The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 87 Yongan County

Chapter 87 Yongan County

Going north to south, the temperature gets warmer. Most of the southerners wear short shirts and single pants. There are foreign women wearing native clothes and walking around on the street with two sections of white arms and two legs exposed, which attracts the attention of men. Zhang Ai was still wearing a green shirt. The white armor underneath was replaced by Song Yunyi's. She refused to wear it because it didn't look good. Instead, she wore an undershirt made of snake skin. It was thin and white, breathable and had a protective effect. Wearing a long white coat made of spiritual silk cloth, and matching her white face with long black hair, she looks elegant and graceful, like a fairy from the Nine Heavens.

After entering the city, Song Yunyi thought it was unsightly to sit on a donkey, so he jumped off and walked side by side with Zhang Wen. Seeing many women with their white flesh exposed and their faces a bit feverish, he whispered: "How come these women don't know how to be ashamed?" Song Yunyi is beautiful and graceful. She certainly attracts attention when walking on the street. The people in the south are simple and straightforward in speaking. There were endless compliments, and they kept saying that she looked good and beautiful, and some people stared at her intently. Song Yunyi noticed it, bowed her head shyly, and grabbed Zhang Wen's wrist tightly. Zhang was afraid of teasing her: "How dare you tell others?"

There was a restaurant on the corner of the street, and the two of them went up to the second floor to find a private room and sit down. After closing the door, Song Yunyi let out a long sigh. With her noble status, she had never been seen and said like this before. After ordering food and drinks, we chatted while eating. Two quarters of an hour later, Song Yunyi stood up and said, "I have to go for a while." Zhang Wen understood that he was going to the toilet, so she went there, so she didn't pay much attention. After a while, I suddenly heard Song Yunyi yelling nervously and angrily: "What are you doing?"

With his powerful senses, he could hear everyone in the restaurant talking without using his spiritual sense. Just when Song Yunyi spoke, Zhang Awei was already standing beside her, supporting her and saying with concern: "Is everything okay?" Song Yunyi saw Zhang Awei. , relaxed his mind, glanced at the other side in disgust, and whispered: "It's okay, go up."

Standing opposite was a fat young man who was not too fat. He was wearing a purple silk shirt and holding a fan in his hand. He looked at Zhang Awei in surprise and his mind was full of questions. There was no one around just now. Where did this guy come from? Zhang Awei took a quick look at him and knew that he was a common man, so there was no need to get angry, so he led Song Yunyi away from the side. But the fat man blocked the way and said with a forced smile: "It is really a sin for me to be rude to the beauty. I would like to treat the young lady to a drink of water and wine as an apology. I wonder if I will have this honor? This brother will come with me."

There were too many stories about people who were attracted by sex. Zhang Ain asked Song Yunyi: "He didn't meet you, did he?" Song Yunyi whispered: "No, as soon as I came out, the man blocked the way with his hands and blamed me. Laugh, you came right after I spoke." Zhang Ain smiled and said, "Who told you to look good?" Song Yunyi said angrily, "You are still laughing at me."

With the beauty by his side, Zhang Wen did not want to be too violent, so he spoke to the fat man sincerely: "Please give way." Most men who lose their morals after drinking are unethical, and so does the fat man: "I invite you to dinner, why don't you give me face?" Zhang Wen said. Very helpless, he said helplessly: "Master, we are full, please get out of the way." Song Yunyi was unhappy, pinched her head and whispered: "I don't want to be a maid!"

Song Yunyi pouted and talked to Zhang Wen, and her angry and blaming look was really cute and heart-warming. The fat man liked it more and more, and of course he refused to give way. Zhang was afraid that he would be impatient, so he raised his hand and pushed the fat man down, and took Song Yunyi back upstairs.

A person who drinks too much has no reason to talk about. He has done something wrong, and what he thinks about is not making amends, but how to regain his face. The fat man realized that he couldn't beat Zhang Ping, so he ran out of the restaurant and went home, called a group of servants, and came back with a stick to find a place. Zhang was afraid of finding out early and was too lazy to fight with the common people. After meeting at the tent, he took Song Yunyi and left quietly.

Yong'an County is not big. The tallest building in the city is only three stories and more than ten meters high. Most of them are bungalows combined into courtyards. There are not many pedestrians on the street, it is leisurely and peaceful, with a sense of joy. Song Yunyi liked this feeling very much and discussed with Zhang Awei: "How many more days can we stay here?" Of course Zhang Awei agreed. Song Yunyi tilted his head to look at Zhang Awei and suddenly said: "Take off your coat."

"What does it have to do with what? What does living here have to do with taking off your clothes?" Zhang Feng didn't understand. Song Yunyi said stubbornly: "Take it off." Zhang Aing obeyed, and Song Yunyi clapped his hands happily: "This is good-looking." Zhang Aing lowered his head and saw that there was a white gown underneath. Song Yunying was wearing a white dress, and the two of them stood together holding up The beautiful couple understood that what she wanted to say was actually a perfect match. They smiled and put away their green shirts. Song Yunyi suddenly shouted again: "Donkey."

The two left in a hurry, but the donkey was still in the restaurant. Zhang was afraid that she was surprised by her active thinking. He let his consciousness cover the restaurant, and the fat man and his servants had already left. So he went back to get the donkey.

When picking up the donkey, I asked the waiter where there was a house for sale. After some inquiries, I found out that in the evening, the two of them owned a large house in Yong'an County. Song Yunyi was really busy for a few days buying beds and quilts and furniture. She especially enjoyed decorating her home. Zhang Ai acted as a bodyguard and coolie. After renovating the house, Song Yunyi began to learn cooking skills. In short, he lived a fulfilling life.

When I went to buy vegetables that day, Zhang was afraid that he would know something was going on before he even entered the market. There was a lot of noise and curses, so he suggested to Song Yunyi: "Change the market?" Song Yunyi wondered: "We are already here, why change?" She was very smart, so she changed her mind. He knew: "Something happened inside?" Zhang Ain nodded, and Song Yunyi asked for advice: "Go and have a look." Zhang Ain knew that she did not like to watch the excitement, but was afraid that the people would be bullied, so she held hands and entered the market. There are many vendors selling meat and vegetables in the market, but there are only three vendors selling salt, all open together. At this time, there was a man lying in front of the three salt shops, dressed as a foreigner, bleeding profusely, and beside him was a foreigner girl crying sadly. Zhang was afraid that he would not be able to figure out which ethnic group they were, but there was no need to find out. Anyway, he treated them like ordinary Han people.

The girl was only thirteen or fourteen years old. She was squatting on the ground, holding the man's hand and crying non-stop. There were four strong men standing in front of her, cursing and saying: "Why are you howling? Get away from me and howl." Song Yunyi was kind-hearted by nature. He ran over to comfort the girl. The girl was lonely and kept crying. There were many people around, but no one dared to say a fair word. At this moment, someone comforted her and threw herself into Song Yunyi's arms and cried loudly: "They, they bully people." The man lying on the ground was right. There was a deep gash in his chest, and his lungs were probably pierced by a sharp knife. He could not survive the sight of too much air coming out and too little air coming in. Zhang Awei saw the problem at a glance, then looked at the arrogant men beside him, and sighed in his heart: "As long as there are people, there will be constant disputes?" He took out a life pill and stuffed it into the man's mouth. This medicine is only effective for the human body, not Increase spiritual energy. Not long after the man took it, the wound healed quickly and his breathing was steady and strong. It took a while for the injury to heal. The man couldn't believe it at first. After he stood up and checked carefully to make sure that the wound was fine, he hurriedly kowtowed to Zhang Awei and said, "Thank you, Master, for saving my life." Then he stood up and cursed at the four fierce men: "The dog thief gave me the tiger skin."

The four men saw Zhang Awei and Zhang Awei for the first time. They felt itchy when they saw a beautiful woman suddenly appeared. They also saw Zhang Awei resurrecting a dying man with a pill. They were very surprised. Where did this pair of men and women in white come from? of? Seeing the foreign man shouting curses at him, a bald man retorted: "You don't know how to die, you barbarian. If someone saves you, just run away. Do you want to die again?" The foreign man also cursed: "You are the barbarian, take my tiger skin." , give it to me quickly." The girl was worried that something would happen again, so she hugged him and cried, "Brother, forget it, let's go back." His brother refused and asked for the tiger skin. The bald man opposite him had a fierce look in his eyes and said fiercely: " So what if I kill you again, at most I'll pay you some money." He said and stabbed you with a dagger.

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