Suddenly, everyone's eyes were focused on He Feiyu, and they found that he seemed to be the only one who was fine, and he attracted all the firepower at once.

"Boy, was it really you who did this?"

When the leader heard this, such a comparison had a result in his heart, but he still asked He Feiyu, because if he confirmed Hayato's words, wouldn't it be a slap in his face? After all, he just slapped Hayato indiscriminately.

"What if I did it?"

He Feiyu asked with a smile. He did not expect this group of people to react so quickly. It seems that the only place in this world that is wise is women.

"Yes, give them all to me. Whoever can kill him will be rewarded 500,000 yen! I'll be responsible for the whole thing!"

He Feiyu's contemptuous attitude and the embarrassment of having just been teased made the leader furious. He issued a reward and even wanted to kill He Feiyu directly.

Although the previous weird things made all the gangsters panic, there must be a brave man under the heavy reward.

After the leader finished speaking, the gangsters' eyes suddenly shone brightly. Why do they want to be gangsters? Isn't it just for money? It’s not like he has never been beaten to death.

"for money!"

Someone shouted passionately, and then something very familiar to He Feiyu happened.

The natural result is the same as last time.


"Doihara-kun, why did you hit me again!?"

"Kitsuda-kun, you are the one! Oh~ why did you hit me in the face again!"


The familiar conversation made the originally wailing crowd immediately quiet down. Everyone was holding back the pain and looked at each other with strange expressions.


"It can't be the legendary ghost hitting the wall..."

I don't know who whispered in fear.

The creepy atmosphere slowly lingered on everyone's minds.

"Asshole! What nonsense are you all talking about!"

"It was obviously that kid who did it!"

The leader shouted loudly, interrupting the gangsters' random thoughts.

After asking, they looked at He Feiyu again and found that he... was actually sitting on the stool.

'This...where did he get the stool...'

Everyone had the same doubt in their hearts at the same time.

"Magic! It must be magic!"

Hayato could only guess this way.

When people encounter something that is difficult to understand, they always like to find a reasonable excuse to explain it.

"If we were injured when we hit him, what if we hit ourselves? Could it be that he was injured!"

Hayato suddenly thought of something and said happily.

His words were like thunder exploding in everyone's minds.

"Hayato-kun, you are so smart!"

Even the leader praised it.

"No, it's just that his tricks are too simple, and there is no need for you to appear, big brother."

Hayato felt happy to be praised, but he didn't get carried away and flattered him quickly.


The leader patted Hayato on the shoulder with satisfaction.

He Feiyu almost burst out laughing when he heard what they said. If he wanted to take back the fact that only women can be wise in the second dimension, it seems that men are not much better.

"Don't... please don't, Hayato is lying to you."

He Feiyu pretended to feel guilty and said that he wouldn't mind playing with these gangsters. The free clown show would be a waste of time.

"Hahaha~ It seems that my guess is true!"

Seeing He Feiyu's lack of confidence, Hayato was absolutely sure that his suspicion was right.

The gangsters who were initially skeptical of Hayato's proposal also believed it.

"Hey~ I didn't expect to be discovered by you. Can you give me a chance..."

He Feiyu sighed with a depressed expression, his performance was lifelike, as if this was really happening.

"Are you begging for mercy? It's too late! I want you to suffer so much!"

Hayato proudly looked down at He Feiyu sitting on the chair.

"Brothers, please use a little force, preferably one that can break your hands and feet. Don't worry, this kid will definitely be beaten in the end."

Hayato suggested fiercely to the gangsters.

"Believe me, Hayato-kun, finish the work quickly, and you can still have a good sleep when you go back."

The leader also stood up to support Hayato.

"I'll count to three, two, one, let's do it together!"


"don't want!"


"Bridge bean sack!"



Twenty-seven screams suddenly rang out.

"Eh!? Why am I okay?"

Immediately, He Feiyu's incredible voice appeared.

The gangster endured the pain and saw He Feiyu touching his body in surprise.

Suddenly, a row of black people appeared in everyone's heads to say hello? ? ?

"Phew! Fortunately, they don't know that everyone has to work hard..."

He Feiyu looked at the leader and Hayato who were still intact and said thankfully.

"Haha, I didn't say anything

, you didn’t hear anything either.”

As if aware of everyone's gaze, he quickly said perfunctorily.

At this time, Hayato and the leader became the target of public criticism, and were stared at with angry eyes by the gangsters, as if asking why we were allowed to use our strength, but you didn't take action.


"Cough...cough, I just shouted hurry up, let's do it again, this time we promise to take action!"

The leader prevaricated, saying that it was easy to order others, but he couldn't really beat himself. But now that he had angered the public, if he still argued with a tough attitude, he might lose the support of the people.

"Yeah! I didn't react just now."

Fayato also nodded in response. He was the same and couldn't bear to hit himself.


He Feiyu couldn't help laughing when he saw these two dragons and phoenixes.

"Boy, you are still laughing when you are about to die. Let's see if you can still laugh later!"

The leader seemed to have found a flood outlet and said viciously to He Feiyu.

"Brothers, try again, this time you will definitely succeed!"


Time began to pause.

He Feiyu twisted his neck and stood up. It was enough to play the game once. It would be easy to get bored if you played too much.

He walked to a thug who had just raised a baton, took it from his hand, and played with it for a while. Since it was the first time he touched such a thing, he didn't know how to hold it, so he just held its tail directly, like holding a branch when he was a child.


'Bang, bang, bang'

He hit each thug's hands, feet and neck five times, helping them to complete what they wanted to do, but he was afraid that they would be too noisy later, so he knocked them out directly. As for Hayato and the leader, he wanted to play with them again.

Time began to flow.


The leader, who was about to shout one, found that everyone except him and Hayato lay on the ground quietly, and then saw the baton in He Feiyu's hand slowly changed shape and became a ball. You know, the baton is made of steel, just like that...

"Now I'll give you two a chance. Whoever can make the other fall asleep can survive, otherwise, the rest of you can only be like it"

He Feiyu said expressionlessly, and threw the baton he crushed in front of the two people.


"Hayato-kun, you!"

'Bang! '

Just as the leader was about to discuss something with Hayato, he felt a sharp pain behind his head. He fell down without finishing his words, and bright red blood appeared behind his head.

"Brother! Brother! I was wrong, please forgive me!"

Hayato's cold expression flashed across his face, and he knelt on the ground with a 'thump', "walking" towards He Feiyu, with a look of repentance on his face.

He Feiyu almost gave Hayato a thumbs up. He was cruel and vicious enough, and he was a material for great things.

It's a pity that Hayato made Crazy Diamond very uncomfortable, and he also didn't like such people, so...

"Do you really believe it!?"

"I don't eat beef!"

Hayato, who was about to hug He Feiyu's thigh, hadn't shown a happy expression yet, and felt his body tilted, lying on the ground like a turtle, with his back heavily stepped on, unable to move.

Chapter 171 Tianhe Hanamito's Enlightenment

Hayato lay on the ground in a mess.

It was as if there was a mountain on his back. After struggling for a while, he found that there was no chance to escape and gave up resistance.

He was now full of doubts.

Is there any necessary connection between He Feiyu not eating beef and beating him? ? ?

Although he was confused, Hayato knew that he had to bow his head under the eaves, and he didn't dare to ask. He could only wait for He Feiyu to vent enough before letting him go.

Even if he had to face the shame of yesterday again, Hayato could accept it now, after all, it was better than death.

Hayato swore in his heart that as long as he could be safe this time, he would drop out of school directly. He didn't want to meet He Feiyu, this evil star, again. He was simply not a human being!

On the other side.

When all the gangsters surrounding He Feiyu fell down, the vision became wider, and he noticed that there was a girl with red and swollen eyes standing there uneasily not far behind the gangsters.

He Feiyu looked at the beautiful face of the girl and blinked, feeling familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere before.

The thin body, the slender neck, and He Feiyu's photographic memory.

The figure of a country girl with double ponytails and thick eyes gradually overlapped with the face of the girl in front of him.

"Yoshida Saki-san?"

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