The Monk

Text Chapter 1,755 Serial Dream

Outside? Zhang Ai suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, outside! Yeah, I'm outside. If the universe is really related to spiritual practice, if you think about the problem from your own perspective, no matter how thorough your thinking is, it will only be outside. Whether it’s a black hole, a light curtain, or a crack in time, that’s what’s inside. Only by putting yourself into the universe and experiencing it, and thinking about things from the perspective of the universe, can you have a chance to understand it all.

Thinking of this, Zhang Awei thought that he was really a genius. Although he didn't know whether this idea was correct, but he could figure out this idea, at least it should be an unprecedented state. He smiled at Xiao Yao'er and replied: "Why don't you do it? What are you doing?"

Xiao Yao'er replied: "I'm thinking about something." Zhang Ain asked: "What's the matter?" Xiao Yao'er said: "I'm wondering whether the six of us and those big snakes will be just How can those sisters from Tianlei Mountain ascend here if they can’t even reach the stage of becoming gods?”

Among the five women, Xiao Yao'er is the most playful, and also the most clingy and fearful. She is like a child who never grows up, always thinking and saying what she wants. Originally, she didn't care about the so-called universe, as long as she could be with Zhang Wen, but in the blink of an eye, more than three hundred years had passed, and all she saw was night all day long. This universe was too boring, so she ran out Nonsense question.

Zhang was afraid that he knew she had nothing else on her mind, but was bored, so he ran over to complain, then laughed and said: "You run down there all the time, there is everything down there that is not available above, and you can still pretend to be the boss, aren't you happy?" ?”

Xiao Yao'er replied: "I am happy. But it doesn't feel like my home anymore."

Xiao Huo'er, a piglet and kitten who can play with Xiao Yao'er. And Fu'er's bunch of fat babies are all staying in the God Realm. There are fewer and fewer familiar people in Tianlei Mountain. They don't know what to say and do after they go back, so they will naturally feel a little strange.

Hearing this, Zhang Weijing kept a straight face and said in a serious manner: "Home is where your heart is." Xiao Yaoer curled his lips: "That's all nonsense, I won't pay attention to you." After saying that, he ran back. In the house.

Xiao Yao'er left, but Zhang Wen was shocked by what he said unintentionally, wondering where his heart was. Home is where you are, can it also be said that where your heart is, your practice is there?

Sometimes, this kind of nonsense seems interesting but actually has no content. It can also inspire people. Zhang Ain wondered if he were the universe, what would black holes and light curtains be? If you are the universe, what is your practice?

Strictly speaking, this is a kind of wishful thinking that has gone astray, as if we think that we are God and can control the world, which is as unreasonable as it is. There is just one thing, no matter how big, good or powerful the world is, if you are not here, the world will have nothing to do with you. It can also be said that the world no longer exists. If you want to recognize the wonderfulness of the world, you must first ensure your own existence. This is the purpose of practice.

Zhang Ying thought and thought, thinking hard about this nonsense. At the end, he suddenly felt that the existence of Buddhism was very reasonable. Those guys' thousands of sects and thousands of sutras only said one truth, allowing people to endure hardships and do good, and hope to be prosperous in the paradise after death. .

Ask for less, think less. Buddhism is very simple. Practitioners are different, they have all kinds of thoughts, and they are so complex that they can kill people, so naturally they are very troublesome.

After thinking about it for a while, my head feels a little big. As usual, he left the trouble behind and went to have a drink with the women.

What I drink now is still the fairy wine in the God Realm. Although it is difficult to get drunk, if you deliberately lower your cultivation level and do not control your body, you can still get dizzy occasionally. So this time, you will get dizzy by thinking about things, and then you will get dizzy by drinking. It's a pity that after so much effort, it's just a slight dizziness.

When he fainted and fell asleep, Zhang Fei ran to take a nap, and then a very strange thing happened, he actually dreamed.

The cultivator's soul is tenacious, and he is always under self-control and self-experience, and he will never dream uncontrollably. But for the confused Zhang Ai, what he did was done, and it wasn't worth being surprised.

Therefore, Zhang Wen experienced another world in his dream, as if he was practicing. A very talented young man, after practicing for several years, his skills improved greatly, he ascended and left, and entered the next world. But just when Zhang Wen in the dream was ascending , Huo Di suddenly woke up. The so-called ascension in the dream was just a dream. Once he ascended, he woke up from the dream and returned to his original self.

Zhang Ai was very surprised. Could it be that cultivating diligently was just a dream? He thought like this and wanted to get up, but suddenly he found that everything around him was different, as if he was in a different world. After thinking about it, I felt that everything was very strange. Why did I wake up from a dream and come to an unknown place. I stood up and looked around. It was a very ordinary house, a very ordinary world, not a desolate planet in the universe at all.

I thought about it over and over again, could it be that the dream just now was a nightmare or a test? Do you need to break through the nightmare to return to your own world? So, I decided to start practicing like the man in the dream. He was lucky enough to remember the skills in his dream, so a few years later, he ascended again.

The ending after ascension surprised him again. It was exactly the same as the first dream. He ascended and left the original world, only to wake up from the dream again.

At this time, Zhang Zhi was a little depressed and had a dream within a dream. How could this happen? I feel a little depressed and want to go out for a walk. But when I got up, I found that it was still not a familiar house. This was not a deserted star. Zhang was afraid that he was depressed at that time. Could it be that he was still in a dream?

This is the third dream in the series of dreams, and Zhang is still dreaming. After waking up from the dream, he did not take any action, just stood and thought about the problem. If ascension once is to break through a dream, then how many levels does this dream have? How long does it take to fully wake up from the dream? Also, given my current level of cultivation, why would I be dreaming? And it's a serial dream?

After pondering for a long time, based on the time in the dream, the sun rose and the moon set, and more than a hundred years passed in a blink of an eye. Suddenly one day, maybe he understood something, maybe he still didn't understand. In the dream, he directly broke through the third dream, and once again wake up. It's a pity that there is a dream outside the dream. He entered the fourth dream. What was strange was that he was the only one in the dream, and Song Yunyi and others were not there.

Therefore, Zhang Wan, who was in the fourth dream, woke up from the third dream, then stood up and flew straight into the sky, wanting to see what happened and learn more about it before he could make a judgement. Unexpectedly, he fell to the ground with a snap. The previous dreams were just dreams. In the fourth dream, Zhang was afraid that he did not know how to practice and could not fly. To put it bluntly, it was as if we took the things in the dream seriously. Therefore, Zhang was afraid that he would just jump some distance away, and then fall to the ground in great pain.

Falling to the ground without moving, Zhang Wen continued to ponder the problem. What did he want to understand before he woke up from the third dream?

I thought about it for a long time, and I was so crazy that I didn't think of anything. In the end, I simply didn't want to think about it. I got up and left the room, pointed at the sky and shouted: "I want to get out." In the fourth dream, he was just an ordinary person. , even if you shout through your throat, the sound will not spread far, but God seems to hear this shout, and then opens a hole, and a soft light shines from the sky, gently covering Zhang Wei, and he is in the beam of light. It flew slowly and high, and as it flew higher and higher, it flew faster and faster, and finally disappeared with a whoosh.

This was another ascension and another awakening from a dream. After waking up, Zhang Ai lay still and said softly with a wry smile: "The fifth dream." After saying this, someone suddenly asked: " What's the fifth dream?" Zhang Ai was startled, and immediately stood up and looked to the side. Song Yunyi was sitting next to him, looking at him with a calm face, and asked softly: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Ai hurriedly looked at the room, then ducked out, rushed outside, and found the desolate star back in the universe. Then he exhaled softly, came back and said to Song Yunyi: "It's nothing, it was just a dream." Song Yunyi said gratefully, He didn’t ask what the dream was, he just asked softly: “Why are you dreaming?”

Yes, practitioners don’t dream, why would I dream? Zhang Ai hesitated and replied: "I don't know." At the same time, he was secretly glad that, fortunately, he finally woke up.

Just this thought came up, and I was shocked. How did I know that I had woken up? Rather than still in a dream? He couldn't help but look a little solemn on his face. He looked at Song Yunyi carefully and remembered the way he looked when he left the serial dream. At that time, he shouted to the sky to go out, and then he went out, but he had no cultivation, and he was busy using his energy. God scanned the body and used simple movements to condense a ball of light.

After doing all this, he secretly sighed, fortunately, as before, he is still the guardian of the God Realm and has great power. I was about to speak, but another thought flashed through my mind. If this was the case in the dream, exactly the same as myself in the outside world, how could I tell whether I was still in a dream?

Thinking of this, I raised my hand to pinch myself. After deliberately relaxing my control on my body, I really felt the pain. But Zhang Ping was still worried, so he got up and went to the back room, where there were more than a hundred god-defying snakes.

Seeing Zhang Wen enter the house, the God-Lowering Snake didn't move at all. Zhang Wen swept them with his spirit, exactly as he remembered. But the more this happened, the more confused Zhang was. What if the snake in the dream also looked like this? How can I be sure that I am not in the fifth dream?

This is how the problem arose. Zhang Aif stood at the door, his eyes a little dull.

At this time, he had been minding his own business. Song Yunyi noticed something was wrong, but before he could ask questions, Zhang Ping did one thing after another. At this time, he finally calmed down, and Song Yunyi came over and asked. Said: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Zhang Awei shook his head, paused and asked, "We just had dinner, where are the remaining food and drinks?" Song Yunyi replied, "It has been packed up a long time ago, why are you asking?" Zhang Awei did not answer, he was completely confused. Although he knew for sure that he was exactly the same as he was before the dream, he just couldn't confirm whether he was still dreaming at this time. To be continued. .

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