The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 80 Drifting Underground

Chapter 80 Drifting Underground

He was only concerned with escaping, and when he ran far away, he felt something was wrong, as if something was missing? He patted his chest and suddenly found that three of the five little wolves were missing. It should be that their clothes loosened and fell out when the talisman exploded. He was stunned. What should he do? What should he do? Continue to escape or go back to find the little wolf? It was dark underground, and he seemed to see a pair of eyes in the mud, asking where my child was?

He sighed and went back! He tried to rise, tried to identify the direction, and searched with his spiritual sense, and finally returned to the place just now. Hey, the ferocious big guy is not there? The three little guys are still there. He hurriedly jumped to the ground, quickly grabbed the little wolf and stuffed it into his arms, added a barrier to his body to protect the little wolf, and dived back into the ground again.

As soon as he entered the ground, he immediately felt several strong breaths rushing in this direction. In addition to the ferocious big guy, there seemed to be someone else? But he didn't have the leisure to care about these things. He recognized one truth, diving, diving, and diving again, escaping is important.

Diving nearly ten thousand miles underground, just choose a direction to go! He decided to call himself Zhang Paopao. Since he came down the mountain, he has either lived underground or escaped. When will this kind of life end?

When he ran until he didn't want to run anymore, he remembered to check the five little wolves. The little guys were comfortable. The talisman explosion didn't hurt them. They just fell down from the sky. He secretly said that he was lucky, but he didn't understand what the breaths just now were? He didn't understand why the big guys didn't continue to chase him?

After walking underground for more than ten days without stopping, he got into a cave. Several light bullets shot out and hung in the air. After a quick look, the cave was quite large, a hundred meters high, dozens of miles long and short, with a river winding and flowing, but no signs of life. Find a flat place to sit down, put down the little wolf, and release the red wolf and three dogs. As soon as the red wolf landed, it pounced on the little wolf, curled up to protect them and feed them.

After a short rest, he stood up to see the direction of the river. Zhang Pa couldn't tell the direction. He only knew that the river flowed from one end of the cave wall to the other end. If he wanted to find out, he had to go down to the river. He put his hand into the water, and it was freezing cold. It was not a good idea to run around, so he might as well go down the river. Unfortunately, the flying boat was too big to be used in the underground river.

Zhang Pa said to Chi Lang, "The little wolf can't hide its breath. If it attracts the covetousness of masters, I may not be able to protect it." Chi Lang understood that for it, the children were alive and well, and nodded slowly and heavily. Zhang Pa let out a long breath, "Don't worry, I will cancel the contract when they grow up." When the little wolf was full, Zhang Pa caught them one by one and signed the contract.

He released all his pets, and more than a hundred little snakes appeared, which frightened Chi Lang and the twenty little demon beasts again. Xiao Huang shouted at Chi Lang, meaning that there was no need to be afraid. In order to show that the crouching snake was harmless, he ran to grab one and slapped it. Zhang Pa said angrily, "You are familiar with it." Fushe didn't bother to pay attention to the stupid dog, and jumped onto Xiao Huang. Xiao Huang growled a few times and introduced to Fushe that this was Xiao Hong. More than a hundred Fushe didn't care who Xiao Hong was, and they lay on the three dogs and Zhang Pa to rest quietly. Chilang looked at everything in front of him in surprise. How could it be like this?

There was nothing in the cave. After feeding the monsters with spiritual pills, he took a short rest and put them away to continue his escape. The river was not deep, and he could walk under the water. Zhang Pa learned to swim while walking, and soon he could swim as easily as a fish. At first, it was novel and fun, but after a day, it was extremely boring. What kind of life is this? If you don't walk in the soil, you swim in the water? I don't want to become an immortal, I don't want to be an emperor, I don't want to be rich, I just want to live a good life. Why is it so difficult? I simply held my breath and slept, letting the water carry me.

The underground river is quite long, and I haven't seen the end after two months of diving. Either close your eyes and sleep, or open your eyes and stare blankly. If you are really bored, sit cross-legged in the water and meditate. Passing by more than ten caves of different sizes, they are all dark, damp and empty.

This day, the river is finally no longer dead, and there are fish swimming. Zhang Pa never thought that he would be so happy to see fish, chasing them and playing. But this novelty only lasted for two days. After two days, he returned to his boring life of sleeping, staring blankly and meditating. He admired himself very much. He could actually practice in the Nitian Cave for decades.

The river became wider and deeper. After another half a month, there was a faint light in front of him in the darkness. Have you reached the sea? Speed ​​up. When you swim closer, you will find that those lights are fish, flat and wide, more than three meters long, with two long horns on the forehead, emitting electric light. The big fish are very enthusiastic when they see Zhang Pa, and they rush to pounce on him, opening their bloody mouths to express their intimacy. Didn't make Zhang Pa angry to death, but he was hunted down again? The shadowless knife in his hand split the water and cut the big fish in two. Seeing Zhang Pa's strength, the other big fish swam away and surrounded him without attacking.

This kind of life is enough! Zhang Pa swam upstream, and soon he met his head, and he was still underground! Do you want to kill me? The spiritual power of his whole body was reversed and shot out from the soles of his feet, shooting forward like an arrow, the speed was unimaginable. Two hours later, he left the river and entered the sea. As soon as he entered the boundless sea, huge pressure came overwhelming. Zhang Pa resisted it with his spiritual power and swam upward. The higher he went, the less pressure and the faster he swam. Half an hour later, a figure suddenly jumped out of the calm sea, soaring into the sky at a rapid speed. Zhang Pa looked up to the sky and shouted: "I'm finally back."

The red sun was high in the sky, and the sea was sparkling. Spreading his wings and looking left and right, the sea was vast, and there was only the sea as far as the eye could see. Where am I? Zhang Pa was obviously more depressed than happy.

This was the first time Zhang Ao saw the sea, but this time it was enough. It was useless to look at the sun to identify the direction, because he had no idea where he was or where the State of Lu was. After making serious guesses for a long time with no results, I took off my shoe and threw it into the air to watch it fall. Well, the toe of the shoe pointed this way. Yes, it makes sense and is accurate. Ah, my shoes. I went into the sea to look for shoes again. When I came up, I saw the same water on all sides. A new question arose. Which side was the tip of the shoe pointing to just now?

Throw out Feiya, enter and throw shoes again. Well, you won't go wrong this time. Go west. He was lucky enough to be in the right direction. He saw the mainland half an hour later and nodded to praise himself: "It's quite accurate to use a lost shoe to identify the direction."

Fly into the land and search for human traces to find a place to stay. While he was wandering around, a dozen spiritual auras surged in the distance, flying from west to east. No way, someone is chasing you after you escape to a place you don’t even know about? Am I so unlucky? After careful inspection, it was discovered that there were more than a dozen foundation-building monks, divided into two groups, with four people in front and twelve people following behind.

Only then did he feel relieved. To avoid any misunderstanding, he stopped Feiya and let them pass first. Unexpectedly, the four people in front saw Fei Meng and turned to fly towards him. It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided. Zhang Wen sighed while getting angry, just wait.

The four people in front flew to a stop in front of Fei'er, and they all bowed and saluted: "I have seen senior, please help senior." Is Zhang afraid that his head will get bigger, and he can cause trouble even if he stands still? I'm so capable! He sighed and looked at the four people in front of him in a daze. His own affairs had not been resolved yet, so why did he get involved in something new?

Among the four people, there were two men and two women. The man was handsome and handsome, and the woman was beautiful and graceful. However, they all looked nervous and exhausted, and one man was injured. Zhang Weijing frowned, and a woman hurriedly shouted: "As long as you save me, senior, I am willing to dedicate a thousand-year-old wild ginseng as a thank you gift." Before he spoke, the injured man blurted out: "Fu Mei!" Another man stared nervously. Zhang was afraid, fearing that he had malicious intentions.

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