The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 281 How to get out

Chapter 281 How to get out

The fishmen living here are not very vigilant, and Ren Zhang is afraid that no one will notice him even if he watches for a long time in the tree. However, many captured high-level monsters shouted in the direction of the woods where he was, and were slaughtered by the fishman with his knife: "You are still yelling before you die."

Zhang Ao looked at it in horror. No wonder these black monsters would rather be chased outside than come back. The fish-headed monsters were really too scary. Such ferocious monsters were more docile than sheep in front of them.

He quietly climbed down the tree and retreated into the dense forest. He was a little worried, how could he escape from a group of terrifying fishmen? He took out the bronze key and sighed: "Even if I know where the secret room is, I can't get in."

While I was worrying, I heard vague footsteps, which were a bit messy in the distance. I quickly climbed closer and climbed up a tall tree to take a look, and saw a group of twenty fishmen walking in my direction. Zhang Ai immediately held his breath and hid in the tree canopy, but the group of murlocs did not come for him. They walked fifty meters away and turned to the west. This made him curious, where were they going? Release gopher rats to follow.

Less than half an hour later, the gopher came back and took him westward, taking the road that the fish people had just walked. Only then did he discover that there was a trampled path in the dense forest that snaked toward the west. Due to the dense grass and leaves, the path was so narrow that it was impossible to spot it from a distance.

Following the trail through the forest, one person and one mouse went very fast, and soon they walked out of the dense forest and came to another flat area. This flat land was much smaller than the grassland we had just seen. It was not covered with grass and was just a bare piece of yellow land. There is a huge stone house built in the middle of the yellow land, more than a thousand meters in length and width. The stone house has no windows, only two stone doors open side by side, and there are more than a hundred fishmen meditating in the open space outside the door.

Looking to the left and right, there were meditating murlocs everywhere around the stone house. There were nearly a thousand of them in total.

Zhang Ping was hiding in the forest and looked towards the stone house. There was a gate between the two stone doors, and a big lock hung on one side of the door. He took out the bronze key and looked at the lock carefully. The old man said that except for the secret room, all the doors in the forest were unlocked, so this room must be a secret room, and a very grand secret room. The problem is that the door to the secret room is open, and thousands of people are sitting around it. It doesn’t matter whether there is a key or not!

Zhang Awei held the key and scolded Long Danzi and the dead old fish-man in his heart. Isn't this deceiving? There are only eleven keys in total, which means there are ten thousand keys. What is the use of asking for keys when the door is open? What should Thousands of Guards do if they have a key? That unlucky guy, Long Danzi, stole the key and ran out here, and even played in and out a few times. As a result, he got me in. I will deal with him when I get out. Zhang was afraid that he could not hold back his resentment and cursed indignantly.

He was right in planning to deal with Long Danzi. One of the reasons why the fishmen sent people to guard the secret room was because they did not want the clansmen to know where the passage was and cause trouble in the outside world; the other reason was because Long Danzi and others were making trouble by going in and out. He kept on taking away a key, which made the fishman worry that the magic circle in the secret room would be destroyed and that the treasure inside would be stolen, so he had no choice but to do so.

Looking at the thousands of murlocs, Zhang was a little discouraged, so he called back the gophers, ran all the way in the opposite direction, climbed a tall tree and lay down on it to look at the sky. Don't even think about going out in a short time. Unless you bump into your feet on the way out and a fishman voluntarily donates blood, don't even think about it. He was thinking unrealistically and thoughtlessly, and then he fell asleep heartlessly.

When he woke up in the middle of the night, he was extremely unwilling to think about it. He once again went back to the secret room to take a peek, thinking about how to fish in troubled waters and get out. In front of the secret room, all the fish people were sleeping, but the stone door was still open, as if telling him to come in, come in quickly, no one would know. Zhang is afraid that he is secretly involved in some evil ways. Should I go and die? This is a veritable evil.

He was thinking of making a splash, but how much noise would he have to make to deceive more than a thousand murlocs? Besides, the stone house is huge, and the devil knows where the magic circle is hidden. Harass them with monsters? How many of the monsters in the beast control bag can compare to the black monsters of the Bone Forest? The God-Destroying Snake might be able to do it, but there might be accidents, and he was reluctant to let them risk it.

After much deliberation, I still can't find a solution. Do I have to fight hard? Just when I thought of trying my best, there was sudden movement in the stone house, and there was a faint sound of quarreling. There was a commotion in the stone house. More than a thousand murlocs sleeping outside woke up at the same time. Several leaders ran out and entered the stone house. After a while, they came out and waved to show that nothing was wrong. The murlocs continued to fall down and rest. Several leaders Entered the stone house again.

Did something happen? Zhang was full of enthusiasm and planned to fish in troubled waters, but if the water was not muddy, he would not be able to fish. Zhang was afraid of praying, something must happen, something must happen, the water must be muddy, the water must be muddy. An hour later, his prayer came true. The quarrel in the stone house became louder, and then the quarrel stopped. A tall murloc walked out with an anger, and said hello at the door. More than a hundred murlocs stood up. The tall fishman waved his hand, and more than a hundred fishman brothers followed him and walked eastward.

He led the people away, and six more people walked out of the stone gate one after another, all with sad faces. The first fish-man had a golden line on his forehead and was solemn and silent. Someone behind me asked, "What if he crosses the line?"

"Probably not. After all, he is also one of the eleven clan leaders. How could he be so reckless?" Another person comforted.

At this time, several small leaders who entered the stone house later came out, clasped their fists at the fishman standing at the front and said, "Clan leader, do you want to intercept them?"

The clan leader shook his head and asked, "Do you remember the location of the passage?"

The little boss replied: "Remember."

The clan leader sighed and said, "Take the people over first, but remember not to do anything!" The little leader responded, "Yes!" He and several other little leaders around him each led more than a hundred people to chase eastward.

The clan leader watched them leave, then turned around and spoke to the person next to him: "I would like to trouble you to come with me this time."

The person next to me said: "It's boring to stay in the house all the time. It would be better to go hang out with the patriarch."

The rest of the six people said one after another: "There is no need to work with the patriarch. I will accompany the seven patriarchs for a while. Old Eleven will not be so ignorant and will come back after persuading him."

The big clan leader did not answer their words and directly ordered: "You guys guard the secret room. Lao Shi sent word that another cultivator came in. Alas, why do these human beings always refuse to rest?" Then he said to the seventh clan leader: "Let's go. Let's go." He walked forward with his head held high, the seven clan chiefs by his side, and more than a hundred people walked out of the stone house one after another, crowding behind the two of them, and walked into the jungle to the east together.

Zhang was afraid that he was too far away to hear what they were saying, but he could take a rough look at them, and it looked like they were having a conflict. While he was making random guesses, he was a little happy to see three groups of people leaving one after another and hundreds of people separated. However, there were still more than 500 people in the open space. Zhang was afraid and prayed harder: "Keep happening, keep hitting."

This time, they failed to do so. The four leaders at the door saw off the patriarch and returned to the stone house. More than five hundred murlocs were resting on the spot outside. Everything was back to what it was before, except that the number of people was reduced by half.

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