The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 12 How Far Can You Go?

Chapter 12 How far can you go ()

I tried shaking my hand, but the snake had a strong adsorption force and there was no reaction at all. Zhang Pingzhuang had the courage to pull the tail of a small snake. The snake looked at him lazily and let him pull it without any resistance. Zhang Bin picked up the little snake and held it in front of his eyes. The little snake stretched and contracted, coiled back into his hand, rolled slightly, slipped into the sleeves of the robe, and snaked along the body until it stopped at the chest and became silent again. Can't move.

Zhang Awei tried to touch the other three little snakes again, with the same result. The little snakes were very friendly to Zhang Awei and let him play with them. Zhang Awei even forced open the mouth of one little snake to see if it had teeth, but the snake was not annoyed at all. , when he was done struggling, he crawled to his chest and lay down.

Four little snakes were hatched, and Zhang Ping's spiritual power was replenished by Zhu Lei, so there was no loss. The little snake was very kind to Zhang Ping and reassured him. But the three puppies were obviously afraid of the little snakes, and they stayed far away and refused to come forward. They didn't dare to bark or move.

Zhang Wen used his spiritual consciousness to check the little snake's inner breath, but found nothing at first, as if it never existed. He simply pressed his fingers on the snake's head to explore, and used all his strength to vaguely touch the film. It was very thin but could not be broken through. However, the little snake seemed to know whose consciousness it was, and spread the film. In an instant, powerful spiritual power surged out. It was a hundred times a thousand times more powerful than the tears coming out. Zhang was so frightened that he let go in a hurry.

After letting go, I can still feel the incomparable spiritual power between heaven and earth, and instantly return to normal, with the spiritual power disappearing.

This is probably the top level monster in the legend, which can conceal spiritual energy. Zhang Ai deeply felt that he knew too little, and he must find ways to read more after returning to the mountain.

When the little snake's spiritual power surged, the three puppies were unable to move, and they were so frightened that they urinated and pooped. Fortunately, the little snake had no ill intentions at all, allowing them to save their lives.

People are greedy, no matter how timid they are, they are greedy. Knowing that the little snakes were harmless to him, Zhang Ping began to think about how to hatch the remaining 124 snake eggs.

However, what can a sixteen-year-old boy who knows nothing else do? After thinking for a while with no results, he lowered his head and looked at the little snake on his chest. A new question arose. What do these guys eat? No matter how magical the monster is, it can't grow up just by drinking air. Even if you think about it for a while, you can't figure it out.

The broken egg shells on the ground shimmered white. I picked up the egg shells and looked at them. I tapped them with my fingers. They were extremely hard. Zhang was afraid that his heart would beat, so he put more force on his hands, wanting to test how hard the egg shell was. But no matter how hard he tried, the egg shell was still white and crystal clear, and he was excited. This is a good thing.

The egg shell was too thin and too sharp. Zhang was afraid that he might accidentally cut his finger in his excitement, and blood would immediately flow out. Four small snakes that had been dormant on his chest came to him in a flash and bit into the wound to suck blood.

Zhang Weijing was a little worried whether he would suck blood and die. Before the worry was over, the little snakes had already returned to their chests and lay down. Looking at the wounds on their fingers, they found that they had healed without leaving any scars.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't understand. Are they using the blood for food or to treat their own injuries? After putting the egg shells on the ground into the storage bag, he looked around to find a way out. White mist floated in the distance, I thought for a moment and decided to walk along the cliff.

After putting the four little snakes into the animal control bag, the three puppies ran over happily, their little claws clinging to Zhang Pan's legs and feet, refusing to give up no matter what. Zhang Ain picked them up with a smile and wanted to put them in his arms, but the puppies would rather be held by him than hide in his clothes. It seems that the aura of the little white snake is too strong and the puppy is afraid.

Looking left and right, there was nothing but mist except the trees. Zhang Fei jumped up the tree, picked some tough branches, folded some of them, and made a basket. In less than half an hour, the basket was completed. Although it was not beautiful, it was very strong. The bottom of the basket was covered with thick trees and I had a lot of time. I took a rest when I was tired and fell asleep. I walked along the cliff for six days. The area around the cliff was originally filled with steaming mist, clouds, and mountains, which looked very spectacular and beautiful, but after seeing this scene for six days in a row, no one wanted to watch it. On the seventh day, he finally saw the end of the cliff. Zhang was afraid and ran forward. Unexpectedly, the closer he got, the more disappointed he became. When they arrived, Zhang was so angry that he sat on the ground.

At the end of the cliff is a large river that is more than a hundred feet wide. It rolls in with great force from east to west. It cascades down the cliff and turns out to be a huge waterfall! The water droplets disperse the vapor in all directions, hitting the body refreshingly and coolly. But Zhang Ai doesn't have any happy expression at all. Unlucky Tianleishan, are you kidding me? I have been wandering around in this broken mountain for more than half a month. There are only trees, fog, water and waterfalls except ice. Tell me, where is the road?

Zhang Ain released the flying sword. Senior brother Hongyuan said that after the foundation period, he could fly with the sword, and Zhang Ain wanted to try it. After trying hard for a long time, the sword could fly, but he couldn't stand up at all, so he had to withdraw the flying sword in despair.

Suddenly I remembered a spell I had practiced, Wings of the Wind God. I had failed to practice it successfully at the mid-level cultivation level during the Qi Refining Period. Now I should be able to improve it by two levels. Find a clean place, sit cross-legged and meditate, and start practicing the Wings of the Wind God.

Wings of the Wind God, as the name suggests, turns the inner breath of the whole body into wings to protect itself. The wings must first be physical before other changes can be derived. Zhang was afraid of controlling the Qi, so he tightened and compressed the inner Qi, and then rushed towards the left and right shoulder blades, once, twice, and several times to no avail.

After struggling for several days, Zhang failed. Zhang was afraid that he was completely uninterested in practicing the Wings of the Wind God, so out of boredom, he took out four small white snakes and played with them in the palm of his hand. The four little guys looked extremely lazy, always lying still.

Zhang Ping grabbed a puppy and put it in front of the snake to let him watch. The dog was naturally frightened and tried to hide behind him. Zhang Wen held him down and added a Jingxin Jue to the dog, so that the dog stayed in place fearfully. The little snake is still lazy, occasionally rolling down in the palm, looking extremely cute.

The puppy watched for a long time, but the little snake still didn't respond. As the puppy gradually became familiar with it, its timidity began to disappear. After a while, it finally lost its curiosity and boldly raised its foot to test the little snake. The little snake actually let it go. It's messing around. When the puppy saw that the little snake didn't respond, he was no longer afraid. He put his nose close to the palm of his hand to smell the snake. At this moment, the little snake turned over and jumped on the puppy's nose. The scared puppy screamed and jumped and shook its head violently, but the little snake remained motionless. After jumping like crazy for a while, the puppy slowly calmed down after making sure that the little snake was not hurting him.

Zhang was afraid of giving the other two puppies the Meditation Technique, so he caught them to watch. He thinks that if the little snake is good to him, it will also be good to his puppy. The little snake is a psychic beast and must understand this.

To be fair, fetishes such as snakes are indifferent to most creatures, especially newborn snakes. As long as they are not food and do not endanger their lives, they generally treat other creatures as if they have not seen them. These four little snakes were hatched by Zhang Weifang with the help of Zhu Lei. They had good intentions towards Zhang Weisheng. The divine snakes are psychic and feed on blood, so naturally they were not very kind to Zhang Weisheng. Even the pets who were afraid of Zhang became friendly.

After the three puppies and the snakes got along for half a day, they were no longer afraid and began to feel harmonious with each other. It's just that the little snake is lazy and the puppy is active, so it was quite fun for a while.

Zhang was lying on the grass, listening to the roar of the waterfall not far away, and watching the puppies playing, feeling peaceful and indifferent. It wouldn't be bad if you could spend your life like this.

After resting by the waterfall for more than ten days, Zhang Ping decided to go west along the river because he didn't believe there was no exit from Tianlei Mountain.

Now that the puppy was familiar with the little snake, he didn't put the little snake away anymore and let it lie still on his chest. He picked up the empty basket and headed west. The puppy ran back and forth, just thinking it was out to play.

After traveling upstream for more than a month, swimming and playing, the river changed its course to the north and narrowed. Zhang was afraid to suspect that he was lost. No matter how big Tianlei Mountain is, it's not this big, right?

I have seen many wild beasts and many exotic flowers and plants on the road. I have used my spiritual sense to detect them, and they are all ordinary items. It is strange that there is no spiritual energy fluctuation in such a huge mountain range.

Continuing to go north, half a month later, the river becomes narrower and narrower, turning into a small stream. You can cross both sides of the river in one step. After walking a few miles, the river disappeared and a spring the size of a basin appeared, extremely clear. Looking around, the scenery is completely different. The woods are no longer there, replaced by a vast and endless grassland.

So Zhang Ai was very sure of his judgment a few days ago and got lost! After walking along the river bank for almost two months, I ended up in a deserted place. What kind of luck is this? Zhang was afraid that he had to smile bitterly. I happened to be thirsty, so I squatted down to drink a few mouthfuls of spring water, which was sweet and refreshing. Thinking about the places I had traveled these days, I couldn't help but sigh at the great creation of nature. Who would have thought that the trickling stream in front of me would turn into a huge river thousands of miles away.

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