The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1566 Bet

i Chapter 1500 Betting

Zhang Ping popped up several lighting beads one after another, scattered in all directions, illuminating the rocky space. As far as the eye could see, there were only uneven stones and nothing else, and naturally there was no flame. i

Now that the danger is over, Zhang Wei uses his soul in the iron block to ask how the heart of God is doing now. The Heart of God didn't reply. Zhang Ping was about to ask again when he suddenly realized that his body couldn't move. A force came from the iron block to cover him. Then he saw the big iron block shouting like a human being and shouted: "Block" Zhongzhong surged out with power again, this time the power was even more powerful, hitting the surrounding rock walls directly, making a roaring sound.

Amidst the roaring sound, there was a very clear clicking sound, and the space where Zhang Wei was imprisoned actually cracked, and many rock fragments fell down. Zhang was afraid that he would be shocked when he saw this, could he rush out? At this time, the Heart of God shouted again: Yes, this space has really opened, and the clicking sound was endless. After a while, Zhang Ai and the Heart of God saw the light from the outside again, and returned to that place. In a beautiful garden with flying butterflies and gorgeous flowers and leaves.

There is no darkness in the space anymore, and there is no weird way that the face is still beating when the red or blue fire is burning, as if everything just now was just a dream, and after waking up from the dream, the world is still beautiful.

Zhang was afraid to know that it was not a dream, not because gods do not dream, but because he was very tired! At this time, he was completely weak, severely lacking in divine power, and did not want to move at all.

Just now, the Heart of God released a powerful force, causing blue fire to fly everywhere. In order to save his life, he had to use all his strength to block it with a shield. It was only three short breaths, but it seemed as long as the past three years. In short, , making him very tired.

The biggest problem is that not only is he tired, God's Heart has also used up almost all its divine power, making it even more tired than him. The soul he had left in the Heart of God could clearly detect the aura fluctuations in the iron block for the first time. A large piece of iron had the same lack of divine power as he did. In order to protect Zhang's safety, God's Heart knew that it could only passively defend if it stayed in the magic circle, so regardless of whether it could succeed or not, it tried its best to attack the magic circle directly. It succeeded, but God's Heart used up almost all its divine power.

With this discovery, Zhang Ping put away the colorful cloud shield outside him without even thinking about it, quickly took out the elixir and fairy wine, fed the elixir into his mouth, took out two bottles of fairy wine at the same time, and poured it on the iron block.

The two of them just escaped from the flames. The first thing they did after returning was to check their injuries, and then they took the time to recover their powers, completely ignoring the situation in the garden.

At this time, the old madman was standing in front of a Canxingcao plant, tilting his head to look at them with a hint of surprise on his face. After watching it for a long time, the old madman clapped his hands as if he was watching a great show. He was amazed at the same time and couldn't believe it at the same time. However, the little bit of surprise on his face disappeared and was replaced by the original one. A smile like spring breeze.

His slap caught Zhang Wei's attention, he looked up at him, thought for a moment and said, "Are you sick?"

The old madman was stunned again. Why did this guy say such a thing? After being plotted against, most people will either get angry, accept their fate, or refuse to accept their fate. Even when they know they can't defeat their opponent, they will endure it. How could they be like the kid in front of him, who opened his mouth to ask if he was sick? After thinking about it, the old madman smiled and asked, "How do you say it?"

The old madman wanted to ask Zhang Awei why he said he was sick. Unexpectedly, Zhang Awei's answer exceeded his expectations again. The guy angrily said casually: "I'm too lazy to tell you." Then he sat cross-legged in front of him in a grand manner. Next, he actually regained his magical power through breathing.

Seeing this scene, the old madman chuckled and shook his head helplessly, thinking that this guy is crazier than me.

Zhang Ai understood clearly that he couldn't defeat the old lunatic anyway, and everything he did would be useless. If that guy wants to torment him, there are many ways, especially since the Heart of God is also seriously damaged. It is better to practice as soon as possible and have more strength to protect yourself.

He thought about starting to practice, but the old madman really didn't torment him any more, but instead watched him practice with great interest. Anyway, for the old madman, Zhang is afraid that even if he cultivates to the strongest state, he is just a strong ant. How can he defeat the elephant like the old madman?

Zhang Ai was very attentive. He meditated for an hour and then opened his eyes to look at the heart of God. The reason why he woke up after an hour was because he cared about God's heart and wanted to see how the situation was now.

I used the distraction in the iron block to check briefly, and I was very disappointed. The divine power in the iron block was almost exhausted. The fairy wine I poured just now was only absorbed, and then there was nothing more. The main body of God's Heart is damaged, and even its ability to absorb divine power is greatly reduced.

But it was already like this, and Zhang was afraid that he really couldn't think of a way to restore God's Heart to its original state in a short period of time, and his cultivation level was too low, so even if he wanted to protect God's Heart, he didn't have the strength to do so. Just look at the old madman, and then continue to meditate.

In this situation, no matter how much fairy wine you give to God's Heart, it will be useless. If you can't be absorbed and devoured by the Heart of God, you won't be able to use these powers properly. What's the point of having more immortal wine?

The reason why Zhang Weijing meditates is just to make himself as powerful as possible. It would be good to have more self-protection power. At the same time, he also hopes to protect the damaged heart of God.

At this time, the old madman had been standing in front of the Canxingcao. Zhang was afraid of meditating for an hour, so he stood for an hour without moving. Seeing that Zhang Weijing wanted to meditate and practice again, the old madman said: "Wait a minute."

Zhang was afraid to open his eyes and look at him, but his body was still sitting cross-legged in meditation.

The old madman chuckled and said: "I'm surprised that you can break out of the formation, but with your level of cultivation, even if you practice for ten thousand years, well, okay, even if you practice for a hundred years, it won't be enough for one of my fingers. Why bother to hold on when your head is twisted?"

Zhang Ai didn't say anything, his expression was calm, and he just looked at him quietly. Seeing Zhang Wei's expression, the old madman sighed: "Why do you have to go against me? I don't want to kill you, I just want to get that piece of iron. Look at that piece of iron. It has no power now. Give it to me. The previous conditions will still be there." Effective, I will make you a real master.”

Seeing that the old madman refused to give up, Zhang Wen smiled coldly and said firmly: "No!" Then he ignored what the old madman would say and just took the elixir and meditated with his eyes closed. He has a cloud shield and a sky-tangled thread, one for defense and one for attack. No matter what, he has the strength to fight and cannot give up.

Hearing Zhang Wen's firm answer, the old madman lost his patience. This kid is really stubborn. Thinking about it from the time he met him until now, even if he just came back from the blue sea of ​​hell, he was exhausted, but he still refused. Throw in the towel. And he couldn't really kill him. If he killed him, all this time would be in vain. What he wanted was not killing people, but the living heart of God.

So he stopped smiling and said softly: "Don't practice yet, let's talk." Zhang Wen ignored him and continued to meditate. The old madman ignored his reaction and just continued: "You can't beat me, and I don't want to kill you. Let's make a bet, shall we?" Zhang was still silent because of fear. The old madman took him as his acquiescence and continued. : "You can't beat me, and you can't leave here. I'll give you a chance. I know you have to survive the catastrophe to get here. Now I'll give you another chance to survive the catastrophe. As long as you can persist, I will let you go." You go, and you still have your iron piece. If you lose, you have to give it to me, and I will still meet any of your conditions, as long as I can do it."

It was difficult to calm down with the old madman talking around him, so Zhang was afraid that he would not be able to practice breathing. At this time, when he heard the old madman talking about making a bet and enduring a catastrophe, he opened his eyes and looked at them.

Seeing that Zhang was afraid of opening his eyes, which meant that he might persuade him, the old madman continued: "There is a well outside this garden, called the Immortal Well. It is one of the many weird places in the thirty-three days. There are no living things in it. , there is only a strange magic circle, I will throw you into it and give you ten days. As long as you can come, you will win. If you don't come, the iron block will be mine."

Hearing the old madman's words, Zhang Wen was wondering where the banished fairy well was. Let alone a terrifying mechanism for me to break into, wouldn't that mean death? You must know that this is thirty-three days, but he is a waste of the divine world who has never even been to the first level of heaven. He looked at the old madman with questioning eyes.

Seeing his questioning look, the old madman smiled softly and said: "Don't worry, no one can die in the well. The Immortal Well should actually be called the Immortal Well. It is the well that tortures us. It is thirty meters deep and only two of you are as tall as you." , there is nothing at the bottom twenty meters, and after twenty meters it starts to break, which is very torturous; for the ten meters downward from the well mouth, each meter is a checkpoint. The advantage is that no one is killed, but the disadvantage is that it is really torture. Human, but it’s okay, it won’t kill you anyway. When you can’t bear the pain, your body’s instinctive reaction will make you fall into coma, or you will stop and fall down the well. It’s only a few meters high, so you won’t die.”

The old madman said many things, but Zhang Ping still didn't reply. The old madman said: "You don't have to worry about me causing harm. That well is used to train your soul. As long as you can endure the pain, you can easily climb out. It's only ten meters away. Are you afraid?"

Used to hone the soul? Zhang Weijing felt a little excited at that moment, but he didn't believe that there was any pain in this world that could be more painful than refining and burning his soul, but what if he couldn't climb out? Do you want to give up the heart of God to others?

Seeing that he was acting like a dead man and just didn't speak, the old madman said coldly: "I have no patience anymore. You only have this one chance. If you don't agree, I will kill you at the worst."

This sentence is very cold, and there is a certain attitude of death. Zhang Ain thought about it seriously for a while, isn't it just to endure the pain? Bet! If one’s cultivation is not as good as that of others, how can one’s endurance of pain be inferior to that of others?

He thought clearly that the situation at hand was very unfavorable to him. If he could not defeat the old madman, he would not be able to leave, and the heart of God was seriously injured. If he kept going on, if he made the old madman angry, he would have no choice but to die. It's better to give it a try and leave if you win. If you lose, you'll die anyway. At worst, you'll die with the Heart of God. novel network t

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