The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 85 Snow in the North

Chapter 85 Snow in the North

She loved the snow so much that it would always be white and pure, so she discussed with Zhang Wen how to live in the snow for a longer period of time. Although the tent house is convenient, it is not a home after all. Zhang Ai dug three feet into the ground and built it into a snow house. It is divided into two large rooms, the inner and outer rooms. The inner room is for Song Yunyi, and the outer room is for Zhang Ao and a group of monsters. The igloo was built semi-underground and could not be seen from a little distance away. For Zhang's safety, the phantom formations were layered on top of each other, making it difficult to spot them unless they got closer. More than a hundred monsters were free. Within a few days, they got along with Song Yunyi and played with her all day long. Zhang was afraid that she would lose a normal life, so he prepared three meals a day, emptied the toilet, and tried to find a way to make her eat five meals a day. Vegetables grown in Lingfu slowly absorb their spiritual energy. Busy all day, but extremely happy.

Due to the consumption of a large amount of elixirs, even though he was just playing, the spiritual energy was condensed in his body, and he was about to enter the Qi refining period. This made Song Yunyi extremely happy. He pulled Zhang Ain and said, "If I can live for a long time, we can be together for a long time." Zhang Ying laughed at her and said, "It's not that easy. It took me thirteen years to build the foundation." Song Yunyi didn't hear it, "I can live for a long time anyway." Suddenly something came to mind and he asked nervously: "Yes." Will I get older and look ugly in the next few years?" Zhang Ain comforted her: "Practice harder, and your appearance will not change again after building the foundation." Upon hearing this, Song Yunyi became anxious: "Then help me quickly, I want it. "Build the foundation, don't grow old!" He also complained to Zhang Afraid: "Huh, what will you do if you don't tell me when I get older?" Zhang Afraid said with a smile, "No matter what you become, I will always be by your side." Yunyi caught a biting rabbit and said, "I don't want your company, I have Xiao Tuantuan."

The two of them were happy in the world of ice and snow, but Zhang was worried that Song Yunyi would feel bored, so he took her to the nearby barbarian village market from time to time to buy things and have fun. He also followed the local people and worked as a snow sledge, forcing the three stupid dogs to do such heavy physical labor, which caused them to protest strongly. However, when Zhang was afraid to carry the red wolf and the five wolf cubs onto the sledge, they immediately became silent and spontaneous. Go fast. Red Wolf knew that they were good to him and was too embarrassed to sit in the car, so he jumped outside and ran with them. The three stupid dogs became the driver without any complaints.

In the barbarian north, there are many dog ​​sleds, so Zhang Ai and his party are quite ordinary. They are just four big guys, much larger than ordinary dogs, with red, yellow, white and black colors, without a trace of stray hair, which attracted many farmers' praise. Every time Zhang and Song came to the village market, they wore thick cotton clothes and wore long hats. They looked very ordinary in appearance, but few dogs attracted as much attention.

On this day, the two of them came to the largest village market nearby, Lijiabaozi, and it took them four days to run at the speed of a monster. Zhang Ain was in charge of buying daily necessities, and Song Yunyi was in charge of buying small items and knick-knacks. They filled a cart with goods in the evening. There is a restaurant in the center of Lijiabaozi, and they always bring wine and food here every time they come. This time I came again. Before I entered the store, a cold-faced middle-aged man walked out of the store. He glanced at Zhang Ping and Song Yunyi coldly, looked at the four monster beasts again, and coldly snorted: "What a big deal, using four monster beasts to pull the strings." car."

Zhang Weijing was shocked. There were immortal cultivators in such a remote place? When the consciousness was revealed, it was like there was a thin film in front of the person, which couldn't be penetrated. Could it be a warlock? Song Yinglong was troubled by these people the most, and he mentioned it to Zhang Weijing when chatting.

There are many practitioners on the mainland, including monks, Buddhists, wanderers, alchemists, etc. Those who practice the same way can easily sense the other party's practice level, but not the sorcerers. They have their own practice method, which is the same. A strange group of people, far away from the prosperity of the world, like to stay in desolate and remote areas, such as deserts, glaciers, snowfields, dense forests, swamps and other places.

The northern part of the continent is vast and desolate, and no one except the native barbarians wants to live here. Some magicians like it here, and those who are very interested will start a sect and recruit many disciples. Over the course of thousands of years, it has gradually formed a large scale in the north.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't know the depth of the other person's cultivation, and he didn't want to offend anyone, so he held Song Yunyi's hand and passed him with his head lowered. When I went into the restaurant and asked the waiter to order, I heard Xiaobai's angry roar outside the store. I ducked to the door and saw a cold-faced middle-aged man sitting cross-legged and meditating. A red square array in front of me covered Xiaobai and the others. There were four lines in the red array. The rays shot into the heads of monster beasts, causing them extreme pain. It seemed that they were performing some kind of beast-controlling spell. Zhang Ain sighed and grabbed a third-level monster as a thug. This man's cultivation level was not much higher. He waved his right hand lightly and an invisible air blade passed through the red line, easily destroying the trapped beast formation. The middle-aged man suddenly gasped, a drop of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, looked at Zhang Wei fiercely, then stood up and left quickly.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't want to cause trouble, but he didn't want him to leave like this, so he asked Song Yunyi: "Let him go?" Song Yunyi hesitated. Of course he couldn't bully Xiaobai and the others, but staying? Do you want to kill him?

Xiaobai's three stupid dogs led the sled and ran up to Zhang Afraid and started barking wildly, meaning they couldn't let him go. The red wolf adjusted his breath and paused for a moment, then pursued the middle-aged man in the direction he left without saying a word. Zhang Ai smiled helplessly: "He can't leave even if he wants to." He hugged Song Yunyi and followed Chi Lang.

The cold-faced middle-aged man is a disciple of a larger warlock sect in the North. He is usually extremely arrogant. When he saw four ownerless monsters, he became greedy and attacked and controlled the four beasts in a sneak attack. Unfortunately, he underestimated Zhang Fang's strength and was forced to do so. Escape in embarrassment. Poor man's greed, where is the end? When he ran away, he was still thinking about the four beasts and thinking about finding someone to help subdue them.

After walking for a quarter of an hour out of the Li Family Fort and into the vast white fields, the middle-aged man was pleasantly surprised to find a monster standing in front of him, with red fur all over his body. The red wolf stared at him with cold eyes, rushed in front of him like lightning, opened his mouth and bit him. The middle-aged man activated his magic weapon to resist, causing the red wolf to roll over. Red Wolf stood up, shook his body, and continued to pounce.

Generally, the strength of an adult third-grade monster is comparable to that of a high-level foundation-building monk. This person can easily withstand the attack of the red wolf, and he should be at the top level of the foundation building stage. When one man and one wolf were fighting for their lives, Zhang Weijing appeared silently, and the shadowless knife lightly sliced ​​through, killing the middle-aged man. Song Yunyi stared at Zhang Ai with wide eyes and asked in disbelief: "Just kill him like that?"

The red wolf was still angry and ate the corpse in several mouthfuls before letting out an angry howl and blaming Zhang for being troublesome. Zhang Wenwen spoke to Song Yunyi: "Some people are like this. If you don't kill them, they will kill you in turn." He hugged her and jumped into the sleigh and continued talking: "I didn't buy food and wine. You have to endure my craftsmanship this time." "Song Yunyi shook his head: "I can't eat the wine either." Zhang was afraid that she was worried, so after thinking about it, he released twenty little monsters and asked, "Are they cute?" The little red wolf nodded and said: "Cute." Zhang Ain continued: "They were in a cage at that time. They were very pitiful. I wanted to buy them and let them go, but a dozen foundation-building monks saw that I was alone and took away the money. I wanted to kill someone, so I offended the Yao family; I couldn't bear to kill someone, so I let one go, which led to today's situation." Song Yunyi listened silently, held Zhang Awei's hand for a while, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry," Zhang Awei said seriously. : "The murder just now did not hide from you, because as long as you embark on the path of spiritual practice, you will have to experience these things sooner or later."

After returning to the snowfield for more than ten days, Song Yunyi forgot about the murder and played hide-and-seek with the little monster, while the four big guys guarded him. While they were having fun, two figures flew from the sky. They sensed the aura of the little monster beast from a distance and turned to fly towards them. Zhang was afraid of finding out, and was a little confused: "What are the monks doing here?" He stood next to Song Yunyi and gathered the little monsters. He raised his head and took a closer look, and found that there were seven people flying towards this direction in the distance, but he could not detect the inner breath. , probably a warlock.

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