Dayan." Zhang Ai didn't understand, and Sheng Lin saw a group of disciples They all kowtowed and led a group of young people down the mountain. As they walked, they said: "It is said that thousands of years ago, a peerless master appeared in the Yan Kingdom. He was the best monk in the world. He fought thousands of battles in his life and never lost. He was regarded as the best monk in the world. Because this monk entered Taoism through physiognomy, he is also known as the best physiognomist in the world. "

Hearing this, Zhang Ai was shocked. The best fortune teller in the world? I wonder what it has to do with the boastful No. 1 fortune teller of the Yan Kingdom in Shenghe City?

Sheng Lin continued: "Legend has it that this master became an immortal, but he was nostalgic for his old land and couldn't bear to see the world of Da Yan's cultivation decadent and defeated, so he used his life's skills to build this cave, locking up his unique skills, both inside and outside the cave. It has the power to create the world and is so powerful that it is unimaginable. No matter who it is, it will be fine if they don’t cause trouble. But if anyone dares to create evil ideas in the cave, the outcome will be tragic. "

Zhang Ain said: "It's amazing enough."

"Of course it's magical." Sheng Lin affirmed, and then added: "The master left a message before he emerged, saying that he selected good talents and taught them skills. The method of selecting disciples is also simple. Any Qi Refining disciple can come here and try it. , go and kneel down on the futon, as long as you can kneel down and open the cave door, that person is the master’s direct disciple. It’s a pity that in the past ten thousand years, I haven’t heard of anyone who can open the cave door.”

Zhang Wen was very interested after hearing this and said with a smile: "It's kind of interesting. You can choose your apprentice by kowtow?"

Sheng Lin thought about it and said: "This is the legend, but no one has seen it with their own eyes. From what I think, it is nothing more than that. I come here once a year for peace of mind. Although everyone does not know whether the legend is true or false, and they also know that there is no hope of being passed down. , but it is better to hold on to hope than to have no hope at all.”

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