The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1,260 Imbalance

Chapter 1,260 Imbalance

After hearing the news, all the masters knew who their opponent was. They began to treat Zhang Ai very carefully and seriously, trying to make suggestions and try to kill him with one blow.

They plotted against them. At this time, Zhang Ai was floating slowly in the starry sky. He was also thinking about something. He was thinking about something that other cultivators would find funny. He felt that there were too many disputes in this world. , it’s very boring, why can’t there be less killing and let everyone live in harmony?

This fool like a madman and a good man like a fool will always think of some inexplicable things and always do some inexplicable things just to stick to the so-called good thoughts in his heart.

For example, regarding the matter of the Bingzhu, before the battle with Heiluo, Heiluo once asked him if he had eaten too many Bingzhu to become as powerful as he is now. At that time, Zhang Ming did not answer, and he was too lazy to answer. The two were enemies. Both parties, no matter how much they talk, it's just nonsense. It's up to you whether you want to eat or not, so there's no need to say it out loud.

Of course he didn't eat it. Ever since he knew what the weapon beads were for, he had never cut off a soldier's weapon beads. Even though these powerful beads turned into fly ash, he didn't want to get them on his hands.

He had cut soldier beads once before. At that time, he had just arrived at Xiguan and was assigned to the front line to fight with the soldiers. Without understanding anything, he only knew that he could leave Xiguan as soon as possible by cutting more beads, because it was Fighting against the enemy, there was no psychological burden at all, so he bravely killed many soldiers and cut off many soldiers. But because he killed too many people, he was surrounded and attacked by other people in the team, just for those weapon beads.

If someone wants to kill him, Zhang is afraid that of course he will continue to kill him. No matter if you are an enemy or a friend, if you want to kill me, you will die! So he was noticed by the gods of Xiguan, put into the killing squad, and sent out to assassinate Mr. Wang, one of the four prophets of the soldiers, and many things happened later.

Before entering the prison killing team, the gods of Xiguan were interested in this *** who had just entered the level 6 cultivation level. They thought he might become a very capable cannon fodder who could attract the attention of the opponent's masters, so they forced him to He took a magic pill.

The gods of Xiguan wanted to assassinate the masters of the soldiers, cause civil strife among the soldiers, and thus reduce the pressure on Xiguan. However, the strength of the prison and killing team alone was not enough. It happened that a cannon fodder like Zhang Weijian, who had just entered the pass and had a high level of cultivation, appeared. , he is new here anyway, no one knows him, and no one will feel sad even if he dies, so he will waste a magic pill made of 100,000 weapon beads. I hope he can become a very brave cannon fodder, so that Tie Bing and others succeeded in the sneak attack.

In this way, Zhang was afraid that he would have the opportunity to take the Shenjing Pill and find out what the pill was about after taking it, so he never cut the Bingzhu again.

He has a kind of stubborn stupid kindness, even if he is an enemy, he can kill him, but he is not willing to use his weapon beads to make elixirs. Just like an elk is innocent but its horns are sinful, he thought it was disgusting to kill someone and then take the beads, and he felt very disgusted! Although he did not kill someone because of the weapon pearl, but after killing someone and taking the weapon pearl, the result was the same, so he thought he had done something wrong.

What's more, he was afraid that after he successfully used the weapon beads, he would get used to killing people and become a murderer from then on.

What's more, he doesn't know the cultivation method of refining the magic pill.

What's more, the Weapon Pearl is helpful to cultivators, but its effect is very limited. Otherwise, the gods of Xiguan would not do anything but take the God Advent Pill every day. Wouldn't they have become a terrifying existence like the Emperor of Xi?

For many reasons, and more importantly because of the stubborn and even extreme kindness in Zhang's heart, although he had killed countless soldiers, including countless masters, he never killed anyone for pearls.

All in all, this guy's kindness is almost as good as that of the great monk, and his kindness is a mess.

At this time, he was thinking wildly in the starry sky, and it was easy for him to become obsessed with his thoughts. He wanted to cultivate to the level of Emperor Xi, and then instead of traveling across the starry sky, he would stay here so that the soldiers would no longer fight and let everyone People live in harmony. He just thought about it a little too much. This great idea made him distressed for a while. How should he do it?

He was daydreaming about it. Four days passed quickly, leaving Hei Luo and a group of masters waiting on the planet extremely depressed. What happened to this guy? Are you coming or not? Do you know that we have been trying to kill you? Come out quickly and cooperate.

When the fifth day came, someone spoke to Heero: "Can that kid come?" Heero was a little depressed, you ask me? Who should I ask? The ghost knew what he was doing, but he said: "He will definitely come."

The person who asked the question thought about it and said, "Okay, keep waiting." Counting Hei Luo, there were a total of eleven thirteenth-level masters, and everyone was quietly waiting for Zhang Ain's arrival.

Zhang Ai drifted like a meteorite in the starry sky for several days. On the tenth day, he woke up and smiled to himself as soon as he opened his eyes. He was thinking too much! It's as ridiculous as a three-year-old trying to dominate the world. That is to stop his good thoughts that are so good that they are so great and so great that they are false, identify the direction, and fly back to the planet where Jingyimen is located.

While flying, I admire myself for being able to dream about such an idea for ten days. I am really capable.

After practicing for many years, he certainly knew that he had gone crazy during these ten days. When a person has random thoughts, his delusions are likely to lead the cultivator into a state of obsession. From then on, he sinks into his own thoughts and cannot get out. Therefore, he thinks that he is lucky and did not become obsessed or die. Fortunately, he came back alive. .

What's even more fortunate is that after these ten days of random thinking, not only did his cultivation level increase after the battle with Hei Luo and several thirteenth-level cultivators, but his soul also became stronger because he didn't go off the rails. Becoming a demon is equivalent to experiencing it once, and you will naturally become stronger. From this point of view, sometimes, being obsessed is actually a good thing.

At this time, he flew back with all his strength, and soon reappeared above the Jingyi Sect. He silently counted the masters below and said with a chuckle: "Eleven people really look up to me."

He could tell that there was an ambush below, but it was a human being, not a planetary environment. Then he laughed loudly and pulled away.

He came and went at will, making the group of cultivators below look at each other. What on earth is going on with this guy? Traveling all the way just to show your face? Dare he treat this place as his backyard, and come and leave whenever he is happy?

At this time, Hei Luo whispered: "Chase." He chased out first, and the rest of the cultivators naturally followed quickly. Everyone lined up to chase Zhang Ai in a lively manner. So, a group of people started to play a game of chase in the starry sky.

Zhang Ai's cultivation level is higher than that of ordinary cultivators, a little worse than Hei Luo, but his advantage is that he can run, and there is such a big starry sky for him to fly around, so he can go wherever he wants, and flying is very happy. The happiest thing is that he found a way to quickly increase his cultivation.

After retreating from the great and good thoughts last time, the soul became stronger and he had many more thoughts. Since he has a group of masters as sparring partners, wouldn't it be foolish not to seize the opportunity and practice hard?

When he came to the planet, he had the idea in mind that Heiro would come to chase him; but he didn't expect that there were too many enemies, so he turned around and left. But at this time, Hei Luo and his men were chasing after him. Zhang was afraid that he would change his mind again, so he did not fly with all his strength. He controlled his speed to be slower than Hei Luo, but faster than the other cultivators. As a result, Hei Luo easily caught up with Zhang. I was afraid, so I took this opportunity to fight Hei Luo a few times, and then ran away again when the other cultivators caught up.

When he did this, at the beginning, the cultivators who were chasing him thought that Zhang was afraid of lack of strength and could only run away. However, as the number of fights and runs gradually increased, these guys finally understood. The bastard in front actually used them for training. A group of people were furious, but unfortunately there was nothing they could do if they couldn't keep up. If they couldn't catch up with Zhang, they could only stare at him. And if they were allowed to disperse like this without pursuing them, and they were extremely unwilling to do so, a group of people pursued them for three consecutive days in this extremely contradictory mood.

On the fourth day, Heiro stopped and said, "No more chasing." Of course, we couldn't chase. In the past, I just listened to people saying that so-and-so could practice in battle. The more fights, the stronger the enemy. He will become more powerful; now that Hei Luo has seen a living person, in just three days of chasing, Zhang Awei has gone from careful defense at the beginning to hit and run, and now he can fight fairly and not fall behind. This guy The growth rate is frighteningly fast! Is this still a human being?

Hei Luo didn't want Zhang Afraid to become more and more powerful, and he didn't want to be defeated by him when facing him alone. Naturally, he didn't want to chase him.

Seeing him stop, the other ten masters also stopped. They were not blind. They had been spectators for three days and knew exactly what happened. After surrounding Heero, someone asked: "How could this happen?"

Heiro shook his head, how did he know why this happened? He thought quietly for a while and said, "Go back." Zhang was afraid that such an enemy was the most terrifying. If he couldn't kill him, he would be easily surpassed by him. Hei Luo, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, had to seriously consider countermeasures.

He had few opponents in his life. Except for one non-Bo who made him feel a little uncomfortable, the rest of the cultivators ignored him. But now he had to put Zhang Wear in his eyes and try to figure out what was going on with this kid. Not only Being able to practice while fighting, and being able to quickly increase his cultivation level to a strength comparable to his own in just three days. Such things only happened in legends, how could it appear in front of him?

The more Heero thought about it, the more confused he became, and the more unbalanced he became. He himself was a genius, and it still took him more than 150 years to absorb the essence and blood of nearly 100,000 female cultivators by relying on the power of force. , to achieve what he is now, and Zhang Ping only fought with him for three days and then caught up with him?

No one would be able to balance such a thing, especially those arrogant gods. Everyone knows that they have cultivated to the level in front of them, how much effort they have put in and how much hardship they have endured, why should they be so hairless? Can you increase your cultivation level by just fighting a few fights? It's a pity that they don't know that if the monkey is here, there is no need to waste three days. As long as they hit three or four times casually, as long as they don't die, they can quickly increase their cultivation level.

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