The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1111 Sacrifice

Chapter 1111 Sacrifice

The big tiger plopped down on his knees, roared a few times, and then got up. After hearing the tiger roar, the surrounding group of monsters and the monsters on the stage all looked surprised. This was the third time they heard someone say that the three people above had saved a large number of monsters. The first two times were what Zhang was afraid of and the women around him, so of course they were not credible. But this time it was said by the monster, and it was said by the fierce warrior who always rushed to the front every time he fought against humans.

Not to mention anything else, just based on the identity of the monster, the orcs already believed that what the tiger said was true. Monsters despise humans for being cunning and telling lies, so they do it with disdain. But the problem is that the war is imminent, and the orcs have chosen today as the day for the decisive battle with humans, and Zhang is afraid that it will be the orcs' sacrifice before the war begins. They wanted to sacrifice Zhang Pou to the beast god, so that the gods could help them win, avenge their shame, and kill all humans.

But at this critical moment, it was discovered that the humans used to worship the gods had saved a large number of monsters. Is this a joke? The five orcs on the stage looked at each other, all a little embarrassed, not knowing what to do.

To offer sacrifices to the gods, you must choose the highest-level sacrifices. Zhang is probably the person with the highest cultivation level on the entire Beast Planet. Apart from him, no suitable sacrifices can be found. But this sacrifice had a great debt to the orcs, and the orcs couldn't do anything to repay the kindness with enmity.

If we don't repay kindness with enmity, we can only give up the sacrifice to the gods, and new problems will arise. Should we start a decisive battle without sacrificing the gods?

The white werewolf looked ugly and stared at Zhang Afraid fiercely. He didn't believe that this guy who was always in trouble with him, the guy who was killed by him into three pieces and was still alive, could actually save the monster. He asked the tiger in a cold voice: "He How many tribesmen were saved?”

The tiger leaned down and roared back in a low voice.

"How much?" The green werewolf couldn't believe it and asked again. The big tiger roared again, and the faces of all the orcs around the high platform turned ugly. They knew that this sacrifice would not die today.

The white werewolf pondered for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "Take him down." Then several demonic beasts walked up to the high platform and escorted the three of them away.

Zhang was afraid of being sealed, so he kept thinking about how to get out of trouble. He also kept trying, trying hard to break the small ring on his body. After several attempts, he slowly found the doorway. This thing belonged to four orcs. The soul penetrated into Zhang Ai's body through the ring and forcibly suppressed his soul, so his body did not move at all.

If you want to regain your freedom, you only need to destroy these souls. Zhang Ai is slowly accumulating strength, just waiting for a fierce explosion at the critical moment. Even if he can't leave here alive, he can't die so easily.

While he was making preparations, he heard a bunch of orcs talking randomly, which seemed to be beneficial to him. He couldn't help but have an idea, don't he need to die?

His guess was correct again, and he was quickly escorted back to the cell by the monster, but the seal was still there and he was still unable to move.

Zhang was afraid of being escorted back to the stone prison, but there was an uproar in the huge square. Many monsters didn't understand what was happening, and they all roared and asked questions, asking why the sacrifices were gone.

As the leader of the clan, the white werewolf would certainly not let Zhang Ai go just because of a few words from the colorful tiger. Just now I asked Tiger how many monsters Zhang was afraid of saving, and Tiger replied that it was more than 30,000. Then he sent the orcs to follow the tiger to inquire about the rescued monsters. Half an hour later, the orc came back and reported that Zhang Ping had indeed saved many monsters.

At that time, the tribal cultivators slaughtered the monsters on the grassland, but Zhang Ai saved them all. The adult monsters plus the cubs saved tens of thousands of lives. From this point of view, always doing good deeds can save lives at critical moments.

When this happened, the tiger was among them. That grassland was his station, and all the beasts on the grassland were his subordinates, so they knew about it.

Before the tribe cultivators hunted the monsters, this tiger once had a conflict with Zhang Awei and wanted to kill him, but was driven away by Zhang Awei. But it was precisely because of that fight that he remembered Zhang Ai and the two women around Zhang Ai.

Later, the entire clan of monsters was saved by Zhang Wen alone, and Tiger was naturally grateful. Strictly speaking, Zhang Wen spared his life first, and then saved him again. This was a great favor.

This time the monsters were involved in an incident, and as the leader of the place, Tiger was naturally involved, so he came to the source of all beasts to see the five leaders. But I accidentally heard that the sacrifices in this incident were a man and two women. I guessed that they might be my benefactor, so I went to the cell to check. He knew the two women, and once he found out that they were indeed life-savers, he immediately went back to talk to the fifth commander, hoping to release her. Unfortunately, after searching for a whole day, they were never found, which is why the scene in the square today happened.

The current square is a bit chaotic, and the five commanders are very depressed. Before today, even if they were killed, they would not believe that there were good people on this planet who would take the initiative to save the monsters. But now that good people have appeared, they can only accept the reality.

The white werewolf said to the other four commanders: "I'll go out and catch someone back." As of now, that's all. The four commanders agreed, and the white werewolf disappeared on the high platform.

Not long after, the white werewolf captured ten people and came back. They were all tribal cultivators who had transformed into gods.

Now there are sacrifices again, and then there are sacrifices to the gods. The ceremony begins. The beasts are furious, roaring and roaring. In the midst of the commotion, they cut open the belly of the ten cultivators and disembowel them as sacrifices to God.

This chaotic activity lasted for half an hour. After half an hour, the white werewolf roared loudly: "Let's go."

With this roar, the monster beasts that had been suppressed and killed for tens of millions of years on the beast star officially counterattacked humans, and a fierce battle between humans and beasts began.

Under the leadership of the five great commanders, countless monsters on the square rushed out of the square, the cave, the stone forest, and scattered to various parts of the planet to kill all humans. As the natives of the Beast Star, 10 million tribesmen were the first to be attacked.

There were more than 300 orcs on the monster side. The strength of each of these orcs was terrifying, absolutely above the tribal cultivators, so hundreds of tribes and 10 million tribesmen were quickly killed and wounded under the crazy attack of the orcs.

The whole war lasted only half a day, mainly because the strength of the 300 orcs was too terrifying, and there were countless fierce monsters like tigers. It was really easy to bully the tribal cultivators.

As the highest commander, the five orcs did not take action, but instead occupied a part of the sky, ready to welcome the revenge of the soldiers.

The monsters on the Beast Star ***, the soldiers who were monitoring in the air were very surprised. When did a group of things eaten by people become so powerful? Because they found that the orcs could walk upright, and there were many of them, the soldiers did not directly land on the Beast Star to intervene in the war. They reported the news back, and soon, King Luan Tian and King Gui Tian arrived with their elite soldiers.

The two kings were level 12 masters. As soon as they arrived above the Beast Star, they immediately ordered an attack. At this point, the war between humans and beasts really began.

With the strength of the white werewolves, it was easy to kill the tribal cultivators, but they would rather hide in the source of all beasts than come out to kill people, because there were soldiers behind the tribal cultivators. The beast tribe has been carefully preparing for many years to resist the cruel killing of soldiers. The beastmen all know that soldiers like to eat young beasts and have invented many ways to eat them, such as eating them alive, eating them raw, sucking brain marrow, etc. This has been going on for countless years. Every year, a large number of young beasts die because of this, and a large number of adult monsters die to protect the young beasts. This hatred is greater than the sky. How can the beastmen not want to retaliate?

However, the five commanders always keep a low profile because they know that even if they kill the tribal cultivators on the Beast Star, there will be others coming. As long as they don't kill the soldiers, the monsters will never escape the tragic fate of being eaten. The biggest problem is that even with five great commanders and more than 300 orcs, the beast tribe is far from being a match for the soldiers, so the orcs have always chosen to be tolerant.

Now, they can no longer tolerate it, because a person who is crucial to the beast tribe is going to die. The beast tribe can be what it is today, with five great commanders and more than 300 orcs, all thanks to this person.

If this person dies, the beast tribe will be worse and worse, and no one can replace this person. That person is great, and the orcs respectfully call him the saint.

It is precisely because the saint's life is coming to an end that the five great commanders decided to burn their boats and kill him once. Since they can't escape death, they will die in a blazing manner, which is worthy of their years of practice and the grace of the saint's upbringing. Therefore, the white wolf broke through the Wanshouyuan channel and met Zhang Pa, and then killed Zhang Pa into three pieces and captured him back.

Since the battle has begun, the two tribes are fighting against each other, and the white wolf chooses the opponent to be the King of Guitian.

King Guitian has a kind appearance and always looks like a good guy, but he is merciless when he fights. He has been tracking the whereabouts of the white werewolf these days. When he saw the werewolf flying towards him, his eyes were red and arrogant, and he immediately dodged over. Before he arrived, a small emerald green jade sword had appeared in front of the white werewolf.

The white werewolf had already gone berserk. Seeing the jade sword flying over, he did not dodge at all. He had fought with King Guitian several times and had some understanding of his methods. Knowing that he could not hurt him, he flicked his hand and the emerald green sword was bounced away.

The werewolf bounced the small sword away and wanted to take advantage of the situation to kill him, but suddenly his face changed and he realized that it was not good, so he immediately flew into the sky. He just left and saw two figures slowly appearing where he had just stood.

Both of them were wearing black clothes and black pants, with long hair and pale and cold faces. They looked in the direction where the werewolf disappeared. One of them said, "If you want to fight, don't run." Of course the werewolf would not run away. At this point, it was a desperate move, so he just had to sink. What's more, he once had three kings and four masters alone. At this time, the noble king and the two men in black were only three people, and there was no reason to run away. So when he heard this, he just smiled proudly in the air, and the next moment he came behind the man who spoke, and the four sharp blades on his claws flashed with cold light and stabbed him. The men in black were masters, and they were masters who were more powerful than the noble kings. They were the left and right protectors of the Lord of the Douluo Star Domain. They were extremely cruel and cold-blooded, fierce and bloodthirsty.

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