The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 233 Going Home

Chapter 233 Going Home

It was early morning when Shu Sheng arrived. The four of them sat for a while. The sky turned white and a new day arrived.

Zhang Pa was lying comfortably on the animal skin while drinking and talking nonsense. Bukong said, "Someone is coming again." Not long after, someone outside the tent said loudly, "I am ordered by the left servant to pass a few words to Zhang Daoyou."

Zhang Pa and others went out of the house. There were three red-clothed blood killers standing outside. The leader clasped his fists and said, "The master said that Zhang Daoyou is a guest at the Mountain God Platform. If there are any scoundrels disturbing him, just say hello and the Mountain God Platform will do its best to help."

The old guy is really a thief. With his cultivation, how could he not know what happened yesterday? But he insisted on sending someone to pass the message until now. It is clear that he does not want to have a direct conflict with Yunlongmen. But he owes us a favor, so it is not right not to express it. It is expedient to send someone to show goodwill. Zhang Pa smiled and said, "Thank you for your concern, Lord Zuo Shi. I have stayed here for many days because I am really addicted to the beautiful scenery of the mountains and don't want to leave. There is no trouble from the scoundrels. Please report back, brother. We will leave soon. We sincerely hope that Lord Zuo Shi will recover soon. We will not bother you anymore."

The words are very clear. You are worried that we will be beaten in your house and lose face. We simply tell you that it is not a thing, don't worry. You are worried that the unprovoked fight will involve the Shiwan Mountains. Not only did we suppress the fight, but we also left immediately. You should be satisfied now.

The three blood killers obviously didn't expect Zhang Pa to say this. The Mountain God Terrace does not prohibit visitors, and it doesn't matter how long you stay here. Hearing Zhang Pa's words, it seems that we forced him to leave, and there is a strange feeling in his heart. The leading blood killer hurriedly said, "Brother, why do you want to leave?"

There are not so many whys in the world, Zhang Pa didn't know how to explain. Zhang Tianfang learned a few words from Bukong, and finally got the opportunity to use them. He said seriously: "It can't be said, it can't be said." The three blood killers looked at each other, all with doubts on their faces. Knowing that they couldn't get anything out of asking, they clasped their fists and said: "In this case, we will go back and report to the adults. If we have free time in the future, please come and visit us again." Zhang Pa followed suit and clasped his fists and said: "Of course, of course." In fact, Zuo Shi was also very aggrieved. Looking at the world, who is he afraid of with his cultivation? However, as the leader of the 100,000 Mountains, he must always be responsible for the people in the mountains and the monks under his sect. He can't arbitrarily cause disasters and implicate innocent people, so he has to suppress his resentment and be cautious about the cause. This time in the Yunlongmen incident, Zuo Shi could only do this. He must put the interests of the 100,000 Mountains first when doing things. The pleasure of revenge is more like a distant legend to him. The blood killer under his sect didn't think of these. After saying polite words, he left, leaving Zhang Pa and four others. Zhang Tianfang asked him: "Are you not staying here? Where are you going?" The other two were also curious and looked at Zhang Pa and waited for him to speak. Zhang Pa remembered the marks he made on the ground of the Fog Valley Passage, and also remembered the Hailing doll, and asked carefully: "Can we go to the Warring States?" Zhang Tianfang said indifferently: "I don't care where you go?" Fang Jian was a little surprised: "The Yunlong Gate is looking for you, and you still go back to fall into the trap?" Zhang Pa said: "The Warring States is so big that it can hide more than a hundred people in the Hongguang Inn. I don't believe it can't hide forty of us." Zhang Pa's attitude was firm, so Fang Jian stopped persuading him. But Zhang Pa himself thought for a while and said: "It's better not to go to the Warring States. It's always better to be careful." Since he decided to leave, he asked the girls to discuss the destination together. Cheng Xier said: "Don't we still have a house in Yong'an County?" This sentence reminded everyone that we still have a home. Song Yunyi remembered that the barbarians and the Han people had been fighting endlessly, and he didn't know what the situation was after all these years. There was also the ancestral hall outside the city and the tripod jar, so he suggested: "Go and have a look." Stay for a few more days, collect some rare materials or strange spells at the Mountain God Terrace, and then pack up and set off. He once thought that the magic weapons refined by the five spirits were all precious and powerful. After all these years, he realized that he was a frog in the well. Not to mention the hard iron in the ghost cave, just the magic weapon used by the Hu family to repair the sky, the lotus artifact used by Zuo Shi, and the black spirit bead in the head of the monster that escaped from the bone forest, each of them is extremely powerful. He relied on the immature Fu Shen snake skin, and finally realized that most of the things that can be bought with money are worthless.

Fu Shen snake skin is powerful, you can't buy it; hard iron is hard and sharp, you can't buy it; the five elements formation seems powerful, but Zuo Shi gave it to him casually, so it is limited. Thinking of the half of the golden Eight Formation Diagram, that thing should be good. It was obtained by brothers Han Zheng and Han Fan from the bone forest. It seems that he has to go to the bone forest again.

Originally, Zhang Pa didn't care much about his own cultivation. He was happy to advance, but it didn't matter if he didn't advance. At the beginning, he just wanted to practice more courage, but now he has to take care of more than 30 girls, so he has to find a way to advance.

Regardless of his wild thoughts, the crowd formed a winding line and walked east along the mountain road. Three stupid dogs, a red wolf and two black tigers walked in front and behind the team respectively, just to scare away all kinds of beasts and monsters and avoid trouble.

Zhang Pa did not go to the Mountain God Platform to say goodbye when he left, but Zuo Shi sent someone to deliver gifts. Compared with the two, he seemed very stingy. Zhang Pa smiled bitterly and said, "The old guy has a strong cultivation and a strong mind."

After wandering in the mountains for almost three months, he finally walked out of the Ten Thousand Mountains. A few dozen miles ahead is the West Gate of Yong'an County. He killed the ghost Taoist sorcerer and fought with Xiang Kong here. I don't know how the stubborn Xiang Kong is now.

To avoid trouble, the tiger, dog and monster were put away, and forty people came to the city gate. There were more than a dozen soldiers guarding the gate. They were a little surprised to see so many people coming from the west, and asked them for the gate slip according to the rules. Zhang Pa was stunned: "What is the gate slip?" The soldiers looked at Zhang Pa and others. The men were handsome and the women were beautiful. Especially when many women stood together, except Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier who were wearing white clothes, the others were wearing various silks, like many beautiful flowers blooming at the same time in front of the eyes, making people dazzled and overwhelmed.

Dozens of soldiers were staring at the beauties stupidly. After serving in the army for several years, when have they seen so many beautiful women? Although they are different in height and appearance, they are all equally beautiful and charming. Especially the two girls in white, they are simply fairies descending to the earth, and calling them national beauties is derogatory to their beauty.

The girls hated their lustful eyes, and they all lowered their faces and hid behind the four men Zhang Pa and Zhang Tianfang. The soldiers remembered their business only after they could not see the beauty. Someone shouted, "Bring the entrance ticket!" Zhang Pa was puzzled and asked, "What is the entrance ticket? Where can I get it?" A soldier saw that the dozens of people were dressed in extraordinary clothes and worried about causing disasters. He coughed and whispered, "You have to go to the government office to get the entrance ticket." He raised his right hand and made a gesture of pinching a copper coin. Zhang Pa realized that it was money. He smiled and shook his head. After decades of vicissitudes, he had to pay to enter Yong'an City. He thought that paying money would save trouble, but he felt awkward in his heart and asked, "How much does forty people have to pay?" "Five copper coins per person, a total of two hundred for forty people." A soldier shouted loudly. "Two hundred is not much, but I don't have copper coins on me. How about using silver instead?" Zhang Pa asked the person who spoke.

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