Chapter 76 075. Virtual Realm

"This example may be a bit abstract, so let me change it to another example."

Zhou Dafu thought for a while and continued, "I once heard a little story. The background of the story was set in the distant future. At that time, humans invented a quantum teleportation technology and abandoned the use of spaceships to travel to major planets. Instead of traditional travel methods, we use teleportation technology to travel between major planets.”

"The working principle of this quantum teleportation technology is this - you walk into the teleportation room, and then choose the planet you want to go to. Suppose you set off from your home planet Terra and go to Luna Planet, then when you choose your destination Once you're on the ground, you can press the button, and the teleportation room will begin to scan your body and record all the exact position information of every atom in your body."

"While the teleportation room is scanning you, it is also destroying you. While scanning, it is destroying every cell in your body and breaking it down into the most primitive particles. However, because particles are also limited by the speed of light, the teleportation room cannot transmit you. Your particles will only transmit the position information of your particles, because the speed of quantum information transmission can ignore distance."

"Then, the transmission room will send the collected information to the transmission room at the destination, and use the data recorded during the scan to reconstruct your body."

"And you after the teleportation are no different from you before. Your mood has not changed, you are still a little hungry, and even the scratches on your fingers are still there. For you, all you feel is: press Push the button, black out, and you arrive at Luna.”

"In the future, this has become a very common transmission technology, and everyone will travel this way. It is not only convenient, but also safe."

Zhou Dafu slowly told this story, while the students in the audience listened quietly.

But then, Zhou Dafu suddenly changed his words, "But one day, you had to go on a business trip, so you came to the transmission room again and pressed the button. You heard the sound of the instrument scanning, but you were not transmitted. , but still stay in place.”

"So, you go to the staff in the transfer room and tell her that the equipment in the transfer room is broken. The staff takes a look at the records and tells you: the scanning equipment is working normally. It collected all your data and sent it, but The cell destruction device that works in sync with the scanning equipment seems to have malfunctioned."

"You didn't bother to listen to her explanation. You just told her that you were going to be late for work and asked her to quickly use another teleportation platform for you."

"But the customer service opened the surveillance video. It showed you in Luna's surveillance camera. She told you that this was your surveillance camera in Luna's teleportation room, which means you have actually arrived at Luna Planet."

"When you heard this, you immediately became angry. You told her that the person over there was not you, because you were still standing here..."

"At this time, the platform manager who heard the argument came over. He patiently explained to you: The scanning equipment did work normally, and you did arrive at Luna Planet. It was only because of the cell destruction equipment in the teleportation room on the home planet Terra. It's broken, so I didn't destroy your body here, but don't worry, I just need to send you to another transfer room, and then separately activate the cell destruction equipment inside to destroy your body here. .”

When the story came to this point, Chen Shibo suddenly looked thoughtful. He almost understood what the other party meant.

Zhou Dafu continued to preach quietly, "Although using the teleportation room has become a common knowledge all over the world, you suddenly panicked at this time. You asked: Wait a minute, won't I die after being destroyed?"

"The customer service manager explained: No sir, you can watch the surveillance video. You are alive and kicking on Luna Star."

"Seeing this, you are even more panicked: But that's not me, it's just a copy, I'm the real me!"

"The customer service and manager looked at each other helplessly: I'm sorry, sir, but the law stipulates that we must destroy your body. The law cannot allow two of the same people to exist in the world at the same time."

"You looked at each other in horror and started to run for your life, but two guards grabbed you from behind and dragged you to another transfer room..."

After hearing this story, everyone looked thoughtful.

Zhou Dafu waited for a while, letting everyone savor it in silence, and then continued to elaborate, "Although this little story is a bit absurd and funny, the truth is very straightforward - 'you before being teleported' and 'you after being teleported'" You', which one is the real you?"

" must be from before."

The girl who asked the question at the beginning whispered, "Destroying the body is equivalent to destroying the consciousness. Even if the protagonist of this story is resurrected on the other side, isn't that a copy? The real him is dead after destroying the body. Already..."

"So, this is the meaning of continuity and uniqueness of consciousness."

Zhou Dafu nodded solemnly, "Many people may wonder whether it is consciousness or memory that determines a person. Now I can tell them for sure that consciousness is the essence of a person, because even if there is amnesia, it will not matter. It will affect the continuity of consciousness, but if the continuity of consciousness is lost, then this person will be completely dead."

"Just like this little story, the person you were teleported in the story has the same memories, the same thoughts, and even the same molecular structure, but you all understand that the person who was teleported is not you."

"Because your consciousnesses are independent of each other and have lost continuity and uniqueness. To you, that person is a completely unrelated stranger..."

"So, what counts as sleep?"

One student couldn't help but ask, "Doesn't falling asleep count as a break in the continuity of consciousness?"

"Don't you dream?"

Zhou Dafu immediately asked with a smile, "After falling asleep or comatose, it does not mean that your brain will stop activity, nor is it brain death. Your consciousness is actually still there, but it is not as active as when you are awake. But in essence It does not destroy the continuity of consciousness."

"What about amnesia?"

Another student asked again, "Does amnesia destroy the continuity of consciousness?"

"Strictly speaking, amnesia is not possible."

Zhou Dafu thought for a while and continued to explain, "The essence of amnesia is the loss of brain memory, but there is no consciousness. Maybe you will change some behavioral habits because of amnesia, but this is a pathological change in the brain. In essence, you It’s still you, it’s just that a certain thinking structure has been changed.”

"Therefore, memory is not the essence of a person. What truly represents a person's existence is his consciousness. Memory can be copied, and habits and thinking can also be imitated. That's why the classmate just said that once uploaded to the computer, that person will He’s not the same person anymore, and this story is the same.”

"Because the continuity and uniqueness of consciousness is broken."

Having said this, Zhou Dafu couldn't help but exhale, "Then the question is, can we prevent the continuity and uniqueness of consciousness from being broken, but directly upload it to the Internet, so that we can change ourselves in reality? Into an empty shell?"

"The answer is yes!"

"Today's technology may not be able to do it, but the theory is absolutely complete, and the process is very simple - that is to create a miniature electronic unit that replaces brain cells. This electronic unit can be implanted in humans instead of brain cells. Inside the brain, when a brain cell dies, this electronic unit is immediately replaced."

"As we all know, human beings die thousands of brain cells every day. Who would say that if you die of one brain cell, your consciousness will no longer be your own?"

Advisor Zhou Dafu asked, "Is there any?"


There were scattered responses from the audience.

"So, this kind of project of replacing brain cells one by one will not destroy the continuity and uniqueness of consciousness."

Zhou Dali nodded, "Human beings die thousands of brain cells every day, so thousands of brain cells will be replaced by electronic units every day. As long as this person starts from the time he is alive, he replaces the brain cells one by one. , then at the moment before his death, all his brain cells will be replaced by electronic units, transforming the entire brain into an electronic brain!"

"Then, as long as this electronic brain is connected to today's computers, can we successfully upload his consciousness to the Internet, thus destroying neither continuity nor uniqueness?"

When the students heard this, their eyes suddenly widened, looking thoughtful.

"This is my quantum soul theory."

Having said this, Zhou Daf exhaled and said in a deep voice, "You can think that the so-called soul is the state of your entire brain after it has been completely electronic, and the network is the carrier of the soul!"

"And if we want, we can use 3D printing technology to print this person again in terms of DNA, or directly put his electronic brain into another body. In this way, maybe it will be the same as the classmate at the beginning. Talk about soul reincarnation!"

Everyone in the audience couldn't help but whisper after hearing this.

However, Chen Shibo was a little disappointed when he heard this statement, because the soul under this definition was obviously not a real soul, but more of a philosophical soul.

"The other kind of load is much more demanding..."

However, just when Chen Shibo was a little disappointed, Zhou Daf suddenly changed the topic, "Because the second carrier is not material. According to my guess, because the human brain also has quantum effects, it is very likely to exist. An energy capable of carrying consciousness, and this energy exists in the non-physical realm.”

"The non-material realm is the concept of imaginary number space derived from quantum mechanics. I gave it a very interesting name, that is - virtual realm!"

Virtual Realm?

Chen Shibo was sitting on the stage and couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

Zhou Dafou suddenly lowered his voice and looked at everyone with a secret smile, "Most of you may have never heard of this name, because after all, it is just a theory I proposed, and many scholars even think that my Theories do not belong to science, do you know why?”

Everyone shook their heads after hearing this, and only a few students looked thoughtful.

However, Zhou Dafu did not explain immediately, but continued to elaborate.

"The virtual realm is also called the non-material realm. Of course, you can also call it parallel universe, different dimensions, or subspace if you like. According to the way I use imaginary number calculations, I can probably measure that if this non-material realm is really If it exists, its physical laws will definitely be very strange."

"It's like the opposite of reality - the universe we live in is a materialist universe supported by classical physics and non-classical quantum physics. Both the four fundamental forces and various rules are materialistic, but the non-material world is Just like the opposition between matter and antimatter, the rules of the non-material world will also be opposed to the real universe and tend to be more idealistic, so it is called the non-material world!"


Most of the people showed shocked expressions. It is indeed difficult for such cutting-edge science to reach the ears of ordinary people like them. This was the first time for most of them to hear this name, and Zhou Dafu was very interested in it. The explanation really impacted everyone’s worldview.

Is there really a universe that is close to idealism in this world?

Speaking of this, Zhou Dafu couldn't help but show pride, "This is the quantum soul theory that I published in the Natural Science Journal. This theory not only extended the concept of the non-material world, but I also boldly guessed that if not If the material world really exists, it may very well become the key to our humanity’s super-time and space technology!”

"Perhaps through the special energy of the non-material world, we can create an 'immaterial engine' device. This device can communicate between the virtual world and reality, allowing us to enter the virtual world, thereby achieving the purpose of traveling at faster than light speeds."

Faster-than-light travel?

Chen Shibo was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, he only felt that his eyes suddenly became brighter.

That’s right, that’s right!

He once discovered that every time he used psychic energy to attack an electronic device, the psychic energy would first enter the imaginary number space, and then enter the body of the electronic device through the imaginary number space. It was as if the imaginary number space had built a bridge, completely connecting the two places. Get up!

What a virtual realm!

What a quantum soul theory!

What a great week!

At this moment, Chen Shibo felt that his trip was worthwhile.

"Of course, all this is just my conjecture, and the source is the 'Void Realm Inequality' I discovered. In the virtual realm, there is an unknown energy that can be combined with human consciousness. After the combination, it carries consciousness. Thereby protecting consciousness from the collapse of the wave function, this is the real soul.”

Zhou Dafu continued to laugh and said, "If you are interested, you can learn more after class. As far as I know, the virtual universe is full of treasures. The energy present in it can not only drive non-material engines, but also perfectly carry Human consciousness, even because the two universes are in a certain superposition state, the mutual influence will become extremely profound!"

When a person is serious, time always flies by quickly. Just when Chen Shifeng was shocked by Zhou Dafu's unbridled imagination that day, the first class ended quickly.

Thanks to GSui, Fu Sheng Ruo Meng, Li's Dermal, Panda Control, Xi Lai Ah, Qiu Jia Jia, guzhenrenif and others for your generous rewards!

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