The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1,187 Tian Fang does good things

Chapter 1,187 Tian Fang does good deeds

I clearly like four people in my heart, so why do I feel scared? Zhang was afraid that he could not understand what he was thinking, and finally fell asleep in the middle of the night. As a master, he could rely on his body's instinctive reaction to automatically enter the sleep state. It was incredible.

Let's ignore Zhang Awei's incredible sleep. From this day on, Zhang Awei had a month of leisure time. He didn't have to think about anything, no one was chasing him, and he just did everything he wanted. Go wandering around during the day, and go back to the four girls' residence to rest at night.

I don’t know why, maybe because Zhang Awei has been away for too long. After returning this time, the four women directly arranged their rooms together with Zhang Awei’s room. They were several rooms in a big house, with a hall in the middle and a hall on the side. It is where everyone lives, which is equivalent to announcing that everyone has lived together.

During this period of time, the only thing Zhang Wen did was to check on Jin Er every few days. Seeing that Jin Er, who had never eaten star grass in the past month, was still alive. Zhang Wen knew that his method was right, and now it was time to He went to work as a coolie in the Jin family, tortured himself with a fearless spirit, and rescued nearly three million Jin family members.

He shuddered a little when he thought about having to remove his soul from three million people one by one. Can I work any harder? Assume that one hundred people's souls can be separated in one hour, and one thousand two hundred people can be rescued in one day... When you think about the number of three million, it will take at least two thousand years of effort? I'm so depressed, it would be better to just kill me!

Zhang was afraid of quitting and didn't want to do this, but he also knew it was impossible. When the first month expired, early the next morning, Jin Er came to the Xueshan Sect's gate to wait for him respectfully. He did not tell anyone about it, but just stood respectfully and quietly like a new disciple.

Knowing that he couldn't escape, and that this was a trouble he had caused for himself, Zhang Zhen didn't intend to escape. He first greeted the four girls and said he was going to Jin's house for a while. The four women expressed their understanding, but Zhang was afraid of going down the mountain.

Seeing Jin Er at the foot of the mountain, Zhang Ain smiled bitterly and said, "I'm just causing trouble for myself." Jin Er said respectfully, "Sir, I'm so kind. From now on, everyone in the Jin family will only follow you. As long as you have orders, Jin Er "The liver and brain will be wiped out in return." Zhang Ai smiled bitterly and said, "Why do I want your liver and brain?"

He said he was leaving, but he still went to the main peak to say hello to Ruiyuan first. The leader he chose was simply his guest star. He was addicted to torturing him and could find something to make Zhang afraid depressed at any time. Don’t want to, this time again.

Zhang Aixing arrived at Tianlei Hall and was about to talk to Ruiyuan. When Ruiyuan saw him coming, he was overjoyed and said: "Uncle, come quickly. I have something to ask you." Zhang Aixing said depressedly: "You want to see me? Something happens to you." Come to me, why are you so happy?"

Rui Yuan ignored what Zhang was afraid of saying and told the story directly. After hearing the whole story, Zhang Weifang shook his head repeatedly, worried that Zhang Tianfang would cause trouble, and now it turned out to be the case, alas.

The story begins when Zhang Tian went down to the mountain to do good deeds. He wanted to do good deeds, and Hai Ling also wanted to do good deeds. Ruiyuan was afraid that the two of them would do good deeds only based on their ideas, so he sent eight of his shrewd and capable subordinates to do good deeds. Ten disciples accompanied him. These eighty disciples were indeed capable. As cultivators, they were not short of money, so they spent a lot of gold and silver to buy a large amount of land in one of the poorest places in Dai Viet Kingdom.

Because with the intention of saving people, we want to teach them how to fish and not let these people be lazy, so after buying the land, they went to various cities to recruit beggars, saying that they would give away houses for free. The prerequisite is that the residents must build the buildings themselves, and then Allocate fields, and as long as you are willing to work, you will definitely have enough food and clothing.

According to normal people's thinking, there will definitely be no problem in doing this. Everyone should be happy to hear that someone is willing to pay to save the poor. The neurotic Zhang Tianfang, the kind and innocent Hai Ling, and the one who just wants to do good things Each of the eighty cultivators worked hard, but they never thought that doing good things would be difficult.

First, there are beggars who don’t believe them, and then there are many lazy beggars who just want to eat ready-made food. As long as they have money and don’t work, Zhang Tian deflated one Buddha to ascend to heaven and two Buddhas to be born. If he hadn’t been trying hard to tell himself that he was doing good things, he would really want to kill him. Got these lazy people.

Some disciples advised him that the same amount of money can feed all kinds of people, and some people like to commit suicide. We don't care about them, we only help those who are worthy of help. Zhang Tianfang thought it right and completely ignored the lazy man. You don’t work and you want to get money from me? You are so beautiful!

In this way, with a little delay, it will take seven days to gather more than 300 beggars who know how to fight. Then it was time to build a house. Everyone worked together and finally built a house. Because of the help of eighty cultivators, a large amount of money was spread, and many people were hired to help, so within the second seven days, the house was built, and it was a simple single-family residence.

Because they had money, all the furniture and supplies were completed in one day, and a small village of more than 300 people appeared in a deserted land. But another problem arises. This is wasteland. If you want to farm, you must first cultivate the land. Zhang Tianfang didn't understand this, but a beggar did, so he talked to Zhang Tianfang about it.

Zhang Tianfang heard it, is it so troublesome? This guy is also lazy. Thinking about it, where else can he raise it? As long as dozens or hundreds of spiritual energy pills are buried, it will be difficult for this area not to be fertile. He took out more than a hundred spiritual energy pills, broke them into pieces and sprinkled them into the soil. Directly increase the fertility of this land by several levels.

But when he did this, his spiritual energy leaked out, which easily attracted the interest of the cultivators. Zhang Tianfang crushed the spiritual energy pill and scattered it into the soil, and these cultivators dared to gather the soil and sift the spiritual energy pill. For a group of low-level cultivators, it is always easier to obtain spiritual energy pills in this way than to find herbs to make pills.

In this situation, Zhang Tianfang was very depressed and wanted to get angry. Fortunately, there were eighty disciples of Tianlei Mountain who were scattered everywhere and showed the name of Tianlei Mountain, which stopped the crazy behavior of these low-level cultivators.

After these cultivators left one after another, Zhang Tianfang felt that he was about to go crazy. I am doing good things, why do I always have troubles? I really want to leave in a rage, whatever. In the end, after several hesitations, he finally calmed down and continued to work.

With a house and land, the next step is to farm. He bought a large number of farm tools and seeds and let the disciples share them. He wandered around the village. The more he wandered around and the more he saw, the more satisfied he felt. A village was born from his hands, which made Zhang Tianfang feel a sense of accomplishment. Unfortunately, the sense of accomplishment did not last long and was soon replaced by anger.

He was strolling in the village that day. The villagers knew that the big man was a good person, so they would take the initiative to greet him, and he was happy to respond, feeling proud and satisfied. While strolling, a team of yamen runners came from the village entrance. As soon as they entered the village, they shouted and shouted to find the head of the village. Seeing that no one answered, the yamen runners got angry, randomly chose a room, kicked the door open, and said they wanted to collect taxes.

Zhang Tianfang was a cultivator, and he easily found out all this. When he heard that he wanted to collect taxes, his nose was almost crooked. I just helped some people settle down and distributed food and seeds. It hasn't been 20 days yet, and someone came to collect taxes? At that time, I wanted to beat them up.

Just as he was about to go over, a disciple came over and said, "We can't help them forever. They want to live here, and they have to face some things. Uncle can take a look first. If the situation is not good, it's not too late to go again." Zhang Tianfang heard that this was the case, so he stopped and wanted to see how the villagers would deal with this situation.

No matter when, as long as people are alive, there are class differences. The villagers were just beggars 20 days ago. When facing the officials, they naturally had different levels of respect. Not only did they bow and nod, but they were also beaten and scolded with a smile.

Now that the officials kicked the door, the villagers who had just lived in peace for a few days became frightened and uneasy. They bowed and nod to greet them. When they opened their mouths, they lowered their status and asked humbly, "Master, what's the matter?"

Some people are like this. The more humble you are, the more arrogant they are. Seeing the humble appearance of the villagers, a yamen runner said, "Tax collection, what's the matter? Pay the money happily, I still have things to do."

How can the villagers have money? Zhang Tianfang never gave them a penny from beginning to end, but only gave them things. Hearing the yamen runners asking for money, the villager said with a bitter face: "I really don't have money. Can you be flexible and pay it after the grain is harvested next year?"

The answer was a loud slap in the face, followed by a scolding: "What's the point of having fun? Pay until next year? I tell you clearly, either pay the money or stay in for a few days, your choice."

Seeing the yamen runners so arrogant, Zhang Tianfang couldn't stop his anger. More arrogant than me? With a move of his footsteps, his body had already come in front of the yamen runners. Looking at this group of bastards in black clothes and horn hats, with crooked heads and slanted shoulders, he was so angry that he didn't bother to talk. He kicked them all out of the village one by one, turned around and said to the villager: "It's okay."

Things have developed to this point, and it's okay for the time being. But Zhang Tianfang didn't kill anyone, he just beat the yamen runners away. After the yamen runners went back, they exaggerated the matter to the county magistrate. The county magistrate was naturally angry and sent a large army to catch the bandits.

In the eyes of the county magistrate, anyone who dared to resist the imperial court's orders and his orders was a fierce bandit. And his so-called army was just more than sixty yamen runners and servants.

More than sixty people came to the village to cause trouble, and the outcome was predictable. They were also driven away in disgrace. So the county magistrate reported to his superiors that there were fierce bandits under his jurisdiction who killed people like flies, and he sent a large army to suppress them. So the real army arrived.

Seeing thousands of soldiers surrounding the small village, Zhang Tianfang was completely furious. He wanted to kill people! He couldn't understand why it was so difficult for me to do a good thing? By the way, he remembered that he had done good things several times before, but not only did he fail, but he was treated as a bad person. The imbalance in his heart reached the extreme, so the old man got angry.

Fortunately, there was Hai Ling and eighty elite disciples. These people stopped Zhang Tianfang together and persuaded him: "You came down the mountain to do good things, not to kill people."

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