The Monk

Text Chapter 1,657 Leaving without saying goodbye

~.\u003c Shuhai Pavilion \u003e-~    Chapter 1657: Leaving without Saying Goodbye

Hearing Dingshou's ridicule, Zhang Pa smiled and said, "I also know that it is greed, so I want to ask, is there a way to practice dual cultivation, which can transfer my divine power to them, so that they have the power to walk in the divine world, and then go to the divine pool to condense their bodies and become gods like me."

This remark caused Dingshou to laugh again. The guy laughed for a long time, looked at Zhang Pa and shook his head and said, "I don't know whether to say you are stupid or greedy? Should I admire you? Or should I say you are an idiot?"

Dingshou said a few nonsense words, and then Zhang Pa kept silent and waited for a while. Seeing that Dingshou didn't speak, he had to ask: "I want to know, is there any method?" Dingshou smiled and said: "Yes, of course, we are gods. Isn't it a method for mortals to become gods without trials? Of course, but are you sure you want to know?" Hearing that there is a way, Zhang Pa nodded and said: "Please teach me, sir." "Don't be so polite. Since you want to know, I will tell you. But if you know the method and don't do it, haha, it's even more interesting." Dingshou's eyes were full of mischief, which made people have a bad premonition. Zhang Pa looked respectful and said again: "Please teach me, sir." "Okay, I will teach you. The method is very simple. Condense your divine power into a divine pearl, which is the basis for you to stay in this world. No matter what method you use, send the divine pearl into a woman's body and keep it. She is a god, and you, after losing your foundation, will either die or be knocked down to dust." Dingshou said this coldly, and then looked at him with a playful look. Zhang Pa was stunned, thought for a while and asked again: "Can this be done without the magic of dual cultivation? Or can I divide the magic bead into four and give it to four people?"

Dingshou sneered: "You asked me for the method, I told you, and the rest, you can do it yourself." After saying that, he turned and left, and soon disappeared into the mountains and forests.

Dingshou left, but Zhang Pa stayed there, thinking about what Dingshou said, and also thinking about how he should do it. After standing for a long time, Dingshou's voice sounded in his mind again. That guy said: "Don't say that I am hiding something, and don't say that I only bully you, a junior. Dual cultivation can indeed help the other party improve their cultivation quickly. There is only one thing, just like the magic bead, it improves others, but you are the one who loses. As for the cultivation method, the book pavilion does not have it, you have to ask Jieyin." After saying this, Dingshou disappeared completely.

Hearing this, Zhang Pa smiled bitterly. The meaning of dual cultivation and the magic bead is similar. Both help others and lose yourself, but it is better than the magic bead. After all, there is no worry about life.

He was thinking about this when the big guy came over and said, "Are you stupid? Go down the mountain!" Zhang Pa smiled and nodded when he heard this. He took away the barrier and turned to walk towards the white tiger. He had just dealt with the wolves and the beasts and let the white tiger go. Now he had to deal with the white tiger and persuade them to go down the mountain. He felt a little depressed. Why was it so tiring to do good things? Seeing Zhang Pa coming over, a white tiger said directly, "We won't go down the mountain with you." Zhang Pa pouted and said, "Are you sick? I went to great lengths to protect you, and you stay here and wait to die?" After saying this, without waiting for the white tiger to reply, he continued, "You definitely can't stay in the 26th layer of heaven, and the 16th layer of heaven is not okay. According to me, you can live near the book pavilion. As long as you don't bully other beasts too much, you can do whatever you want." After saying this, he looked at the white tiger and said nothing. For the beasts, the sacred mountain represents strength and status. The higher you stand, the stronger your strength will be. If you go down the mountain, even if you can show off in front of the beasts, you can't get past yourself. An eagle would never want to stay with the chickens.

Therefore, the white tiger was unmoved by Zhang Pa's proposal. Zhang Pa said angrily: "Idiot, you two don't care, what about the five little ones?" After saying this, he didn't give them time to think, and said directly: "Go down the mountain!"

The sound was so loud that the leaves in the forest shook. The big guy said dissatisfiedly: "Are you sick? Why are you shouting so loudly?" Zhang Pa ignored him and looked at the white tiger without saying a word. He became more and more depressed. I am doing this for your good, what are you thinking?

Perhaps the life of the little white tiger is more important than his own dignity. The two white tigers looked at each other, turned around and took the little tiger down the mountain. Zhang Pa followed behind and muttered: "You clearly know what's going on, but you have to dawdle for a while."

The big guy followed beside him and muttered: "You clearly know that you are redundant, but you still do unnecessary things."

Hearing the big guy mocking him, Zhang Pa didn't know how to refute, so he diverted his attention and whispered: "Old man, let's discuss it. How about going to find Jie Yin after going down the mountain?"

"Are you done? Why are you so busy?" Hearing that he had to work hard to find someone again, the big guy was very angry.

Zhang Pa whispered: "Jie Yin is not Tongtian, it's not difficult to find."

"It's not difficult, you head, who knows where Jie Yin is hiding. After going down the mountain, accompany me to drink first, and talk about Jie Yin later." The big guy made a quick decision.

Zhang Pa laughed and said casually: "When looking for Jie Yin, you can go see Xiao Qi by the way."

Hearing this, the big guy became even angrier and roared: "You dare to threaten me?"

Looking for Xiao Qi means looking for Tianjing silk, which means there is delicious food to eat, so of course the big guy is tempted. But putting the matter of eating the sky crystal silk and looking for the guide together, it would not go smoothly no matter how you think about it.

Zhang Pa laughed and said, "I am threatening you, do you want to go?"

The big guy thought for a long time and cursed, "This bastard." It was considered a compromise.

At this time, seven tigers came down the mountain, and Zhang Ain and the big man followed them. Because the tigers were too slow, they had not reached the place yet after walking four days and walking for ten days.

In particular, the five little ones were curious about everything. They would run and jump and hide somewhere easily and lose sight of them, which made Zhang worry a lot more.

Ten days later, the big man said angrily: "I don't want to eat Tianjing silk anymore. Get these five little things for me quickly."

Hearing this, Xiaohu looked over angrily, wanting to fight the big man.

Seeing the five little tigers in such a state, Zhang Weijing was a little worried and asked the two big tigers: "How about taking them to live in Xingyuan for a while, and then return to the sacred mountain when they are a little older?" The big tiger shook his head, not at all answer.

The big man interjected: "You idiot, a majestic white tiger needs to go through hardships in the mountains to grow. If you take it down the mountain and raise it like two little unicorn beasts, no matter how strong it is, it will be in vain."

The big man was right. The two big tigers were unwilling to leave the vicinity of the twenty-sixth level for this reason. Zhang Ping smiled lightly and said, "It's my fault."

At this moment, the big white tiger who was silent for the most part asked: "Where is this?" The big man looked around and said casually: "The third heaven? I think it's around here."

The big white tiger stopped and said, "We're not leaving, we're staying here." If he wanted the five little white tigers to become as powerful as himself, they had to go through experience and battle. The big white tiger decided to stay here. After the tiger cubs grow up, they will be taken to higher mountains.

Seeing the innocent looks of the five little guys, Zhang was a little reluctant to give up. After thinking about it, he took out some elixirs and put them in front of the two big tigers. He said softly: "Give them to eat so that they can grow up faster."

The two big tigers gave a low roar to express their gratitude. One big tiger was in front, leading the five tiger cubs towards the distance, looking for a new home. The other big tiger put away the elixir and followed behind.

After the white tigers walked away, the big man said coldly: "True or false, white tigers eat meat. If you give them elixir, they will become more powerful, and other mythical beasts will die. Isn't that interesting?"

Zhang Ain replied: "I can't control that much. I can only do what I can do. Even if it is unfair to other lives, I can only say sorry."

"I'm sorry, you idiot. The sacred mountain has its own rules. If you insist on interfering, who are you arguing with?" The big man continued to sneer. Zhang Ain smiled and said, "Actually, I have been having trouble with myself in this life."

"Why don't you die?" The big man scolded him. He was too lazy to leave and jumped down the mountain. Zhang Ain watched the big man fall quickly, stood there and thought about it, put away his black armor, stretched out his figure and ran down the mountain.

Half a day later, I returned to Xingyuan and looked around. I didn't see the big man, so I went to ask the old madman: "Where is the big man?" The old madman asked back: "Not with you?" Zhang Frightened: "No. "

During the spiritual scan, the big man was not in the star source or the orchard. He had no energy at all and didn't know where he was running. Zhang Ping originally planned to go with him to find a guide, but now that he thought about it, he decided to wait until the big man first.

It wasn't that he wanted the big man to help, but he was worried about him and didn't know what happened to prevent the big man from coming back in time.

Zhang Wei started waiting when he went down the mountain. After waiting for a day, he still couldn't wait for the big man. He was a little worried. Could it be that he had angered him?

Soon, another day passed, and the big man still didn't come back. Zhang was afraid to go to the old madman and asked: "Where did the big man like to go in the past?" The old madman replied: "Who knows? That guy is the biggest nerve in the world. No one knows what he can do or what he wants to do. ”

The old madman couldn't hear the answer he wanted, so he went to ask Qingyin again. Qingyin also replied that he didn't know, but added: "The big man just likes to play. He should encounter something new and interesting, so he can watch the fun." "Yes." Zhang Ai smiled bitterly and said, "I hope so."

Ever since the big man stayed in Xingyuan for drinking, Zhang Wen was used to the presence of the big man and also used to bickering with him. At this time, I suddenly couldn't find anyone, and I felt a little disappointed.

This feeling has been with me for a long time. A month later, the big man still didn't come back. Zhang was afraid that he was a little confused. Could it be that he really angered him? He should apologize sincerely, but he didn't know where the big man was, so he couldn't apologize even if he wanted to.

Because the big man never came back, the old madman and Qingyin came to ask what happened. Zhang was afraid that he could only reply that he might have angered him.

Hearing this answer, the old madman laughed and said, "You are really capable." Qingyin advised, "I will guard the source of the star for you, and you go out and look for it."

~.\u003c Shuhai Pavilion \u003e-~

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