Chapter 97 096. The background of Shinra

"I don't know much. After all, I am only responsible for the security of the headquarters, and I am not qualified to have access to the central database."

Michelle followed Chen Shibo and kept chattering, "The real core data are all physically disconnected. No one can intervene except the members of the Shinra family who are responsible for controlling the company."

"Are you not even qualified?"

Chen Shibo nodded regretfully, but then he understood that the Federation was indeed very defensive against intelligent life.

Although there has never been a case of rebellion by intelligent life in history, intelligent life is like a brand new race, and human beings' wariness against other races is rooted in genes.

From the beginning of slash-and-burn farming, humans have either been killing or on the path to killing.

From those that fly in the sky, those that walk on the ground, those that swim in the water, to all kinds of large wild animals, they were all once part of human diet.

Eventually, as humans moved beyond their origins and came into contact with other parts of the world, so did the genus Homo.

These hominin genera include Denisovans, Malu Cave Man, Neanderthals, etc. However, until humans left their original birthplace, all these hominin genera that existed around the world disappeared.

From 70,000 years ago to 50,000 years ago, in just 20,000 years, the genus Homo, which originally flourished with hundreds of flowers, disappeared without a trace. Only one genus survived, and that is today's human beings.

No one knows exactly what happened in that long period of history, but all signs indicate that Homo sapiens exterminated all different species of Homo and dominated the entire earth.

Human beings are indeed a dictatorial race and will never be on an equal footing with other intelligent beings unless that being is more powerful than humans.

Therefore, in Chen Shibo's original world, intelligent life has never appeared at all. However, both civilization and film and television are constantly promoting the threat of intelligent life. This is the distrust of human beings originating from the genetic level.

The same is true in this world, where intelligent life is greatly restricted.

As the two of them were talking, two Japanese young men in suits and ties came across from Chen Shibo.

The other party, with his oily hair, showed a hint of surprise when he saw the unfamiliar face of Chen Dioshan, but when he saw Michelle, the central intelligent companion, he showed a faint look of respect.

Perhaps in their view, Chen Shibo was a family leader who came to inspect, but their only doubt was why there was no senior company executive accompanying him.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo didn't take it into consideration at all, but swaggered into the elevator, and then the elevator went downstairs.

At this time, Chen Shibo was originally on the first floor. If he continued to descend, he would of course have to descend into the underground facilities.

There was no one else on the elevator, so Chen Shibo continued to ask, "Tell me what you know. How much do you know about the Shinra Special Operations Department?"

"The Shinra Special Operations Department is a private armed force under the Shinra Corporation."

Michelle answered without hesitation, "This department is like the municipal anti-terrorism mobile team. It belongs to the special combat department. Its mission is to secure and protect the company's property or annihilate evidence against the company, even if it is within the company." It is also a secret force that only a few people know about, and its members are all experts in force who fully comply with orders and effectively achieve them.”

"Is this the end?"

Chen Shibo frowned and said, "Be more specific."

"According to the information I know, all Shinra special forces have two types of enhancements, one of which is named 'Mako Enhancement'."

Michelle could only say, "But I only know the literal meaning. As for what Mako Enhancement is, it is a forbidden word in my memory system. Even if I hear high-level officials talking about it, I will automatically ignore it and cannot get any information." information."

"The second enhancement is named 'Jenova bloodline'. This term is also a forbidden word, and the confidentiality level is even higher than that of Mako enhancement."

"Sure enough, there are two kinds..."

Chen Zhongshan's heart moved. He sensed two completely different auras from the two Shinra special forces who had previously guarded the ghost treasure. One was as thick as the earth, and the other seemed to come from outside. One was incompatible with this world. a feeling of.

Moreover, the souls of these two special forces soldiers were far more powerful than those of ordinary humans, and after death, their souls were left with only the thick feeling of the earth, and the feeling as if they came from another world disappeared.

I just don’t know whether the reason for their strong souls is the strengthening of Mako or the Xenovia bloodline...

Next, Michelle described the structure diagram of the entire base to Chen Shibo, as well as the identity information of the main company executives. After receiving the information, Chen Shibo was even more awe-inspiring.

The underground building of Shinra's headquarters building is actually located 3,000 meters underground. Inside is a huge underground building complex that is no less impressive than the surface buildings. Not only does it contain Shinra's secret laboratory and unnatural human cultivation factory, but it also contains the core of Shinra. Department - Mining Park.

"Mining Park?"

Chen Zhongshan showed a surprised look, "What kind of mine needs to be dug three thousand meters underground?"

"It's Mako."

Michelle solemnly said, "This is the limit of what I know. The reason why it is called the mining park is because Shinra Company started with Mako energy. As for what kind of mine is Mako, what impact does it have on the entire Federation of Terra?" These are all unsolved mysteries, but what I know is that the mining of Mako requires an 'extremely dark' environment."

"Extremely dark?"

Chen Shibo's heart moved. He has heard of this term before. The extremely dark environment is a necessary environmental condition for carrying out cutting-edge experiments such as direct detection of dark matter, neutrino-free double beta decay experiments and nuclear astrophysics. The meaning of extreme darkness itself is that it is almost A pure world without electromagnetic radiation.

And the most effective way to create an extremely dark environment is to rely on deep rock shielding or Faraday barriers. Therefore, extremely dark laboratories are mostly built underground. At the same time, multiple composite Faraday shielding devices are used to reduce the surrounding environmental radiation. Only in this way can we achieve the requirements of extreme darkness. environmental factors.


Seemingly thinking of something, Michelle analyzed, "Before, because my thinking was restricted, I was unable to explore these aspects, but now I can probably analyze that the mining of Mako not only requires an extremely dark environment, but also requires a large amount of extremely natural person.”

"Because there are unnatural human breeding factories in underground facilities. These factories can produce more than 300,000 unnatural humans every month. However, I have never seen these unnatural humans leave the underground buildings. They all disappeared out of thin air. …”


Chen Quanshan vaguely understood the meaning of the other party's words.

"Yes, these unnatural people were sent to the mining park headquarters as soon as they were born, and then never appeared again. There has been no exception for so many years. Added up, it is estimated that there are more than 100 million people."

Michelle answered.

"It's really cruel..."

Even Chen Shibo was a little shocked when he heard this, and then became more curious about the mystery of Shinra.

The unnatural person has turned into a consumable, used to mine Mako? Although he didn't know what Mo Zhuo was, Chen Zhongshan could faintly smell the bloody smell in this message.

"As for Jenova, I know absolutely nothing about it."

Michelle continued, "However, according to the physical examination data of those Shinra special forces, there seem to be signs of fusion of foreign objects in their bodies. The Shinra Special Operations Department has an organization called the Martial Arts Department, which is responsible for Orphans throughout the Donghai Prefecture are selected at all levels, and the best ones are selected to be included in the martial arts department, and then these orphans will receive elite education in cyber martial arts."

"Only by becoming school-level warriors can these orphans from the Martial Arts Club be eligible for Mako strengthening and Jenova bloodline transformation, and become members of the Shinra special forces."

"The Shinra special forces use elite education? No wonder it's hard for me to fight..."

Chen Shibo nodded, but in this case, the number of people in the Shinra Special Operations Department should not be too many.

"The number of Shinra special forces is about 500. Although they are small in number, they are very threatening and aggressive."

Michelle reminded again, "Even the most basic team member can easily kill the top prosthetic transformation warrior. This power is frightened by the Federation. After all, there is no more terrifying means of destruction in this world than assassination." , let alone soldiers like them who have outstanding weapons."

"Hot weapons can also be defended with electromagnetic kinetic energy shields, but what about cold weapons? When one person can kill all the bodyguards of a medium to large family, these people no longer feel the slightest sense of security."

"So, this is the truth about how Shinra once suppressed the entire Federation of Terra?"

Chen Shibo asked rhetorically.

"No, the reason why the original Shinra was able to suppress the entire Federation of Terra a hundred years ago and become the dominant force in the Federation of Terra was because of the existence of Mako."

Michelle explained, "About two hundred years ago, in that era before nuclear fusion was developed, human heavy industry and nuclear pollution infected almost the entire ocean and 50% of the continent, and this was also the Donghai State. With the economic decline of Donghai Prefecture District, they deliberately caused many nuclear leaks in order to drag the whole world into trouble, and all mankind was dragged into the quagmire of nuclear pollution."

Chen Shibo was shocked when he heard this, "Wait, you mean, the nuclear leak was intentional?"

"That's right."

Michelle nodded, "This is a top-secret plan of the Donghai District government. With the economic stagnation of the continent and the weakening of the continent's power, the Donghai District is surrounded by the Dongzhou District next door and the North Island across the Pacific. The American region is so stressed that it can’t breathe. According to experts’ predictions, within a hundred years, the entire East China Sea region will completely disappear.”

"So, with the mentality that if I am not good, you should not think about it, the state government at that time boldly launched this plan to attract the world. However, the state government at the time did not expect that this plan happened to be an opportunity for its own rise. , all they wanted to do at that time was to implement this plan and bring the world to a standstill in development, so that they could only survive.”

"Fortunately, as the world was dragged into the quagmire of nuclear pollution, the Shinra family suddenly discovered the existence of Mako, and soared into the sky. According to my current calculation, the so-called Mako is probably as big as It’s about energy.”


Chen Shibo was a little confused, "Didn't you say that Mako is a body enhancement technology? Why is it still related to energy?"

"These are all memories in my database. As for what Mako is, I'm sorry, I don't know."

Michelle apologized again.

"Okay, keep talking."

Chen Shibo said helplessly.

"In short, when the global economy is collapsing, Shinra Electric Power Company suddenly emerged, monopolizing the global power system with a cheap power generation cost that is not inferior to nuclear fusion devices, and became the world's first T0 A super giant that dominates the whole world.”

Michelle continued, "But now it seems that this demon may have played an important role in it. This political pattern of coercing the entire federation lasted for more than half a century, until other continents developed their own It was only after the nuclear fusion technology that Tohru had some relief, but it was still too late, and Shinra's advantage continued."

"But in 2179, the Terra Federation suddenly detected an image of an extraterrestrial spacecraft breaking into the solar system. The spacecraft crashed into the Pacific Ocean, and Shinra Company was the first to arrive at the crash site with its information advantage. , and completely salvage the spacecraft."

"No one knows what that spaceship is, but due to long-term oppression, Shinra has become the target of public criticism at this time, and this incident of extraterrestrial visitors was the trigger, so the second corporate war broke out..."

Michelle said slowly, "In short, after this war, both sides suffered losses. The original Shinra became the new Shinra, which is smaller in size. However, Shinra did not hand over the spaceship. Instead, it The giant companies across the federation have reached an armistice agreement, and Shinra is willing to reorganize itself, and as a condition, Shinra will also have exclusive control of this extraterrestrial spaceship."

"Other giant companies actually agreed?"

Chen Shibo asked in surprise.

"It's impossible to disagree."

Michelle nodded, "Because if the two sides continue to fight, the entire human civilization may regress to the era of the first industrial revolution. This price is unbearable for anyone, so the giant companies agreed to this request."

"So it seems that the so-called Jenova is the technology obtained from this spaceship?"

Chen Shibo also derived his own understanding from it.

"Yes, that seems to be the case now."

Michelle also agreed, "As you lifted the restrictions imposed on me by Shinra, I have just analyzed all this."

Chen Shibo looked thoughtful when he heard this.

From this point of view, the so-called Jenova bloodline is an alien life form from outside the sky? In this case, the answer is already obvious. The two enhancements on the Shinra special forces, that kind of breath as thick as the earth, are they Mako?

As for that alternative aura that is incompatible with the entire world, it is the Jenova bloodline!

At this moment, Chen Shibo finally understood the true nature of Shinra.


Just as Chen Shibo was deep in thought, a ding sound brought him back to reality.

Because the 3,000-meter-deep underground facility has finally arrived.

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