The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 41 Big Stone

Chapter 41 Big Stone

Taoist Zhentian was entrusted by his senior brother Zhenru to gather thirteen monks to relieve Zhang Wei. Unexpectedly, he refused, stood there for a while, and exhaled: "That's fine, in that case, let's discuss Hongwu's apprenticeship later. Then he said to Zhang Awei: "You can choose a place within a thousand miles of Tianlei Mountain to practice meditation. If you don't understand anything, just ask Hongyuan directly." Then he said to the twelve monks: "Juniors, please run away." Come on, Vacuum, Shinichi, you two come with me."

Thirteen monks in Ziguang Pavilion, all of whom have achieved the cultivation level of the alchemy stage. The Zhenyi Jindan was broken, so logically they should be removed automatically. Taoist Zhentian took into account the friendship for many years and spent a lot of effort to help him recover his skills. At this moment, he is taking him to seek help from his master. Master Tieguan helped with the alchemy.

The thirteen monks left each other, leaving Zhang Awei alone. He stood there for a while, not knowing whether his choice was wrong or right. However, since he had chosen to go on, no matter how difficult the road ahead was, he must persevere. The leader has said that there are thousands of techniques in the world. If you practice any of them firmly, it is possible to achieve the Golden Path. As long as you are willing to persist, you can persist! Taoist Zhentian is an example. He cultivated the introductory skill Tianlei Divine Art to the highest level, cultivated the Tianlei Sword, and cultivated the ability to absorb the power of the sky for his own use.

The question is, can I hold on? Looking down at the wet Taoist uniform on his body, he felt that his energy had been evaporated.

He ran into Hongyuan outside the hall and saw Zhang Awei and said loudly: "I heard that you are back, how is it? How did you get out of this trip?" While speaking, he took a look at Zhang Awei's cultivation level. He was shocked on the spot when he saw it. He asked in disbelief: "High level in the foundation building stage?" He tried his best to imagine it as high as possible, but he still said it was too low.

Zhang was afraid that his enthusiasm would stagnate, so when he saw Hong Yuan arriving, he hurriedly bowed and saluted, "I've seen you, senior brother."

Hongyuan smiled bitterly and said: "You are so much higher than me in cultivation, why do you call me senior brother? It's my turn to call you senior brother." Zhang was afraid that he would lose interest in joking, so he took out the flying sword given by Hongyuan before going down the mountain, and handed it to him respectfully: " Thank you for the gift of the sword. It is not damaged at all. Please check it for acceptance." Hongyuan grabbed the flying sword and said, "What else is there to check? It's a broken thing." He also felt bored.

Zhang Ai felt a little regretful that he had refined so many magical swords in Yueshangji but did not expect to leave one for Senior Brother Hongyuan. He cursed himself for his weak nature and cold moral character, and had to wait until he had the opportunity to make amends.

He was right not to leave the magic sword behind, but Zhang Ping didn't expect that step. If Zhang Wen returned to the mountain and presented his senior brother with a magic sword, his senior brother would ask where he got the sword. Zhang Wen couldn't possibly say that he made it himself, otherwise he would be asked where he got the weapon refining tripod. Where do the materials come from? Where did the spirit stone come from? There are a lot of questions.

You can only tell lies, robbed? Picked? bought? Where did you get the money to buy it? Such a treasure, you need it too, why don't you keep it? Zhang was afraid that he didn't like lying. If he really gave away the magic sword, he would need to lie one after another to cover it up. From this point of view, it was right not to leave the magic sword.

It should be said that Zhang Weijing had some luck. Not only did he accidentally do the right thing about the magic sword, but even the choice he made just now was also wrong. If Zhang Ain wanted to take a shortcut and accept the Tianlei Que technique to strip away his memories, then the secrets in his mind would be completely revealed to the thirteen monks. There may be a one-in-a-thousand chance that the Thirteenth Monk would let Zhang Ai go and not be held accountable for concealing and hiding all kinds of treasures, but what about Lin Sen? Where is Fu'er and others? With mental arithmetic but no intention, the place where the five spirits gather their blessings must be extremely dangerous. It would be more practical to ask the monk to let go of the advanced magical elixir than to pray for the sun to rise from the west.

Zhang was afraid that his persistence might inadvertently save his own life, as well as that of Lin Sen and others.

Hongyuan was very curious about Zhang Ain's sudden improvement in cultivation and asked him: "Did you have any adventure? Tell me." "A chance encounter?" Zhang Ain didn't answer and asked: "Uncle Zhentian said I can choose I’m practicing in Dongfu. I wonder what senior brother would recommend?”

"Build your own mansion to practice? Are you already at the top level of foundation building?" Hong Yuan was moved again.

Generally speaking, after a foundation disciple becomes a master, he will practice with his master. Unless he reaches the top level and a breakthrough is in sight, he will be released to open his own mansion.

Zhang Awei laughed at himself and said, "That's right."

Strength is the symbol of everything. Hongyuan didn't dare to joke anymore. He took out a map from his storage bag and spread it on the ground to guide Zhang Ai to look at it. The map is very old, and I don’t know which generation passed it down. It completely marks the tops, spiritual veins, and water sources of the Tianlei Mountain Range. He introduced to Zhang Ai: "The main peak has the most spiritual energy. In addition, the Eight Bees and Three Valleys have sufficient spiritual energy. They are all affiliated peaks of the main peak. Masters, uncles and ancestors have long established their residences. Within a thousand miles, there are three mountain ranges with slightly weaker spiritual energy. ..." Hong Yuan wanted to say, but was stopped by Zhang Afraid: "Where are there the least people?"

"What?" Hongyuan didn't understand.

"I mean which mountain range has the fewest monks?" Zhang Ain didn't care about spiritual energy. He just wanted to find a place where there was no one. There were too many secrets in him, so it was always a good thing to stay away from them.

Hongyuan looked at Zhang Awei strangely, not understanding what he was thinking. He pointed to the west of the map and said: "There is not a single cultivator in the entire west of Tianlei Mountain. There is only a huge stone peak there, which stretches for hundreds of years." The rocks here are very dangerous." Zhang Ai nodded: "Okay, I'll go take a look." Hongyuan's eyes were as wide as a cow's, and he quickly tried to dissuade him: "There is no aura in that place, not to mention aura, not even life. Nothing, what can grow on rocks?”

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, just go and see the big rocks."

Hong Yuan saw that Zhang Ping had made up his mind, so he stopped trying to persuade him and said, "I'll take you there." Zhang Ping thanked him and said, "Thank you so much, senior brother."

The two of them showed their magical powers and flew into the sky. Hongyuan released his flying sword, and they stood on the sword, waiting for Zhang Wen to release the magic weapon. With Zhang Wen's thoughts, air-like wings formed behind his back, gently fluttering, and his whole body immediately rose into the air. Hongyuan praised: "I have also practiced this technique, but it always has no effect. Senior brother is still the best." Zhang Ai said modestly: "Everyone can do it." Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered that he would practice the talisman in the future. Go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to choose exercises.

Hongyuan led the way and flew nearly a thousand miles away in less than half an hour. Zhang Awei secretly sighed that the speed was too slow, much worse than Feiya. Hongyuan stopped and said with his finger: "This is it." Zhang Ain lowered his head and looked.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would never have imagined that there were such big rocks in the world. It goes for tens of miles from east to west, with ups and downs like mountains, but it is just a big boulder. There are occasional depressions on the stone, where thousands of years of dust have accumulated, and some dwarf trees and crooked branches and weeds have grown there. The boulder is about seventy miles long from east to west, and about ten miles wide at its north-south point. Under the boulder is a gravel field, surrounding the boulder. Outside the gravel land, the lush greenery of the Tianlei Mountains has returned, full of endless trees, flowers and plants.

Zhang Ai still wanted to go west, but was stopped by Hong Yuan: "The rules of Tianlei Mountain are that building a mansion and practicing can only be within a thousand miles radius." Zhang Ai explained: "Want to see what's there?" Hong Yuan suggested He said: "This place has very little spiritual energy and is far away from the main peak. No one will build a mansion here at all. It is better to go north. There is a good peak there, but it is also an ownerless peak."

Zhang Awei shook his head: "Wait for me, I'll look around." He used the wings of the God of Wind with all his strength, like a gust of wind, flying around in the southeast, northwest and northwest directions of the boulder.

Hongyuan stayed where he was, watching him come and go quickly, like a black line, spreading rapidly. When he came back, he exclaimed: "It's really amazing. With flying magic alone, even the masters may not be as fast as you." Zhang Ao chuckled and said, "How is that possible?" After observing it again, he was very satisfied with this place. The boulder is surrounded by dense forests, and no immortal cultivators practice here. Especially in the west, flying thousands of miles away, the spiritual consciousness probed for hundreds of miles, and there was no one inhabited, only some ordinary beasts. After flying more than 800 miles to the north, I found a fellow monk. It goes without saying that Dongfang is the main peak of Tianlei Mountain. The only thing worth mentioning is to the southeast, thousands of miles away, is Daoxian Town, an ordinary village and town that Zhang Wen visited when he first came down the mountain.

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