The Monk

Text Chapter 1,797 The Heavenly Generals

Hearing this, the King of Heaven smiled and said, "I didn't expect that I would die like this." After saying this, his head exploded, his flesh and blood flew everywhere, and even his soul perished in an instant.

The King of Heaven committed suicide, and Zhang Awei felt even more sad as he watched the broken flesh and blood fly away from his eyes. He did not expect that the king would commit suicide. Just as he was thinking about collecting the scattered pieces of flesh and bones, he noticed a strong aura wave coming from the distance. Looking up, I saw a black dot flying rapidly in this direction in the distant starry sky. Behind the black spot is a galaxy. There is a star in the galaxy that bursts out into the sky, straight and thick, shooting into the dark starry sky, faintly shooting in this direction.

Zhang Ai thought for a moment and disappeared.

When the King of Heaven dies, his generals will know immediately and will come as soon as possible. The black spot that appeared at this time was the boss of the galaxy closest to here, one of the one hundred and eight heavenly generals.

No matter what this heavenly general was doing just now, the collapse of the Heavenly King Tower was the biggest thing. He had to rush to the direction pointed by the Heavenly King Tower immediately, firstly, to find the bones of the Heavenly King, and secondly, so that he could fight with him together.

Not long after, about a quarter of an hour, the black spot came here. Looking around, only a few drops of blood remained, while the rest of the flesh and bones flew into the distance and disappeared.

The black spot is a four-armed black bear. After scanning it from left to right and activating the spell, you will see a soft white light shining on the place where the King of Heaven died. Seeing this small white light, the black bear was stunned.

The white light is just a mark, marking the place where the Heavenly King died. This is a special spell of the Heavenly Clan people, as long as they have reached a certain level of cultivation. After death, a mark will be left behind so that the tribesmen can collect the bones or help take revenge. Some time ago, in another universe, there were strange pigs and strange snakes. When the two-headed scorpion or the eight-armed monkey dies, a master will arrive immediately, relying on this spell.

At this time, the death of the Heavenly King and the death of the first member of the Heavenly Clan is definitely a major event. Among other things, all of his direct relatives and generals will surely come.

After Daxiong received the news of the death of King Tian. He didn't believe it at first, but with the appearance of white light, he had no choice but to believe it and stood stunned for a moment. Then he knelt down, kneeling out of thin air in the empty starry sky, bowing his head towards the white light.

Counting from when he knelt down, another monster arrived half a day later, and then one after another. It lasted until the fifth day, when one hundred and seven heavenly generals gathered here. After arriving, no one said anything, they all acted in the same way. First, use magic to find the place where the King of Heaven died, and then kneel down in front of the white light.

after one day. More than a hundred heavenly generals worked together to seal the place where the white light appeared. It seems to be a thin ice that seals the white light so that it will never dissipate. At the same time, it also seals in the few drops of blood floating here. Scarlet appears in the white light, which looks very cruel and beautiful.

After sealing it, the heavenly generals lined up to salute, and flew away an hour later, going to the nearest planet to discuss matters.

They respect the King of Heaven and cannot quarrel in front of him no matter what, so they stay away and only discuss things later.

There are not many things to discuss, but two can be summarized, one is to avenge the King of Heaven, and the other is who is the boss.

The first thing is easy to handle. No one will shirk it. They really want to take revenge on King Ju. Even if they can't take revenge, can they die together with them?

The second thing was difficult to deal with. None of the 107 generals obeyed the other, and they did not want others to be the boss. At the end of the discussion, they all worked on their own, one person per galaxy. No one had other ideas, let alone made trouble.

If such an opportunity were found, a war might break out between the two galaxies, but because the King of Heaven had just died, no one wanted to cause trouble for the dead King of Heaven. They all readily agreed to the matter, and then worked hard to discuss how to avenge the King of Heaven. .

Because the four-armed black bear was the first to arrive, a monster said coldly: "You do it." The big bear didn't like it. What kind of attitude is this? It's just that the King of Heaven has something serious to do, so he suppresses his temper and details the situation when he arrives.

The heavenly generals knew that the eight-armed monkey died in another universe, and also knew that the monkey had many subordinates in that universe. For many years in the past, they wasted their lives and efforts on conquests, but their attacks were fruitless. Later, even the monkeys died, and the king of heaven was the one who died. Die after the eight-armed monkey. Therefore, the heavenly generals have always believed that the death of the king of heaven is related to the death of the monkey.

A monster said bitterly: "That bastard will die if he dies, and he will drag the King of Heaven down." A giant turtle-shaped monster next to him said unhappily: "What are you talking about?" The previous monster said casually: "Why are you so anxious? What's the matter? Without you!”

At this time, everyone was holding back their anger, and since no one was convinced, a fight was very likely. A big black cat stood out among them, as black as paint, and said in a cold voice: "Go call the monkey wizard." Come."

Since he believed that the death of the King of Heaven was related to monkeys, that is, to another universe, Big Cat decided to go and investigate in person. If you want to go to another world, of course you need a wizard to open the cave.

The planet they landed on was within the sphere of influence of the big black bear. After listening to the big cat's words, the black bear casually ordered to go down. A moment later, several groups of monsters took off and flew into the sky.

Everyone is a master. When Yuan Shen checked, he found out that there were many, many warriors, including countless masters. A monster sighed: "Aren't you afraid of a fight?" Before Big Bear could reply, another monster interjected: "Let's fight. What? There are so many of us, and we are still afraid of the monkey’s power? I want to eat the monkey alive now.”

"What are those for? The monkey is dead and died in another universe. You go and eat it." Another monster interrupted.

This place is a huge hall, with thick blankets on the floor. The generals sit in a large circle around each other, one person talking and the other answering. They talk in a hurry, which is very lively and easy to get angry.

After hearing this monster interrupt, someone answered: "Didn't Big Bear send so many people there just to bring back the wizard? Let's stop talking about it and think about it, why would the King of Heaven cause trouble in our world?"

This question is extremely difficult and no one can think of the answer? The group of monsters were suddenly speechless. In their hearts, of course they knew that there was a master who killed the King of Heaven, but who was this master? from where? After killing the King of Heaven, will he still cause trouble for himself?

Everyone is the overlord of one party, stands in different positions, and thinks about things from different angles. It is easy to think of this. However, everyone is very smart and knows that the king has been killed and they are no match, so no one is anxious or afraid. They just wait patiently. If something really comes to the door, there is no way to escape.

While waiting, I occasionally asked questions, and then fell into silence again, until two days later, the large group of soldiers sent by Big Bear returned, but they did not bring back anyone.

Daxiong's face was cold. When the general led the team entered the room, he said nothing and only looked at the guy coldly. The surrounding generals also focused their attention on the general, wanting to know what happened and why they didn't bring back a wizard.

After the general entered the room, he immediately fell to the ground and reported back: "Sir, all the wizards under the Eight-Armed Heavenly General died, and no one was spared."

What? More than a hundred heavenly generals were stunned. Wizards are the treasure of the clan. Apart from the heavenly kings and heavenly generals, who are more than a hundred people, they are the most powerful existences. Even if their cultivation is not strong enough, no one dares to go against them. Every Celestial Clan member knows that the wizard is the direct disciple of the Celestial King and the hope for the continuation of the Celestial Clan and cannot be offended. But at this time, after the death of the King of Heaven, all the wizards also died?

At that time, a monster shouted something bad, and its figure flashed outside the house and flew towards the east.

He left quickly. Some monsters reacted a little slower and asked, "What is he going to do?" Another monster sighed and said, "He went to the star."

Hearing this sentence, everyone in the room was silent. Regardless of whether they understood it just now, they now fully understood where the monster had gone. Jiangxing is the planet used by the Celestial Clan to train wizards. There are more than 70,000 people in total, all of whom are disciples of the Celestial King.

Bad things happened one after another, and the room became more and more silent. Everyone was silent, waiting for the general to fly back.

The general's cultivation level was high, and the place was not too far away from the general star. A day and a half later, the general came back. As soon as he entered the house, he said with a gloomy expression, "The general star is gone." A monster asked, "Why is it gone?" What's the meaning?"

The general replied that day: "It's just gone, nothing is gone, nothing is left."

When these words came out, the expressions of the people in the room became even more ugly. Someone asked: "Is it aimed at us?"

Someone replied: "Probably not. If someone is targeting us, they should take advantage of the time when we are together to kill them. How can they not show up now?" This truth is easy to understand. The kings of heaven were killed by the enemy, let alone them. Not a match at all.

"What does he or they want to do?" Another Heavenly General asked, asking about the enemies who killed the Heavenly King. He asked this question because he didn't know how many enemies there were.

For them, they would rather hope that it was them who killed the King of Heaven and that it was many people. Only then will the generals be willing to accept this fact. If there are really many people, tomorrow the generals will be able to fight to some extent.

But no matter how many enemies there are, they are all extremely powerful, and there is no telling what the enemies will do.

That person or those people killed all the wizards, and all the disciples of the Heavenly King were even more capable of killing the Heavenly King, but they did not kill the Heavenly General, only that they had no intention of killing the Heavenly General. Although everyone understood this truth, it was still speculation and they could not rest assured. At that time, a monster went outside the house, sent out several messages one after another, and then returned to the house to sit silently.

There are many generals who behave like him. They all send messages asking their territories whether there are any mass casualties, whether there are any masters, whether there are any abnormalities, etc.

When the order came out, the generals sat in a daze. At this time, you should go back to your respective star systems, carefully check, search for enemies, and defend yourself. But once the King of Heaven dies and the matter of revenge is not resolved, they cannot leave at will. The second is the issue of strength. The king of heaven has been killed. Even if they return to their respective bases and unite their troops for defense, how can they withstand the attacks of one or many unknown masters? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian (.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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