The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 837 The target is Zhang Pa

Chapter 837 The target is Zhang Ai

As for the so-called mountain attack, thousands of people struggled for a long time but no one set foot on the mountain. Their target was Zhang Ai! Just waiting for Zhang Afraid to come out and attack with all his strength, not caring about other things, so the poor three artillery masters will be easily killed by the piglets and kittens.

All this was well hidden, and everyone thought that Wu Yi and others were really attacking the mountain with the intention of completely wiping out Tianlei Mountain. Even as smart as Fang Jian, he couldn't discover the strangeness. However, Wu Yi and others were too concerned about the injuries of the injured disciples. Concern leads to chaos. They made a hasty decision, detonated the bomb, and leaked the secret of the prison at the bottom of the mountain, which aroused Zhang Wei's suspicion.

The twenty-six top monks are all the masters of a sect and have the responsibility to take care of and maintain the inheritance and development of the sect. This time, the disciples surrounding the mountain are the hope of each sect. Regardless of Yuan Ying or Dan Jie cultivation, they are all sects. Elites have high hopes.

But who would have thought that more than 200 elites, who had high hopes for them, would die in one battle and hundreds more would be injured. The most annoying thing was that bastard's haunting harassment and pursuit, leaving the injured disciple unable to recover from his injuries.

More than two hundred people have died. The bosses cannot tolerate hundreds of injured disciples causing problems again. Otherwise, the loss will be too great and it will be of no benefit to the sect. So he decided to detonate a bomb to lure Zhang Afraid away. In fact, they did it. After the explosion, Zhang was afraid to return to the mountain honestly.

When things have developed to this point, Wu Yi and others don't care what happens to the people at the foot of Tianlei Mountain. They have more ambush, not least at the foot of the mountain. As for whether the target of their trip will be revealed after the bomb explosion, it depends on whether Zhang Awei is smart enough. After all, no matter how smart a person is, he can't do everything in the world. Who can connect an explosion with the design to kill Zhang Awei? ?

But as luck would have it, Zhang Wen likes to think about things randomly, and will keep thinking about things that he doesn't understand. Then he happened to ask the experienced and cunning Zhan Yun, and the bright and talented Fang Jian. When these two people figured out the reason, Zhang Ping also understood. I thought to myself: Is it so contradictory? They are afraid that I will take revenge and they come to kill me. They are not in their right mind. But after thinking about it again, I felt relieved. Everyone knows that the Valley of the Gods is dangerous, but they still rush in to die every sixty years. For profit reasons, let them continue to go crazy.

Because the monks from Weishan went back to recuperate, the next few days were quiet and there was no fighting. In the past few days, God has been very generous and it has snowed heavily, turning Tianlei Mountain into a white world for several days. When the snow stopped, the snow was half a meter deep. Except for tall trees and houses, everything else was covered by thick snow.

When the heavy snow first fell, Zhang Wen looked at the snowflakes all over the sky and thought about those days in the snowfield. He felt a little moved in his heart, so he closed the Tianlei Mountain Formation and let the snowflakes fall freely among the eighteen peaks. He also used magic to blow the falling snowflakes to the foot of the mountain and fall there. The snow here was much thicker than elsewhere, with an average of two meters and a maximum depth of three meters.

As a result, this place became a paradise for pigs and kittens to play. There were also a bunch of little guys such as sand bears. They crawled into the white snow and covered themselves with snow. They turned into big snowballs and had a great time. So extreme, it’s hard to tell which is the snowball and which is the sand bear without looking carefully.

Seeing them happy, Zhang was afraid of thinking of Hai Ling. It would be nice if he was here too.

After a few days, the snow stopped, and the mountain protection formation was restarted, waiting for Wu Yi and the gang of bastards to recover from their injuries before causing trouble. Unexpectedly, instead of waiting for them, a few acquaintances showed up. To the west of Tianlei Mountain, five figures walked in the vast white snow. They were all intermediate-level foundation-building practitioners. They were sneaking and cautiously walking close to the foot of the mountain, as if they were avoiding something.

Zhang was afraid of discovering them and was a little surprised. What were they doing here? Get up, go out into battle, and head toward the west to meet them.

The five people were moving forward cautiously and quickly, when suddenly there was an additional person in front of them. The five people were frightened and quickly used their weapons to defend themselves. When they saw that it was Zhang Awei, a tall and tall man smiled and said: "I have seen seniors, we are not late, are we?" "

The other three people also hurriedly bowed to the ceremony, and the remaining one person saw his senior brother behave like this and knew that he had met the rightful master, so he hurriedly put away the magic weapon and could not bow.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go into the mountain." He turned around and led the way. Let the best master in the world lead the way. These five people have enough reputation.

At this time, there was no need to be cautious when traveling. Not long after, five people and Zhang Wen entered the formation.

These days, Zhang Weijing had been staying at the foot of the mountain to concentrate on guarding. Several old acquaintances showed up, and it was not easy to entertain them in the open air, so he walked a few more steps and led them to the mountain gate to stay and rest.

Because of the heavy snow, the archway has not been built. The straightforward man walked up the snow-covered long street and praised: "It's really grand. The style of the big school is really different, but why is there no mountain gate?"

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "There will be." He took them into the guest house, ordered his disciples to prepare some tea, water, fruits, and then asked: "I wonder what these Taoist friends are doing here?" He had already guessed in his mind, but he still Ask to confirm.

Sure enough, the reckless man said loudly: "Why, we are here to help you fight. Fortunately, we were not late."

Zhang Ai was a little touched. He had seen four of these five people. The brash man who spoke was the fifth man, named Liu Zhu, and the eldest brother Yan Gang. He was a disciple of a small border sect of the Ministry, whom he had met in Song Shangji before. Zhang was afraid of sneaking into Songshangji with them, and this was the reason why he later became a legend about one against ten and returning with a great victory. At that time, Liu Zhu wanted to help him fight, but was persuaded to leave. Now he comes to help again. His courage and friendship are so amazing! If they dare to do this with their cultivation level, they are obviously going to die.

Yan Gang stood up and cupped his hands and said, "This is my third junior brother Zhang Zhan. The five of my brothers know that they are of low ability and cannot help our senior. However, after the fifth junior brother learned that the monks in the world wanted to harm our senior, they decided to come and help. Speaking of which, my five brothers have received a lot of care from our seniors, so we should have come early in the morning, but we were worried about bringing unexpected events to our sect, so we hid all the way and walked a little slowly, so I asked you not to offend me for coming later."

A top-level Nascent Soul master was suffering, and five foundation-building disciples came to help, making enemies of more top-level Nascent Soul masters. Zhang Ai was not guilty of doing such a thing? Zhang Ain smiled and said: "I understand, you can rest well on the mountain. When you are needed, I will definitely ask a few people to help."

Liu Zhu said: "Why rest? Where are those grandsons? Regardless of my ability, it's absolutely fine to start a joke." What he said was a joke, but his eyes were firm, with a hint of death.

Zhang Ai sighed secretly in his heart. This time they came to help, it must have been Liu Zhu's instigation. This man was reckless and might have threatened death, so the five people came. Liu Zhu said before that the relationship between the five senior brothers was extremely good, and now it seems that it is true. A reckless man came to die, but the other four couldn't persuade him, so they followed him to die. This is the deepest brotherhood.

Having said that, these five people are indeed remarkable. They are able to help each other even through death after meeting each other. This kind of mentality is rare in the world. Zhang Wen stood up and held up his hands to thank him, which frightened the five people to get up in a hurry. Liu Zhu shouted: "Senior, what are you doing? You gave us casting materials, you gave us herbs, and you also kept us safe. This is all a great kindness. It’s okay for us to help you a little bit, but then again, senior, you were deceived.”

"Huh? Being cheated?" Zhang was afraid that he didn't understand.

Liu Zhu laughed loudly and said, "Do you still remember the herbal medicine you bought for us? It's fake."

Zhang Ain thought about it. When he was walking around the Song Dynasty merchant market, Liu Zhu wanted to buy a herb that was grown for decades. He didn't care too much whether it was thirty or fifty years old. In short, it only cost six hundred spirit stones. At that time, he thought it was cheap. , it was ridiculously cheap, but I made an excuse for myself, thinking that the vendor might have some weird magic that could make the herbs available quickly. Because time was urgent and I needed to sell the herbs quickly in exchange for spiritual stones, so it would be much cheaper. Unexpectedly, he was deceived, so he smiled and said, "Why is it fake?"

"Who knows what happened, but after taking it back to the mountain, all the spiritual energy disappeared and turned into ordinary herbs. It's a shame that six hundred spiritual stones were spent. What a bastard." Liu Zhu was indignant.

Zhang Awei chuckled: "It's just six hundred spirit stones, it's nothing." Now that I think about it, scammers are really smart and sell things cheaply. Even if you find out that you have been deceived, you won't go to war for a few hundred spirit stones. Most of them consider themselves unlucky. Otherwise, if you cheat thousands of spiritual stones at once, you will be hunted down after being discovered.

But that liar was really capable. He openly deceived people in the shopping mall, but no one could see through it.

Hearing Zhang Wen's statement that it was nothing, Liu Zhu shouted: "Why is it nothing? The six hundred spirit stones are a small matter. We still rely on herbs to make elixirs. How can we waste such time?"

Zhang Ain smiled and said, "Isn't it just pills? I happened to have some, so I'll give you a few pills." He took out a jade bottle full of spiritual energy pills, pushed it to the table and said, "You guys share it." "

Yan Gang picked up the bottle, opened the cork, and exclaimed: "So many?" He quickly capped the bottle and put it back on the table, refusing: "We can't have it."

"Why can't I take it? Just because you came to help me when you were in danger, it doesn't matter if I give you some pills. You guys have a rest first and I'll go out and take a look." After saying that, he stood up and left without giving them a chance to refuse.

Liu Zhu came out to say thank you, and then said: "Senior also said that he would come to visit me as a guest, but he never went. I have learned several dishes, which are very delicious. My senior brother and master agreed after eating them, and I have been waiting to cook them for seniors." Eat."

He Huizhi also followed out, thanked Zhang Ping, and whispered: "Senior, please don't eat it, we will be tortured crazy by him. To exaggerate, the dishes he cooks are not much different from pig food."

Liu Zhu said angrily: "Why didn't you tell me when you were eating?" "How dare I say it? Master said, no matter what dish you cook, I have agreed to it. I'll get it over with you quickly, so as not to keep eating and suffer." He Huizhi confessed helplessly.

Zhang Awei laughed loudly after hearing this: "It doesn't matter. When you are free, I will teach you a few dishes. You don't need to cook them. Just mix them. They are absolutely delicious. Now you guys have a good rest. If you need anything, tell me, disciple Zhike." Say, I'm leaving." After saying that, he walked down the mountain. At this time, several other people also walked out of the house and waved goodbye to Zhang Afraid of his back.

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