He Feiyu's tongue easily broke through her teeth and entangled her tongue.

Himuro Kanade felt something strange and ferocious coming from his mouth.

Finally woke up from the incredible state.

I wanted to resist at the first moment.

But He Feiyu's lips sucked her tightly.

Like an octopus's sucker.

There was no way she could break free.

After several attempts, I could only stare wide-eyed.

In a quiet and confined space.

He Feiyu's greedy sucking sound clearly echoed in Himuro's ears.

She could clearly understand how crazy He Feiyu was at this time.

She only felt that her mouth was no longer her mouth.

But it belongs to He Feiyu.

Because as long as there is body fluid produced, it will be plundered by He Feiyu.

A touch of blush and emotion slowly crept onto Himuro Kanade's pretty face and beautiful eyes.

Under He Feiyu's offensive, she was about to fall.

My head was in a daze, and my body felt as comfortable as if it were on a cloud.

‘Are you going to be bullied by the little bastard again? ’

'It was an opportunity that I found with great difficulty...'

'no! I can't admit defeat yet! ’

Himuro Kanade didn't know where the strength came from. His thighs suddenly exerted force and subconsciously pushed against He Feiyu's crotch.

It's a pity that this last dance was easily caught by He Feiyu with his thighs.

'It's over!'

Himuro Kanade knew she had no chance.


He Feiyu was still awake during the kiss. He found out that Himuro Kanade dared to fight back, so he stabbed Himuro Kanade with the fairy sword that had already reached the sky, and it happened to fall on her crotch. Even through her clothes, the scorching heat The warmth spread to Himuro Kanade's weak spot, and she just heard a cry.

The pretty face is no longer cold and looks more charming and charming.

Although He Feiyu fought back against Himuro Kanade.

But this blow also caused quite a noise.

A teacher not far from the locker happened to hear the sound.

"Why is the cabinet ringing?"

She raised her head, looked at the locker suspiciously, and murmured to herself.

"Are there any rats?"

A bad thought came to her mind.

"Would you like to go take a look?"

The female teacher hesitated.

Two and a half seconds later.

The female teacher still made up her mind.

After all, there are a lot of things in the locker.

In order to defend herself, she also picked up the lesson plan that had been on the table for some years.

Then he stood up and swallowed.

Walking slowly towards the lockers.

"Eh!? When did there be so many things piled outside the cabinet? Could it be that teachers from other grades put it here temporarily?"

Only then did the female teacher notice that there were many boxes and books outside the cabinet, and wondered.

But the pace still didn't stop.

She slowly reached for the handle with one hand, and raised the other hand high. She just waited for the cabinet to open, and dropped it when she saw the mouse.


Just when her hand touched the handle, she was suddenly tapped on the shoulder. The female teacher, who was completely focused on one point, was frightened and couldn't help but scream.

"Haha, Mr. Hashimoto, what are you doing? You were so surprised! You scared me."

"What! It turns out to be Teacher Momonogi! You're the one! It scared me, I thought it was a giant rat!"

Teacher Hashimoto heard a familiar voice and turned around to see Teacher Momonogi who was looking at her with a smile, looking frightened, gasping and complaining.

Clearly frightened.

"Giant rat? What the hell! Are you as sleepy as Mr. Mikami?"


Teacher Nogi said amusedly.

Hashimoto-sensei told Momonogi-sensei about the noise she heard in the cabinet earlier.

"Haha~ How could there be a mouse in the locker? Forget it, let's not talk about this. Teacher Hashimoto, come with me quickly. I have a question to ask you."

Teacher Momonogi obviously didn't believe that there were mice in the cabinet, because the cabinet hadn't been opened for a long time, and there was no food. Why would the mice get in? If there were people inside, it was more likely than there were mice, so she denied it, and at the same time He stretched out his hand and pulled Hashimoto-sensei away.


Himuro Kanade, who was still being bitten by He Feiyu in the locker, finally let go of her tense and high-hanging heart.

When she saw Mr. Hashimoto walking towards the locker, and even about to open the locker, her whole body was so frightened that her heart tightened, as if a cold snake had climbed up her back.

Fortunately, Teacher Momonogi suddenly appeared and pulled Teacher Hashimoto away.

Otherwise she and the little bastard will definitely be discovered.

When the time comes, the face she came from will continue to be a teacher.

'Fortunately we weren't discovered...otherwise the little bastard and I...'

'wrong! Why should I worry about him! Isn't it this little bastard's fault that caused all this? ’

The more Himuro Kanou thought about it, the angrier she became, especially because He Feiyu was still nibbling her lips, looking careless. She couldn't help but get angry, her teeth dropped, and she bit the tongue that was so arrogant in her mouth. .

"Hiss~ You are a dog!?"

He Feiyu felt pain and retracted his tongue, and couldn't help but complain to Himuro.


"You know what! We just almost got discovered!"

Himuro Kanade lowered her voice and said angrily.

She didn't notice it. She only cared about whether others discovered it and didn't blame He Feiyu for kissing her at all.

"What's this? Everything is under control!"

He Feiyu smashed his mouth and said confidently.

"Bah! You have it all under control? You think you can do a few magic tricks if you don't do your job properly! Studying hard is the right way. Let me go back quickly. I won't hold you accountable for doing such a thing to me this time!"

Himuro Kanade struck without mercy.


He Feiyu looked strange.

But he had no idea of ​​telling Himuro Kanade anything.

"That's not okay. The student still remembers clearly what Mr. Himuro Kanade said to me earlier."

He Feiyu definitely refused, and said in a strange way, kissing Himuro Kanade is just to collect some interest, and the real business has not been done yet!

"What! It's not enough for me to let you, little bastard, kiss you. Why do you want to continue? Don't forget that this is an office. If there is too much movement!"

Himuro's face was shocked when she heard this. She didn't expect this little bastard to go so far. Kissing her wasn't enough and he wanted to do other bad things.

"Haha, didn't Mr. Himuro Kanade say that I can only peek at your feet, teacher? Now I want to solemnly tell you that I can not only peek at your feet but also touch them! Smell them! Kiss them!"

"What!? Wen Heqin? Are you a pervert?"

Himuro's beautiful eyes showed an incredulous look, treating her feet like this? This is too disgusting!

"Pervert!? When it comes to perverts, he's not as good as Himuro-sensei. After all, the teacher is..."

"You! What nonsense are you talking about! I didn't!"

"Really? Then why did you seem so comfortable when being forced by Teacher the first two times?"

"You little bastard! Don't talk nonsense."

The blush on Himuro Kanade's face was as red as a monkey's butt.

"Okay! I agree to your request! But after you do it, you will restore me to my original state, do you understand!?"


He Feiyu didn't expect Himuro Kanade to agree, there was a problem!


Himuro Kanade clenched her silver teeth and replied coldly.

"That's OK"


Hearing He Feiyu's affirmative answer, Himuro Kanade snorted.

She had no choice but to know that she was no match for He Feiyu. Regardless of whether she agreed or denied, this little bastard would not let her go today. She might as well take the initiative and take the initiative.


Because she was almost discovered just now, she had already been sweating a lot, especially on her feet.

Don't you little bastard like to smell it?

Then smoke him to death.


Thinking of this, Himuro Kanade laughed proudly in his heart, and even the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Chapter 266: The beauty in the cabinet

Seeing Himuro's agreement, He Feiyu stopped dawdling and squatted down.

Even in the dark, he accurately grasped the beautiful foot of Himuro Kanade that was hanging in the air at first.

His hands were groping up and down.

Immediately, the delicate and smooth touch of stockings came to him, and at the same time, the shape of a slender and slender beautiful foot was immediately sketched in his mind.

Feeling the soft touch on his hands and the rustling sound of the silk stockings, He Feiyu's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a little.

In particular, he found that the feet and feet in his hands were still a little moist and warm, which made his inexplicable feeling even stronger.

Himuro Kanou felt that his feet were being grasped by two big hands, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

She bit her thin lips lightly, grabbed the hem of her clothes with both hands, and tried hard to restrain the strangeness, while the hot breath came out of her nose.

‘What a perverted little bastard, what’s the point of touching your feet! He touched it so carefully! ’

Feeling the big hands touching her feet, even touching the toes, Himuro Kanade cursed in his heart.

But when she thought that since she had agreed to the little bastard, she could only let him do whatever he wanted.

I just hope that he can keep his promise and let her go after doing this.

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