The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1570 Several attempts

Chapter 1570 Several attempts

Now that he has a divine body, the Divine Tears can no longer help him much. Even if he merges with Zhang Aiyuan Shen, he will not come out all day long. The same is true for Bing Jing. The little guy lives in Zhang Ping Yuanshen and shares weal and woe with him. Not to mention the natal bones, because Zhang Zhi did not need the protection of the natal bones at all. His own body alone was much stronger than those bones, so the natal bones were just hidden.

When he was in the lower realm, these things had given Zhang Ai great help. Whether it was divine tears, ice crystals, or natal bones, they had blocked countless dangers for him and helped him quickly grow in cultivation. They were absolute big help.

Later, when he ascended to the God Realm, Zhang Ping once thought about making them more powerful together. Unfortunately, he was just a new god, and his cultivation level was the lowest among the hundreds of millions of gods. Without this ability, he didn't know how to do it. Then suppress this thought.

After being depressed for many years, and suffering repeated setbacks in the Immortal Well, he naturally thought of these friends who had given him great help.

As he thought about it, his soul felt something. Divine tears and ice crystals slowly came out of his forehead, sensed the surroundings, and then retracted from his body.

Shen Lei and Bing Jing were slightly aware of the suffering Zhang Ai was going through, but due to the limitations of their own bodies, they didn't like the environment of the divine world, so they felt more comfortable staying in Zhang Ai's Yuan Shen, so they quickly retreated.

Zhang Ai used his soul to communicate with Bing Jing a little, hoping that he would pay attention to his safety. However, he found that the little guy was jumping around in his head and didn't know what he wanted to do. Zhang Ai thought about it for a while, but he couldn't figure it out. At this time, there was a fluctuation in the soul, and he realized that Bing Jing wanted to help him.

Zhang Wen smiled bitterly, how can I help? Do you want to let the ice crystals condense into an ice shield to protect yourself? I smiled and refused immediately. But at the moment of rejection, he suddenly thought of a possibility. Ice crystal might really be able to help him.

At this time, he remembered something. When he was in the lower world, he had seen a suffering person whose fingers and toes were frozen off, and they were completely numb after being frozen. And ice crystals are a thing of great cold. If you can completely freeze yourself and lose consciousness, you might be able to get out of the Immortal Well.

So I thought about it carefully, but there are two questions. The first is, how to act after the body is frozen? The second one is that he is a god. No matter how cold the ice crystal is, it is still a thing from the lower world. Can it freeze him?

If he is outside, he can try it as he pleases, once it doesn't work twice, or twice but three times. If it fails, he can try it again. He can always find a way. Even if he can't find a way, he can know that this method is not feasible. But this is not possible in the Immortal Well. If the attempt fails, it is very likely to be a real failure. For example, what should I do if ice crystals freeze me and I am unable to move?

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to give it a try and let the ice crystal freeze my fingers to feel it.

Unexpectedly, Bing Jing refused to cooperate and was unwilling to hurt him.

Zhang Ai could only try his best to persuade, no matter whether Bing Jing could understand or not, he told Bing Jing in a messy way, and finally succeeded in getting Bing Jing to deal with him. Then he tried, but something unexpected happened during the attempt. Just like what he had just thought, the ice crystals could not freeze his body. He only felt that the little finger of his left hand was cold, but he could still move it. It doesn't matter whether it's motionless or not. What I'm most afraid of is feeling it. If I feel it, it will hurt.

So, this idea was abandoned. Originally, I wanted to pour divine power into the ice crystals and replace spiritual power with divine power. It should be able to freeze myself. But I also know that I am thinking wildly. Let’s not say whether this method is feasible. I just say that if a spiritual creature suddenly lets its spiritual energy take over its body, what do you think will happen? If not, the ice crystals will die.

Since this method is not feasible, we still have to fight hard. After resting for a while, Zhang was afraid to get up, put away a bunch of big snakes as usual, sealed the walnut exit, frowned and looked at the white stone steps, and then stepped on them again without looking back.

This was the ninth attempt, and the result was the same as the previous attempts. When he stepped on the twenty-seventh stone step, the pain was unbearable, and his body's instinctive reaction caused him to fall to the bottom of the well again.

After this attempt, there were eight days left. Zhang Ai felt sad, could it be that he really couldn't get out of the Immortal Well?

Lying flat on the ground, his eyes were fixed on the twenty-seventh step hanging in the air, just staring at it. If he doesn't admit defeat, why can't he stand the pain? Why can't you get past it?

However, after that step, there were three more steps, indicating that more intense pain was waiting for him. Even after the twenty-seventh step, he would have to face more terrifying challenges.

Zhang Ai lay down and watched for a long time, then moved his eyes slowly from the twenty-seventh step to the third step behind. After watching for a while, he sighed softly, closed his eyes, and asked himself in his heart , can you really not bear the pain?

At this moment, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind, he opened his eyes suddenly, and stood up.

Just now, I just thought about letting ice crystals freeze my body. In fact, I can also use any spell to seal my body and turn myself into stone. No matter how great the pain is, I won't feel it. There's just one problem. How do you walk after turning into stone? How to climb the stairs?

Thinking like this, his eyes dimmed again. It seemed that he couldn't take any tricks and could only fight hard.

Looking at the suspended steps in the air again, Zhang Wen's eyes became fierce. Isn't it just pain? bring it on! Can't stand it once or twice? Can't stand it a hundred or two hundred times?

He casually took out an elixir and stuffed it into his mouth. Then his energy flowed through his body, and his body was like lightning. He walked up the twenty steps in an instant, and then all the way up, he began to undergo painful training.

Sometimes, decision does not mean success. Zhang Awei moved forward desperately, but still fell on the twenty-seventh step. However, this time he fell, Zhang Awei just adjusted his breath slightly, took another elixir, and then continued to rush up to fight for his life.

Two hours passed so quickly, and he fell again and again, which made Zhang Afraid angry. He couldn't remember anything else in his mind. He only had one thought, take the elixir, and then rush up. I haven't played yet. The rush.

Fortunately, the Immortal Well was protected by a magic circle. Otherwise, if he fell continuously like him, a big hole would have been created at the bottom of the well.

He kept falling down, facing failure again and again. The Fu Shen Snakes were collectively angry, and Bing Jing was also a little surprised, but they couldn't figure out what was happening. All I know is that Zhang Zhi was feeling very uncomfortable at this time, and he was getting more and more angry, fully expressing his emotions. Unexpectedly, their reaction made Zhang afraid even more angry. He was already very annoyed, but you are still making noise? For the first time, he wanted to shout to the big snakes: "Be honest with me."

He really wanted to shout and get angry, just like when we get angry with our friends and relatives when something goes wrong, he said, "Don't be upset." Zhang Weijing really wanted to shout, but at this moment, the face of the old madman suddenly appeared in front of him. At that time, he suppressed his anger and stood at the bottom of the well, raised his arms high, looked up to the sky and roared.

There was reluctance and pain in this roar, which reflected his mood at this time. In this wild scream, the big iron heart of God flew gently to his side, wrapped him with his own power, comforted him, and wanted to give his power to Zhang Ai so that he would not feel uncomfortable anymore.

In a frantic scream, he vented his unwillingness for the past few days, then closed his mouth, released the snake, slapped the big iron block a few times, and rushed up the stone steps again.

Since you have to fight, you have to fight to the end. No matter whether you give in or not, no one cares about what you have done or how much you have suffered. People only look at the results and want to see what you look like after you get out of the immortal well!

Zhang is afraid of walking out of the Immortal Well!

With this motivation, after venting his emotions, after walking up the twenty-seventh step for several days, and after becoming familiar with the seventh level of pain in the Banished Immortal Well, this time, Zhang Ai finally succeeded in stepping onto the first step. Twenty-seven steps without falling.

The further back you go, the harder it becomes to walk. In the past, when walking up and down the steps, one would walk up and down with two feet, one walking one, three, five, and the other walking two, four six. Now, Zhang was afraid of stopping both feet on the twenty-seventh step. While enduring the severe pain, he made careful preparations. He wanted to walk up the thirty steps in one go and walk out of the Immortal Well.

It's a pity that facts have nothing to do with imagination. You look at the old madman outside the Immortal Well. That man is powerful and majestic. You want to go out and be like him, but you can't! Let’s not talk about whether you can get out of the Immortal Well. Even if you can get out, it does not mean that you have the qualifications to stay in Thirty-Three Heavens. Even if he had the qualifications to stay in the Thirty-Three Heavens, he would definitely not be the opponent of the old madman.

What you see is far away; what you imagine is beautiful; the fact is that what you are experiencing is difficult!

Zhang was afraid to stop on the twenty-seventh step to prepare, but while preparing, severe pain bothered him all the time. He was completely distracted and had no energy to make this so-called preparation. Moreover, the pain he was enduring at this time was really difficult to endure. As long as he stood for a moment longer, without him having to walk up the twenty-eighth step, the pain here alone would make him roll down directly.

Therefore, Zhang Weizhi could only step up, and then, as if he had been hit hard, he fell backwards and fell into the well again.

There was a group of snakes at the bottom of the well. Seeing that Zhang was afraid of pain, they rushed up one by one, trying to bite the stone steps. When they were in the lower realm, they were god-defying snakes who ate everything, but here was the Immortal Well. With their strength, when they only climbed to the twenty-first step, they rolled down one after another, making a snapping sound. It's endless, and there's not even a chance to bite the stone steps.

The reason why there was a snapping sound was because there were more God-subdued snakes at the bottom under the big snakes that fell down.

Fortunately, these snakes did not hit Zhang Afraid. Just then Zhang was afraid of falling, and the God's Heart behind him released its gentle power, gently lifted him up, and moved him gently to the side to avoid being crushed by the big snake.

At this time, Zhang Awei woke up and saw a group of big snakes making a mess up and down. Zhang Awei sighed and said: "Stop making trouble."

Seeing that Zhang Weifang was fine and indeed unable to make it up the twenty-first steps, they made a fuss for a short while before a bunch of snakes finally calmed down and looked at Zhang Weifang one by one with unwillingness in their eyes.

Zhang Ai said softly: "Don't give in. I don't need your help now. If I need you, I will tell you."

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