The Monk

Text Chapter 1,733 Time Crack

This power was so powerful that Zhang was afraid that the ground beneath his feet would fly up in all directions and a huge pit would appear. Zhang was afraid that he could kill anyone with just this leaked power. Fortunately, the Creator God Zhang San was not among them. When he agreed, with a thought, an invisible barrier sealed Zhang Ai inside. Zhang was afraid that the strong surge of power in his body would be blocked by this barrier to protect the safety of others.

It's just that the force leaked out was too great, and it collided with the barrier and made an earth-shattering sound, rumbling continuously. After a hundred breaths, the impact subsided, the sound disappeared, and the smoke and dust in the sky began to slowly fall back. After a quarter of an hour passed, the land finally became quiet, and a man in white clothes stood calmly on the ground.

Zhang San casually put away the barrier and said with a smile: "From now on, you will be the same as the two of us." This means that we both have supreme control. Zhang Ain bowed and replied: "Thank you sir for your help."

Zhang San smiled and said: "It's you who makes it possible for me. Okay, we have to go." After saying this, he lowered his head and thought about it, then took out a palm-sized jade plate, handed it to Zhang Ain and said, "Xing Ai Picture, the places I have been to are all marked. The universe is too big. No one can completely travel it no matter how much time it takes. This has nothing to do with cultivation. The universe seems to be infinite, and the things you have seen in the lower world , although it is somewhat similar to the principles in the universe, but don’t think that it is the universe.”

After saying the words of advice, he turned to ask the mirror: "Where do you plan to go?" The mirror replied: "I want to find an ordinary planet first, a planet with people, and live a peaceful life. We will talk about other things later." Zhang San said: "Yes. Choose carefully, there are too many races in the universe, so don’t be regarded as a monster after you leave." Mirror said with a smile. Zhang San added: "With your current cultivation level, you cannot be said to be powerful or not powerful in the universe. That's it. You will know if you see more."

Zhang was afraid that he would be curious and asked: "What is not great, but not not great?" Zhang San replied: "The universe is infinitely large, and there are infinitely many kinds of life. There are naturally many strange things. Do you think you are It's powerful enough, but on some strange planets, where life is born with knowledge, how can you compete with these people? And there are far more such beings, and there are countless unknown races. Compared with them, you say you are. Awesome? Or not? Some races like to have wars and spread all over the place. Fortunately, the universe is large enough, and no matter how many people or powerful races there are, there are some who are like knights. Strong races, they will fight for the weak races and seek justice. In this regard, it is much better than my divine world. It is just a world of pure cultivation, which is contrary to the true meaning of life. "

Zhang Ain answered: "What is the true meaning of life? What is it? According to what the teacher said. The universe is so vast and there are so many lives, so where can the true meaning come from? Who can make the rules?" Zhang San did not answer him directly. When asked, he smiled and said: "The universe is too big, and the various principles are endless. This is the true meaning of life. It is colorful and ever-changing. Anything can exist. This is the true meaning of the existence of the universe. And I To put it bluntly, what we do is just an experimental field set up to seek certain truths. Of course, it cannot be compared with the universe, and it is not the true meaning of life at all.”

Having said this, he looked at Zhang Awei carefully and suddenly said: "I don't know why, but I have a hunch that you will disappear soon." Zhang Awei didn't understand: "Disappear?" The five women next to him immediately became anxious and asked: "What disappeared? How did it disappear?" They were worried that Zhang might die.

Zhang San smiled and said: "It's not death, it's just a feeling that you will disappear." After saying this, he thought for a moment and said softly: "A few years ago, you asked me what I had discovered after countless years of hard work. Now, I Tell you."

Zhang Awei was overjoyed, clasped his fists and said, "Sir, please give me some advice." Zhang Sandao said, "I really want to give you some advice." He took the star chart from Zhang Awei's hand, raised his finger up a little, and then handed it back to him and said, "Wait until you can leave the God Realm. , if you have time to leave here, you can go and have a look." Zhang Ai asked: "What is it?" Zhang San replied: "Time Crack."

In the past countless years, after Zhang San achieved success in cultivation, what he has always wanted to master is time. To this end, he has put in a lot of hard work to create the God Realm. Even if there is an existence like the Heaven-defying Cave in his lower realm, he will always be able to grasp it. Can't understand what time is. For the universe, the divine world is a game or a toy. It is simply ridiculous and unfeasible to use toys as an analogy to the real universe. Therefore, his hard work is equivalent to achieving nothing.

However, although he was unable to control time, he happened to discover a crack in time during countless years of searching. However, the thing was too weird and had many uncertainties, so he did not dare to take risks easily.

Zhang Ai asked: "What is a time rift?" Zhang San replied: "There are many black holes in the universe, and there are also tearing spaces. The inside is unknown. Someone has tried before, sending something in, and it disappeared after entering. , will never come back again. This type of place is collectively called a black hole. Time cracks are different from black holes. There seems to be a certain pattern. They will appear every few days, but they don’t appear at regular times or in fixed places. I have always wanted to find one. I went in to take a look, but unfortunately I didn’t have enough courage to find one. But when things happened, I hesitated and didn’t dare to enter. Then, the time rift disappeared. "

Zhang was afraid of being curious and asked: "How do you know, sir, that that kind of place is a time rift?" Zhang San replied: "Because standing in front of that thing, I will see the years I spent in the past, like countless pictures. , the paintings are filled with my past, one by one, flashing back. "

This is kind of interesting, you can see your past in one place. Zhang Ain asked: "The place you marked on the star map is the time crack?" Zhang San said: "It is the time crack in the past, I have seen it before, but it only appeared once, and it has never appeared again, but in other places , I also have the chance to encounter time cracks several times, but it is just an encounter. I only encounter it a few times in countless years, so I will naturally be curious about what is behind it. "

Zhang was embarrassed and didn't know how to answer. He heard the word "time rift" for the first time and didn't understand it. However, he knew a lot about tearing the starry sky. He immediately asked: "Will it happen after passing through the time rift?" Another universe." He imagined the universe as a starry sky.

Hearing what he said, Zhang San said: "I have thought about it, and I have also thought about where the black hole leads, but I can't try this kind of thing, I can only guess, so no one knows what is going on. If Just like the starry sky below, after going to one starry sky, you can go to another starry sky and come back freely. Of course, it is best, but who can guarantee that the universe will be like that? What if you die after going there? "

Unknown things are the most terrifying. Why do people fear death? Because it is unknowable. Zhang was afraid to think about it and said: "Since it's unknown, don't think about it. Cherish what you have now and live a good life."

Zhang San chuckled and said: "As the old saying goes, contentment is enough. You are right. I am leaving. When you find a suitable candidate in the future, you can make your own decision and let him replace you. The big ball in the room has the ability to distinguish itself. , will help you choose." This is explaining the method of choosing the next creation god. Zhang Awei nodded and said: "I understand, but I still have something to trouble you sir."

Zhang San smiled and asked: "What's the matter?" Zhang Ain replied: "There is a little fat man in the lower world. I want to bring him up." Zhang San frowned and said: "Why is this question again? Didn't I ask it before? And there are many Little fat guy, which one are you talking about?" Zhang Ain replied: "That little guy is different from others. I want to use the essence and blood co-nurturing spell to give him pure divine power, and then Mr. Trouble can turn him into a master. "

Zhang San didn't ask what the difference was, and said directly: "I just enlightened you, and I spent 30% of my cultivation to enlighten him again? Do you think it's possible?" This was rejection. Zhang Ping said: "Is there any way to get him here and send him back?" Zhang San said quietly: "Pure divine power." After saying these four words, he reminded Zhang Ping again: "Remember , if you use the essence and blood power cultivation spell, his cultivation level is low, and once he is injured, you will also be injured, and in the future, when you practice, he will take away a lot of power. "

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "If there is no other way, I can only use this spell, even if I have to use my skill."

Seeing his persistence, Zhang San shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'll help you this time, but only for him." Zhang San was afraid of being overjoyed, so he kept saying, "Thank you, sir." Then he asked, "What should I do?"

Zhang Sandao: "You first nourish him with his essence and blood, and then the mirror and I will cut off the soul you sent there. Those powers that become his can exist freely in both places. As long as the cultivation level is low enough and there is no conflict with the divine world." , he can stay there forever, and the little pure divine power he possesses is enough to survive in the universe." At this point, he added: "Actually, on some ordinary planets, there is air and water, and the divine world. Any life in it can survive, but they lack pure divine power and cannot leave the divine world."

As soon as he heard about cutting off the soul, Zhang Awei asked: "Does it hurt?" Zhang San nodded and said, "You will be in pain." Zhang Awei smiled and said, "You have to endure the pain. Please wait for a moment." After speaking, he restrained himself to obtain the powerful strength, turned around and walked into the house, sent his soul to the divine world bead, and returned to the divine world in the blink of an eye.

He was very powerful at this time. Even though he had repeatedly restrained his strength, he still touched the divine world. He could clearly feel the slight trembling in it.

Entering the God Realm, he came to stand on the sacred tree, and with a flash of spiritual thought, he sent a message to Hai Ling.

The person he wanted to take away was Hai Ling. Before leaving the God Realm just now, he discussed with many people and left out this little guy. He knew what Hai Ling was thinking and was unwilling to separate from him, but he couldn't tell her to stay; and he couldn't say in front of everyone, I will take you away alone, as that would make others unhappy. To be continued. .

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