The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1,343 Divided into Four

Chapter 1,343 Divided into four

This power is too powerful. After leaving the body of Emperor Xi, due to the control of the madman's soul, this part of the spiritual energy gathered together and instantly transformed into a body. This soul directly turned into a real person, as if It's a spirit body like Zhang's fear, but it's a little different.

The madman came out, and the Taoist priest and monk were worried that this guy would act randomly, so they had no choice but to break away from Emperor Xi's body and run out with powerful spiritual energy. Like a madman, a body formed quickly, and then the three of them faced off. Because they had already been beaten once, the madman knew that he could not defeat these two people together, so he stood still. The two guys were unwilling to take the initiative to attack the madman, because the monk could not kill the madman, and the Taoist priest could not kill him alone, so they stood and watched.

As a result, the three most powerful souls in Emperor Xi's body came out with most of their power, leaving an empty shell of Emperor Xi. However, this is the real Emperor Xi, with only his original nature and strength left. It was also seriously damaged.

This change was unexpected by Emperor Xi. He was used to controlling everything and dominating everything, but he never expected that at a critical moment, he would be tortured to pieces by a soul he split off. As the old saying goes, a person's biggest enemy is himself. This sentence is now proved by the most powerful and boundlessly powerful Emperor Xi, who is the number one in the starry sky. This sentence is very reasonable.

Even though Emperor Xi had never imagined it and was unwilling to do so, the fact had already emerged and he could only accept it. However, he had some fantasies in his heart, hoping that he could return to his previous strong strength.

Seeing the three of them confronting each other, Xi Huang's current strength was no match for them, so he had no choice but to walk to Zhang Ai's side.

At this time, Zhang Weijing didn't care about anything at all. He treated himself as an ordinary person and was completely unprepared. His consciousness was introverted, so he didn't know that Emperor Xi was coming.

He could not be prepared, but Jushen couldn't. He always paid attention to the situation in the house, and naturally knew what was happening in the house. He was surprised and walked over with Emperor Xi.

At this time, after hearing Xihuang's vague answer, Zhang Ain thought about it briefly and guessed the general situation, thinking: I always thought that I was unlucky enough, but I didn't expect that the dignified Lord Xihuang would be even more unlucky than me.

Now he looked at Emperor Xi and Punishing God, signaling with his eyes, asking what to do.

what to do? The devil knows what to do. Punishment is very troublesome, why does everything happen to him? I have split my soul countless times and can incarnate into thousands of things, but nothing like this has ever happened. How did Lord Xihuang do it? It's such a big problem all at once. Rapid updates

He was in a dilemma, and Xihuang didn't know what to do, so he had no choice but to sit down and look at the three of him on the other side of the room in a daze.

The three guys were still standing. The Taoist priest asked for drinks from Zhang Ain, but he didn't drink them. Because the madman refused, the Taoist priest had to stand with him, and the monk on the other side said nothing. Three people with the same appearance, but they look completely different, which is really weird.

The three of them just stood there without talking or fighting, and half an hour passed quickly. Zhang Ai finally got a little impatient and asked Xihuang: "How long are they going to stand there?" Xihuang whispered back: "You asked the wrong question."

Hearing these words, Zhang Ai thought for a moment and then understood what Emperor Xi meant. He wanted to kill the madman himself. But that lunatic was extremely terrifying. In the past, he was just looking for death when he was looking for trouble. I just sighed secretly, what kind of things do I encounter every day?

When things have developed to this stage, there is only one problem, how to catch the madman. Seeing what the Taoist priest and the monk mean, they are not sure that they can catch the madman, otherwise they would have taken action long ago. But apart from the two of them, even Zhang Ai couldn't be his opponent. So Zhang was afraid of pondering this, and kept thinking about what to do. After thinking about it, I remembered the God-subduing snake in the big walnut on my chest. Alas, although there were many of them, it was a pity that the strength was about the same as myself. It should be said that it was not as good as myself. How could I deal with the terrifying madman?

Thinking of the laziness of a group of big snakes, my heart suddenly moved. I turned to look at Emperor Xi and scanned his cultivation with my spiritual consciousness again. Emperor Xi was depressed by the sight and asked, "What are you looking at?" Zhang Awei shook his head and said nothing, then turned his gaze to the God of Punishment.

Judgment God also asked him as usual: "Why are you looking at me?" After asking this question, he found that Zhang Ai turned his eyes back to Emperor Xi again, so he followed him and looked over. After taking a look, he didn't find anything special. , habitually sent his spiritual consciousness over, and scanned it casually, and then he couldn't believe it, so he scanned it carefully. After a while, although his face remained motionless, a light of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He was sitting with three brand-new Xi Emperors in the distance on his back. No matter how powerful those guys were, there was no way they could go around and see the expression in his eyes, so he could be happy.

Because he was happy, he nodded lightly to Zhang Fang to express his gratitude. To be honest, just now, he was a little desperate. He really didn't know how to deal with that madman, but now, Zhang Ai's eyes gave him hope again.

Just now, Zhang Weijing suddenly remembered something. The God-Fighting Snake was not sufficiently cultivated to be able to cultivate the human form. After Emperor Xi split his god, he was divided into four, and his body's cultivation level was severely reduced. However, Emperor Xi was still in human form. How could this happen? Thinking of this matter, he quickly scanned Xihuang carefully with his spiritual consciousness, and sure enough, he found the problem after a moment.

Emperor Xi's strength was severely damaged, but it was not that his cultivation level was reduced. It was just that after his spiritual power was taken away by three distractions, his body suddenly became empty and he lost his strength. Emperor Xi's detachment and ordinary people's detachment are essentially two different things, but they can be recovered by nourishing them. For example, Zhang Weidi's Divine Tears, after the spiritual power inside was squandered, the Divine Tears became useless at all, but as long as you give it time, it will always return to the same power as before.

Today's Emperor Xi is like the tears of the gods, empty without any spiritual power. Spiritual power is the basis for all actions of a cultivator. Emperor Xi's spiritual power is exhausted, coupled with the splitting of the souls, the three strongest souls are separated from the body. The strength of the remaining souls is indeed not as good as before and extremely weak, so A person's first feeling is that his cultivation level has been reduced.

Cultivation, unless the body is severely damaged and multiple apertures and meridians are damaged, will lower the level. Otherwise, there will be basically no change.

Think about it, if your cultivation level is reduced once you lose strength, who would dare to fight easily?

Emperor Xi's body was not damaged, and there were no problems with his meridians. It was just that his soul was severely damaged, which would give people the illusion of lowering his cultivation level. But in fact, as long as he scanned his body carefully, he knew that the problem was far from imagined. So serious. If he is given enough time, Emperor Xi will definitely become tyrannical again.

Upon discovering this situation, Judgment God will naturally be extremely happy. Although Emperor Xi is weak now, he is awake, and it is even possible to become an unparalleled master again. The only difference is time.

Now, there are Taoist priests and monks confronting the madman here. Coupled with the role of the prisoner star, as long as he can entangle him and make Emperor Xi become stronger quickly, when the time comes, three of them will fight one, and the madman's soul will be easily restrained. .

As long as Xihuang can regain his strength, he can also restore the Prisoner Star Array to its integrity. After killing the madman, he can also go to Xiguan to help fight. It is even easier to deal with those soldiers. It can be said that he kills multiple birds with one stone. .

Because of the surprise he suddenly discovered, Pun Shen was wondering if he could achieve multiple things with one stone. Zhang Po thought the same way, and there was one more thing than Pun Shen thought. He thought about magic skills, and there might be demon masters hiding in the starry sky. Within, it would be better if he had been hiding all this time. He was afraid that that guy would come out and kill people randomly. Don’t talk about what would happen if he reached Tianlei Mountain. I just said that if he killed many innocent people, Zhang would feel uncomfortable, so he was extremely hopeful. This can avoid this possible hidden danger.

Both of his brothers noticed it, and both of them set their sights on Emperor Xi. Seeing how they looked at him, Emperor Xi thought for a moment and sighed: "Do you think you have enough time?"

Zhang Wen and Punishen may have misunderstood that his cultivation level had dropped a lot, but Emperor Xi knew what was going on with him and was not too worried. The reason why he looked a little down and out was because he was worried that the lunatic Yuanshen would not give him a chance to live.

Hearing Emperor Xi's question, Zhang Ain and Pan Shen looked at each other. They had to live to have hope. Punishment God nodded slightly, and saw a slight flash in the iron room, and Emperor Xi disappeared. Then there was another wave, and Zhang was afraid that he would also go out of the iron room. There were still three Emperor Xi Yuanshen left in the iron room. God's clone.

The two people disappeared in an instant, and the madman looked at me angrily. If he dared to play these little tricks in front of me, he was seeking death. He lost his temper and wanted to kill someone.

He had a murderous intention, and the two horses on the opposite side noticed it. The Taoist priest said softly: "There were only a few people there, so you took away two more. Are you afraid that this place will be too busy?" This sentence was addressed to Punishment. Jushen replied with a smile: "This place is too small. I'm afraid you will hurt them both by fighting." The Taoist priest shook his head and said seriously: "If you don't know how to fight, how can you fight?"

As soon as the two of them talked, Madman snorted and walked to one side of the wall to sit down. He knew that this Punisher was just a clone. Whether he could be killed or not would not have much impact on Punisher's body. Madman was too lazy to bother with this time, and Gengshi was too lazy. I didn't care about the Taoist priests and monks, so I walked aside to rest, thinking about how to get out of here.

The madman sat down, the Taoist priest walked over with a smile and sat down ten meters away, while the monk walked to the other side to meditate, and the three of them formed a strange triangle. Punishment thought about it and went to sit down at the farthest place from them. He had a heavy responsibility and had to figure out the madman's situation here.

The four people in the iron room were sitting in a daze, while outside the iron room, in the empty underground space, sat Emperor Xi and a bunch of other people.

Now that he knew what was wrong with Emperor Xi, Zhang Ai wanted to help without hesitation, but there were so many people here that he didn't dare touch the Divine Tears without permission. Always wait until there is no one around to facilitate rescue.

Because the more than 20 experts outside were very interested in what was going on inside, and even more interested in the mysterious and great Emperor Xi, they actively gathered around Emperor Xi, and at the same time looked at Zhang Ai, hoping that he could explain it well. one time.

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