Chapter 80 079. Necromorph

"Damn, I almost scared me to death!"

"Fortunately, I ran fast..."

"What a great ceremony, why did it end up like this!"

"Look outside!"

While Chen Shifeng left the building, there was a constant flow of people escaping from the building. These people included employees of the Harmony Mining Company and guests from various major forces. However, at this time, these people were all disgraced and were cursing. Looking at everything happening outside in horror.

One of them couldn't help but sigh, "Let's not talk about the heavy damage to the fleet. The employees of the Harmony Mining Company and members of the four major families who died in the building just now, and even guests from other T0 companies... we may be in big trouble now! "

"No, this is only temporary. The rescue team of Harmony Mining Company will rush to the scene soon."

Father Chen couldn't help but said, "Now that we are out of the building, there won't be any other dangers."

"hope so."

Several people on the opposite side looked this way, and one of the men stretched out his hand towards Father Chen, "I am Lu Zhui from the Lu family in the Fourth Dimension Province. Who are you two?"

"Tianji Province, Chen She, the head of the Chen family."

Father Chen showed a wolfish smile and shook hands with the other person, "Next to me is my beloved son Chen Shibo."

Chen Bian flashed a look at these people. Among them, the person shaking hands with Chen's father was a middle-aged man. He was originally wearing an expensive dress. Even with shoe marks on his face, he could not hide his nobility.

Next to him were two people dressed as bodyguards. There were traces of prosthetics on these two people, but fortunately they did not replace their limbs. In addition, they could smell a special smell on their bodies.

That's what genetically modified people smell like.

The Lu family of Siwei Province alone occupies the entire Siwei Province. Its company is called "Siwei Tongfang", which specializes in AI smart chips. Its business radiates to several surrounding provinces and cities. It is a behemoth that has reached T2 level power.

The other party's information appeared in his mind, and a look of understanding appeared in Chen Shibo's eyes.

No wonder, there will be two bodyguards with double genetic modification next to the opponent. Although the level of genetic modification is not high, the appearance is not inferior to some T1 level characters.

Just when Chen's father was about to chat with the other party, Chen Shibo couldn't help but remind him, "Didn't you realize that your chip is no longer useful?"

Hearing this, everyone, including the two bodyguards, hurriedly lowered their heads to check the chip in their hands. Sure enough, they found that the chip had lost its function. Although it could still be used, there was only a buzzing electromagnetic sound once it was turned on.

This is a manifestation of the virus.

Looking at this scene, Chen Shibo couldn't help but think of his own psychic powers again.

This phenomenon is somewhat similar to when he uses his psychic powers, both causing damage to electronic systems, but the difference is that he essentially destroys all electronic systems, and this scene is caused by a computer virus.

But is it really just a computer virus?

For some reason, Chen Shibo suddenly felt an ominous feeling. He turned back to look at the exit of the building. At this time, people were still running out of the gate, and then collapsed to the ground, crying in pain.

"Xiao Shen, do you think there is any danger?"

Father Chen also looked behind him, a little surprised and uncertain.

"I don't know, but this kind of thing is definitely not an accident."

Chen Zhongshan frowned. Naturally, he would not mention the abnormal luminous object in the imaginary number space. He just chose a direction, turned around and walked out, "Anyway, just try to stay away from here."

"Yes, this is probably the work of the other two T0s..."

The middle-aged man also looked at each other with the two bodyguards beside him, and followed directly behind Chen Shibo.

Chen Zhongshan subconsciously turned around, and Lu Zhui suddenly smiled and said, "Let's go together, one more person will give us more strength."

Seeing this, Chen Shibo didn't say much and just walked outside the Harmony Mining Building together.

He knew that the other party saw his behavior when he went downstairs just now, so he decided to follow him. After all, both of his bodyguards had implants. Under the erosion of this mysterious virus, he spent a lot of money to build two bodyguards. Half of them have been destroyed.

But as he walked out of Harmony Square, Chen Shibo's expression changed again, because he actually saw that the entire city seemed to be in flames.

Endless firelight ignited every corner of the city, smoke was everywhere, and there wasn't even a floating car on the maglev track.

"All the floating vehicles in the city crashed at the same time?"

Father Chen looked at all this in disbelief, and then suddenly showed a hint of surprise. He pointed towards the distance and said excitedly, "Look!"

Several people heard the sound and went over, and sure enough they saw a series of floating vehicles with blue fire appearing in the sky over the city. The number of these floating vehicles was so densely packed that they seemed to be an entire rescue team.

Lu Zhui was also surprised when he heard this, "Is that the rescue team that came to rescue us? We can be saved..."

However, before he could finish his words, the blue fires on the horizon suddenly went out out of thin air and fell like locusts...

Suddenly, the voices of surprise from several people stopped.

"The whole city has become a no-go zone..."

A look of panic appeared in Lu Zhui's eyes, "What should we do in this case?"

"It's probably some kind of virus. It doesn't matter. With the power of Harmony Mining Company, even if there is a problem at the headquarters, it can be solved quickly."

Father Chen's expression became solemn, "The most important thing for us now is to find a place to stay, because the entire city will face an unprecedented wave of refugees!"

"What you mean is..."

Lu Zhui couldn't help but ask.

"I'm afraid the virus not only destroyed the floating vehicle, after all, it also destroyed the battleship servitors."

Father Chen murmured in a low voice, "In other words, the entire city may have been completely cut off from water and electricity at this time. Coupled with the spreading fires, what do you think will happen next?"

After hearing this, everyone suddenly fell silent.

Even Chen Shibo glanced at this cheap father in surprise. Indeed, if the outside world cannot use aerial vehicles to rescue when water and electricity are cut off, then the rescue work will be extremely slow, but...

There was a hint of gloom in Chen Shibo's eyes.

He was vaguely aware that all this might not be as simple as an attack by another company.

At this time, several people had arrived at the pedestrian street in the city center. The streets were also in chaos. Countless people dragged their scrapped prosthetics and began to break into supermarkets and shops on both sides of the road.

Some snatched a large pack of nutrition bars from the store, while others snatched various electrical equipment. If the entire world hadn't already popularized electronic currency, I'm afraid there would have been bank robbers.

The previous order has been lost, and an unprecedented zero-dollar purchase has begun to take place in the city, as if it has returned to a dark and profound era.

"I'm going to find some water."

Chen Shibo didn't hesitate anymore. He also rushed into a supermarket. With his physical advantage, he grabbed a large pack of nutrition bars and a box of water from others in just a few steps.

Seeing this, Lu Zhui also signaled to one of the bodyguards beside him, and the bodyguard also rushed in, took out a large box of water and poured it on himself.

"No more nutrition bars..."

The bodyguard looked embarrassed.

"Forget it if you don't have one. There is more than one supermarket in the city."

Lu Zhui didn't say much, but followed closely behind Chen Shibo and continued walking towards the outside world.

But soon, the wreckage of fallen floating vehicles and the bodies of passers-by began to appear on the road.

Some of these corpses were smashed to death, and some died in the riots just now. These corpses were lying on the road like mud, and only the skin color gradually turned pale and the blood continued to flow out.

Most of these people are city residents with a high degree of prosthetic modification. However, with the spread of the unknown virus, the entire city's electronic facilities have been completely paralyzed, naturally including the prosthetic bodies of this group of people.

Lu Zhui's bodyguard came to a corpse and bent down to take a look. It was a plump young man. Both of the man's arms were golden prosthetics and his body was covered in bruises. The most fatal thing was a cut from his throat. open wounds.

"This person was besieged just now, and there is likely to be a violent gang nearby."

The bodyguard reminded.

"Then we have to be more careful."

Lu Zhui nodded and was about to say something to Chen's father, but at this moment, there was another loud uproar from the direction where everyone left behind him.

Everyone subconsciously looked behind them, but they could only see the billowing smoke rising above the building behind them, and nothing else could be seen clearly.

Everyone looked at each other and saw a hint of uneasiness in each other's eyes.

Different from the previous screams, this scream was more of a kind of horror and despair, and the sound was infinitely elongated. It was obviously not the scream when the building collapsed.

Something's wrong...

Chen Shibo closed his eyes slightly, then opened them suddenly, with a look of incomparable horror in his eyes.

Because he actually saw that the imaginary number space was filled with a red emotion at some point!

Endless red air flow seeped out from thousands of consciousness projections, instantly filling a small half of the imaginary space, and even formed an emotional storm like blood mist, and then they were all sucked up by the red cocoon whale!

That's the emotion of killing!

He had never seen so many murderous emotions, as if everyone was aroused by the deepest desire to kill in their souls. At this moment, the desire to kill almost completely submerged the entire imaginary space!

Click, click, click...

In the imaginary number space, something seemed to be slowly cracking open at this moment.

"are you OK?"

At this moment, Chen's father slowly walked up behind Chen Shibo and patted his shoulder gently, with a look of concern in his eyes.

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Chen Shibo was breathing heavily, and it took him a while to come back to his senses. He shook his head, his voice was a little hoarse, "It's okay, but we may have to speed up."

"We do have to speed up, but before that we have to find a map."

Father Chen looked at Chen Shibo with some worry, "I have been to this city before, and I probably remember that our current location is to the west of the city center, about 130 kilometers from the end of the city. If you follow the normal walking speed, it will take at least You have to stay awake for 26 hours to get out of the city, and you have to consider the fires spreading everywhere in the city..."

"This speed is too slow."

Chen Shibo vetoed without thinking, "Although the aerial vehicle has lost its navigation ability, we can try to find a few motor vehicles."


Chen's father's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he agreed, "Those motor vehicles without AI are also fine. Although they are few in number, they are not impossible."

“In addition to motor vehicles, scooters can also be considered.”

Lu Zhui on the side added, "As long as it can replace walking, it would be good to leave the city an hour earlier."

However, as a few people were talking, a slight crunching sound suddenly came from behind them.

Just like the sound of flesh and blood crawling, this sound was very slight and was directly drowned in the noisy street environment.

The next second, one of Lu Zhui's bodyguards sniffed his nose and seemed to smell something. He turned his head in confusion, and then his eyes suddenly widened.


There was a soft sound, and a sharp bone spur stabbed towards the bodyguard!

After all, he was experienced in many battles. The bodyguard reacted almost instantly. He grabbed the bone spur and quickly retreated!

Only then did he see clearly that the one who attacked him turned out to be a monster that was neither human nor ghost!

"What the hell!"

Everyone was startled and quickly looked behind them, only to realize that this was actually the body of the young man just now!

No, not a corpse!

The young man's originally normal upper jaw sprouted sharp fangs, and his back became bloated and protruded. Two twisted limbs like bone spurs protruded from the back, forming insect-like chelicerae!

But his original prosthetic arms were drooping on both sides, turning into two shaky ornaments.

And his eyes were a strange, deathly gray color. These were definitely not eyes that a living creature should have!


Lu Zhui on the side couldn't help but let out a scream, stepped back, and then sat down completely on the ground. The other bodyguard almost didn't think about it and instinctively flicked his right arm, but nothing happened. pop up.

Seeing this, he could only grit his teeth, swung his left fist, and punched the corpse on the cheek!


There was a dull sound of impact, and the monster was completely punched and flew out. It rolled out on the ground several times like a broken sack, dragging out bloody traces!

Chen Zhongshan watched all this silently. He did not take action, but looked at the monster with a hint of surprise. If he remembered correctly, a few minutes ago, this monster was just a human corpse.

However, why do human corpses come back to life and turn into such a terrifying appearance?

Just when everyone was immersed in unspeakable absurdity and fear, the corpse actually moved again.

The opponent stood up staggeringly again. Even though he was knocked several meters away by a punch, his body was not affected at all. He just made a gurgling sound and rushed towards everyone again!

"Damn it!"

The bodyguard who survived the catastrophe cursed, whipped out a pistol, aimed and shot in one go!


A huge gunshot was heard, and the monster's scarred head suddenly exploded!

But even though its head was shot, it still kept moving forward. Seeing this, the two bodyguards finally stopped hesitating and pulled the trigger at the same time.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

With a burst of fierce gunfire, after being hit by dozens of bullets, the monster was finally shot off its limbs and fell down weakly.

However, although the monster was easily eliminated, everyone's expressions became heavier.

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