The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1030 Return to the Three Realms

Chapter 1030 Return to the Three Realms

At this time, the enemy attacked frantically. Fourteen could not move. He hurriedly summoned the stars to protect his body with his mind. Then he saw a huge star suddenly wrapped around Fourteen and protected him inside. So the attacks of more than a hundred soldiers were all on the stars.

Although the stars were solid, they could not withstand the large number of enemies and the large number of attacks. For a while, all kinds of attacks came violently with thunder and lightning. In just a moment, the stars were smashed into pieces and scattered into rubble floating in the starry sky, revealing Fourteen's body again.

More than a hundred soldiers knew that this was the best opportunity to beat the drowning dog. While Fourteen could not resist, they quickly killed him. But they didn't expect that after breaking a star, another slightly smaller star would wrap around Fourteen again.

More than a hundred people looked at each other. At this time, the soldier king had safely retreated under the protection of his men and ran away without a trace. In addition to the more than a hundred people who attacked Fourteen, there were more than two hundred soldiers left in the starry sky. They had a total of more than three hundred people. They originally planned to fight to the death to stop Fourteen and cover the retreat of the soldier king. But he didn't expect that Fourteen would become a target and not fight back. It was really a great luck. They swarmed at the same time and were determined to kill Fourteen.

So the second star was broken into stone, mud and dust again after a while under the attack of more than three hundred soldiers. It floated in the starry sky.

But the third star appeared again and continued to protect Fourteen. He used the power of the stars to protect himself.

If there were no soldiers under the king's men attacking him, he could move freely in a short time. However, because more than a hundred people attacked frantically, although there were stars outside to block most of the attacks, these people were masters of the God Realm, and all kinds of spells and magic weapons were unimaginable. Attacking Fourteen together, no matter how powerful he was, he could not be unscathed. So at this time, the star protecting him was broken by the soldiers under the king, and the powerful destructive force was mostly transmitted to Fourteen, and he was already seriously injured. Fortunately, he had a high level of cultivation to save his life.

Seeing that the attacks of the crowd were getting more and more fierce, and he could only stand and take the beating, if he did not respond, in just a moment, the first genius of the God Realm would die on the spot.

Speaking of it, Fourteen was a little careless. He knew that the King of Soldiers was very powerful, but he did not expect that the King of Soldiers had improved his cultivation over the years so much that he actually forced him to fight with all his strength. After seriously injuring the King of Soldiers, as long as he had a moment to recover his movements, he could calmly deal with the King of Soldiers' men, but in just a moment, the King of Soldiers' men had already rushed up to rescue the King of Soldiers fearlessly.

The King of Soldiers' men knew that Fourteen was powerful, and when they rushed up, they were determined to die, but they did not expect to pick up a big advantage and use the first master of the God Realm as a meat target.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more critical, when the third star was broken by the King of Soldiers' men, Fourteen no longer summoned the stars to protect his body, but instead concentrated all his strength and shouted "Break", and saw that dozens of the King of Soldiers' men who were closest to him and kept attacking burst at the same time, and a blood ball was sprinkled in the starry sky. This was his last resort and the strongest attack at this time, but he only killed dozens of people, and he was a little disappointed.

The death of these people made the remaining two hundred soldiers stunned, and then they attacked more crazily.

At this time, Fourteen was actually thinking, how good it would be if I had some men. Seeing that many attacks were about to hit his body, he had no way to avoid it. He was seriously injured, and if he was attacked again, he would definitely die. Looking at the magic weapons in the sky, Fourteen smiled, want me to die? You die first!

He was proud by nature, and would rather use the destruction spell again to cripple his body than let these guys have an easy life. Then he saw that the starry sky suddenly darkened, and then a ball of light burst out from the darkness. This light shone in all directions, and then a loud explosion occurred. At the same time, more than two hundred soldiers exploded at the same time, scattered into blood mist, and turned into part of the starry sky.

So, the whole starry sky became silent, there was no fighting, and there were no extra people. There was only Fourteen, lying quietly in the starry sky and floating casually. He used the destruction spell twice, and his body was greatly injured. He couldn't move for a few years, so Fourteen had no choice but to drift in the starry sky, slowly accumulating strength, and looking for a place to recuperate when he could move.

So far, the battle is over, and the two masters are seriously injured and can't move. The King of Soldiers is completely unconscious and can't wake up. Only dozens of his more than 300 elites have left, and the rest have all died in the battle; these dozens of people know that more than 300 colleagues have died in the battle, and they are afraid of Fourteen's terror, so they dare not go back to trouble Fourteen, and just want to protect the King of Soldiers.

And Fourteen is seriously injured and can't move. Not only can he not chase the King of Soldiers, but he also has to pray that no enemy will appear, otherwise he will die.

In this way, both sides are afraid of each other, and each escapes. It's a pity that dozens of the King of Soldiers missed a great opportunity to kill Fourteen because they didn't know that Fourteen was seriously injured. It's a pity that it can't be a pity.

After this battle, the King of Soldiers returned to the Temple of God to recover from his injuries. Due to the strength of Fourteen, he strengthened his guards, but only to protect himself. He no longer had the ambition to dominate. At least before his injuries healed, he would not make any more moves. Therefore, he let go of the old subordinates of the King of Agriculture.

The King of Soldiers did not know the exact news about Fourteen, and only prayed that this evil god would not go to the Temple of God to cause trouble; while Fourteen completely disappeared, as if he had died. Because of this battle, the Temple of God was quiet for a long time, and no one dared to cause trouble, which made the people of the Red Pavilion less worried.

After the fight, they disappeared. Zhang Pa waited on Bingxing for more than a month without any news. He knew that Fourteen must have been in trouble. At this time, Nongda came to him and persuaded him to leave Bingxing. For Nongda and more than 70 people, protecting Fushen Snake is the first priority. They must not be put in danger. Now there is no news about Fourteen. If something unexpected happens, no one can protect Fushen Snake. They must find a new place to stay. Zhang Pa knew that Nongda was right. He knew that they cared about Fushen Snake and didn't want to put themselves in danger. But since we are leaving, we should leave together. There is a saying that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Since Bingxing has become a dangerous place, let's be gentlemen together and leave here. Nongda originally just wanted to persuade Zhang Pa to leave. After listening to his advice, he went back to discuss with everyone and finally made a decision to leave together! Everyone dispersed and hid in the three realms. So the next day, Bingxing, which had been lively for a short time, became quiet again, and everyone left one after another. If there is a Fu Shen Snake to inherit the throne of King Nong in the future, everyone should come back to greet the new master, otherwise just stay in the mortal world, which is no different from the God Realm. It's the same hard time, so there's no need to go there specially.

Not long after, more than 70 people all left, leaving Nongda and the seven beauties. They planned to accompany and take care of Zhang Pa and Fu Shen Snake. Zhang Pa was so scared that he shook his head repeatedly, and it took a lot of effort to persuade the fat man and the woman to agree to leave. After all, it is much easier to hide one person than nine people. Although the fat man agreed to leave, he kept nagging Zhang Pa, telling him to pay attention to safety, keep a low profile, etc. Zhang Pa agreed to everything.

After a while, Nongda and the seven beauties also left. Zhang Pa was the only one left on the huge planet. He stood alone in front of the Ice Palace and looked at it, thinking that the seven beauties were really amazing and had such skills. Then he flew away from the Ice Star.

It has been twenty-three years since I left Tianlei Mountain, and I always want to go back and take a look.

Last time, I asked Shisanlang about going to the mortal world, and Shisanlang answered vaguely, saying that as long as the judge didn't catch you, you could go anywhere you wanted. This time, I asked Fatty again before leaving, and only then did I get the exact answer. The God Realm does not prohibit gods from going to the mortal world. It is difficult to enter the God Realm, but it is very simple to get out.

There is only one reason why there are few gods traveling in the mortal world. The mortal world does not have what the masters of the God Realm need. You can only be promoted again in the God Realm if you ascend to the God Realm. At the same time, your realm is improved and your horizons are broadened. Most of them become disdainful of the mortal world, such as humans and ants. No matter how lively the world of ants is, you will not have the idea of ​​living there.

Of course, things are not absolute, so there are gods and ants traveling in the three realms occasionally, and there are also strange gods like Zhang Pa who are nostalgic for the mortal world.

Zhang Pa persuaded everyone to leave just to go back to Tianlei Mountain.

He quickly flew into the starry sky, took out the star disk to identify the direction, and flew eastward. He had already learned the art of star escape, and returned to the Palace Star Domain in less than half a day. The Three Realms where he lived was near this star domain, and was under the jurisdiction of the God of War.

He scanned his surroundings with his divine sense, and then urged his divine thoughts. The next moment, Zhang Pa went straight into the Three Realms and stood on the top of Tianlei Mountain.

This place was originally occupied by Zhan Yun, and it has been empty since he asked him to go down the mountain. In order to show respect and gratitude to Zhan Yun, Ruiyuan does not allow people to live there, and someone comes up to clean up every day.

It was afternoon when Zhang Pa came. There was no one on the top of the mountain. He stood and looked down. The business market at the foot of the mountain was still there, and the crowd was still there. It was quite lively. In a place opposite the business market, a piece of land was randomly fenced off with a wooden sign hanging at the door, with two words on it: Forbidden Land. It was the residence of the guards sent by the Star Emperor of the Heaven Realm to protect Tianlei Mountain.

Apart from this, everything seemed the same as before, without any changes. Zhang Pa went to the back mountain in a flash, but was stunned. Zhang Tianfang, Fang Jian and Bukong lived in the outermost circle of houses in the back mountain. The three rooms were far apart, each in a different place. Zhang Pa had to pass through their rooms to go to the back mountain, and at this moment, he discovered that all three of them were injured!

This discovery surprised him. Who was so powerful that he could hurt them? Fang Jian was a high-level Yuanying cultivator, and he was also a very smart person. Few people could hurt him. Zhang Tianfang had a ghost knife to protect him, and the nine ghost kings in the knife would rather die than protect him. How could he be injured? Bukong was born a Buddhist, possessed the supreme Buddhist Dharma, and was protected by the Buddhist treasure Bu Bu Sheng Lian. How could he be injured?

Zhang Pa stopped on the road to the back mountain and lowered his head to wonder what was going on. At the same time, he released his spiritual consciousness and took the world into his mind to check one by one. He found dozens of top-level Yuanying masters, but which one hurt them?

He stood still, and a man came out from the back mountain, glanced at him and said, "Disciples from the mountain are forbidden to enter the back mountain, don't you know? Who is your master? Didn't he teach you?" Zhang Pa was stunned when he heard it, and looked up. When he looked up, the man opposite was shocked, rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and then shouted loudly, "Master is back."

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