The Monk

Text Chapter 1,708 The so-called right and wrong


The big man replied: "It is not always convenient to carry a storage bag with you. After drinking all the wine, give the bag to Qingyinju for safekeeping. The tent should be at his place."

Hearing this, Zhang Awei's helplessness became even greater, and he said to the big man: "You are so awesome." After saying this, he scooped out the tent and the two settled in the wild.

In order to appreciate the customs of the lower world, the big man built a bonfire outside the tent and sat there until midnight before going in to rest. Honestly, he looked really human. The only thing was that the guy didn't have flint and was unwilling to drill wood to make fire, so he used magic to ignite the wood, which was a trick.

When it dawned the next day, Zhang was afraid of putting away the tent and being dragged on the road again by the big man. He walked along the path until dusk, and finally met someone.

The reason why there is only a small road here and there is no human habitation is that this is the border and wars are raging frequently. The people the big man met were a small group of soldiers.

The soldiers in the group found two men in white clothes who looked like scholars. They didn't hesitate at all. They only heard the captain's order, and more than a dozen sharp arrows flew towards them, leaving no chance for the two to speak.

The big man was angry at that time and wanted to have a fit. Zhang Weijing said in his ear: "Live like a mortal." The big man was stunned. At this time, a sharp arrow flew, but the big man didn't even think of dodging, so he was hit in the middle.

Zhang Ping hid behind the big man and said after avoiding the rain of arrows: "Run." The big man sighed heavily, took the sharp arrow stuck in his body, and ran away without a trace in the blink of an eye. trace. Zhang was afraid to follow.

When they reached a deserted place, the big man said angrily: "Does it have to be like this?" He said something. He casually pulled out the arrow feathers from his body, looked at the arrow blade and said, "It's quite sharp." Then he threw it to the ground.

Zhang Awei smiled and said: "Your flesh is so soft? Can you hit it with one arrow?" The big man said angrily: "Didn't you say that you have to be like a mortal? Otherwise, can you hit me?" Zhang Awei shook his head and said: " You said you should live like a mortal, I was just reminding you."

Just when they were talking nonsense. Suddenly a whistle sounded in the distance, and a loud arrow shot up into the sky.

The big man asked: "What are you doing?" Zhang Ping smiled and said: "This is to discover the enemy situation and find helpers." "Looking for helpers? Just to deal with the two of us, do you need helpers?" The big man was a little angry. Zhang Yin smiled and said: "You're right, let's go. Why are you still here? Being a living target?"

The big man was very angry and asked Zhang Ai: "Didn't you say that the lower world is very happy, very loving, very good and beautiful? But I have only been here for two days. Yesterday I saw broken stones, and today I am being hunted. What's the good thing?" Zhang Ain replied: "It is precisely because there are many bad things that good things will be remembered and spread, and only then can we be happy."

The big man was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "You mean, the good things in the lower world are all contrasted with the bad things, and then they appear good?" Zhang Ai replied: "Of course, otherwise, why would everyone want to fly? Become a god in heaven?”

"I'm so depressed. I was deceived by you." The big man roared angrily. Zhang Awei sighed and said, "Louder, louder. They don't need arrows to point the way."

As he finished these words, a moment later. The sound of horse hooves could be heard in the distance. Although it was thousands of meters away, with two people's ears, they could hear it clearly without using magic.

The big man seized the opportunity and said: "The crow's mouth." Zhang Ping said: "Don't worry about the crow, let's go quickly." As he spoke, he chose a direction and moved forward quickly. The big man looked back at the direction where the cavalry was chasing, sighed, and followed Zhang Wei's footsteps.

The border was in the north, so they headed west. Because they were faster, they found the main road after two hours.

Occasionally there were pedestrians or cars and horses passing by on the road. The two slowed down and walked for another hour and a half until they arrived in front of a city.

This is a medium-sized city with a population of about 300,000 to 400,000. People live in the city. There are mostly vegetable fields outside the city. There are two military camps in the north and a huge military training ground.

This place is close to the border, so there are soldiers under the city gate to strictly check the people coming and going.

Looking at the high city wall and the soldiers below the city, Zhang Ain said: "We can't enter here, we have to go south." "Why can't we enter? Isn't it just the door bar? Just change it." The big man saw the soldiers clearly. The object to be inspected, he said casually.

Zhang Ain replied: "Change again? Didn't you say you want to be a mortal?" The big man thought about it and said: "Being a mortal is boring. I can't do anything. It feels very frustrating and powerless."

Zhang Awei nodded and said: "This is the real life of ordinary people. Powerlessness, frustration, suffering, and hardship will easily accompany them throughout their lives. As for joy and happiness, there is a saying that is contentment and happiness. Only when you know how to be satisfied can you be happy. Remember, Try to learn to enjoy hardship, and then you will be happy.”

The big man didn't care what Zhang Ao said, but he was very angry that he couldn't enter the city. He asked, "Can I change it once?" He meant changing the door bar to get out. Zhang Awei replied calmly: "Is it necessary? If you think it is necessary, then change it."

The big man thought seriously for a while and sighed: "It was originally necessary, but it doesn't seem necessary. After thinking about it for a while, I got a little confused. You can come up with an idea." Zhang Wen said well, turned around and left.

The big man caught up and said, "Don't you want to leave right away?" Zhang Ain asked back, "Why do you want to?"

The two of them stood in the distance and watched the city, but did not enter the city. Then they left, attracting the attention of the guards. Then there were more loud arrows flying into the sky, and more cavalry chased them. The big man said angrily: "You might as well listen to me and go into the city as a policeman." Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Stop talking nonsense and run quickly."

A quarter of an hour later, in an uninhabited wilderness, the big guy yelled at Zhang Pa: "Is this the lower world? I came here to play with you, not to be hunted by someone? What's even more hateful is that you can't fight back, you bastard, hurry up and find a place to eat and drink, and comfort my wounded heart."

"Comfort your head, where did you learn these weird words?" Zhang Pa cursed casually, then pointed to the south and said: "There is a city there, let's go and eat."

So, half an hour later, Zhang Pa and the big guy finally sat in the restaurant and drank happily. But while they were eating, there was a noise on the street, someone was cursing, someone was crying. The big guy frowned and said: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Pa said: "I think you look good when you frown." "Really? When I return to the God Realm, I will also look like this. Well, can you stop that person from crying? I can't stand people crying." The latter sentence refers to the noise on the street.

Zhang Pa walked to the window and looked down. After a while, he asked the big man, "Do you think we should intervene in this matter?"

At this time, the big man also came to the window and looked down. He understood what happened. After thinking for a while, he said, "Based on my original personality, I would definitely intervene, but now, I don't know."

There were six yamen runners on the street. They grabbed a pale and weak young man and pushed him towards the yamen. A white-haired woman was chasing after him. She was the one crying. The cause was that the government recruited young men to serve as soldiers. The young man was unwilling, so the yamen sent people to arrest him and then sent him to the military camp. The old woman was the young man's mother. She didn't want her child to fight and die, so she chased him out.

Seeing that the old woman kept chasing and tearing the yamen runners, and was constantly pushed down, the young man had already been angry and scolded the yamen runners. In return, he was kicked, punched, and slapped a few times, and then kicked and pushed the old woman even harder.

Zhang Pa sighed and said, "The so-called right and wrong are just things that can be seen in front of us. If you go too far, you will be very tired." As he said this, he pressed the window sill with his hand, jumped down from the air, and blocked the way of the yamen runner.

The big man said depressedly upstairs: "Just go downstairs, why are you so handsome?" Then he also jumped down from the upstairs and stood side by side with Zhang Pa.

They jumped bravely from the building. The waiter upstairs didn't know the situation and thought that the two people jumped down from the building to eat a free meal. He rushed to the window and shouted, "Someone is running away."

Hearing this, the big man shouted upstairs: "What are you running away from? Shut up." Just when he said this, a yamen runner came over and pointed at him and shouted, "Get out of the way quickly, don't hinder the officials from doing their work."

Zhang Pa breathed a sigh of relief, threw a piece of silver upstairs, turned around and said to the yamen runner, "I have something to discuss with you."

The yamen runner was very arrogant, but seeing that the two dared to jump down from the building, at least they had some light body skills, no one dared to make trouble easily. Looking at each other, one of them stood up and asked, "I wonder what I should call you two gentlemen? I have an errand to do, which is very important. Can I wait until I return to the yamen to complete the errand first, and then come to talk to you two gentlemen?"

This man was very perceptive and knew how to be patient and settle things. Zhang Pa smiled and said, "I really have something to discuss with you." As he spoke, his figure flashed and came to the side of the yamen runner. The yamen runner was startled and was about to retreat. But Zhang Pa moved faster, and with a light press of his right hand, the yamen runner could not move. He asked in surprise, "What do you want to do?"

Zhang Pa leaned close to his ear and whispered, "I have something good to discuss with you. As long as you let go of the young man and the mother and son, I will give you 120 taels of silver, and each of you can get 20 taels. You may consider it." After speaking, he smiled and retreated.

The yamen runner was still in shock, but he didn't dare to believe that there was such a good thing. He kept looking at Zhang Pa with suspicious eyes. After thinking again and again, he walked back to the yamen runners. Except for one person who was watching the young man, he told the other four what Zhang Pa had just said.

Soon, the six yamen runners all knew about the 120 taels of silver, and they were greedy, but the problem was that this was the middle of the street, and even if they wanted to take the silver, they dared not do it in the street. In addition, they didn't know who Zhang Pa was, and they didn't know if he was really willing to give the silver?

After a while, the yamen runner came up to speak again. He walked in front of Zhang Pa and bowed his hands first, and then whispered: "What's your name, young master?" Zhang Pa smiled and said, "It's not important." As he spoke, he shook his right hand, and a white ingot of silver flashed in front of the yamen runner's eyes.

The yamen runner's eyes lit up. For them, it was just military service. It didn't make much difference whether they caught one more or one less. Whether they could catch someone was up to them to report, so the six yamen runners dared to think boldly. The yamen runner whispered: "There is a fork in the street ahead, it is more convenient to talk." (If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets at Qidian (shuhaige.). Your support is my greatest motivation.)


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