The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 629 The Clan of Divine Punishment

Chapter 629: The Clan of Divine Punishment

Walking out of the mountain gate quietly, Jin Da was still waiting at the foot of the mountain. His eyes were slightly closed and his face was calm. He didn't even open his eyes when Zhang was afraid of walking in front of him. He just asked softly: "Is it time to go?" The voice was nice.

Zhang Afraid of coughing and said: "Since you are so kind to me, I can't refuse it again and again. It's okay to go and take a look. If it's convenient, it's also a good thing to kill seven people by the way, so as to save you from having to go there again later."

Jin Da smiled slightly and pretended that he didn't say anything. Although he didn't open his eyes, he seemed to be able to see into Zhang Wei's heart and asked: "Of the thirty-six virgins on the mountain, which one is your beloved?"

Zhang Awei jumped up when he heard this: "What are you afraid of? Are you leaving? If not, I will go back." It was not that he was afraid of Jin Da's threat, but that he felt that it was not easy to let others know about such things, and he was a little embarrassed. .

Jin Da then opened his eyes, stood up and flew into the sky towards the north. Zhang was afraid to follow carefully, he wanted to see what tricks Jin Da wanted to play. Now Tianlei Mountain's various defenses are many, many times more powerful than before. He is not afraid of the Jin family coming to attack the mountain. There are only a few masters in total. If he lures one more away, the mountain will be safer.

The fact is that he thought too much this time, and Jinda had no intention of launching an attack on Tianlei Mountain. After flying tens of thousands of miles away, there was no warning from the Tianlei Mountain Guardian Formation, and the strand of soul he had sent out did not detect any abnormality.

The two continued flying until they stopped in front of Da Jin's entrance circle. Jin Da said, "I'm going to show you something, and I hope you won't spread it out."

Zhang was afraid of giving him a blank look: "Am I that boring?" Jin Da smiled slightly and said nothing. He pointed his index finger and a black hole appeared in the empty space in front of him. Jin Da Dao invited him to enter first. Zhang was afraid that he could scan the black hole with his Yuan Moan and find nothing, no spiritual power fluctuations and no light, so he boldly entered. As the scenery in front of him changed, people appeared in a courtyard.

If the masters of the Jin family come in and out of that black cave door, there is no need to open it at all. They are familiar with the formation and can just step in and pass through the formation. For Zhang Ai, the most important thing is to clear up doubts and tell you not to think nonsense. , that is a door, there is no spiritual power fluctuation, and there is no ambush, just come in happily.

Zhang Aif stood in the courtyard and looked around, but there was no one around. Jin Da didn't say anything. He chose the widest road and walked in. After walking for a while, he introduced himself: "This place is called Mangu. You must be wondering why there is no valley?" Zhang Ping said, "I'm not surprised." Jin Da tolerated and smiled. : "Okay, you're not surprised." The road became wider and wider as we walked, and after traveling for more than two thousand meters, there was suddenly no road. The road that was getting wider and wider was completely cut off, and a huge cliff was cut off.

Jin Da stopped at the edge of the cliff and waited for Zhang Ain to come to him and said, "This is Mangu."

The first thing Zhang Ai saw was that it was a huge cliff and a deep valley. Looking down, he could only see the vast white mist and nothing else. There is no qi, not even human or animal ones.

Seeing that he was scanning the surroundings with his soul, Jin Da explained softly: "It's useless, you can just go down." After saying that, he stepped forward, his white clothes caught the wind, like a god banished to the mortal world, and slowly floated downwards.

Zhang Pingqian said angrily: "You don't have to run all the way home if you want to commit suicide." Unfortunately, Jinda didn't respond, so Zhang Pingping had no choice but to jump down boringly. Jinda then replied leisurely: "Even if I want to You don’t have to accompany me if you commit suicide.”

The two of them had extraordinary cultivation, and they were gently walking around in the white mist. In just two breaths, Zhang Weijing felt that he had passed through an invisible barrier, and then fell to the ground. When he looked again, he saw that there were many people around, and they were walking around in a lively manner. It was actually a person. market.

Zhang was a little surprised. There was a market at Jin’s house? What surprised him even more was that these people treated him and Jin Da as if they were nothing, and the two fell from the sky. No one in the street was curious, as if they had never seen each other before. He looked back at Jin Da, hoping for an explanation.

Jin Da stepped forward and said as he walked: "I am willing to bring you here, but I don't want to kill you. I hope you won't do anything stupid and force me to kill you." Zhang Wen said disdainfully: "You can kill me?" "Can you? It doesn't matter if you can't kill me, the important thing is that you don't force me to kill you." Jin Da spoke like a fighter. Zhang was afraid that he would simply ignore him and turned to look at the crowd around him. Without exception, all are cultivators, including those who buy and sell vegetables.

Jinda didn't say anything, just led him away, stopping and turning all the way. An hour later, he arrived at a high court, stopped for a long time and said, "This is my home, but..." He stopped and calculated carefully for a while and then said: "...I haven't come back for 613 years."

"You're cruel!" Zhang Ping really wanted to call him ruthless after not returning home for more than six hundred years.

Jin Da seemed to know what he was thinking, and sighed and said: "As far as they are concerned, I am already dead. There is no need to go home and disturb them." After saying this, he turned to the other direction. After walking three thousand meters, they stopped again. In front of them was another large courtyard, Jin Avenue: "This is Jin Si's home. They also thought he was dead, but now Jin Si is really dead." The voice said. A touch of sadness.

"Why are you telling me this?" Zhang was afraid that he didn't understand.

"Do you know the Jin family?" Jin Da asked suddenly. He looked around and saw a restaurant a hundred meters ahead. He was a little moved, but he didn't go there. It was not convenient to talk there.

Zhang Ping said: "How do you understand? It is known as the number one family in the world, with many masters and capable people. With the strength of a family, they can fight against the thousands of large and small warlock sects in the barbarian land. What else? Ah, just send some people to kill one of the two sects of Qi. The Hongguang Inn is completely disabled, what else is there?”

Jin Da walked forward again, this time out of the street, and at the same time, he also walked faster. A quarter of an hour later, he came to a small cliff. The highest point was only more than thirty meters. Jin Da climbed to the top of the mountain step by step and chose a flat stone to sit down.

Zhang Awei muttered in a low voice: "Why are you pretending to be mysterious? You are sick." He jumped up and sat down next to Jinda. He had a strange feeling that Jin Da really had no ill intentions towards him, so he followed him all the way.

Jin Da explained: "When I was a child, I liked to stay here. I would always climb up and down. After practicing, I still can't get rid of this problem." He was explaining why he could fly away.

Zhang Awei stretched his waist lazily: "Tell me about you."

Jin Dayen said with a sigh: "What you just said about the Jin family is true, but it is not all the Jin family. The Jin family is the first divine punishment clan in hundreds of thousands of years. This is the Valley of Divine Punishment."

Just a few words shocked Zhang Wei, this world is strange enough, and there is such an arrogant thing as the God's Punishment Clan in the Valley of God's Punishment?

Jin Daodao: "An ancient rumor says that the elders of the family did something wrong, which angered the gods and punished the entire family. Then, we can only move here as a family and cannot leave again."

Zhang was afraid and said: "Who are you lying to? You don't go out too often?"

"Can you be a little patient?" Jin Da continued: "The family was punished by God, and many people died one after another. No medicine can save them, only here." Pointing to the surroundings: "Only here is the fairy grass that can save lives. That kind of grass is called star grass." Jin Da looked down and around as he spoke. He picked up a piece of grass, which was green and green, with two star-shaped leaves growing on the stem. He held it up to Zhang Awei and said, "This is it. ." Waiting for Zhang Ying to look at it, he then put it into his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it.

The story became more and more miraculous, and Zhang Ping also turned around to take a look. There was this kind of grass all over the fields, and there was an endless supply of it all over the mountains and plains.

Jin Daodao: "Do you think there are too many star grasses? Fortunately, there are so many, otherwise the Jin family would have perished long ago."

Zhang was afraid of being curious, so he picked a piece of star grass and looked at it carefully. He also wanted to taste it, but he didn't dare to take the risk. Who knows what dangers there were.

Jin Da continued: "The Jin family is a clan of divine punishment, but God is always like this. When he takes something away, he will give you another thing. This thing is a talent. It has moved into the Valley of Divine Punishment. , after three generations, the Jin family has become a family of cultivation geniuses. It can be said that the Jin family is the most powerful cultivation family in the world. "

Jin Da was talking, and Zhang Wen was looking at him. He couldn't understand why he didn't have a trace of pride when he was talking about the glory of his family. Instead, he had a touch of sadness. After thinking about it, he interjected: "That's okay, as long as With Xingcao, you will always be number one in the world." He didn't want to say good things about the Jin family, but he couldn't bear to see the dignified Jin Da say these words in front of him and show some sadness.

When Jin Da heard Zhang Wei's words, he sneered, a little sad, and even more self-deprecating. He paused for a while before continuing to speak: "If I have a choice, I am willing to sacrifice my life, and even the lives of everyone in Jia Hall, in exchange for the entire family." Leave the place of divine punishment.”

Zhang was afraid that the more he listened, the more confused he became, so he answered: "Boss, we are enemies. Is it convenient for me to listen to these words? Or do you want to keep me here?"

Jinda didn't reply. He sat and looked into the distance. There was a mountain ridge there, and behind the mountain ridge was another world.

Zhang Ping followed his gaze and saw many houses, many people, many walls, then more houses, more people, more walls, and then there was a mountain ridge high into the clouds, long and enveloping This world. Asked: "What's over there?"

Jin Da did not answer the question, but said to himself: "The Jin family has a total population of 6.73 million, most of which are women, about 4 million. I have not done anything in recent years. Jin San and Jin Si know A little more."

Zhang feared: "You don't have to tell me so much. I don't want to kill them. I just want to kill seven people."

Jin Da said: "If I could kill you without hurting your muscles and bones, I would definitely do it as soon as possible, but the cost of killing you is too high, so I decided to take you to Jin's house to have a look."

The guy talked further and further away, without touching anywhere. Zhang Ping said: "Just tell me, I don't know what you want to say even after guessing."

"What I want to say is that if you kill those seven people, most of the 6.73 million Jin family in front of us will definitely die." Jin Da finally said his purpose.

Zhang Wear was shocked when he said something. Of the nearly seven million people, most of the dead were four million, and all of this had to do with him. He sneered and said, "Are you kidding? What do I have to do with killing seven people and this city full of people?" relation?"

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