The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1,388 Becoming the Boss

Chapter 1,388 Becoming the Boss

Zhang was speechless. Why did that handsome old guy want to plot against himself after he died? And he still allows himself to be a villain. This guy is really annoying. I thought to myself, it would be great if the old guy didn't die. He could be caught and beaten again and again, and he would be beaten if he pleased. But now that he couldn't beat him, he had to honestly accept everything Mr. Wang gave him. In desperation, he pretended to be the boss of another place and tried his best to protect the peace of the other side's pure land and the safety of other people.

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became. What happened to the world? Even the boss forces people to do it? Then he asked Hong Xin: "Did Mr. Wang tell you that I will definitely accept his arrangement and become the star master?"

Hong Xin replied: "Mr. Wang said before he left that if he went to Xiguan and never came back, he would ask us to be prepared to welcome the new master. He said that if something unexpected happened to him, he would come to the Holy Land and tell us about this. News, and your Excellency is the new Star Lord.”

When Zhang Wen heard this, although he had already guessed that this would be the case, he still felt a little depressed when he heard these words with his own ears. That bastard old guy had planned everything since he left the sanctuary. Because he is a soldier, he can leave everything behind and die proudly. What a bastard reason. It can be seen that the soldiers' minds are somewhat abnormal. Thinking about it again, there is a big ball in the soldier's head. Well, it should be oppressed by the broken inner elixir. There is no normal person in the whole clan of soldiers.

Well, even if you are proud of your greatness, why are you plotting against me even if you are dead? Knowing that I am a bad person, you leave the entire sanctuary to me. Is there anything more shameless than this?

If he was depressed just now, now he is a little resentful. Why do you always have to plot against me? The God of Punishment used to plot against me, but as a living person, I always have the chance to take revenge. But you are already dead, and you still plot against me. Alas, how sad is this?

Seeing that Zhang Wei was silent, Hongxin and other deacons from the Holy Pavilion plus three orcs played a trick on him again. They surrounded him and bowed, shouting: "Your Excellency, please enter the Holy Palace."

"I own your heads." Zhang Ain was a little angry. He is different from others. If others suddenly have the opportunity to become the overlord of a party, they will probably be unhappy and unhappy. However, Zhang Wei is different. The first thing that comes to mind is responsibility. He doesn't care about power or what he gets. He only wants more. People can live better. No matter who you are, only if you are alive can you have everything. If you die, you will have nothing. Whatever you say is nonsense.

But he is only one person, how can he protect countless people? Now he turned into a frown, looked at everyone in front of him one by one, and said to Hong Xin: "Your cultivation is not bad, you can be the boss, and I will help you."

Hong Xin hurriedly replied: "My subordinates have limited abilities and cannot bear such a heavy responsibility."

"You also know that it's a heavy responsibility?" Zhang Ping said casually, glanced at everyone again, and then slowly said: "You really let me down, why don't any of you have ambitions?"

A bunch of people around him were almost breaking out in a cold sweat. What does this guy want to do? Want ambition? Why do we need ambition? Usurping the throne? Meeting such a boss was an eye-opener for more than a dozen experts. They all pretended not to hear this and continued to bow.

"Okay, let you pretend to be dead, don't you want me to be the boss? The first thing I will do when I become the boss is to demolish all the holy palaces and other temples." Zhang Ai said bitterly, and asked Hongxin to lead the way to the holy palace. .

Hearing these words, the sixteen temple deacons had different expressions. Some wanted to laugh, while others were thinking about how to break it. Hongxin was very happy that this guy had given in and led everyone forward.

The Holy Palace is not far away, but because it is hidden among a large group of Death Stars, and it has a magic circle to isolate the internal and external atmosphere, even a powerful person like Zhang Wen would have a hard time finding its specific location.

Because they were leading the new star master to take over, everyone was not flying very fast, and it took them a quarter of an hour to reach the place.

In front of him was the empty starry sky, surrounded by large and small meteorites, and in the distance were large and small Death Stars. These large planets and small rocks filled the space. Hong Xin led everyone to shuttle between the stones. When they flew near a dark boulder, they flew around from the side. Zhang was afraid to follow, so he flew forward slightly. His body only felt a shock, and he entered the scope of the Holy Palace. .

The scene inside the magic circle was no different from the scene outside the magic circle. There were still large and small rocks crowding the space. The group continued to fly forward. After about a hundred breaths, a planet appeared in front of them. It was not big and dark, and it looked like it. A Death Star.

Hong Xin led Zhang Awei to fly towards the planet. Seeing that the distance was getting closer and closer, when he was about to land on the planet, Hong Xin made a magic spell and saw a small door appeared in front of him. The door frame was dark and the inside was also dark. From a distance it looks no different than the dark starry sky. The red heart entered first, and Zhang was afraid that he could only continue to follow. This time he entered, and he truly entered the holy palace.

As soon as you pass through the black door, you will see a vast expanse of white, and there is a strong aura everywhere. It is so rich that it is comparable to the dream planet of Judgment God. Seeing the appearance of the Holy Palace, Zhang Ping immediately thought of the dream planet in the other half of the starry sky. The two were very similar.

However, since you have come here, you have to do one thing first. Zhang Ain said coldly: "Where is the Holy Palace? Where is the Holy Temple?"

Hong Xin suppressed a smile and replied respectfully: "To tell you what, the planet under your feet is the Holy Palace. As for the Holy Temple, the sixteen of us are the Holy Temple." Zhang Ain was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "I'm so depressed. Yes, you dare to play with me? Why didn’t you say it outside?”

Hong Xin continued to reply respectfully: "When we were outside, your Excellency did not ask about the Holy Palace Temple."

Well, if you can tell, Zhang Ai suppressed his anger and asked in a cold voice: "You let me enter the Holy Palace, and now that I am here, how can I take charge?" Hongxin replied: "Please wait a moment, sir. "After speaking, he raised his hand, and a small silver bell flew out from his palm. The bell rose into the air, made three crisp jingles, and then fell back into his hand.

The sound of the bell was not loud, but the moment it rang, all the cultivators on the planet heard the sound and flew to a place in front of everyone.

Hongxin said to Zhang Awei: "Please, sir." After speaking, he took the lead and flew away. A group of people were flying in the mist-like aura, looking very dreamy, and after a while they arrived at a huge platform.

The platform is built on a high mountain and is paved with countless pieces of white jade. It is probably the only man-made structure of any size on the planet. There is a small high platform on the north side of the platform. The red heart fell on the small platform first, followed by Zhang Wen and others.

At this time, more than ten thousand people have gathered on the huge platform below, standing according to the grid made of jade stones under their feet. There is one person in each grid, and countless cultivators are standing neatly in countless grids. In the distance, cultivators were still arriving one after another. After about a hundred breaths, there were no cultivators in the sky, and there were about 100,000 cultivators standing on the platform below.

Hong Xin whispered: "The Holy Palace is the center of the entire Holy Domain. There are more than 170,000 cultivators in total. Each of them is talented, intelligent and loyal. In addition to the people below, there are nearly 80,000 cultivators scattered on other planets. There are star officials from each star and a few star guards, who maintain the order of the entire holy realm. All cultivators who can enter the holy palace must pass many tests. "

Hong Xin is talking, Zhang Wen is listening, and secretly approves in his heart. There are 888 planets in total, and most of the people are cultivators, but only 170,000 people were selected from them. This shows that the selection process is really strict. It is said that hundreds of people are cultivators. It’s not an exaggeration to choose one out of ten thousand. Of course, a team composed of such a number of cultivators is extremely powerful.

It can be seen from this that Mr. Wang has not lost his mind and forgotten the fundamentals. Although he has dedicated his life for the two words "soldier", he still knows that he must protect the holy place, so he will build a holy palace and select 170,000 soldiers. An elite cultivator, Hong Xin and other thirteen masters were left to lead the overall situation. In this way, even if one dies, the Holy Palace will continue to be maintained and will always become a paradise in the eyes of the slaves.

Strictly speaking, Mr. Wang is a good person who treats all races equally and works hard to protect everyone's lives. It's a pity that good people always have weird thoughts. They don't know how to be selfish at critical moments. They know clearly that they shouldn't kill Zhang Wei, but they must go to death, and then they are brave and fearless to kill themselves. How great and how stupid this must be. A state of mind?

After Hongxin and Zhang Ping briefly introduced the situation, they shouted to everyone in the audience: "Where is Long Wei?"

As these words rang out, four hundred powerful men jumped out from the crowd below, each of them wearing silver helmets and armor, as majestic as gods.

Four hundred dragon guards came to the front of the team, clasped their fists together and said, "Dragon guards obey orders."

The eight hundred dragon guards only listened to the orders of Mr. Wang alone, and no one else could move them at all. But the current situation is different. The dragon guards roughly know what is going on, so they will divide half of them to fight the enemy on the front line, and the other half will stay in the Holy Palace to wait for the new master. .

At this time, Hong Xin said loudly: "Greetings to the Star Lord." As he spoke, he walked in front of Zhang Ai from the side, knelt down suddenly, put one leg on the ground and repeated loudly: "Greetings to the Star Lord."

As he moved like this, all the deacons around him also moved in the same way. They walked to Hongxin and stood in a row, kneeling down at the same time. Following them were four hundred dragon guards.

Long Wei was different from others. As soon as he knelt down, he recognized his master again. From then on, he only listened to this man's orders. Ordinarily, based on their arrogant character, they would never act like this. But at this moment, they all knelt down without hesitation and shouted at the same time: "Meet the master." There was only one reason why the loyal Long Guard could recognize the master again, and Mr. Wang had already told them.

Before today, they had seen Zhang Ping before and would never mistake him for the wrong person. At that time in Xiguan, Mr. Wang and his dragon guards wanted to kill the nine commanders. Although they failed, they pulled Zhang Awei out of the carriage and showed him to the gods in Xiguan. The dragon guards were the ones who remembered it. Live this person.

Seeing the sixteen deacons, three orcs, and four hundred dragon guards of the Holy Pavilion kneeling down to pay homage to the new master, but Mr. Wang was nowhere to be found, the cultivators below were a little confused and didn't know what was going on.

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