The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1414 Divine Relics

Chapter 1,414 Divine Relics

Zhang Wen replied truthfully: "I've seen him before." Then he asked again: "How tall is your master?"

Hearing that the other party said that he had seen the legendary magic weapon, Shen undoubtedly hesitated for a moment, then sighed with a wry smile and said: "Have you ever put it away?" Zhang Ain replied: "Why should you put it away? You haven't answered my question yet. "

Shen undoubtedly nodded and said: "You have seen that magic weapon. You should know that it is not a thing in the starry sky. Who can handle such a big weapon? Anyway, normal humans like you and me will never carry a weapon that is much stronger than ourselves." He is a big guy who is twice as big as him." He paused and said, "My master can do it. He is about fifteen meters tall, but it's a pity that he was seriously injured and let his weapons drift in the starry sky."

Hearing this, Zhang Awei was secretly happy. It seemed that no matter where they were, these guys were fighting and killing each other.

The god undoubtedly continued to speak. After some narration, Zhang Weijing had a simple understanding of the god's legacy.

That guy is not from this starry sky, let alone from other starry skies. As Shen Yi undoubtedly understands, Shen Yi comes from a higher realm. According to Shen Yi himself, that place is called the God Realm. In other words, it has the same name as the divine world of Starry Sky. But in the eyes of Shenyi, the so-called name of God in the starry sky is just a joke, just an ant in the lower world. How dare you call yourself a God?

Let’s not talk about anything else, just height. Is God so short? That's bullshit, and coupled with the ridiculous cultivation of a bunch of cultivators, Shenyi is determined and resolute to look down on him!

Shenyi was the name he changed to himself after he came to this starry sky. He believed that he had been forgotten by the God Realm and was just living in the starry sky of the lower world, just surviving.

This guy has an extremely long lifespan. He can be said to be the oldest person in this starry sky. He can't remember exactly how old he is. Anyway, he works hard every day to recover from his injuries.

The main reason that made him look down on the lower starry sky even more was to recover from his injuries. If he were in his own world, in what he thought was the world of gods, the injuries on his body should have been healed long ago, but here, after so many years, the injuries remained the same and never got better. Even worse than the demon cultivator, the demon cultivator can devour lives and can increase his cultivation level after a little refinement. But Shen Yi can't do it. There is no way to practice in this starry sky, let alone recuperate. In other words, he only looks similar to Zhang Ai and others, but his height, internal organs, meridians, etc. are completely different. They are another race, and can even be said to be another species.

Because he has been seriously injured, it is impossible for Shen Yi to return to his own divine realm, and he can only live alone in the empty starry sky. After countless years, his weapons formed planets, and then more and more planets appeared, violent explosions occurred, or new races were born. Finally one day, there were people in this starry sky.

Although Shenyi cannot recall his weapons and his strength is weak, he is still alive at least. And in his hiding place, finally one day, humans also appeared. A few days later, he was discovered by humans. Those people first saw him as a monster, a tall monster who rarely moved. At the beginning, people were wary. After a few years, I found that the big man was very kind, but also very weak, and could survive without eating or drinking, so I lowered my guard against him.

The big man was injured and could not stand. He had been lying or sitting for many years. He occasionally rolled over to move his body to avoid growing up with the earth. This kind of character of his attracts the love of children. As they gradually got along with each other, Shenyi realized that these children were not bad, so he became interested. His weapon was a sacred object. If he could recall it to his side, it would definitely help his injuries, so he planned to let these children retrieve the giant sword for him.

But the children didn't know how to practice, couldn't leave the starry sky, and couldn't even lift the giant sword. After some simple thinking, Shen Yi decided to pass on the skills to these children. His requirements are not high, as long as he can bring back the giant sword.

In this way, the skills are passed down without choice and let the children practice hard. He is a god from the upper realm. Needless to say, he was very powerful in his cultivation. He is also very knowledgeable. According to the characteristics of the children, he teaches different spells to each individual, and strives to train the children to become masters. He taught without distinction, but as a result, his disciples were mixed, and many things happened. For example, there are disciples who want to become kings and hegemons, and there are disciples who seek revenge and murder after completing their studies, etc. Various things happen frequently.

After countless events, Shenyi was unable to stop the fight, and could only watch helplessly as the disciples fought and killed, with blood flowing out and life passing away. As a god in the upper realm, although he doesn't care about other people's lives, these people are nominal disciples after all. They get along with each other for a long time, and they have some feelings for each other. But these people died one after another, and he had no choice but to accept the fact.

When more and more people died, someone finally pointed the finger at him, saying that Shen Yi was the culprit. Without his spells, many of the tragedies would not have happened. After discussion, those people decided to kill Shen Yi.

The gods and men in the upper realm have their life and death decided by the ants in the lower realm, just like the ants dominate the life of the elephant. Shenyi feels that he is very pathetic and thinks that he really deserves to die. But at this moment, he was saved from danger, and some loyal disciples joined forces to secretly rescue him and take him to fly to the extremely distant starry sky.

Flying for a long time, a year? Two years? Anyway, I flew straight north. I couldn't see any edges while flying around, but I couldn't see any human habitation, so I chose an uninhabited planet to live again.

From this moment on, he had his own planet and some loyal disciples. And Shenyi is indeed powerful. Although he cannot practice it himself, he can create many techniques for each disciple based on the conditions of the starry sky and their own conditions. As long as they are willing to practice seriously, all the disciples will eventually become more and more powerful.

In the past years, there have been great changes, and the disciples who can still stay with Shenyi at this time are all loyal, and Shenyi is indeed worthy of them, passing down all the best spells they can think of, without hiding anything. private.

He thought very clearly that if he were a cripple and could barely move, it would make no difference to him if his disciples learned a few spells or learned many spells. If they tried to do harm to him, they could kill him if they had a little strength, which would be the same as if they had learned many spells. It doesn't matter if you are a young student; but wouldn't it be better if you don't do bad things and let the disciples become stronger? As his disciples become stronger, his safety is guaranteed.

In other words, it is rare for masters and disciples to be of the same mind, so they will develop better and better.

And in the years when he worked hard to teach his disciples, and then great changes occurred, people in the starry sky gradually learned the magic, and many masters were produced, which made Shenyi extremely low-key. He changed his place of residence again and again, and even asked his disciples to keep a low profile with him.

Because there were not many disciples at this time, there were only six in total. Although each of them was very powerful, they completely obeyed the orders of the gods, so they were safe for many years.

When the six disciples became more and more powerful, Shenyi asked them to find the giant sword. There was only one condition. No matter whether they could find and bring back the giant sword, they must keep a low profile, hide their traces, and not be discovered by others. .

So the disciples came looking for it and searched carefully according to the approximate direction provided by Shenyi. Shen Yi is mentally connected to his magic weapon. Although he is not strong enough to recall the giant sword, he always knows where it falls.

However, at this time, the giant sword had already formed a planet and was hiding among the Death Stars. The disciples searched for it for several years but failed to find it, so they had to return without success. After going back and explaining the whole situation in detail, Shenyi once wanted his disciples to take him to search for him. But the problem is that there are more and more cultivators in the starry sky at this time. There are disciples and techniques inherited from the original gods, and there are many other cultivators. There are so many masters that the gods dare not take risks.

When the disciples saw this, they thought the lack of manpower was a big problem. It happened that war broke out in the starry sky at this time, so the six disciples went to various battlefields from time to time to search for orphans and bring them back secretly. After persisting in this way for more than a hundred years, Shenyi had more than a thousand disciples.

With more people, there are more troubles. Since the last incident, the six major disciples and Shenyi believe that loyalty is the most important condition for choosing a disciple. Therefore, the orphans brought back were subjected to strict tests, and only those who passed the test could be worshiped under the sect of the gods.

For the sake of safety, even if you worship under the sect, you can easily not see the relics of the gods. All things are handled by the six major disciples, including the transfer of skills and other matters. After persisting like this for many years, the six major disciples finally reached the highest level of cultivation. Like Mr. Wang and others, they were trapped in a state and could no longer move forward.

Now that they have become powerful but unable to advance, the six masters began to go out one after another to search for information about the giant sword for their master. After many years, the result was the same as before, and they found nothing after searching. Master once said that his magical weapon is a giant sword with a golden light all over its body, which can be easily seen as long as it is exposed outside. But the six masters just couldn't find where this thing was. Several people thought about it again and again, guessing that if it was not put away by someone, it was hidden on a certain planet. So the six master soldiers divided into two groups, and took their disciples who had reached the thirteenth level of cultivation to go out with them to search for information. One group of people went to check the starry sky masters to see who had weird magical weapons; the other group of people went out to search for information. Search the planet, and don’t miss anything that’s slightly weird.

The two groups have been working hard for many years, and their hard work for countless years has finally paid off. They have checked many star fields in succession and determined that there is a problem with the holy field. There is only one reason. The cultivation level of the holy field soldiers is higher than that of other stars. The cultivation level of soldiers in the domain is much higher. This meant that there must be something fishy in the sanctuary, so the six masters came to investigate, hiding their traces, and wandering around various planets. However, after checking all the planets and counting, 887 planets were not found, and there are 888 habitable planets in the sanctuary. So, where is the 888th planet?

From then on, they made finding the Holy Palace their main goal. It just so happened that at this time, there was civil strife in the Soldier Starry Sky, and everyone was massacred. Even the Holy Domain sent troops to inspect the surrounding areas from time to time.


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