The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 859 Fierce Valley

Chapter 859 Fierce Valley

Therefore, when that group of greedy monks unfortunately entered the Fierce Valley, they were violently attacked by terrifying monsters in a short period of time, causing numerous casualties. A group of people no longer dare to have other ideas and come out honestly one by one.

It was because of that incident that Zhang Wen knew the name of Liegu and knew how terrifying it was, so he asked Zuo Shi why he was going to Liegu.

Zuo Shi said: "My lord is in the valley. He originally wanted to come back to see you, but he was not in good health, so he changed his plan and let you go."

Zhang Ai was shocked when he heard this: "Master Mountain God is not in good health?" Zuo Shi nodded and said: "Master's health has never been better, and he has always been injured. The last time he went to Tianlei Mountain, he just managed to suppress the injury. After returning, he tried his best to rest. Okay. If you can easily regain some strength, let me invite you over."

Hearing this, Zhang Wen knew what he was doing. The mountain god has been hiding for decades, and suddenly comes to help for no reason. There must be something in it. For himself, all he has is ten thousand-year-old herbs and god-defying snakes. What the mountain god wants must be one of these two things. The warlock has no ill intentions towards monsters, so all he can ask for is herbs. Thinking of this, Zhang Wen relaxed. It was just herbal medicine. What's the point of ten and a hundred plants?

Seeing that he was silent, Zuo Shi said in a tone of contempt: "What are you planning?" Zhang Ai said depressedly: "Why are you just calculating? Why is Master Shan Shen looking for me a plan?" Zuo Shi smiled: "You Say what?"

Both of them were masters and traveled very fast. They arrived in front of a high mountain in half a day. The mountain is very high, nearly 10,000 meters. There is a large cave at the root of the mountain, more than ten meters wide, dark and dark, and cold air emanates from the cave. There is no grass growing within a thousand meters outside the cave, just a piece of loess and gravel.

Zuo Shi stopped in front of the black hole and warned: "Follow me. If you get lost, you won't be able to get out." Zhang Awei curled his lips and said, "You can go in, but I can't?" After saying this, he asked one more question: " Is the monster strong? Do you want some protection? "Of course, it's always a good thing to be careful," said Zuo Shi. He took out a bright diamond-shaped shield and enlarged it and put it on his wrist. Half of the body said hello: "Let's go." He ducked into the black hole. Zhang Ping took out a big black knife and followed him in.

It was pitch dark inside the cave. There was a curve not far into the cave. After turning the corner, there was no trace of light. Fortunately, Zuo Shi's shield shone brightly and scattered a faint blue light to guide Zhang Ao.

After walking for more than a hundred meters, due to the limitation of vision, I didn’t know where to go. Zuo Shi suddenly said: "Jump down from here." After saying this, he jumped forward and fell downwards. Zhang was afraid that he had no choice but to jump down. He immediately felt that the cold air around him disappeared, and the surroundings gradually heated up and returned to normal temperature. The two of them had already fallen below.

I estimated the height to be about three thousand meters, and thought to myself: Does it need to be so deep?

Three thousand meters underground, the darkness is still there, but danger begins to appear in this darkness. There are monsters a hundred meters ahead, about a dozen in number, looking at them fiercely, as if they can see at night and are immune to Dark influence.

Zuo Shi whispered: "Ignore them, turn left and speed up." After saying this, his body became faster and swept straight to the left. Zhang Ai hurriedly followed. They speeded up, and more than a dozen monster beasts in the darkness launched at the same time, rushing towards the two of them.

Zuo Shi didn't want to fight with the monster, so he just accelerated forward. In the blink of an eye, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, revealing the underground scenery. This light is different from the outside world. It will not be very bright, but as dim as an oil lamp, illuminating a gray forest. The ground is covered with dark green grass and moss. There are traces of monster activity in the forest. After a brief inspection, the number is in the hundreds. Only the above.

As soon as the two of them entered the world of light, the monsters chasing them madly behind them stopped immediately. These guys seemed to only like darkness and not light. They stopped, hesitated for a moment, and turned back to the way they came.

Zhang Wen was very curious about this place and asked: "Is this Liegu?" Zuo Shi replied: "Strictly speaking, no, it is through the forest." As he spoke, he walked into the forest.

This forest is not big, only more than a thousand meters deep, but the trees are tall and block the light, making it very dark in the woods. As soon as the two of them entered the woods, several monsters immediately surrounded them. Zhang Ain asked: "Or run?" Zuo Shi said yes, his steps were quick, his figure was like the wind, and he walked gently through the woods. In just a few breaths, he had already walked out of the forest and came to a river.

Zhang Wen was a little surprised when he saw the river when he walked out of the forest. There was everything in this underground world. The left servant looked ahead and said: "Across this river, you will reach Liegu."

Zhang Ain followed and looked over. Across the river was a flat land with some unknown trees and flowers growing on it. On both sides were tall mountain walls, looking at each other from a distance of more than 10,000 meters, towering into the sky.

Looking up, the sky above is gray. I don’t know where the light comes from. Anyway, it is a gray world.

Looking in front of me, the river flows slowly, as if it is still. The wide part is more than a hundred meters, but the narrow part is only a few meters. You can jump across it. Zhang Ao pointed to the narrow place in the distance and asked, "Go there?"

Zuo Shi shook his head: "Fly there." Zhang was afraid of hearing this and asked loudly: "You can fly here? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I jumped from the top of a big cliff for several thousand meters and went through the woods with difficulty. Then "Why don't you fly?" Zuo Shi said innocently, "You are a pig. How can you get out if you don't fly?" He jumped up high and landed gently on the other side, then added: "Fly." High Point."

"What?" Zhang Ai was holding his breath and jumped to the other side. He was halfway through the jump when he heard Zuo Shi's words. Then he saw more than a dozen big black strange fish jumping out of the river and biting him. He hurriedly jumped up to hide. After passing the attack of the strange fish, he followed Qianfei to the other side and said angrily to Zuo Shi: "You did it on purpose." Zuo Shi shook his head slightly: "You are too stupid." Zhang Feng said: "I believe you too much! "

The two entered Liegu, where there were more monsters. Basically, they saw one with a ferocious expression, a ferocious state, and a ferocious body shape. Moreover, every one of them was interested in them and jumped out from everywhere to eat some fresh meat.

Zuo Shi said: "Let's go." He raised his right hand, blocked most of his body with a diamond-shaped shield, and rushed forward with his waist bent. Zhang was afraid that he was curious about whether it was so troublesome, but he still followed Zuo Shi's example, put the hard iron knife on his back, lowered his head and moved forward.

Both of them were masters, and it was easy to dodge the attacks of the monsters. A few dodges were enough to get rid of one group, and a dozen or so dodges were enough to get rid of another group. It didn't take long for them to cover more than 10,000 meters. At this moment, Zhang Weijing felt the big knife on his back vibrate and make a crisp sound. Only then did he realize that there were still enemies in the sky.

Next, he heard the constant clanking sound of the big knife on his back. The force became stronger every time, which made him curious, what on earth is in the sky?

After traveling for more than 10,000 meters, the valley suddenly became more open, with more flowers, trees, and more monsters. The left servant said as he ran: "That was the mouth of the valley just now, and this is the real valley."

On the right hand side ahead, there is a stone wall shining with red light. In front of the stone wall is a large pit, with fire coming out of the pit. Taking a closer look, more than a hundred meters below the pit is a lava pool, with beating red and hot magma.

Looking at the lava pool, he asked Zuo Shi: "This is the origin of Liegu's name." Zuo Shi said yes and led Zhang Aixing to the left. Walking along the stone wall, continuing to avoid attacks from monsters, after walking straight for a quarter of an hour, Zuo Shi stopped. There is a small depression at half a person's height on the left stone wall, which seems to be used for stepping. Zuo Shi stepped on the depression, used his legs and feet, and ran up high, easily jumping to a platform ten meters high.

Zhang Ain jumped up and found that the platform was very large, more than ten meters wide. A small hole as high as a person was exposed on the stone wall at the rear of the platform. Zuo Shi was standing respectfully in front of the hole.

A hole within a hole? Zhang Ain walked over and stood side by side with Zuo Shi. At this time, a voice came from the cave: "What are you doing standing outside? Come in."

When Zhang Wen heard this, he found out that it was the mountain god who captured Meng Nu from Longhu Mountain. After hearing this, Zuo Shi walked into the cave, and he followed him in slowly. After entering, he and his left servant saluted the mountain god together. The mountain god said: "That's not necessary, come in and sit down."

The two agreed and walked over to sit on the futon opposite the mountain god. Only then did Zhang Ai have a chance to look at his surroundings. The cave is not big, measuring more than ten meters vertically and horizontally. There is a jade bed in one corner, a few futons on the ground, a cabinet and a desk. There is nothing else, making the cave appear very large and empty.

In the other corner of the cave, a woman was tied up with iron ropes, her arms and legs tied up, and she could only stand, sit or lie down, unable to do any other movements. She was the Longhushan Mengnu who was captured by the mountain god.

The mountain god said: "I have asked you to come here for two things. The first is to get this woman away. If she stays here, I can't calm down. It's like raising a poisonous snake. I don't know when I will be bitten."

Zhang Ao hurriedly asked: "Sir, where should I take her?" The mountain god was even more irresponsible than Zuo Shi: "Your business is up to you."

Zhang Zhen is very depressed, why is it my business? If you had known this, you might as well not have intervened in the first place. With two young monks and more than a hundred divine snakes, even if they couldn't kill Meng Nu, they could at least peel off a layer of her skin. But how to do it now? Is it possible to take it back and give it as a gift?

His eyes lit up when he thought of it, so if it didn't work, he would give it to Yijie and Dawugui. Those two guys were very powerful and should be able to control this woman.

He was thinking about it, and the mountain god said coldly: "How stupid do you have to be? This chain is called the God Binding Chain. It is a top-level magic weapon that I personally refined. After binding her, she can't move. What are you afraid of?" Besides, if you’re really scared, just kill her, it’s not like you’ve never killed someone before.”

Zhang Ai was stunned: "Sir, didn't you kill her too?" The mountain god looked at him and shook his head: "She and I have no grudges, why kill her? Longhushan finally became more honest and stopped moving around. Swordsman. It’s easy for me to kill her, but what if Longhu Mountain becomes dishonest? Will you fight for me?”

Zhang Ain thought about it and asked: "Sir, what is the other thing?" The mountain god did not hide his thoughts and said directly: "I have taken two pills of the God Pill you made. It is very effective, but it is a pity that it is not of much use to me. I can only barely regain some strength."

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