The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 811 Beautiful Jade Statue

Chapter 811 Beautiful Jade Statue

When Zhang Wen arrived, the courtyard door was also open. When he walked into the courtyard, the main room and the left and right wing rooms also had their doors open. After walking around for a while, the furnishings in the house were more complete, with both inner and outer halls, tables, chairs, and benches, and bookshelves. Kitchen cabinets, etc. There are only big items, but no small items. There are no books, no quilts, no pens, ink, paper, inkstones, no jewelry and utensils. In short, there is no popularity here, just a few empty rooms.

However, a few of the cabinets were open and empty. I don't know if the contents were taken away or if they were originally empty. After looking at several rooms, the monk was not here, so Zhang was afraid and left the hospital to continue searching.

Judging from the situation in this hospital, the top monk should have been here. The question now is whether he got the treasure and went back, or whether he stayed here and wandered around in an attempt to find more treasures.

If the man wanted to go out, it would be easy for Zhang. There was a turtle guarding the entrance of the cave, so there would be nothing wrong with him. Because of this prerequisite, no matter whether the person continues to stay here or not, he just continues to walk along the lake.

The lake has a shore, and after traveling more than 10,000 meters, the lake is enveloped in smoke and mist, and it seems that there is more scenery at the end. In fact, it is not the case. The misty smoke is the boundary of the entire cave. Going forward, there is no other way except hitting the wall.

At the end of the lakeshore is another kind of scenery. A hill about sixty meters high stands facing the lake. It's really pretty, the mountain is green, with green bamboos and cedar trees, and some brilliant red plum blossoms, making this small hilltop look full of life and vitality, just like a beautiful girl standing there. The mountain is not big, and there is only one path from the bottom to the top, winding through three different scenery of bamboo branches, pine leaves, and plum blossoms.

At the top of the mountain is a small bald cliff, with a stone fence sitting on it. Sitting on it and looking down, although it is not as beautiful and majestic as the mountains and mountains, there is a feeling that although this place is small, I am the master of this place, contented and in control.

Zhang was afraid that he had not gone up the mountain, so he found the person he was looking for at the foot of the mountain. At the foot of the mountain is a willow forest, with a sparse and sparse path surrounding it, extending forward. Just under the willow forest, the top-level monk looked at the jade sculpture in front of him and stood motionless as if he was dumbfounded.

This made him curious, so he followed it and looked over. At first glance, four words were enough to describe it, thrilling. At this moment, my mind was so excited that the Nascent Soul, which had been practicing hard for many years, almost shook its body and flew out. I really couldn't believe that a jade sculpture had such charm and magic power.

The jade carving is as tall as a person and depicts a woman according to life-size proportions. Standing gently, Zhen's head is slightly lowered, as if he is looking for something. She wore a skirt that covered her body closely and also covered her hands and feet.

Generally speaking, jade is cold. It rarely contains multiple tones in one stone, and even fewer have perfect colors. Most of the human figures carved out are lackluster, and they are just looking for a similar shape. In the final analysis, they are still cold stones. But this piece of jade has various colors, from head to toe, every color is perfectly matched, black hair, white neck, green skirt, cyan lining, and some pink and white flower patterns.

The carving skills are even more magical. Every strand of hair on the top of the head and every fold of the green skirt are perfectly reflected, as if they are real hair and real clothes. If it weren't for Zhang Awei's extraordinary eyesight and his spiritual consciousness, he knew it was a dead object, otherwise he might have thought it was a beautiful woman.

The beauty of the jade statue lies in a feeling, which is incomprehensible. It sticks to your heart and makes you happy. All Zhang Wen and the monks could see was the back. The jade statue was facing forward, with only a small section of its white neck exposed. But just this fair skin, coupled with a graceful figure, is the most beautiful in the world.

The monk knew that Zhang Wen was coming and asked softly: "Isn't it beautiful?" Zhang Wen replied: "Beautiful." There were two rare beauties in the world beside him. At any time, he thought these two women were the most beautiful, but here For a moment, he had a feeling that the second beauty was not as beautiful as this jade carving dummy whose face could not be seen.

If I had to find a word to describe such a touching jade statue, it would be like an immortal. Apart from these four words, I can't think of any other words to describe it.

The monk said again: "There's more on that side." Hearing this, Zhang Wen looked over and saw that at the foot of the hill, in the willow forest, every ten or twenty meters away, there stood a statue of such a beauty, each one of which was breathtakingly beautiful. Both have their backs facing people and their faces towards the forest.

"It's a person." Zhang Ain said. The monk replied: "Yes, I really didn't know there was such a beauty in the world. With my Taoist heart, I can hardly control myself."

If he heard this in normal times, Zhang Afraid would definitely think it was a lie. If you get interested, you may even say something like, there should be a limit to your nonsense, don’t go on endlessly. But at this time, he nodded slightly and sighed: "Fortunately, I only saw the back."

This statement was recognized by the monk, who nodded and said softly: "Fortunately."

Such a beauty, just from the back, is already unimaginably beautiful. If you see the front... Thinking of this, my heart beats violently. I want to go around and take a look, but I don't dare or don't want to.

"You have to take one look before you give up." The monk said, then he took a deep breath, exercised his energy and breath, calmed his mind, and walked step by step to the side of the jade statue, never taking his eyes off the jade statue.

The profile is beautiful, as is the back. The entire jade statue was perfect from head to toe, but the monk suddenly stopped and looked shocked, as if he couldn't believe what he saw. Then he jumped forward and turned to look back. At first glance, he felt as if he were mourning his concubine, and he was shocked and shouted: "How could this happen?"

Zhang Wen followed around to take a look, but was also stunned when he saw it. This statue, which looks flawless from behind, actually has no face. The face of this beautiful and lovely goddess is actually empty.

Zhang was afraid and couldn't believe it. He jumped up to the next statue to check it out. It also had no face. Looking at the next statue again, it still had no face. Every statue was the same, with soft bodies and graceful postures. They were all faceless people.

"Why, why is this?" The monk couldn't figure out the reason.

From the perspective of carving skills, let alone how clever the carving technique of the owner here is. Just talking about the jade statue, there is no flaw from top to bottom, and no abrupt corners. Every stripe line is properly displayed, just to show off the jade statue. The beauty of the person in the image is revealed. It seems that jade was born so colorful and beautiful, and has never been polished again.

But why does the owner here have such an ingenious and shocking carving technique, but he doesn't carve his face?

Zhang Wen let out a long sigh: "Heaven is jealous of his appearance, so he doesn't want him to exist in this world." This was the only excuse he could think of.

The monk also looked at several statues in succession. Seeing the faceless beauties, he felt sorry in his heart. He sighed and shook his head: "Why bother."

At this time, the two people's minds have calmed down from the initial excitement. Maybe it is because they can't see the face that they feel the jade statue is beautiful, but when they see it, they are disappointed? However, it is obvious that the faceless beauty has relegated the entire jade statue from a fairy to a mortal, and its beauty has been greatly reduced. Unless you always only look at the back and are always in the same state as when you first met, you will not be disappointed. But then again, who can resist looking at the face when encountering such a beautiful jade statue?

Zhang Ping looked at the jade statue and spoke to the monk: "Go out."

The monk didn't answer, but walked slowly along the jade statue, and soon walked out of the willow forest. At the end was a clear spring, and behind the spring was a wooden house with the door open.

The jade statue can only be found in the willow forest. Once you leave the willow forest, you will never see it again. After seeing the last jade statue, the monk stopped and said nothing, not knowing what he was thinking. Zhang was afraid that he was unwilling to use force here, so he stood with him.

After a while, the monk walked towards the wooden house. In order to prevent him from running away, Zhang Ai had to follow closely.

The wooden house was very small, just a couch, with nothing else but a picture of a beautiful woman hanging on the wall. The monk stopped again before entering the room, staring at the picture of the beauty for a long time, then suddenly sighed and bowed to salute.

After bowing, he spoke to Zhang Awei: "I will go out with you."

Zhang Ping was filled with emotion as he watched. The little monk Yijie spent three days and three nights outside mumbling about all the beasts coming to worship you, but he couldn't get rid of your greed. With the Buddha's light and body, this group of cultivators can only feel that the wind blows through them, completely motionless, and never give up the idea of ​​seizing the treasure. Such cold-blooded monks are disturbed by one jade statue and one portrait after another. They feel uneasy after just a few glances and want to leave voluntarily. This may be what is called in practice, it varies from person to person, right?

Zhang Ping nodded and said yes, staring at the portrait for a while. There is a very beautiful woman in the painting. In terms of appearance, she is different from Song Yunyi Cheng Xi'er, but she has an extra aura or fairy energy? In short, it is something that cannot be seen or touched, and it makes the whole person look even more beautiful.

The two daughters of Song Yunyi Cheng Xi'er are pure and kind-hearted. They are devoted to Zhang Wen and have no other desires. They are naturally fresh, beautiful and transcendent. But compared to the woman in the painting, she is still a bit inferior. Seeing this picture, Zhang Ping had an idea in his mind, maybe this is really a fairy. I have never seen this beauty before today.

It's just that although the picture is beautiful, it is not as thrilling as the back of the jade statue. It was also because of this that Zhang Ain understood why the dozens of jade statues were all faceless people. Because no matter how powerful the carving skills are in the world, they cannot depict this kind of beauty.

The woman in the painting and the jade statue are the same person. She is undoubtedly very beautiful and has a first-class lovely face. Unfortunately, it is still not possible to fully capture the beauty of this fairy-like woman. Just imagine, if you can't even draw, how can you dare to carve it easily? Therefore, the owner here would rather leave the jade statue without a face than dare to carve it rashly.

Thinking of this, he said softly: "It's really difficult for him." Talk to the monk: "Let's go."

The monk said nothing again, turned around and walked silently, as if he was deeply uneasy about intruding into the beauty's residence. Zhang Weijing looked at it funny. This woman is beautiful. From her hands to her face, she is extremely beautiful. But Song Yunying and Cheng Xier also have this kind of beauty. The only difference is the charm and style. This kind of charm can only be found in jade. It was slightly reflected on the portrait. After the shock, I realized that it had no face, and its beauty was naturally much less beautiful. Once I saw the real face in the painting and the mystery disappeared, her beauty could no longer distract a cultivator like Zhang from losing her composure. So I asked, "What's wrong with you?"

The monk shook his head slightly and replied, "You don't understand."

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