The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1301 Tianfang sells vegetables

.Xiao Yao'er is the Nascent Soul. Ever since he became wise, he has grown up slowly like a child and has a lot of knowledge about human affairs. However, because he was seriously injured when he wiped out his body, his growth has been a little slow. He is still a child today. ambition. It seems that Xiao Yao'er is afraid and refuses to grow up in his heart. He never wants to practice and doesn't want to become stronger. He either pesters Zhang to fear or pester Xiaozhu, and just wants to live his life stupidly.

The Nascent Soul is not a human body and has limited survival. Fortunately, Zhang is afraid to take care of her and always provides abundant spiritual power for free so that the little one can live safely. Otherwise, it would have disappeared into nothingness. But even so, Xiao Yao'er didn't care at all. He just didn't want to grow up or become powerful. He just wanted to live happily every day. There was nothing he could do to make Zhang afraid.

These things were okay in the past. Zhang was afraid that if he left for too long, he would take Xiao Yao'er with him, and he would soon leave her in Tianlei Mountain. But what to do now? If not, who will take care of Xiao Yao'er?

I thought about building a body for her, but the little guy didn't want it at all. When he saw him, he just threw himself into his arms and stayed there, or sat on his head or shoulders to play. Moreover, Xiao Yao'er is a human monk and can only be reborn by taking a human body. According to her unwillingness and somewhat silly character, it is very likely that she will be swallowed up by that person's soul and die. So Zhang was afraid to take risks, so he only asked the three little guys, Piggy, Kitten and Xiao Huo'er, to take good care of Xiao Yao'er.

As for the spiritual power issue, Zhang Ai asked Xiao Huo'er for help. That guy was also a spirit body now, and he had abundant spiritual power. It was no problem to nourish and protect Xiao Yao'er. And Zhang Ai greeted Lin Sen again and asked him to give Xiao Huo'er some spiritual energy pills from time to time to help him grow, which was also equivalent to helping Xiao Yao'er grow.

Xiao Yao'er didn't know many people. He only remembered that Zhang Ai was waiting for a few people and had no relationship with Xiao Huo'er. With the protection of Xiao Zhu and Kitten and the help of Xiao Huo'er, he should have a worry-free life.

After dealing with these things, Zhang Ai felt really relaxed, but there were still more than a hundred snakes in the big walnut on his chest. Ever since he went to Prisoner Star, Zhang Ping has been wondering if he really has a chance to see Emperor Xi, should he let Bai Daguo and Emperor Xi meet? He didn't want the big snakes to recognize their ancestors, but he just thought that they were all members of the same clan. If he could awaken Emperor Xi's conscience, wouldn't it save him a lot of trouble?

Speaking of which, the Xi tribe is really troublesome. They are dying and disappearing. Nowadays, there are only a few people who have cultivated human form, and it is impossible to make up ten of them. This once extremely powerful race can only sigh.

Ignoring these things, he stayed on the mountain for a few more days, enjoying the excitement with the disciples he had accepted, and then went down the mountain alone to find Zhang Tianfang.

That guy hasn't seen him since he went down the mountain last time. He lives in a good place in the city and his life is almost fulfilling every day. At this moment, he is even more fulfilling selling vegetables on the street.

Zhang was afraid that Yuanshen would scan him. He was selling vegetables, and he sighed in his heart. This madman never lets him down. The figure moved in a flash and soon came to Zhang Tianfang. Zhang Tianfang was holding the scale beam and asked an old man next to him how much he weighed? That's enough, eh. "As he spoke, he took off the bundle of vegetables from the scale and pulled out two strawberries from the basket. Zhang was probably busy all day long, running around worrying about other people's affairs, and even had to face the unknown Emperor Xi. So I have this idea, which makes sense.

He was sighing about life, while Zhang Tianfang was holding the scale beam and looking straight up, shouting about selling vegetables, fresh and juicy vegetables. "After shouting, I saw Zhang Awei at a glance. I quickly grabbed a lot of vegetables from the basket, weighed them casually, and shouted to Zhang Awei for a tael of silver, give me the money."

Zhang was very depressed, and his good mood was immediately ruined by this idiot. He came over and asked, are you going crazy? "But knowing that Zhang Tianfang was kind and doing good deeds, he couldn't bear to offend his face, so he took out a piece of silver and handed it over, took a large handful of vegetables and asked, "How can I eat the vegetables you asked me to buy?"

Zhang Tianfang thought about it and said, "Let's buy some more. Let's have a drink tonight." "

When Zhang Wen heard this, he realized that this bastard was really thoughtful. He smiled and said, "It's no problem to buy groceries. You can do it?" "

Zhang Tianfang shook his head vigorously, how could he? There are restaurants in the city. Let's find a restaurant that's not doing well and leave the dishes to them and give them some hard-earned money. I don't believe that if I give them two taels of silver, why not cook them? "

Two taels of silver for hard work? It was enough to prepare a banquet. Zhang Afraid glared at this bastard and wanted to leave with the food in his arms. But Zhang Tianfang shouted to him, "Don't leave. Now that you're here, come sell vegetables with me. You have a good voice, so what you shout must have a special flavor." "

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Aifang looked up to the sky, stared at the sky and cursed: I just thought about it casually, and I didn't really want to sell vegetables. You don't have to play with me like this, right? Wu Novel Network has many words

The two of them kept talking, but the old man on the side couldn't get in the conversation, so he finally found a chance, held up the silver and said to Zhang Wein that he was talking too much, how could he use so much money to buy a handful of vegetables? "

Zhang Tianfang pressed the old man's hand and said that guy is a rich man, nothing more, he just has money, just accept it. "He then told Zhang Awei, don't leave." He didn't think Zhang Awei had ever had a great idea about making a living selling vegetables, otherwise he would have said, "Look, I'll help you realize your wish." "

Take a step over, reach out and drag him to the back of the vegetable stall, explain to the old man next to you that I am a friend, and we will help you sell vegetables. "He then told Zhang Awei to sell it quickly. Once it's sold out, we can go drink." After saying this, I felt something was wrong, so I turned around and said to the old man, "We use our own money to drink, and we won't touch your money." "

The old man hurriedly said that you would help me sell vegetables. The little old man was very grateful. It's time to treat you to a drink. You are tired, so help me look after the stall first. I will go sell wine and buy meat. "

Zhang Tianfang hurriedly said: How can this be true? It’s really not necessary. If you keep telling me, I won’t sell it. "The old man stopped and said thank you, I listen to you." But he was hesitant in his heart. He couldn't make much money selling vegetables. What if he wanted to invite these two people to drink? Well, I just got a little more than one tael of silver, which is an unexpected blessing. At worst, I will spend it on them again.

Zhang Ai was such a smart man. When he saw the expression on the old man's face, he felt worried and didn't say anything right at the moment. Looking at the two big baskets in front of him, they were very monotonous, just a kind of vegetable. He asked Zhang Tianfang how long they had been selling? "

Zhang Tianfang said: Who knows, there will be no time? "The next thing I asked was the old man. The old man nodded quickly and said it should be more than an hour."

Only sell this order of dishes in an hour? The basket is not too big, but it can always hold forty or fifty kilograms. The two baskets add up to one hundred kilograms. At this rate, in what year can they be sold out? I just grabbed a basket of vegetables, looked around, found a broken piece of wood on the ground, smoothed it out to make it look a little cleaner, and then asked the old man how much a pound it cost? "

The old man replied four cents. "Then he said that you gave me too much money just now, and I will give it to you later."

Zhang Aif shook his head and said there was no need to look for it. "Using your finger as a pen, write a line of words on the small wooden board: tribute vegetables, twenty coins per catty.

After finishing writing, he stood in front of the basket of vegetables, looked at the appearance of the two baskets of vegetables, and then condensed a spell to form a small ball of water mist. It's just hidden in the cuffs, invisible to others.

Then he added a very small amount of spiritual energy into the water mist, melted it into the water, and then forced the water liquid into spiritual mist, which slowly seeped into the basket from the cuffs. After a while, the vegetables in the basket received spiritual energy. Nourish and instantly become green and bold.

In this way, the two baskets of vegetables immediately become different, and anyone with eyes can see it at a glance. What's even better is that once you stand in front of the basket of vegetables in front of Zhang Ai, you will immediately feel refreshed, as if the basket contains not vegetables but a panacea.

With such a big change happening, of course the old man wanted to see what was going on. He walked to the basket and looked down. He quickly picked up the small wooden sign, walked over to Zhang Awei and whispered in a low voice: Is this a success? This is not my fault. This is not a tribute dish, and it cannot be sold so expensively. "

Zhang Weifang laughed and said it was okay. "Then he sighed at Zhang Tianfang and said, "Old people are literate, so why don't you learn? Alas." Zhang Tianfang glared and said, "Do you want to take care of me?" Hurry and sell vegetables. "

Zhang Ain took the wooden sign from the old man's hand, put it on the ground, and told the old man that you can weigh the dishes for a while. "

Zhang Tianfang, however, quit and asked loudly: Why do you only want your basket? "He is a senior monk, so he naturally knows what Zhang Aoi has done. Although the spiritual energy is not very strong, and it is not enough to attract practitioners to see what happens, it is definitely a change between heaven and earth for a basket of vegetables. This appearance is clearly presented and the judgment is clear, so Zhang Tianfang will be dissatisfied.

Zhang Ping originally wanted to compare two dishes, one costing four cents and the other costing twenty cents, so that people would know that you get what you pay for, so that they can be sold out quickly. But this bastard was looking for trouble again, so he dragged the basket of vegetables over, grabbed a few handfuls and laid them flat on the ground, then quietly put Lingwu into the basket. Not long after, another basket of juicy green vegetables appeared.

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