The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1391 Something happened to the soldiers

Chapter 1,391 Soldiers in trouble

After a while, three bells rang in the courtyard. Within a quarter of an hour after the bell rang, many orc disciples ran out of the igloo and rushed toward Zhang Ain and others.

Xingyi explained to Zhang Ai: "The disciples are practicing. It takes time to complete the exercises. They cannot come out immediately. There are also disciples who are practicing hard in seclusion and may not hear the bell."

Zhang was afraid that he didn't answer. At this time, if he said nonsense like there was no need to go to such trouble, no need to make a big fanfare to meet, firstly, it would be a bit false, and secondly, it would hurt the orc's feelings.

After waiting for a while, more than a thousand orc disciples lined up in front of Zhang Ai, crowded and eagerly looking over. Suddenly someone shouted: "Salute." More than a thousand orcs bowed in unison, shouting: "I have seen my benefactor."

Zhang Ai whispered: "Get up, there is no need to be so polite between us."

What happened next was that everyone had a great time meeting each other, and the accompanying Long Wei also spent a few days leisurely together. Zhang Ai took out a lot of spiritual wine and elixirs and handed them to the five orc commanders. He also used the reason for his arrival to let the thousands of orc children relax.

It's a pity that good days always pass quickly. Zhang Weijing stayed here for seven days. On the morning of the eighth day, Long Wei came to report the news to him, saying that a tyrannical monster appeared in the starry sky. That day, Chen Bing and the people outside the sanctuary Among the eight teams, one team was wiped out collectively, with only a few people escaping. Then the news spread. Some people said that it was Zhang Ao who killed him, or that he was the helper invited by Zhang Ao. Most of them speculated that it was related to Zhang Ao. , only a few people guessed whether another powerful enemy appeared.

After the death of those soldiers, it caused panic among the soldiers. It could instantly kill a team of ten thousand people, and even the Thirteenth Ultimate Cultivator and others who led the team were killed. How powerful must this be to do this? Therefore, the star masters of the six star regions urgently mobilized their troops to thoroughly investigate the matter, and by the way, sent troops outside the holy region. However, everyone in the Holy Land didn't know what the soldiers were thinking. After simply finding out the situation, they hurriedly reported it, hoping that Zhang An would go back to deal with the matter.

Hearing the news, Zhang Feishen felt helpless. Do I really have to deal with a lifetime of things in my lifetime?

Without saying much at the moment, he said goodbye to the orc leader and flew to the edge of the sanctuary.

After Zhang was afraid to leave that day, Hongxin did not relax his vigilance, nor did he let Long Wei go back to the Holy Palace. In addition, nearly 30,000 elite cultivators came from the Holy Palace later, and these people stopped at the edge of the star field. When something went wrong, these people moved quickly to stop the soldiers.

When Zhang Wen arrived, he saw a scene like this, with two gangs confronting each other. The strange thing is that the soldiers did not come to cause trouble, but just confronted each other. They formed six battle formations according to the strength of the teams in their respective star regions, with a number of about 30,000.

Seeing Zhang Wen's arrival, a Thirteenth Level Cultivator immediately flew out of the soldiers' camp, stopped a hundred meters in front of him, clasped his fists and said, "I've never seen a Taoist friend in Hantian Battlefield before."

After looking at Jimu, Zhang Awei asked casually: "Is something wrong?" Jimu nodded and said, "I have something to ask fellow Daoist Zhang. I wonder if a team of ten thousand people in our star region was massacred seven days ago. Do you know about this?"

Zhang Awei chuckled and replied, "The one I just found out is one of your people?"

This time the six major forces came to the Holy Land, and they were much more united than last time. Because the purpose of the two times was different, the last time I came to take advantage and wanted to share the spoils, so I naturally procrastinated a little and became inconsistent. This time they came with the same enemy. In order to deal with the huge threat hidden in the starry sky, the six major forces couldn't help but work together.

You must know that at this moment, not far from Xiguan, there are still soldiers from the six major forces carefully stationed, just to prevent the gods of Xiguan from attacking Bingren Xingkong. It was also to prevent Zhang Awei from messing around. It's a pity that the defense for a long time was in vain. In the end, the terrifying Zhang feared that he came to the hinterland of the soldiers.

According to the ideas of the six forces, I did not expect that the Sanctuary would be related to Zhang Afraid. Just because the team of ten thousand soldiers encountered misfortune after they evacuated from this place, but no clues could be found. The remaining seven of the eight teams that day focused on that place and spread the search, even though they knew that the enemy was there. He was powerful, but he had to find traces, even if he had to risk his family's fortune, he had to be killed. Otherwise, if that guy kills 10,000 people today, 20,000 people tomorrow, and if this goes on for a long time, what will happen?

On this point, the soldiers always have a consensus, so the seven teams that got the news are working hard to search for the enemy, and send people to report the news to the star masters of each star field. So within a few days, countless soldiers swarmed in and searched the place closely.

The various forces had no good intentions towards the Holy Territory. They had already rushed forward with their own troops, or were hiding nearby. After the tens of thousands of troops disappeared in an instant, these people hurriedly rushed over. At the same time, the star masters of each star field are deploying troops and reprimanding generals, and continue to increase their troops. They must find that terrible trouble. Regardless of whether that person is Zhang Ai or not, this guy cannot be allowed to continue to live.

They always hold out some hope that the person is not Zhang Ping. After all, although Zhang Ai was terrifying, he never took the initiative to kill people, and he would not cruelly kill a team of ten thousand people in an instant.

Zhang Awei is powerful but has a soft heart. Many people can prove this. For example, in Hantian Battlefield, Black Douluo's sect was bloodthirsty and angered Zhang Awei, but not many people died. The Prime Minister, one of the three major forces in the Douluo Star Territory, can prove that this guy kept looking for trouble with Zhang Ying, but Zhang Ying only killed a few masters and did nothing to ordinary soldiers.

Because there are many examples that can prove Zhang Pa's kindness, the star masters and masters of various forces did not target him at the beginning. However, there was no discovery after searching for days. On the seventh day, many soldiers and masters discussed and decided to send a team to the vicinity of the Holy Land to form a battle array with the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse. It would be the best if they could find clues.

They just wanted to check the news, and did not think about what would happen to the Holy Land or what would happen to Zhang Pa. Although Zhang Pa had great doubts, this suspicion was very small after all.

But he did not expect that Zhang Pa would appear very actively when he sent some soldiers to the Holy Land. How could he not surprise the master who led the soldiers? So Ji Mu came out to ask, wanting to find out why Zhang Pa came at this time.

At this time, when he heard Zhang Pa's reply that he just knew, Ji Mu breathed a sigh of relief. If he was telling the truth, the terrifying killer was not him. But the question arises again. If that person is not him, who on earth can have this ability, and is against the soldiers?

He asked again, "I wonder what Mr. Zhang thinks of this?"

Zhang Pa sighed and said, "What can I think? Your people died, what does it have to do with me?" At this point, he suddenly had an idea. Who could have such a great ability to kill all the 10,000-man army led by a thirteen-level cultivator in a short time? After thinking about it, only the demon fox that had broken through the air and left had this ability, but that guy had already returned to the demon realm. Could it be that he came back again?

Thinking about it again, it feels wrong. That guy was driven away by me. Even if he came back, he would not dare to do such a big thing, otherwise he would attract my attention and be hunted down again?

In this case, it can't be the demon fox. Could it be that another master broke through the air?

This thought flashed through his mind, and at that time, he was shocked. A thought flashed through his mind. He must find out what is going on outside the starry sky. Why do people always break through the air and make trouble for a long time? If these bastards suddenly go to Tianlei Mountain, and he is not there... Thinking of this, Zhang Pa shuddered and planned to go back to Tianlei Mountain at that time. Seeing his face suddenly change, Ji Mu hurriedly asked: "Sir, have you thought of something?" The two sides are hostile, so it is not necessary to call Zhang Pa like this, but for the hidden enemy, Ji Mu insisted on speaking politely to Zhang Pa, which is really rare. Zhang Pa replied: "I thought of something." After saying this, without waiting for Ji Mu to speak, he continued to ask: "What are you guys doing here?" After asking this question, Ji Mu became more and more convinced that the destruction of the 10,000-man team had nothing to do with Zhang Pa. If it was him, why would he ask so much? He replied seriously: "My star field soldiers were strangely killed, and we are searching for clues here." Zhang Pa nodded and said: "Then you check it." After saying that, he was about to fly away. He was anxious to go back to Tianlei Mountain.

Ji Mu naturally refused to let him go. He wanted to ask Zhang Pa, didn't you say a few days ago that if anyone dared to cause a large-scale fight, you would definitely kill them without mercy. He really wanted Zhang Pa to help them investigate this matter, but the problem was that Zhang Pa's tone of voice was wrong. If he dared to say the above sentence, it would be tantamount to admitting that the soldiers were under Zhang Pa's rule. How could he dare to speak casually?

But Zhang Pa was about to leave without speaking, and immediately said hurriedly: "Sir, do you have any clues to find the murderer?"

Zhang Pa was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then whispered: "I didn't go to check, I don't know if I can find it. If you have any clues, you can tell me." One sentence shows that he decided to intervene in this matter.

In fact, he didn't want to get involved in the affairs of the soldiers at all, but a powerful guy suddenly appeared in the starry sky and suddenly killed more than 10,000 people. If there was no reason to kill indiscriminately, Zhang Pa didn't want such a person to continue to live. He was completely considering many lives. If he really met the murderer, he would definitely kill him without mercy.

When Ji Mu heard this, he was sure that the matter had nothing to do with Zhang Pa for the third time. At the same time, he was a little excited. Although the guy in front of him was the enemy of Bing Ren, he had a high level of cultivation. If he was willing to help Bing Ren, he would definitely solve the matter faster. He immediately asked: "If there is any discovery, how to notify you?" Zhang Pa sighed slightly. He had always been reluctant to be found because there were too many things to do. Once he was found, it would be endless. But from the current situation, he had no choice but to give the contact method. He whispered: "Go to Xiguan. If you have something to do, go to Xiguan and say you are looking for me." At this point, he condensed two Yuanshen beads and threw one to Ji Mu, and said: "Or crush it, I will come as soon as possible. I just hope that the distance is not too far and it won't take too much time."

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