The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1174 Happy

Chapter 1,174 Happy

Zhang Ping smiled and introduced the two girls to him: "This is the morning dew, this is the peach blossom." He then introduced Fang Jian and Bu Kong to the two girls. Fang Jian was very smart. When he saw the two girls, he understood that Zhang Tianfang was angry because of them. He smiled and said, "Come down the mountain tomorrow and find him a wife." Zhang Tianfang became even more angry: "You are the one who wants a wife, I don't need one." ! Wait, you mean going down the mountain? Well, if you really want to go down the mountain, I can go out with you so that you don’t always get into trouble.”

Zhang was afraid to understand as soon as he heard it. No wonder this guy had such a bad temper. He was imprisoned and not allowed to go down the mountain. He immediately asked with a smile: "Whose idea was it?" Fang Jian rolled his eyes at Zhang Tianfang and said angrily: "Whose idea is it? Everyone on the mountain thinks so. He should stay on the mountain."

"You cheated!" Zhang Tianfang shouted again: "It's not fair! You teamed up to deceive me! Fool me! I protest! Zhang Ai, you are back just in time to make the decision for me. These bastards have united to deal with me. You must help I!"

In just one sentence, this guy forgot his hatred for Zhang Ai and transferred his hatred to all the disciples of Tianlei Mountain.

Zhang Ai asked out of curiosity: "What's going on?" Fang Jian sighed: "This idiot became so powerful that he had few opponents in the world, and then he became free and easy. He ran around all day and caused trouble everywhere. He came down the mountain for a month, even ordinary people People all knew that Zhang Tianfang was born in Tianlei Mountain. More than 10,000 people lined up to complain. One day, more than 10,000 people suddenly came to complain. Ruiyuan was startled and asked quickly what happened. What do you think this idiot was doing? "

Before Zhang Zhi could say anything, Zhang Tianzhang shouted: "I am doing good deeds. The place they live in is too small. I help them build houses and big houses. It's a pity that these people don't appreciate my kindness. Humph, they are a bunch of people without vision." Fool."

Fang Jian shook his head helplessly after hearing this, and continued: "He went down the mountain and wandered around. When he arrived at a small town, it happened to be raining. The town was not big, and it turned into muddy ground when it rained. There were also many leaks in people's houses. Yu, this idiot just wanted to build a house. But other people build houses little by little. They install the residence first and then demolish the house. To save trouble, this pig dragged more than 10,000 people in the town out of their homes, and then Destroy all the houses in one fell swoop..."

At this point, Zhang Tianfang expressed his dissent and shouted: "They are stupid! I offered to give them money and help them build a house. I even showed my identity and said that I was the god of Tianlei Mountain, but a group of stupid people didn't believe me at all. No one paid attention to me. Some people said that I was a fake Taoist priest and a liar. I still refused to accept it. As soon as the rain stopped, I dragged all these idiots out and leveled the house. Hum, those guys immediately I was dumbfounded. It must be built whether it is built or not. ”

You don’t need to listen to what happened next. Zhang Zhen already understood what was going on. No wonder ordinary people also knew that there was Zhang Tianfang on Tianlei Mountain. He asked Fang Jian with a smile: "Ruiyuan lost a lot of money, right?" Fang Jian nodded and said yes, He added: "Not only did he do this stupid thing, he also did many things. The most recent thing was that he demolished a temple, which made those monks want to come to Tianlei Mountain to practice." Zhang Ying laughed loudly and asked Zhang Tianfang: "Do you have a habit of demolishing houses?" "You have a habit of helping fake monks to defraud money. I can't stand it, so of course I have to deal with them. I'm doing a good deed!" Zhang Tianfang argued loudly.

At this time, a group of people ran over from outside the crowd. The leader was a Taoist priest. He shouted loudly from a distance: "Ruiyuan has met Uncle Master." As soon as he entered the crowd, he knelt down and worshiped.

Zhang was afraid that with a flick of his right hand, he would not let him kneel down, and said with a smile: "What are you doing? Are you going to scare me as soon as we meet?"

Ruiyuan knew that his cultivation level was not as good as Zhang Awei's, so he did not insist on kneeling anymore. He came to Zhang Awei in a few steps, bowed and asked, "How have you always been, uncle?"

Zhang Ain smiled and let go of Zhang Tianfang, pointed at Ruiyuan and said: "Look at me, you just asked me if I was okay when we met. How can you be a bastard and beat me when you come up." Zhang Tianfang blushed a little and defended: "You provoked me first."

Zhang Ai smiled, it was indeed him who teased Zhang Tianfang first. Turning to Ruiyuan, he said, "Go to the square. Tell Bai Zhan and Zhan Yun that I'm back and we're going to have a big drink." At this point, he pulled Zhang Tianfang and muttered something in a low voice. Zhang Tianfang shook his head: "I'm not going. , If you want to go, you can go." Fang Jian stood beside the two of them, listened clearly to Zhang Ping's words, and said with a smile, "I'll go." As he spoke, he went to the back mountain to ask for a drink from Lin Sen.

Zhang was afraid that he had already spent all the spirit wine and didn't have it with him, so he could only ask Lin Sen for it, but Zhang Tian was too lazy to get out of here! After all, he didn't go, so Fang Jian had a hard time.

Ignoring the bastard Zhang Tianfang, he introduced the two girls to Ruiyuan and others. Ruiyuan was stunned for a moment when he heard the introduction. Why were there two more women? This uncle is so out of tune. He dares to ascend to the God Realm to find a wife? After hesitation, he asked: "Should I inform Master Song and Uncle Cheng?"

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "No, you ask people to find Hei Yi and his gang. Go to the square and wait for me. I will go see them myself." Rui Yuan agreed and ordered his disciples to go to various places to invite people, such as Hei Zhan and Bai Zhan. , Li Zhan, and the fourth team, as well as the child disciples who were afraid of being retreated by Zhang. Of course, they have grown up now, and everyone has a strong cultivation level.

Ruiyuan is the supreme boss of Tianlei Mountain. He usually does not do anything and has a high status. He can give some random orders and leave his subordinates to do the work. He led the disciples to the square to wait for Zhang Wen. Fu Kong walked at the end, took one more look at Zhang Awei, nodded slightly, and went to the square at the same time.

Seeing Kong go far away, Zhang Awei nodded secretly. They hadn't seen each other for a long time. The little monk looked more and more like the big monk, and he felt a bit dignified.

After everyone left here, Zhang Ao took the two girls and flew into the air to the three mountains of the Snow Mountain Sect. They didn't fly very fast, but they also stirred up strong winds that blew against their faces, making the clothes on the two women's bodies rustle. Zhang Awei said: "You don't have to wear these anymore." Taohua said happily: "Really?" Zhang Awei nodded and said: "This is my territory, how can it not be true?" Taohua smiled again: "I can't tell you are quite cool. It's majestic." Zhang was afraid of being said a little embarrassed, so he coughed lightly and fell down.

At the foot are three mountain peaks, tall and continuous, protected by a divine array set up by Zhang Ao outside. Zhang Ai stopped at the gate of the front mountain peak, looked at the houses and trees on the mountain and smiled slightly. He hadn't seen them for a long time, but a group of women were tossing about in a lively manner, and they looked like they were from a famous family.

The three of them fell down, and a frail woman flew out from the mountain gate. She hugged the three of them first, and then asked: "I don't know which uncle from the front mountain is here. Please leave your name and why you are here. I don't know." Go back and report to your uncle." After the woman said this habitually, she suddenly fell into confusion. This person looked familiar, could it be him? Then he asked softly: "Master?"

Zhang Awei chuckled: "Fortunately, you can recognize me." This weak woman was a child apprentice he had accepted before. Because she was a woman, she was taken care of by Song Yunyi and others. When he left Tianlei Mountain, these child disciples had already changed their looks. Because they had grown up and rarely met Zhang Awei, their memories were a little blurry. In addition, Zhang was afraid that he had ascended, and the little girl couldn't believe that the master would come back again, so she was a little hesitant. But Zhang Weifeng didn't need to hesitate. Although the appearance of these child disciples had changed, their auras remained unchanged. With Zhang Weisheng's cultivation level, it was impossible for him to recognize the wrong person.

After hearing Zhang Awei's admission, the weak woman screamed: "Master is back." After shouting, she ignored Zhang Awei, turned around and flew towards the mountain, rushing to notify Song Yunyi and Cheng Xi'er.

Zhang Awei smiled helplessly, and whispered to the two girls: "How about returning to your true self?" Chaolu nodded lightly, and Taohua said happily: "Of course." So Zhang Awei held the two girls gently, holding each other's hands, and said goodbye. The force entered the two women's bodies and dissolved the spiritual power of the Yi Rong Dan. After a moment, Zhang Awei retracted his hand and took a step away. The two women each raised their hands to rub each other's hands, and then rubbed their faces again. In just a moment, a few pieces of skin were rubbed off, revealing an extremely beautiful face.

Zhang Ai praised sincerely: "It's so beautiful." But he didn't dare to look at the two of them, and he didn't dare to hold hands anymore. He passed between the two women and said softly: "Go up the mountain and introduce some people to you two."

After hiding their faces for many years, they finally regained their true colors. The two women touched their faces slightly with some discomfort, showing beautiful smiles. At the same time, they also took off their heavy clothes, leaving only the two gauze clothes they had when they first met. . One is as pure white as snow, the other is as smoky as a dream, contrasting with the two charming beauties, blooming with infinite beauty.

After taking off the heavy clothes, the person becomes lighter, and the movement of the hands and feet becomes as dreamy and beautiful as a dance. He gently lifts the lotus steps and floats forward with Zhang Wen.

The beauty of the two girls can make the sun and moon dim and attract people's imagination. Fortunately, Zhang Wen and the two of them have been living together for a long time. After getting used to it, they are less touched.

In this way, the three of them walked up the road boldly, and then several people quickly flew out from various houses on the mountain. They were all women, all beautiful. In a moment, they had arrived in front of Zhang Ai. Standing at the front were Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier.

Zhang was afraid that he had fantasized about what it would be like to meet the two girls many times, but when he actually met them, he suddenly found that he could not speak. He only looked over with a smile, looked at the two girls carefully, and then whispered: " I'm back."

It was just four words, but it brought endless tears from Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier. The two of them cried, one side was moved tears of missing Zhang Ping, the other side was tears of joy when seeing him come back, and the other side was tears of grievance full of jealousy.

Morning Dew and Peach Blossom are so beautiful. These two people are basically spiritual beings, and their beauty is naturally beyond the scope of human beings. Although Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier are beautiful, they are just as beautiful as ordinary cultivators.

After Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier received the news of Zhang Ai's return, they immediately put on their make-up and rushed over. They were filled with joy and wanted to see him. Little did they expect that Zhang Ai was accompanied by two girls, especially these two girls who were so stunningly beautiful! Naturally, they both felt a little uncomfortable.

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